What appetizers go well with red wine


What appetizers go well with red wine

Share Pin it Tweet Share Email Are you a red wine expert? Now you can be after reading this infographic. Red wine comes from different parts of the world, making each region unique due to their environment. If you're wondering why some red wine tastes leathery or has a smooth finish, it has something to do with the exposure of the grapes before harvest and fermentation. Wine enthusiasts visit vineyards or go on wine tours to better understand their favorite red wine. By seeing first hand the climate and natural surroundings of the vineyard, one can get a better perspective on successful food pairing. These days, red wine is being exported at a rapid rate. Major cities have access to wine from countries that are thousands of miles away. Those who are persistent in expanding their knowledge in red wine can find the variety they're looking for without leaving the country. Everything You Need To Know About Red Wine (Food Infographics) | Design Infographics Share Pin it Tweet Share Email Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Beneficial Booze Any hardworking gal knows that kicking back with a girlfriend and a glass of red wine is a fabulous way to de-stress. The best part? Your red-wine habit also happens to come with some happy health benefits, such as protecting your ticker and even slimming your waistline. Check out these eight reasons why winding down with a glass of vino is a good call all around. MORE: 9 Very Best Solutions To Solve Your Snoring (Prevention Premium) 1. Lower your cholesterol High-fiber Tempranillo red grapes--which are used to make certain red wines, like Rioja--may actually have a significant effect on cholesterol levels, according to a study from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain. Healthy study participants who consumed the same grape supplement found in red wine saw their LDL, or "bad cholesterol," levels decrease by 9% among healthy. Participants with high cholesterol experienced a drop of 12%. What's the big deal? Excess LDL ends up getting deposited in arterial walls and forming plaque, which causes arteries to stiffen and blood pressure to rise, ultimately leading to heart attacks, says Arthur Agatson, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Miami and author of The South Beach Heart Program. MORE: 12 Foods That Lower Cholesterol Naturally 2. Protect your heart On top of lowering bad cholesterol, polyphenols--the antioxidants in red wine--can help keep blood vessels flexible and reduce the risk of unwanted clotting, says John Folts, PhD, a professor of cardiovascular medicine and nutrition at the University of Wisconsin?Madison. "They're nearly as effective as aspirin," says Folts. But be careful: Chronic heavy drinking damages the heart, so, as with most things, moderation is key. (If you prefer an aspirin to protect your ticker, be sure to follow these 3 aspirin safety tips.) MORE: 28 Days To A Healthier Heart 3. Control blood sugar The skin of red grapes--a rich source of red wine's natural compound resveratrol--may actually help diabetics regulate their blood sugar, finds recent research published in the journal Nutrition. Study participants who took a 250 mg resveratrol supplement once a day for three months had lower blood glucose levels than those who didn't take the pill. Plus, resveratrol-takers also had significant decreases in total cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. Researchers suspect that resveratrol may help stimulate insulin secretion or activate a protein that helps regulate glucose and insulin sensitivity. 4. Boost your brain Resveratrol may also be the key to keeping your memory sharp, says Philippe Marambaud, PhD, a senior research scientist at New York's Litwin-Zucker Research Center for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders. The compound has been shown to hamper the formation of beta-amyloid protein, a key ingredient in the plaque found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. Marambaud suggests flexing your noodle by doing crossword puzzles and brain teasers for an hour then cooling down with a glass of wine. New to brain teasers? We've got you covered with 7 Brain Games That Make You Smarter. 5. Fight off a cold If you hate getting sick (and who doesn't?), the antioxidants in red wine may help keep you healthy. A 2010 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that among 4,000 faculty members at five Spanish universities, those who drank more than 14 weekly glasses of wine for a year were 40% less likely to come down with a common cold. Why? According to the National Institutes of Health, antioxidants are believed to fight infection and protect cells against the effects of free radicals, which may play role in cancer and other diseases.Another antioxidant boost? They may also lower sex hormone levels to protect against breast cancer, says a study from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. (Stay up to date on the latest breast cancer news with our Breast Cancer Center.) 