Practicum Log

UNSTRUCTURED Field Experience Log & ReflectionInstructional Technology Department – Updated Summer 2015Candidate: Kelly CassidyMentor/Title: Sonia Coile, Technology TeacherSchool/District: Madison County High SchoolMadison CountyCourse:Multimedia and Web Design ITEC 7445Professor/Semester:Leslie Pourreau(This log contains space for up to 5 different field experiences for your 5 hours. It might be that you complete one fieldexperience totaling 5 hours! If you have fewer field experiences, just delete the extra pages. Thank you!)Date(s)1st Field Experience Activity/TimePSC Standard(s)ISTE Standard(s)6-25-15 to 7-18-15Using Assistive technology to help enhance preschool student’s acquisition of communication skills. (15 hours)2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 3.4, 3.72g, 2h, 3b, 3d, 3gFirst Name/Last Name/Title of an individual who can verify this experience:Signature of the individual who can verify this experience:DIVERSITY(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this field experience.)EthnicityP-12 Faculty/StaffP-12 StudentsP-23-56-89-12P-23-56-89-12Race/Ethnicity:AsianBlackHispanicNative American/Alaskan NativeWhiteXXMultiracialSubgroups:Students with DisabilitiesXLimited English ProficiencyEligible for Free/Reduced MealsReflection(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)1. Briefly describe the field experience. What did you learn about technology coaching and technology leadership from completing this field experience? I met with a preschool student and his mom to listen and discuss his challenges with communication. The mom expressed that his teachers and pediatrician think that he falls on the Autism spectrum but they hesitate to label him precisely yet because he is so young. He has been doing occupational therapy and speech therapy twice a week for 13 months. The biggest challenges the mom was concerned about was his lack of conversation skills and his appropriate response to emotions expressed by family members and classmates. I asked his mom to keep a tally sheet on the refrigerator for a week and simply tally when JP initiated conversation or recognized emotion appropriately. This would be our baseline. After the initial meeting, I researched applications that he could use with his iPad to help him enhance his communication skills and emotion recognition. I found 2 applications that were research based. We met a second time and I introduced the applications to his mom. She installed them on the iPad and we worked with them so she would know how they worked. Then, we introduced them to the student. JP used the applications daily and mom kept the tally sheet going for 2 weeks. The mom and I communicated via text to talk about how he liked the applications and how it was going. We saw a huge improvement in JP’s communication and emotion recognition. The experience was very rewarding. We are going to continue meeting and working with JP on several more assistive technology apps that I found that are research based. I learned that no matter how young a student is, there are assistive technologies out there that can help them be successful in skill acquitions and support their learning and development goals. 2. How did this learning relate to the knowledge (what must you know), skills (what must you be able to do) and dispositions (attitudes, beliefs, enthusiasm) required of a technology facilitator or technology leader? (Refer to the standards you selected above. Use the language of the PSC standards in your answer and reflect on all 3—knowledge, skills, and dispositions.) Knowledge -I had to research and look for assistive technologies. It took some time to find some applications that were appropriate to the age of the student and the skills we wanted to develop.Skills -I used my skills in digital tools to learn how to use the technology and teach it to the mom and the student. Dispositions -I was willing to work with the mom and the child to provide something that would work for them. We had a very strong communication system that helped me to get feedback and data from her to help him be as successful as possible. 3. Describe how this field experience impacted school improvement, faculty development or student learning at your school. How can the impact be assessed?One of the issues that JP faces at school is not being able to communicate his needs to his teachers. He struggles with asking to go to the bathroom, receive help with work and simply tell them when he is not feeling well. This skill improvement in JP will help his teachers respond to his needs easier. The mom is also going to share the emotion recognition application with his teachers so they can share the same icons and vocabulary to help JP with consistency. This will help him recognize emotions and respond appropriately. ................

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