James Madison University

This year’s Employee Appreciation Day was held on May 16, 2002. Our theme for this year was “Simply the Best.” The logo was used on the EAD Brochure, the web page, the lunch stickers, the lunch cups and signage. 1170 people registered in advance for workshops and/or the lunch. Lunch was held on the quad due to beautiful 80 degree weather. Attendance for lunch was only minimally down from 2001 Employee Appreciation Day in which the total was 1,181. However there was a significant decrease in the number of people attending workshops this year. In 2001 888 people registered for at least one workshop while in 2002 the number was only 753, which is a decrease of 14%. The EAD Registrar reported people calling to cancel workshops due to the popularity of the two movies that were offered in Grafton Stovall Theater.

Evaluation forms were handed out at the Hospitality Table on the day of the event, posted to the website and a reminder was sent out to all employees with the link to the web page from by the Office of Human Resources on May 22, 2002. Of the 182 evaluations returned, 88% agreed or strongly agreed that the variety of activities was sufficient. 96% agreed or strongly agreed that the confirmation package included everything needed for the day. All of those who returned evaluations also agreed or strongly agreed that attending Employee Appreciation Day was worth their time and that the Day should be repeated next year. Specific comments received are included with this report.


Forty-four workshops were scheduled (54 sessions) twenty one were new and twenty three were repeated from last year. Twenty-three sessions were full and only 2 sessions (Cooking with Chef Fred and Ukrainian Egg decorating) had to be cancelled. A listing of the workshops is attached. 753 people registered for at least one workshop and 417 for lunch only. Employees registered for 1,100 seats in workshops. There were only 89 requests for workshops that were all ready full and 23 classes were either full or overbooked.

Of those who responded to the evaluation, 96% agreed or strongly agreed that the workshops were well-organized and informative and the workshop locations were comfortable and appropriate.

Shuttle bus service was arranged for four of the workshops. Buses also stopped at bus stops on campus to transport participants conveniently from one workshop to another. There was some confusion with the bus schedule this year since Transportation had indicated that they would only be picking employees up on the bus stops around campus before printing the brochure but then added the Godwin stops after the publication had been mailed. Employees were informed of the changes by the EAD website and the hospitality table.

The workshop subcommittee was chaired by Jane Beach. This subcommittee has a tremendous amount of work to accomplish over the course of the year for the workshops and although Jane did a terrific job managing this subcommittee and the workshops in general she has indicated that she will have a co-chair next year.

This year the workshop subcommittee started a new tradition for EAD, the “EAD Challenge.” This year’s challenge was a Scavenger Hunt. The registration was open for teams of 2-8 people and 18 teams signed up. Each team made up a team name and the creativity on campus was evident in those names. There was some controversy in naming a winner. Of the two top teams, the second place team accused the first place team of cheating so in the spirit of fairness, a decision was made to award the prize to both teams. The winners received a plaque signed by Dr. Rose and a pizza party for their office. Originally the idea of the EAD Challenge was to have a new challenge every year but due to the popularity of the Scavenger Hunt it may be advisable to do it for another year with some minor rule modifications.

Also repeated this year were the two movies at Grafton Stoval, donated by the University Program Board. The morning movie was “Ocean’s Eleven” and the afternoon movie was “A Beautiful Mind.” This year we were also able to provide drinks and popcorn for the movies, which was well received by employees attending the movies. Both movies were full. Many people commented on their evaluation that they would like to continue the movies next year. It was also reported by the EAD Registrar that many employees had called to cancel their workshops so that they could attend the movies. Free pool and billiards at Taylor Down Under was also repeated again this year.


The committee decided on the following menu at $7.95 per person (Cake was an additional $450):

Hamburgers/Veggie Burgers

Hot Dogs

Cold Pasta Salad with Garden Vegetables

Traditional Macaroni and Cheese

Vegetarian Baked Beans



Ice Cream Novelties

Assorted Drinks

This year’s picnic was held on the quad but the Convocation was held as a rain location. The weather was sunny and 80 degrees so use of the Convocation Center was not needed. The official time of the picnic was 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and unofficially people were allowed to begin going through the lines at 11:00 a.m. This strategy continues to work well to minimize lines.