6. Stop cancer According to researchers at the University of Virginia, the resveratrol you get from drinking one glass of red wine three or four times a week may be enough to starve any nascent cancer cells. The scientists dosed human cancer cells with resveratrol and found that the compound inhibited the key action of a cancer-feeding protein. MORE: The Ultimate Anti-Cancer Diet 7. Get slim Clearly, resveratrol is a bit of a limelight hog when it comes to the healthful compounds in vino. But research in the Journal of Biological Chemistry suggests piceatannol, the chemical compound our bodies convert from resveratrol, deserves some credit. This compound was shown to actually prevent the growth of fat cells in a series of lab tests. How? Researchers say that piceatannol binds to the insulin receptors of fat cells, essentially blocking the pathways necessary for immature fat cells to mature and grow. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io If you're anything like us, finding a reason not to indulge in that glass of vino has never been your strong suit. Luckily, there's plenty of science on our side, including two recent studies that find healthy benefits in the red wine ingredient resveratrol.The first study, published in the journal Aging, tested to see if the powerhouse compound had any effect on the lives of honeybees. The verdict: Bees that were fed resveratrol lived 38% longer than those who were not. What's more, when it came to eating, these same bees ate less than those that weren't fed the compound. "Resveratrol may be working by a mechanism related to caloric restriction--a dietary regimen long known to extend lifespan in many organisms," says lead study author Brenda Rasc?n, a doctoral student at Arizona State University's School of Life Sciences.More from Prevention: The Truth About 12 Confusing Foods For those who don't drink, there's something here for you, too. In the second recent red wine study, researchers from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Spain wanted to see if moderate amounts of non-alcoholic red wine could reduce unhealthy levels of blood pressure. Over the course of four weeks, 67 men with diabetes, or at least three other cardiovascular risk factors, drank either 10 ounces of red wine, 10 ounces of non-alcoholic red wine, or three ounces of gin a day. The results? Men who drank the non-alcoholic red wine reduced their risk of heart disease by 14% and their risk of stroke by as much as 20%. "The non-alcoholic part of the wine--particularly polyphenols--exert a protective effect on the cardiovascular system," says Ramon Estruch, PhD, a senior consultant at the internal medicine department of the HCB. "Polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that may be useful to prevent other diseases such as diabetes."Ready to toast to your health? Check out 8 Reasons To Love Red Wine. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io Call it the French Paradox. For years, scientists have searched for an explanation of how the French diet -- a veritable high-fat smorgasbord of cheeses and sauces -- plays a role in -- France's remarkably low incidence of heart disease. The answer to the puzzle, many believed, was in the nation's penchant for drinking red wine.Several studies seemed to back up the idea. They found that those who drank red wine, ate dark chocolate and noshed on colorful berries had less of the inflammation that was part-and-parcel of heart disease. For example, study results published in Nature in 2006 reported that mice fed a diet rich in grape skins, berries and chocolate lived twice as long as those that didn't eat the compounds. The credit for these health benefits went to resveratrol, a common ingredient in all three items under study: wine, dark chocolate and berries [source: Baur et al.].Now, scientists aren't so sure a glass of red wine is as good for you as they once thought, and resveratrol may not deserve the glory after all. At least that's the finding of a nine-year study that followed 783 elderly people living in two small towns in Tuscany, Italy, an area well known for its red wine production As reported in JAMA Internal Medicine, the study tracked participants daily through detailed dietary information, and urine samples were used to measure their resveratrol levels. More than 250 of the participants died, as was expected because of their age. An additional 174 got heart disease and 34 developed cancer, but resveratrol levels did not play a role in any of the participants' outcomes. They were no higher or lower in those who lived versus those who died [source: Roberts].If resveratrol doesn't positively impact longevity, cancer rates or heart disease, does it do us any good at all? It's an important question, especially considering sales of resveratrol supplements have reached more than $30 million in the U.S. each year [source: Bland].Drinking moderate amounts of red wine may still be good for you, just not in the way you might think. There are more than 35 other polyphenols in addition to resveratrol that require further investigation into their health benefits [source: Bland]. And drinking a bit of alcohol can help prevent bone loss in older women. A 2012 study published in the journal Menopausefound that women in their 50s and early 60s who drank one-and-one-half drinks each day can encourage the growth of new bone [source: Aubrey].Our bodies are in the business of bone turnover, constantly dissolving bits of bone and then reforming them. As menopause begins, the dissolution of bone increases and the formation of new bone can't keep up, which leads to bone loss. For reasons scientists are still seeking to explain, a daily glass (or glass and a half) of wine slows down this turnover rate and can protect against bone breakage. Unfortunately, doubling the amount of wine doesn't increase the effect [source: Aubrey].

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