
Language Arts 5 – A – Day Language Practice #1

| |

|Wednesday |Mrs. Lee loves teaching language |Mrs. Lee loves teaching language |i wish summer could lasst forever |A writer composes this type of |Some students like to study in the |

| |arts because it is the best |arts because it is the best subject.| |writing when he/she is |mornings. |

| |subject. | | |attempting to persuade the | |

| | | | |reader: | |

| | | | |_____________________________ | |

| | |loves: | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |subject: | | | |

|Tuesday |Correct the punctuation in the |Correct the dialogue. |Correct the errors in the sentences. | |Identify the author’s point of view: |

| |following sentence. | | |Identify the figurative |Almost every historical atrocity has a |

| | |Hush said Gandalf |The bare ran through the woods to the |language used in the following:|geographically symbolic core, a place |

| |Mrs. Gravely has three sons and |Let Thorin speak |river. | |whose name conjures up the trauma of a |

| |they are fine young men. | | | |whole people: Auschwitz, Robben Island, |

| | | |Her bear skin was burned by the sun. |Long he hunted in vain until |Nanjing. For the Oglala Lakota of the Pine|

| | | | |the dawn chilled his wrath…. |Ridge Indian Reservation that place is a |

| | | | | |site near Wounded Knee Creek, 16 miles |

| | | | | |northeast of the town of Pine Ridge. |

|Wednesday |Correct the punctuation in the |Correct the dialogue. |Correct the errors in the sentences. | |What is the best way to improve the syntax|

| |following sentence. | | |Identify the figurative |in the following: |

| | |Of course there is a mark said |I want too oranges for the recipe. |language used in the following:| |

| |When it is hot outside dogs need |Gandalf I put it there myself | | |Much to learn you still have. |

| |fresh, cool water. | |I am going two the mall after school |The goblins smell as bad as | |

| | | |today. |three day old cottage cheese. | |

|Thursday |When a dependent clause comes |Correct the dialogue. |Correct the errors in the sentences. |Identify the figurative |What is a topic sentence? Why is it |

| |first in a sentence, what type of| | |language used in the following:|important to have one in any writing? |

| |punctuation is required? |We are plain quiet folk and have no |They’re dog was a Chinese Crest. | | |

| | |use for adventures said Bilbo | | "Valleys have ears, and some | |

| | | |She said the lake was over their by |elves have over merry | |

| | | |the mountain. |tongues."  | |

Language Arts 5-a-day Practice # 5

|Pronouns and Antecedents

|Compound sentences |Capitalization/ spelling/ homonyms |Reference |Sentence Editing | |Monday |Jesus, will you teach me

how to do this math


(Underline pronoun and draw an arrow to antecedent)

|Kim is fast. Kim is strong. |My grandpa john books

are very old, but their very

good too read. |To find out which team won the Superbowl in 1983, you would use:

a. almanac

b. dictionary

c. encyclopedia

d. thesaurus

|im going too the party

so Janice said that jll and

her isn’t going. | |Tuesday |A leopard can be (more,

most) dangerous than a

lion. |I like cookies, I like ice

cream better. |I gave some advise to my

friend, but she didn’t

lisene to me.

|To find out what countries border France, you would use:

a. dictionary

b. almanac

c. atlas

d. thesaurus |my frend jamie and me

are going too the movies

tonite? | |Wednesday |Walking the dog is fun, and it is good exercise.

(Underline pronoun and draw an arrow to antecedent) |Everyone at the dance

had a good time but it

ended too soon. |The girls were (all ready,

already) for the bus ride.

|What type of reference book can tell you synonyms for words?

a. dictionary

b. thesaurus

c. atlas

d. almanac |I hope everone did there

homework every nite! | |Thursday |(whom, who, whose)

wrote the book, The

Outsiders? |Erin hurt herself, she put on a band aid.

|My summer cloths are

lose and light. |To see if the word dog is a noun or an adjective, you would use a:

a. atlas

b. dictionary

c. encyclopedia

|there wasn’t noone home

lastnight so I get to stay

up late. | |

Language Arts 5-a-day Practice # 6

|Pronouns and Antecedents

|Compound sentences |Capitalization/ spelling/ homonyms |Reference |Sentence Editing | |Monday |Enterprises take risks to start businesses. They try different ideas.

(Underline pronoun and draw an arrow to the antecedent.)

|(correct and make it compound)

They’re wasn’t no paper left Uncle steve had to find some to finish his letter. |By this time of year, the

snow has melted

everywhere (accept,

except) the mountains. |To find out the correct use of the word yesterday, you use:

a. magazine

b. encyclopedia

c. dictionary

d. almanac

|Whose throwing the partie

on friday nite? | |Tuesday |As Mike left the field, Randy watched him go.

