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Sade Higgins

Ap #287-3260 Ut St.

Wilmington OR 05182

(422) 517-6053



Dante Bennett

481-8762 Nulla Street

Dearborn OR 62401

Subject: (*******************)

Dear Dante Bennett,

I know, you are very angry with me. I know that I am the reason and now I have understood that I overreacted. Ross, what do I say? I cannot explain what happened to me and why at all I behaved this immature. The only reason that I could find out is that I got insecure. When I saw you with Jill on the other night in the club, I got hurt. I don't know why. I know that you love me but it's just I could not understand the relationship that you shared with her. I just got possessive for you and so insecure myself. I'm really sorry Ross. I am a fool as I have messed up everything we had. I love us so much. You are the love of my life and I just can't live without you. Please forgive and talk to me. If you want just hit me with whatever you want to. But please talk to me. I shouldn't have doubted you even for a second. I know that you love me way more than I love you. And, for that, I'm so grateful.

Please meet me and talk to me. I miss you. Love you.

Your idiot,

(Your Signature)

Sade Higgins


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