EAD buttons were replaced this year with stickers in order to provide plastic stadium cups that employees could take with them. This was well received and we recommend continuing this practice. Although in the future we suggest providing a place on the sticker for employees to write in their names in order to foster communication between employees.

Of those who returned evaluations and answered the question, 100% agreed or strongly agreed that the picnic location was good. This was up from 86% from EAD 2001 when the picnic was forced into the Convocation Center due to bad weather. 87% agreed or strongly agreed that the food selection was good, which is the same as the previous year.


The amount approved this year by the president’s office was $17,949. Items were donated by departments, including the morning coffee and doughnuts in TDU, popcorn for the movies, and afternoon lemonade with cookies. We also received numerous door prizes totaling $3,776.25 in value. The design fee from the publications office for the work on the brochure was waived, and the printing of the brochure was donated by Color Graphics Corp. Total expenses for 2002 were $15,959.97 with 160 t-shirts purchased for door prizes as well as a plastic logo cup for all attendees. The expense for lunch this year was $10,274.30 with 1,170 in attendance. The registration ran very smoothly under Esther’s supervision, and the registrar was only needed 101.5 hours rather than 200 hours in the previous years. The final budget request is attached as well as the budget request for 2003.


After success in the previous year, the entirely mail-in process continued for this year’s EAD registration process. This allows for all employees, even those who don’t have computer access, to have the same, fair process. This paper registration process works well and is strongly recommended to continue in the future.

Brochures were mailed on April 1st and registrations were accepted all the way up until May 15th. Again for this year a separate Mail Stop Code, phone number and email address was set up for the Registrar. A temporary employee was used to key evaluations into the registration database and answer questions from employees regarding EAD. Esther Nizer was the Registration Coordinator again this year and she hired Linda Maxwell, retired JMU employee, to work as the EAD Registrar. Esther and Linda did a fantastic job coordinating the registration process this year. We recommend that the temporary employee for EAD 2003 be hired 6 weeks ahead of time to coincide with the mailing of the brochures. Also, the Registration Coordinator recommends continuing with the 200 hours for the temporary employee as well.


Adam Breeden of the Identity Leadership Team was this year’s Publicity Coordinator. We were again extremely fortunate to have Color Graphics waive their publication fee and printing costs for the brochures this year. We are hopeful that the these fees can continue to be waived in subsequent years and it will be important for the committee to contact Color Graphics early in the planning process to arrange this. Their inability to do this would have a dramatic effect on the rest of the EAD budget.

This year’s brochure again included a tear off piece for registration purposes. On the front cover was a brief letter to employees from Dr. Rose and the remaining inside panels included workshop information. The back panels included the general schedule for the day, lunch menu, registration instructions, and transportation information. It also listed the Steering Committee members and a brief description of the EAD Challenge-Scavenger Hunt. Also included on the back was a blurb about the JMU Bookstore offering a 20% discount to JMU Employees on EAD.

The logo for EAD 2002 was designed by JMU student, Gaylen Cragin. The logo was used on the brochure, plastic stadium cups, signage and T-shirts.


The Entertainment subcommittee was this year headed by Lorie Miller. For the first time in the history of EAD, the band Staff Infection chose not to play at lunch. Therefore we hired the band, “The Jimmy O” band from Waynesboro. 93% of those who responded on the evaluation form either agreed or strongly agreed that they liked the entertainment this year. This is up 1% from last year. Many great comments about the band were included in the comments. The committee would recommend bringing this band back in the future.

For the second year in a row games were held during lunch as well. Bingo and the Dunking booth were extremely popular and returned for a second year. The dunking booth volunteers included Brian Charette, Jennifer Dawson, Doyle Hess, Rick Larson and Towana Moore. The Dunking Booth was again a popular event, even lasting about 20 minutes after lunch was over. Bingo was also full the entire time during lunch especially since EAD shirts were the prizes this year. Replacing the JMU Trivia, which wasn’t well-received last year, was a face painter. Mark Powell brought his “Air Illusions” face painting to the quad this year and it was fairly well received. He saw steady business during lunch even with a few lines at times. The committee recommends bringing back the games at lunch for subsequent events and even trying to expand on the selections.