(Underline pronoun and draw an arrow to the antecedent.)

|Sophia’s favorite dance is the

samba. Elena likes the

meringue. |Last night, I ate my desert

in my room because I

mouthed off to my Aunt.

|In order to figure out where Mexico is located, you use:

a. encyclopedia

b. newspaper

c. atlas

d. dictionary |all of my friends liked the

movies, and I didn’t. | |Wednesday |I love my sister, but

sometimes (her, it, she) is

annoying. |Monique’s scene is at the end

of the play, she must wait in the

wings for her cue. |My Grandma got off the

airplain yesterday and

gave me a hug and a

peace of candy.

|What type of resource would you use to find an informative article on the moon?

a. atlas

b. dictionary

c. almanac

d. encyclopedia |whats the dele with the

new lunch menue! | |Thursday |The canoe capsized as the canoe neared shore.

(Rewrite the sentence, replacing the repeated noun with a pronoun.) |Is the sentence simple or compound?

The Amazon River is located in

South America and is one of the

longest in the world.

|Each drop of water

(shone, shown) like


|What resource would you use to find another way to say the word good?

a. magazine

b. newspaper

c. dictionary

d. encyclopedia |i have dentis apointment tomorrow and i cant make it to second period? | |

Language Arts 5-a-day Practice # 7

|Parts of Speech

Identify the parts of speech of the underline words.

|Words often confused |Complex Sentences

Identify the clauses in the sentences below as independent or dependent. |Dialogue

Add correct punctuation to the following sentences. |Adjective/Adverb clauses

Underline subordinate clauses and label as adjective or adverb.

| |Monday |

Helen Keller was fortunate because she had such a skillful and loving teacher. |The dress was too big,

so she had to (alter,

altar) is. |Helen Keller was fortunate because she had such a skillful and loving teacher. |Good luck yelled mom at your game today |Helen Keller was fortunate because she had such a skillful and loving teacher. | |Tuesday |

If it rains, we will

change our plans. |What is the best

(coarse, course) for

me to take? |If it rains, we will change our plans. |If it rains said Tim we will change our plans |If it rains, we will change our plans. | |Wednesday |

We will not meet unless most of the team will be present. |Those shoes really


compliment) your

dress. |We will not meet unless most of the team will be present. |Don’t break that mirror yelled the man |The girl whose mom is our bus driver is nice. | |Thursday |

Although it is October, it is not cold! |Do you (choose,

chose) to go on the

trip or stay home? |Keep the pieces because I will try to repair it. |How did you do on your math test asked mom. |While you are here, use this towel. | |

Language Arts 5-a-day Practice # 8

|Parts of Speech

Identify the parts of speech of the underline words.

|Words often confused |Complex Sentences

Identify the clauses in the sentences below as independent or dependent. |Dialogue

Add correct punctuation to the following sentences. |Adjective/Adverb clauses

Underline subordinate clauses and label as adjective or adverb.

| |Monday |

Mercury is close to the

sun. It is very hot

there! |The school plans to (accept, except) the computer company’s offer. |If the dress is too long,

she will trip! |Do you like ice cream asked joe |After you get your lunch, sit by us. | |Tuesday |

The nice teacher was

talking softly to the

very small child. |Did Coach Jefferson (advise, advice) you to stay off of your feet? |We need to go over 5

a day since the quiz

is Friday. |The teacher asked do you understand how to punctuate dialogue |She was married to Bob who was a barber.

| |Wednesday |

Oh! I just spilled

tomato soup on the

new white tablecloth. |Atlanta is the (capitol, capital) of Georgia. |When I get home, I will take a nap. |I like chocolate joe replied but not vanilla. |Since he studied, he will probably do well on the test. | |Thursday |

I will help you with that

assignment. |My dad (threw, through) the football (passed, past) the tree. |She needs help

because it is too

heavy for her to carry. |You should wear your boots Kim said because it is snowing. |The 8th grade picnic that was last May was fun. | |


|Parts of Speech

Name the part of speech for each underlined word. |Roots/Prefixes/Suffixes

Circle the correct answer. |Simple, Complex or Compound?


