
Full Participation Free Resources to Support Each New Mexico Preschool ChildThis month’s issue focuses on the Approaches to Learning domain of the New Mexico Early Learning GuidelinesIssue No. 12 September 2017A Creative Adventure: Supporting Development and Learning through Art, Music, Movement, & Dialogue 12-minute video shows rich examples of ways to facilitate the development and learning of young children across domains. Available in Spanish at Assessing and Scaffolding Make-Believe Play thoughtful article takes an evidence-based approach to observing, understanding, and facilitating play with preschool age children. What About Play? The Value of Investing in Children’s Play 10-minute video explores the value of play, playful inquiry and the role of adults in supporting, advocating for and investing in children’s play. Inspired by Reggio Emilia: Emergent Curriculum in Relationship-Driven Learning Environments article provides a very brief overview of how to use Reggio-inspired approaches to foster children’s learning from environments and interactions.How to Support Children’s Approaches to Learning? Play With Them! brief article offers families advice on how to support the components of the approaches to learning domain – curiosity, initiative, imagination, creativity, persistence, and problem-solving – through play.Teach Preschool This website offers dozens of low-cost and engaging examples of approaches to learning that cross domains and child interests. Author Debra Stewart’s ideas are always developmentally on target, engaging and clever. ?Her activities are also always play-based, but she magically weaves in academic concepts, without seeming too heavy handed. For example, check out Ten Tips for Circle Time?() where she talks about how circle time isn’t just a sit and listen time. ?It’s a move and learn time. ?Full Participation is a one-way resource listserv that is distributed monthly. Each issue features resources to support the learning and development of preschool age children, with emphasis on four dimensions of full participation: 1) family engagement; 2) inclusive practices for children with developmental delays and disabilities; 3) culture and language, including support of dual language learners; and 4) promoting social relationships. All resources are readily available and free. All or part of Full Participation may be freely shared or reproduced. Previous issues of Full Participation are posted at Highlighted resources are available in English and Spanish.Full Participation is compiled by Camille Catlett. Staff and contractual support are provided by the UNM Center for Disability and Development, supported by funds from the Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant. To receive the listserv every month, send an email with no message to subscribe-fullparticipation@listserv.unc.edu To suggest resources, please contact Camille Catlett at camille.catlett@unc.edu ................

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