This year’s hospitality committee was in charge of obtaining all the door prizes, which was a change from previous years, as well the hospitality table and the refreshment tables on the Warren Patio.

The subcommittee obtained 4 grand prizes for this year’s event as well as a substantial amount of door prizes for the lunchtime giveaway. The grand prizes included a golf/ski getaway to Canaan Valley Resort, 3 months of cell phone service plus a cell phone from Ntelos, $250 gift certificate from Grand Furnishings and a Madison Print from P. Buckley Moss. The door prizes were again drawn the Monday before EAD and for the first time only the grand prizes were announced. The remainder of the door prizes were listed on signs that were hung around various places on the quad during lunch, including in the line to the buffet. This seem to work well since people could look for their name while they were waiting in line as well as not as many interruptions for the band. There was also a special drawing held to encourage people to fill out evaluation forms after EAD this year.

The free coffee and lemonade were provided again this year but were enhanced by doughnuts and cookies donated by Dining Services. This year’s subcommittee was chaired by Cecilia Mead.

EAD Web Page:

Camilla Washington did another fantastic job developing and updating the EAD web page this year. Copies of the web page are attached. The web page included pages on the workshops, entertainment, lunch menu, schedule (printable only) transportation, steering committee, news/announcements, prizes, forms and the scavenger hunt. This year’s web page also include a countdown clock until EAD and inviting employees to “check out the competition” and see who had signed up for the Scavenger Hunt. After EAD, the web page also included the EAD evaluation and a list of door prize winners.

Recommendations for EAD 2003:

• Workshops

➢ Scavenger Hunt was a huge success but there needs to be more control over the issuing of the clues. Apparently there was some confusion with participants over which clues to take.

➢ Evaluations indicate a need for more classes with larger capacities.

➢ Continue the movies with popcorn and sodas. Contact UPB to try and get names of movies available for the brochure. This would cut down on people canceling workshops and just skipping out of workshops to see the movies, which apparently happened with great frequency this year.

• Picnic

➢ While employees liked the choice of food, they didn’t seem to like the taste or appearance of the hamburgers/hotdogs. Going back to the beef (not pork, many people can’t eat pork) barbecue seems like a better option for a large amount of people.

➢ Make sure there is a substantial vegetarian option not just macaroni and cheese. Veggie Burgers were well received.

• Registration

➢ Continue with mail in registration in order to provide all employees a fair and equitable manner of registering.

➢ Use wage employee again for 200 hours beginning 6 weeks before EAD.

• Publicity/Brochure

➢ T-shirts as always were very popular. Look into either providing T-shirts for everyone who signs up for lunch (replacing stickers or buttons) or find a way to sell T-shirts.

➢ Souvenir cups were also very popular with lunch goers. Continue to have something employees can take away from the day.

• Entertainment

➢ Continue with games and dunking booth. Try to have different people sit in the dunking booth every year with at least one being from Facilities Management.

➢ This year’s band, Jimmy O, was a hit with employees; we recommend bringing them back again.

• Hospitality

➢ Have the door prize table open after lunch so people can come collect their prize.

➢ Better signs for the Hospitality Table.

➢ Grand Prizes should be obtained early so that information can be put into the brochure.

➢ If the amount of vendors contacted for door prizes remains large, a larger subcommittee needs to be formed to cut down on the number of people each person contacts. Make sure individuals on the subcommittee are completely aware of what they are volunteering to do.

➢ Also try to get Dining Services to donate doughnuts and cookies for the refreshment tables again.

• Miscellaneous Recommendations

➢ Move EAD 03 up one week to May 8, 2003. This will be the week before May Session starts thus enabling more offices to actually close for lunch. Many employees still can’t enjoy EAD because of a need for coverage in their offices.

➢ Must have someone on Steering Committee to handle the EAD budget as their only responsibility.

➢ Continue to have Facilities Management person on the Steering Committee.

➢ Continue to give Steering Committee Members different color shirts to make them more recognizable.

➢ Do not rent tables/chairs from off-campus vendors. They are enough tables and chairs around JMU to suffice. But, must make sure that tables will fit Special Events table skirting clips.

