Department: Educational Facilities

Alexandria City Public Schools

Back-to-School Report

September, 2010

Department: Educational Facilities

Strategic Goal: 5. Provide clean, safe and conducive learning environments that utilize best practices for energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Strategic Objective:

5a. Integrate environmental stewardship throughout the curriculum, as well as facility design, construction, and operations.

5 b. Collaborate with the City of Alexandria to achieve the eco-City vision.

Summary of Results:

• John Adams:  Phase 2 of building systems replacement, construction/renovation for Early Childhood Center, including modular courtyard classrooms, renovation of old book room and records room to new classroom space, building envelope repairs and waterproofing. 

• Charles Barrett:  Capacity renovations to create new classrooms, main office reconfiguration, renumbering all rooms throughout building, painting cafeteria/auditorium, masonry repairs.

• Lyles Crouch:  Kitchen repairs and flooring, building envelope repairs and waterproofing

• Patrick Henry: Building envelope repairs and waterproofing

• Jefferson Houston:  Renovations to create middle school pod, installation of lockers for 7th grade, creation of new library/reading room for middle school students, new kitchen serving line

• Cora Kelly:  Classroom renovations for capacity, painting, toilet room renovations, new exterior signboard,

• Douglas MacArthur:  Toilet room renovations, classroom renovations for capacity, painting, building envelope repairs and waterproofing.

• George Mason: Exterior wall repairs for waterproofing, window replacement, gym curtain

• Matthew Maury: Repainting main entrance and hallways, capacity renovations in several classrooms, building envelope repairs for waterproofing.

• James Polk:  Phase 2 of building systems replacement, installation of geothermal well field, solar panels and photovoltaic panels to supplement HVAC and electrical systems.

• William Ramsay: Classroom renovations for capacity, repainting.

• Samuel Tucker: Building envelope repairs for waterproofing, repainting

• Mt Vernon:  Classroom renovations for capacity, carpet replacement, exterior wall repairs for waterproofing, kitchen/cafeteria renovations.

• FC Hammond:  Hallway flooring and painting to integrate 3 schools on campus, painting, carpeting replacement, main entrance upgrades, safety railing in stairwells, renovations to FCH 2 office area, cafeteria renovations, building envelope repairs for waterproofing, fire alarm pull station covers.

• George Washington:  Building envelope repairs, replace elevator cab in 3 story building, painting, carpet replacement, asphalt driveway repairs

• Minnie Howard: Phase 3 of building systems replacement in admin office wing and locker rooms, ADA access for gymnasium toilet rooms and locker rooms, new ramp in auditorium, parking lot repaving, toilet room renovations for ADA, locker room renovations. LED lighting in gym and parking lot.

• TC Williams:  Construction of Teen Wellness Center, addition of ADA parking spaces in garage, painting, flooring repair in selected areas.

• Rowing Facility: Ventilation fans in training room, replacement of wood decking on exterior dock, painting, exterior wall repairs, replacement flooring in locker rooms.

• DASH: Relocation of maintenance shop to old DASH building, construction of book room inside DASH, creation of secure central storage areas for IT equipment and Student Services equipment.

• Transportation Shop: Return of Transportation Department from AVIS Building to Wheeler Ave facility, selected painting, carpet repairs, minor renovations.

Department: Financial Services

Strategic Goal: 4. Implement a focused, transparent governance model which incorporates effective communication and evidence-based decision making.

Strategic Objective: 4 b. Ensure prudent financial stewardship and resources necessary to achieve the strategic plan

Summary of Results:

Improved financial management and internal control procedures:

• Conducted day-long training of school treasurers on use of the web-based School Activity Fund (SAF) software and general accounting and expenditure requirements. Principals could opt to attend.

• Developed and provided one-on-one training for all new principals.

• Oversaw the implementation of the e-inventory and bar-coding of textbooks at the new textbook warehouse at the Old Dash building and at 20 school sites.

• Trained staff and curriculum specialists in the use of the computerized textbook systems.

• Prepared training modules and developed background upgrades to implement employee/manager self-service (EMSS) portion of the ACPS personnel and payroll system, in collaboration with the Department of Human Resources.