Add the correct punctuation to each sentence. |Adjective/Adverb clauses

Underline subordinate clauses and label as adjective or adverb.

| |Monday |Mrs. Clegg is one of the language arts teachers in seventh grade. |Absent

A. Root

B. Prefix

C. Suffix |After dinner, are we going for a walk?

A complex

B compound

C simple |Mom, have you seen my clarinet asked sammie |Have you met Peggy who lives next door? | |Tuesday |The social studies textbook is a good resource. |Unfriendly

A. Root

B. Prefix

C. Suffix |We really need to practice, so we can win our basketball game on Saturday.

A complex

B compound

C simple |Mom screamed stop hitting your brother |A mirror is a piece of polished metal or glass that is coated with a substance such as silver. | |Wednesday |When I went to the movies, I saw my ex-boyfriend. |Circumvent

A. Root

B. Prefix

C. Suffix |I always have fun when I go to the beach!

A complex

B compound

C simple |Mrs. Clegg said my favorite movie is Mrs. Doubtfire |When an image is reversed, it is called mirror image. | |Thursday |I wore gloves and a scarf today because it was very cold. |Monotheism

A. Root

B. Prefix

C. Suffix |The roller coaster, which is in the back of the park, is out of service.

A complex

B compound

C simple |Yes that is my bookbag answered David I left it in on the bus on Friday |A snorkel us a hollow tube that lets a diver breathe underwater. | |

5 A Day Summative Assessment Study Guide

Part One: Adjective/Adverb Clauses

1. Are these the videotapes that you wanted to borrow?

2. Please give that coat, which is too small for you, to your cousin.

3. Whenever I hear that song, I remember my last birthday party.

4. If we knew the telephone number, we could call the store for directions.

5. Laura, whom we saw at the movies last night, lives next door to our teacher.

6. Mr. Plunkett loves the University of Georgia because he graduated from there.

7. After we ate dinner, we went for a walk in the park.

Part Two: Parts of Speech

1. They attended the concert last weekend.

2. Several cats ran into Rob’s garage.

3. The truck driver delivered the packages quickly.

4. Fast runners won all the awards at the track meet.

5. My friends and I walked home after school.

6. I wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch yesterday.

7. She was counting the ballots during social studies class.

8. Hey ! That is my seat.

9. Will they finish the test on time?

10. The diagram was pretty complicated for us.

Part Three: Dialogue

1. Kelly said Kim wants to play inside, not outside.

2. Have you seen the movie The Ant Bullie?

3. Which store do you want to go to? asked Marie.

4. I don't believe you, he said, you never tell the truth!

5. Where will you go she asked.

6. kerri screamed don’t go in my room again

7. i hope I don’t get Mrs. Clegg for Language Arts, said Samantha

8. i am not sure how to do this math problem said Teresa

9. i hope you have a great day yelled mom

10. my brother screamed don’t hit me

11. mrs clegg said please don’t forget to do complete your narrative

12. i am not sure where to go now mom said

Part Four: Identify the sentences as compound,

complex, or simple.

1. The boy ate his lunch.

2. The unhappy boy with no shoes ate his tiny lunch on the door step in the rain.

3. The dog barked and the baby woke up

4. The police caught the thieves and put them in jail.

5. She lived in Dallas for many years, but she didn't like it.

6. The dog barked because it was lonely.

7. Because the dog barked, the baby woke up

8. The dog barked and scared the little girl.

9. I was very excited when I first came to Austin Middle School.

10. After dinner, the baby woke up his mother with a loud yell.

Part Five: Homonyms

1. I love (to, too, two) shop at the mall during Christmas time!

2. (We’re, Were) going to the zoo on Sunday.

3. I am not sure (where, were) my backpack is right now.

4. The (principal, principle) at Austin Middle School is nice.

5. I went to (their, there, they’re) house on Saturday.

6. I hope (there, their, they’re) okay.

7. Please (accept, except) my apology.

8. I love to eat brownies for (dessert, desert).

9. I was out of (breath, breathe) after my 6 mile run.

10. That color (complements, compliments) your eyes.


Part Six: Reference

1. Where would you look to find more information about the location of Spain’s rivers?

2. Where would you look to find out what team won the Super Bowl in 1967?

3. If I wanted to find out information about tigers, where would I look?

4. If I wanted to find out how much rainfall there was in 1967 in Idaho, where would I look?

5. Where would I look to find out more information about Dallas, Texas?

Part Seven: Pronouns/Antecedents

Identify the pronoun and the antecedent.

1. My sister went to the mall, and she bought a purse.

2. The puppy was hurt after the lizard bit it.

3. My mom loves to shop; her favorite store is Macy’s.

4. My sister and I went to the movies last Saturday night, and we had fun!

5. Greg and Jon went to the mall, and they bought brand new shoes.

6. Ava and Brianna loved to read books, and they’re favorite is Curious George


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