Volunteers for EAD 2003:

|Name |Dept |MSC |Telephone |email |

|Yvonne Miller |College of Education |1103 |83455 |millerys |

|Ellen DeFriece |Carrier Library |1703 |83544 |defrieef |

|Cheryl Nunez |Registration Services |3533 |81721 |nunzce |

|Kristy Mowbra |Nursing |4305 |86314 |mowbrakx |

|Amy Waters |Development Office |4403 |83440 |watersah |

|Donna Jenkins |Housekeeping | |84445 | |

|Faye Blacka |Dining Services |0901 |83378 |blackafr |

|Judy Powell |TSC |1803 |88018 |powelljc |

|Suzanne Vance |COB |0206 |83250 |vancesn |

|Debra Morris |HSKP |7003 |86401 |morrisdl |

|Jennifer Bowman |Audit |5703 |83500 |bowmanjm |

|Jackie Mann |IS Computing Support |0602 |83603 |Mannjf |

|Michell Hite |Montpelier Magazine |5718 |87520 |martinmh |

|Tammy Steele |Human Resources |7009 |83597 |Steeletm |

Evaluation Comments

Comments from Committee

➢ Have it on Friday instead of Thursday; please continue the Scavenger Hunt; the cups were a huge success; a lot of people ask her how to get involved


➢ I enjoyed meeting and working with people from other areas of campus. I think that people joining any committee should know what is expected of them, i.e., duties and time commitment before they agree to serve on any committee. Also, the committee might want to rethink solicitation of door prizes and/or gift certificates and run it by the Office of the Vice President for Development, as it may affect their ability to ask for funds for the university. When I worked with Amy Waters at the Hospitality Table, we wrote down a lot of ideas - hopefully, she will forward them to you. Finally, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve on the EAD Hospitality Committee, but I would prefer to help out in some other fashion, like typing or something in the background. Overall, I think that EAD was a huge success and very worthwhile to hold again! Again, many thanks!

➢ I think the Door Prize table needs to be open until 1:30 p.m. So the winners can wait until after lunch to pick up their prize. That way they don't have to carry them around during lunch. A lot of people didn't hear that they won, they just had someone tell them. Is there any other way of notifying people? I think we should consider selling T-shirts. We had so many people ask to buy one that it might be a big money maker to use for the next year's EAD. All things considered, I think this year's EAD was a great success!

➢ I would like to have more make-it, take-it workshops - they tend to be more expensive but people really enjoy taking something home with them. I would also like to tap into more resources here on campus, I know there are folks here that do crafts, etc. that would be willing to share if I just knew who they were or how to get in touch with them. I personally feel that I didn't do as good a job as I would have liked to. I can offer lots of excuses - my son got married in April, we moved to a new house in April, April & May are extremely busy months in the office - but I know the real reason was me, I just did not delegate enough. I have learned my lesson! SCAVENGER HUNT- Everyone keeps telling me that they want to do it again next year. I had a ball organizing it, it was a lot of work but I think the outcome was worth it. I have so many ideas for next year & I would really like to continue on with it.

➢ Everything appeared to go smoothly and all was great. There is just one problem I heard a lot of negative comments about. The sound system on the quad. A majority of the people reported not being able to hear the speaker. Volume is not the issue, as decibel levels distort the sound when turned up too high. The ideal method to handle this problem would be to increase the number of speakers throughout the quad. I'm not sure if we have the means to do this, but it is something to keep in mind.

➢ Didn't go well and/or things to change for next year: -More people to serve on committee - Each person had too many businesses to contact-I was given 36 and because of the number, I did not contact them all. Usually it would take at least 2 or more calls to talk with the manager/owner. (Initially there were 11-12 people serving but only 6 remained when the time came to ask for the donations.) -No information on what the business had previously donated. This would have been helpful. I have forwarded my listing back to Cecilia for next year's committee. -Committee meeting location in more central location on campus. Most businesses that I asked were very glad to contribute something for Employee Appreciation Day. Only a couple that I contacted would not donate. Thanks for the opportunity for me to serve this year, but I do not wish to serve next year. I think Employee Appreciation Day is a great day for our employees and is very much appreciated and enjoyed by all. Most people have no idea of the time it takes to coordinate all the activities that occur that day. Thanks to everyone involved.