Provided resources to schools:

• Completed all budget allocations for FY 2011, including instructions to principals and reports, for use of funds for tutoring, emergency assistance, base allocations, writing project, and exemplary programs.

• Made all budget allocations available to schools and departments (operating fund, grants, CIP, and school nutrition).

• Provided appropriate resources to staff TCW Transformation model.

• Processed approximately 2,000 PO’s during the summer to ensure that textbooks, instructional supplies, curriculum materials, computers, furniture, equipment, food supplies, maintenance materials, buses and others are purchased, received, and delivered in a timely manner.

• Processed approximately 561 additional payroll transactions for summer school, above and beyond the 2200 regular pay runs.

Department: Food and Nutrition Services

Strategic Goal: 3. Create an exceptional learning environment

Strategic Objective: 3c. Foster collaboration and shared responsibility for student achievement with all members of the school community.

Summary of Results:

• Summer programs in 3 secondary sites and 11 elementary sites (Kprep only at Polk). Department of Parks and Recreation contracts with ACPS to serve meals and snacks at recreation sites, parks and other buildings throughout the summer.

o Total numbers

▪ Breakfasts: 31,404

▪ Lunches: 52,911

▪ Snacks: 30,452

• These numbers represent a 30% decrease over last summer, possibly due to fewer weeks of summer school and fee increases in the City’s summer programs.

• Success: provided breakfasts and lunches to T.C. athletes during the first two weeks of practices.

• Universal breakfast at Ramsay began September 7. Provided training to faculty with follow up on September 8. First two days fed 68% of registered students.

• Support Operations Bootcamp for Administrators: participated in operations training for building administrators. Purpose was to review FNS role in the division, to provide contact information and to answer questions.

• Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: second year at Jefferson Houston. FNS provides fresh fruit and vegetable snacks outside of meal times to all students and staff who provide a nutrition education lesson about the featured item.

Department: Human Resources

Strategic Goal: 3. Create an Exceptional Learning Environment

Strategic Objective: 3 a. Recruit, retain and develop superior staff.

Summary of Results:

Improve Recruitment

• College Job Fairs: Focused on high-demand skill sets such as math, science and/or special education. We did fewer interviews of social sciences, counselors and physical education teachers.

• Field-interview database: We recorded the results of all pre-screening interviews conducted during the spring (457 total) and shared those results with all principals

• Two ACPS job fairs: We pre-scheduled and interviewed 178 candidates in two events

• Two transfer periods: Seventy-two (72) licensed staff was selected for transfer by Principals

• TCW transformation: Developed, recruited and hired new leadership staff

• School year hiring: We have received 3765 licensed applications since January 1, 2010.  With approximately 225 licensed hires, that is a 16:1 selection rate

• Summer school hiring: Total applied: 930; total hired: 561

Improve Retention

• New teacher orientation: Conducted half-day of training to in-process 226 new teachers. We increased city briefings and will expand the orientation in future years to include support and administrator staff.

• Personnel record-management system (HR Information Systems) upgrades: Drafted new position/assignment report as a personnel tracking tool for principals and supervisors.

• Employee self-service module of HR information system: Teaming up with the Department of Financial Services, we drafted the first-ever, web-based, Employee Self Service module that will allow 24/7 access to an individual’s pay record, leave balance and allow for changes of address, W-2, etc . 

• Substitute-Assignment- Manager (SAM): We worked with Financial Services to automate payroll for classroom substitutes and go paperless to increase timeliness and accuracy of payments.

• Transition Assistance Program: This program covered resume review, interview skills, and job search techniques. It signaled that we care for all our employees – even displaced workers.

• Benefits: We researched and offered a vision insurance plan for the first-time

Develop Superior Staff.

• Highly Qualified (HQ) status. We now require teachers who need the Elementary Praxis II exam to complete the test within 6 months of start date vs. 1 year.

• Training assistance. Human resources provided classes/briefings during: School Leader Business Boot Camp; Food Service In-Service Training Day and Transportation In-Service Training Day.

• Performance counseling and evaluation. We tracked employee performance improvement plans and increased coordination and information to/with supervisors on proper documentation.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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