00-1 APES study guide 2

APES Study Guide 2

Systems Thinking: Global Warming and Ozone Depletion

The second unit of APES begins with a review of the scientific method and an introduction to systems thinking; you will learn that “systems thinking” is essential to evaluating and understanding environmental change. You will then apply what you learned about systems to two significant global environmental issues that are consequences of human activity – global warming and ozone depletion.

Textbook Reference

Miller, Living In The Environment, 16th edition: Chapters 2 & 19 (p28-48; p464-491) (47 pages)

Outside Reading

Brown, Plan B 4.0, Chapter 3

Other Materials

Strange Days on Planet Earth, “The One-Degree Factor”

Vocabulary (60)(This unit includes some chemistry vocabulary. In meeting the prerequisites for APES, it is expected that you can define the chemistry terms in these chapters; you should review them as necessary)

|scientific method |1st law of thermodynamics (energy) |albedo |

|hypothesis |2nd law of thermodynamics (energy) |scattering |

|scientific law |low-quality energy |ozone |

|scientific theory |high-quality energy |ozone layer |

|experiment |convection |ozone depletion |

|controlled experiment |conduction |chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) |

|control group |atmosphere |halons |

|dependent variable |troposphere |Dobson unit |

|independent variable |stratosphere |Montreal Protocol |

|scientific model |mesosphere |hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) |

|system |thermosphere |polar vortex |

|positive feedback loop |climate |Rowland & Molina |

|negative feedback loop |weather |micro- |

|synergy |greenhouse effect |milli- |

|electromagnetic spectrum |greenhouse gases |kilo- |

|visible light |global warming |mega- |

|ultraviolet light |Kyoto Protocol |giga- |

|radiation |absorption | |

Study Guide Questions (SGQs)

|1. Explain how the meanings of the terms, “theory”, “fact”, and “law” differ in |6. Outline the steps of a negative feedback loop that could occur as a result of |

|science and in everyday usage. How do these different meanings lead to confusion? |global warming and outline the steps of a positive feedback loop that could occur as |

|2. Design a controlled experiment, which could be performed to determine whether salt|a result of global warming. |

|stunts the growth of carrots. Include your hypothesis and a detailed procedure that |7. Describe the scientific evidence that indicates that global warming is occurring |

|outlines your experiment. |and discuss three ways in which global warming will affect life on Earth. |

|3. Identify an example of a positive feedback loop that operates in your life and |8. Differentiate between global warming and ozone depletion. |

|list the steps of the feedback loop. Repeat for a negative feedback loop. |9. Identify and describe the natural sources of ozone in the atmosphere and the |

|4. Describe the composition and structure of the atmosphere; include a complete, |functions that the naturally occurring ozone performs in the Earth system, and then |

|labeled graph of altitude vs. temperature. |describe the conditions that lead to ozone depletion, and the consequences of ozone |

|5. Identify the major greenhouse gases. For each gas, describe its source, its |depletion. |

|relative potential to trap heat, and TWO ways of reducing its concentration in the |10. Identify the substitutes for CFCs and explain how they prevent the destruction of|

|atmosphere. |stratospheric ozone. Describe the environmental costs of using CFC substitutes. |

APES Calendar

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|September 3 |September 4 |September 5 |September 6 |September 7 |

|Labor Day |Unit 1 Test |In Class: |Early Release (PD) |In Class: |

| |Unit 1 Vocabulary and Notes Due |Return & Review Unit 1 Test |Quiz |Discuss: |

| |SGQs 6-10 Due |Discuss: Risk Lab (obtain data |In Class: |Matter and How Matter Change |

| |HW: |from group) |Discuss: Science |Half-Life Lab |

| |Risk Lab |HW: |HW: |HW: |

| |Read 5 pages |read 5 pages |read 5 pages |read 20 pages |

|HW: | |10 vocabulary |10 vocabulary |10 vocabulary |

|read 5 pages | |Risk Lab |Risk Lab |SGQs 1-5 |

|10 vocabulary | | | |Risk Lab |

|Risk Lab | | | | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|September 10 |September 11 |September 12 |September 13 |September 14 |

|Quiz |Quiz |Risk Lab Due |In Class: |Quiz |

|In Class: |SGQs 1-5 Due |In-Class Essay |Grade In-Class Essay |In Class: |

|Energy |In Class: |In Class: |Discuss: Global Warming & |Discuss: Global Warming & Slow |

|Systems & Feedback |Discuss: Systems & Feedback |In-Class Essay |effects of warmer atmosphere |climate change |

|Half-Life Lab |HW: |Discuss: Global Warming- Earth’s|HW: |HW: |

| |read 5 pages |temperature |Review Unit |Prepare for test |

|HW: |5 vocabulary |HW: | |Complete Half- life Lab |

|read 5 pages |Review for In-Class Essay |Finish reading & vocabulary | | |

|5 vocabulary | | | | |

| |“one degree factor” | | | |

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|September 17 |September 18 |September 19 |September 20 |September 21 |

| | | |Unit 2 Test |In Class: |

| |In Class: |In Class: |Unit 2 Vocabulary Due |Return & Review Unit 2 Test |

|School Closed |Discuss: Ozone Depletion |Unit 2 Review |SGQs 6-10 Due |Food Chains/Webs |

| |HW: |HW: | |Handout: |

| |Prepare for test |Prepare for test | |Wanted Poster |

| | |SGQs 6-10 | |HW: |

| | | | |read 15 pages |

| | | | |20 vocabulary |


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