➢ Provide hot water for tea w/coffee.

➢ I think that one of the "grand prizes" should be a Purple Zone parking sticker for a year.

➢ Coffee time at Taylor Down Under appreciated. Need tea varieties and breakfast foods.


➢ Good Band

➢ Table and Chairs should be provided at picnic.

➢ Set up tables and chairs on quad for picnic.

➢ Repeat having movies. It was nice to have door prize winners listed.

➢ The day overall-THE BEST! Perhaps leave space for employee to put name on "admission" sticker.

➢ Go back to BBQ The burgers were awful and the pasta salad was frozen

➢ More vegan (lunch) choices would have been great. Don't think drumming location was given in confirmation package.

➢ The burgers and dogs were pretty bad this year. Otherwise EAD was fun day especially for the staff members who report to me. It increase morale.

➢ Grand Prize or door prize suggestion- Free Purple parking pass for 1 year! (This should go to someone with blue.)

➢ The Movies were a great addition. The change in bands was good-just for variety. Suggestion: Have space on the EAD sticker for people to put name and department. This would help people learn to know each other.

➢ It was hard to hear the speakers on the quad-maybe we were sitting back to far-maybe we can move the pa system back further. A good grand prize would be a purple parking sticker for a year! It was a great day. Thanks!

➢ Hamburgers and Hot Dogs were atrocious, taste and appearance.

➢ Loved the veggie burgers!

➢ Picnic Selection was boring and very limited. No imagination. Veggie burger was so tough it was nearly inedible.

➢ Liked the dunking booth-thank you to everyone who gave their time in putting this together.

➢ Space on nametags to write names. Everyone looked at tags but not names were there.

➢ It was great and wonderful. Thanks for making it so and your hard work. The scavenger hunt was a lot of fun and went well for being the first year! Suggestions (since you asked) music-The Workx () Food: BBQ Chicken, macaroni and/or potato salad, baked beans, apple sauce, rolls and butter (I don't know what for vegetarians though.)

➢ Rules for the Scavenger Hunt need to be enforced better next time. Suggestions-Employees can park anywhere they want that day, one prize should involve being able to park anywhere for a year for free (purple tag!) Bring back BBQ at lunch, more ice cream. Suggestions for new workshops: Pizza making at Luigis, Quilt Museum, Keep movies, massage, canoeing. Bring back fly fishing, planetarium.

➢ Food selection not near as good as last year. Band OK-how about something different next year besides rock-n-roll. Extend time for lunch and music.

➢ Selection of food was not necessarily bad but the product actually served could have been a lot better. The beans appeared to be straight out of a can, the hamburgers were pale and thus unappetizing and the mac and cheese was not visually appealing and did not taste good either. BBQ might be a better choice than hamburgers for such a large number of people.

➢ Staff Infection

➢ The hamburgers were not good- Preferred BBQ or Chicken Selection

➢ Better Food

➢ In years past I've always enjoyed the food but was very disappointed this year. But I believe all felt very appreciated.

➢ Good band! It was a nice change from previous years. Loved the dunking booth! Thanks for providing veggie burgers-they were yummy!

➢ A great picnic but, too many carbs on the menu! More fruit and vegetables please!

Other Suggestions/Comments

➢ A better variety of workshops. Workshops should be able to include more people than 10 or 12 per workshop. Food was not as good as previous years. I have noticed this in the pas year at many catered events.

➢ I attended the movies and played pool at TDU. I really enjoyed all of it. Throughout the day I had the opportunity to interact with other JMU employees and to talk with people that I don't see very often. I've attended many enjoyable workshops in the past but, found I actually interacted with more of my co-workers this year.

➢ It was very nice. I appreciate all you do to make it that way. I particularly enjoyed the movies this year. Hope you will do it again. Have a good day and thanks very much for a good job.

➢ Great Day!

➢ Posting prize winners on lists, a good idea. Hard to hear speakers. Hot food was cold; cold salad had ice in it.

➢ Every year I think I should "thank" whomever is responsible for giving employees such a great day! Please let the parties that allow JMU employees to have such a fun day, know that it is greatly appreciated. I loved the dunking booth and found it to be a source for great laughter. A day to relax and enjoy fellow co-workers. Thanks!

➢ Great band. Loved the dunk tank! Bring back the class on dream interpretation. Also would like another class on interior decorating-maybe someone from Margots Decorating. Thanks for a wonderful EAD!

➢ The movie choices were great! The graphic display on these brochures were great!

➢ The band was good but a little loud-sometimes difficult to talk. I think offering movies was an outstanding idea-nice change from workshops. I didn't take any classes but my staff indicated that the classes were excellent and the movie option was great! Nice Job!

➢ Thank You

➢ Consider having a golf tournament

➢ Cooking workshops, provide T-shirts for everyone before EAD and the t-shirt could serve as a pass instead of sticker. Employees who are organizing events can have a different color T-shirt. Give out frisbees, pens or something else small for employees. Love the cups! The are great. Think about allowing us to provide lunch for any student employee covering our department while we are out.

➢ I never received a confirmation package! Thanks for the popcorn and drinks at the movies!

➢ I enjoyed the Lowe's workshop. Will go there for project needs. Vegetarian food was EXCELLENT! Thanks for looking after us fussy food eaters.

➢ I thought this was one of the best EAD's yet! Judith Rose was a wonderful hostess, very gracious and knowledgeable about Oakview. Julia Gilje was an excellent instructor about orchids and Sharon Spangler was enthusiastic and funs as she taught us some basic Spanish words. Thank you for all your hard work- it was a terrific day! I also appreciate the 20% discount at the bookstore for employees on that day.

➢ I had a great day. Enjoyed the afternoon movie. Enjoyed the band (and not playing as I could go to movies and workshops!) Wonderful Job!

➢ Coffee and donuts-continue. 20% discount at bookstore-continue. Picnic-continue. Suggestions for workshops-basket making, cake decorating

➢ This was wonderful! Kudos to the folks who worked so hard to make it such a success. Thanks for all of your hard work.

➢ Not enough donuts- got to Taylor Down Under at 9 am and donuts were already gone. Love the pool and movies!

➢ The Barbq was better. I liked the Plastic pin on button better than the paper stick on. I have saved them each year. Thanks for all the hard work, time and effort and cost that you put into this. Thanks for making this a fun day for all of us. Appreciative Employees.

➢ I would be interested in attempting to help give a hands on folded quilting Christmas ornaments. Supplies are minimal and this could be completed in 2-2.5 hours. I enjoyed my day much. Thank you for all your hard work.

➢ I enjoyed the movies. Just a chance to sit back and chill with a friend. It was very relaxing.

➢ It's so nice to have a special day for employees here at JMU. Thank You!

➢ Would be nice to be able to park anywhere without getting a ticket that one day.

➢ Leila and Tracy did a wonderful job! The band was great!


➢ I signed up for 2 workshops but was enrolled in something completely different. Very Strange. So I did not attend because I had no interest in Conversational Spanish.

➢ I entered my requests the first day of sign ups but I didn't get into either one. This was disappointing. I signed up for the AM Arboretum Tour and the PM growing orchids. This was the first time in the seven years of EAD that I didn't participate in a workshop. Than you for your time and energy put into EAD! It was a beautiful day to be outside!

➢ I registered for three workshops, but only got into one. I didn't know this until it was too late to register for others. I was disappointed not to receive any prior notification.

➢ I didn't get any of the workshops I signed up for. I made 5 selections but made them too late. I saw a movie though.


➢ Have longer classes. Backyard composting-Outside, Great!

➢ am movie-Great!

➢ Joy of Growing Roses-Excellent! Dr.Scott is very knowledgeable. Thanks to all who work so hard on this most appreciated day. :)

➢ Repeats of most popular activities throughout the day,

➢ EAD 2002 was an enjoyable event. The workshops were very informative and well organized. Into Growing Orchids was EXCEPTIONAL! For EAD 2003 I would like to suggest that the Walking Tour of Stained Glass in Hburg Churches be offered again.

➢ Enjoyed the movies and the addition of popcorn was a plus

➢ Stamping workshop, great time, good product! Longer workshops and more crafts

➢ The movies were a great addition. It would be better to let us know what they are when we sign up. I think people skipped workshops to go to the movies. Great BAND. Food average. FUN!!

➢ Composting speaker was hard to hear. Lino type teacher could be more specific and demonstrate- she seemed to assume her audience knew more than we did- but it was a lot fun- hope you repeat it next year!! More art workshops next year- make it take it things.

➢ Dog Training a little misleading. The demonstrated what their dogs could do not how to train your dog. Mrs. Rose was a very gracious host (Oakview Tour.) The popcorn and drinks (at the movies) were nice refreshments. Great moral booster. Thanks to the committee for all their hard work. The sound system at lunch was hard to hear and understand. JMU IS A GREAT PLACE TO WORK! I heard positive things about the stamping, calligraphy, jewelry, and growing orchids sessions. Wish I could have gone to all of them. Dr. Margie Carter, School of Education, makes beautiful cards from recycled items. She might be someone who would be willing to present a session next year

➢ Yoga instructor didn't cater the class for beginners-not very basic instruction.

➢ I had # 1 painting as 1st choice. Composting as 4th choice in case I didn't get #1. For some reason I was assigned composting as well but the time overlapped w/#1 so I couldn't attend #2 anyway. This year I found the workshop selection kind of uninteresting or one I found interesting all on the same block of time.

➢ Thanks! Everything was great! Movies should definitely be continued.

➢ Camera clinic- The presenter came from off-campus and claimed that he spent considerable time looking for a parking space. He was over 20 minutes late. Better provisions should have been made.

➢ Scavenger Hunt- Our group was unable to collect all the tickets because some sites did not have tickets we needed. It seemed like other teams may have collected more tickets than they were supposed to! I also enjoyed the afternoon movie.

➢ I would like to have a choice of the Quilt Museum and stain glass windows in the churches

➢ NASCAR 101, Jewelry Design-Electric Art (repeat.) Annually, Big cheer for the entire Employee Appreciation Day Committee!!

➢ I would enjoy a workshop on archery.

➢ Chef Fred

➢ Growing Orchid workshop was an informative enjoyable workshop. The day was wonderful and something I look forward to each year. Please offer workshops at earlier or later times as some offices must be open and someone needs to stay. Workshops- beginning bridge, stamping, papermaking, crochet, conversational spanish.

➢ UREC Massage

➢ Cake decorating. Flower Arranging.

➢ Please repeat Jewelry Making and Lino cut print making. The Jewelry would have even been more fun if we could actually make some items too. The jewelry instructor, Dr. Fahey, was excellent, interesting and informative.

➢ The Lowe's workshops were an excellent idea- would like to see that continued and may expanded to include other Lowe's workshops. The movie idea was excellent and superb taste in choosing the movies!!

➢ I really liked climbing the wall at UREC. Tried to register for Yoga but class was full. I would recommend adding extra classes or increasing class size.

➢ If some workshops allowed more attendees, would be nice.

➢ The classes that are Always filled up might want to offer them more or have similar type of classes. I thank you folks for a Wonderful Job! Thanks!!

➢ Would like even more variety of workshops. WHSV trip was a good one. VA Wildlife was good etc.

➢ I didn't get my registration in on time so I didn't get a workshop-my fault not yours. I don't think the choice of workshops was as good. Would have like to do Swing Dancing, hear Andre Viette or something like the "feed sack demonstrations." The music was great Dunking Booth was fun!

➢ The movies were great. Repeat again next year!

➢ RC Flying Air Planes. Model Railroading.

➢ The movies were a good idea. Do it again.

➢ Workshop on electrical wiring and electrical tips

➢ Passes to the Bull Pen to ride go-carts, airplane tours of the valley, sky diving, glider piloting, parasailing. Swimming, lifesaving, 5-10k runs, bicycle poker run, mountain biking.

➢ In the past I enjoyed paper making, water color.

➢ Although I enjoyed the Scavenger Hunt immensely- we laughed a lot- I think that more control over the rules should occur. Also I would suggest that there more copies of the clues at each station to eliminate the problem of getting to a station and have no clue that can be used.

➢ All the workshops I signed up for were full so I went to the movie. Really enjoyed that. My only suggestion is to offer some of the classes more than once (ie-scrapbooking) since this was a new class. It was full quickly.

➢ Participated in the Scavenger Hunt. There are some kinks that need to be worked out before you do another one. You should survey the participants. It was fun!

➢ I was very disappointed that Swing Dancing was not offered this year. I attended that workshop last year and it was the best one I've ever participated in. I thought the Jimmy O band was great!

➢ Have Scavenger Hunt be less places to go more organized and make participants do it on foot. Movies were awesome

➢ Needed more workshops to choose from or workshops that hold more than 25 people

➢ Lots of repeat workshops and the two I signed up for were full. Great Job!

➢ For as many people that work at JMU I think workshops should be able to take more people. The Drum workshop was lots of fun. I had no idea what was involved when we choose that one. Actually it was our 4th choice and the others were all full.

➢ The workshops were not as interesting as previous years. Many people in my department didn't receive their first choice in workshops. Better and more clear rules are needed for the scavenger hunt (No video taping of teams unless all reams are watched and taped.) Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable day, especially watching the movies.

➢ Have more selections and more time

➢ Archery

➢ Theater was cold

➢ I didn't see the movies this time but I liked that option. Information on area hiking trails (safe and easy.) How to crochet class

➢ Loved the scavenger hunt but people using state vehicles should not be allowed to. Would like to see more variety of activities, with larger enrollments. Couldn't get the workshops I was interested in.

➢ Helpful to have bus schedule info included w/packet. The movies were great-enjoyed the popcorn! Coffee table also appreciated.

➢ On the bus list it said buses arrived at 8:45, they actually left at 8:45 and I missed the bus. Also be very specific that it is a JMU bus not a Harrisonburg Transit bus. Loved the movie "A Beautiful Mind." What a super idea to have movies so everyone could enjoy something.

➢ Arboretum Tour-I would have liked it to be longer, about 2 hours Conversational Spanish-My deepest apologies to the teacher. I really wanted to take this class. I got too interested in "A Beautiful Mind" to leave the movie. "A Beautiful Mind," thanks for showing this movie. It is a beautiful experience.

➢ I would like to see more classes available next year. Some friends tried to register early but still didn't get any classes.

➢ Didn't attend any workshops. Attended movies only. Need more variety in workshops

➢ The scavenger hunt needs to be improved because teams came in for their next clue, they grabbed the first one they came to an they already had it leaving other that didn't have a clue to pick up. We need to find a way to monitor who takes what. I would suggest handing the clue out to the teams and making sure they do not have the clue before giving it to them.

➢ Loved the options of the movies!

➢ Thank You, it was lovely! Had a great time. Thanks to all who volunteered their time to make this day happen. I knew it was a lot of work. Note to Commonwealth One: Not all overheads they showed us were in their packet of info (only 1/2 of the overheads were included) so I needed to take lots of notes. Perhaps next time they could Xerox all overheads.

➢ I participated in the Scavenger Hunt and enjoyed it! It taught us how we work as a team! I also enjoyed the movie.

➢ I participated in the Scavenger Hunt which I thought was great fun. However I missed my first workshops because I had no idea how long the "hunt" would take, I would have liked more information about the Hunt beforehand.

➢ Perhaps next year the bus directions could mention the bus would be nearer the exit of Godwin. A couple of people missed the bus to Lowe's they thought they were to get on the bus at the transit stop.

➢ Offer the water color class again-maybe 2 sections. Thanks for all your hard work! It was fantastic

➢ Repeat Volleyball. Duties conflicted with 2 other workshops I signed up for.

➢ There was good variety of workshops. Based on the JMU population, I feel there were too many workshops with low enrollment caps. Many participants only got one workshop. I was glad for the movies. Overall, I enjoyed the day, Great job!

➢ Having the movies was a good idea so those who didn't get their choice of activities had something to do. How about a talent contest? Would be fun!

➢ New workshops, tennis and/or basketball

➢ Would it be possible to have the movies shown more frequently?


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