
KenwoodAcademy Unit Description & Inventory (UDI) Template TEACHER(s): Paul E. BrushCOURSE: APUS HistoryGRADE LEVEL: 10-12UNIT TITLE:Pre-Columbian Civilization, European Colonization, and the Causes of the American Revolution 1491-1775FEEDBACK PROVIDED BY:PART I: UNIT OVERVIEWUnit Length:24 DaysUnit Placement(ex. 1st Qtr., 2nd Qtr., etc.)1st QuarterRationale for Unit(rationale for unit length, connections to previous/future learning, vertical alignment, relevance, etc )This is the first unit of a comprehensive course that spans approximately 500 years. It is an introductory program to initiate students into APUS curriculum and lifestyle/rigor. In these first 5 weeks, they will experience 7 reading quizzes, 2 sectional exams, and 2 presentations and 2 FRQs, along with numerous lectures, discussions and bellringers. There is a learning curve that dictates that within 5 weeks, students will get on track to successful scores on quizzes, essays and exams.European Colonization and Causes of the American Revolution is the study of how the English, French and Spanish conquered North America and how the more advantageous English, instituted democracy within an aristocracy. Assessment Descriptions I -Assessment Goals: Skills(Please attach all major assessments)College BoundDiagnostic/ Pre-AssessmentRA Discussion, Bell ringers, Exit slips, Summer reading assignment examFormativeReading Quiz #1-Chapter 1-New World beginnings 33,000 B.C. –A.D. 1769Reading Quiz #2-Chapter 2-The Planting of English America, 1500-1733ReadingQuiz #3- Chapter 3 - Settling of the English Colonies-1619-1700Reading Quiz #4- Chapter 4- American Life in the Seventeenth Century-1607-1692Reading Quiz #5- Chapter 5-Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution-1700-1775Reading Quiz #6- Chapter 6-The Duel for North America-1608-1763Reading Quiz #7- Chapter 7-The Road to Revolution-1763-1775SummativeAPQ #1a-Pre-Columbian Civilization: 1491-1607 (various types of questions)APQ#1b-European Colonization: 1607-1754 (50 multiple choice)APQ#2-Causes of the American Revolution: 1650-1774 (50 Multiple Choice Questions)DBQ#1- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766.(Rubric)Pre-AcceleratedDiagnostic/ Pre-AssessmentDiscussion, Bell ringers, Exit slips, Summer reading assignment examFormativeReading Quiz #1-Chapter 1-New World beginnings 33,000 B.C. –A.D. 1769Reading Quiz #2-Chapter 2-The Planting of English America, 1500-1733ReadingQuiz #3- Chapter 3 (Take Home)- Settling of the English Colonies-1619-1700Reading Quiz #4- Chapter 4 (Take Home)- American Life in the Seventeenth Century-1607-1692Reading Quiz #5- Chapter 5-Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution-1700-1775Reading Quiz #6- Chapter 6-The Duel for North America-1608-1763Reading Quiz #7- Chapter 7-The Road to Revolution-1763-1775SummativeAPQ #1a-Pre-Columbian Civilization: 1491-1607 (various types of questions)APQ#1b-European Colonization: 1607-1754 (50 multiple choice)APQ#2-Causes of the American Revolution: 1650-1774 (50 Multiple Choice Questions)DBQ#1- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766. (Rubric)HonorsDiagnostic/ Pre-AssessmentDiscussion, Bell ringers, Exit slips, Summer reading assignment examFormativeReading Quiz #1-Chapter 1-New World beginnings 33,000 B.C. –A.D. 1769Reading Quiz #2-Chapter 2-The Planting of English America, 1500-1733Reading Quiz #3- Chapter 3 (Take Home)- Settling of the English Colonies-1619-1700Reading Quiz #4- Chapter 4 (Take Home)- American Life in the Seventeenth Century-1607-1692Reading Quiz #5- Chapter 5-Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution-1700-1775Reading Quiz #6- Chapter 6-The Duel for North America-1608-1763Reading Quiz #7- Chapter 7-The Road to Revolution-1763-1775SummativeAPQ #1a-Pre-Columbian Civilization: 1491-1607 (various types of questions)APQ#1b-European Colonization: 1607-1754 (50 multiple choice)APQ#2-Causes of the American Revolution: 1650-1774 (50 Multiple Choice Questions)DBQ#1- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766. (Rubric)Assessment Descriptions II -Assessment Goals: Common Core Performance Tasks~SWBAT format(Please attach all major assignments or descriptions of assignments and their rubrics)Assessment Goals: 1. The identification, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis of required textbook readings.2. The evaluation of given material and assessing value to it.3. In the successful process of #1, the student will be able to assess the main ideas and supporting details of given passages in the textbooks. 4. Also, in the successful process of #1, the student will be able to achieve appropriate sequential, comparative and cause and effect relationships within the exam material given. This will naturally lead to the understanding of the meaning of words. 5. In the short essays of the reading quizzes, students will be able to use the skills of generalizations and conclusions to synthesize information into summative sentences.Reading Quiz #1-Chapter 1-New World beginnings 33,000 B.C. –A.D. 1769Reading Quiz #2-Chapter 2-The Planting of English America, 1500-1733ReadingQuiz #3-Chapter 3- Settling of the English Colonies-1619-1700Reading Quiz #4-Chapter 4- American Life in the Seventeenth Century-1607-1692Reading Quiz #5-Chapter 5-Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution-1700-1775Reading Quiz #6-Chapter 6-The Duel for North America-1608-1763Reading Quiz #7-Chapter 7-The Road to Revolution-1763-1775[Critical thinking for Reading Quizzes: 1. Analyzing causes and evaluating effects 2. Identifying the level of Reading Comprehension 3. Conceptualizing people and events 4. Synthesizing ideas and information and categorizing them into groups]Interpretation #1-Mt. Rushmore [Critical thinking: Analyzing and evaluating information, ideas, events and people for the purpose of valuing them]Essay#1-What role did religion play in the establishment of the colonies?Essay #2- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766. Critical Thinking Skills-A) Recognize the difference between opinions and facts; B) Proof of reading comprehension [C] Analyzing causes of colonization [D] Evaluating and judging effects of colonization [E] Writing a persuasive argument that delineates their own positionAPQ #1a-Pre-Columbian Civilization: 1491-1607 (various types of questions)APQ#1b-European Colonization: 1607-1754 (50 multiple choice)APQ#2-Causes of the American Revolution: 1650-1774 (50 Multiple Choice Questions)DBQ#1- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766.Critical thinking: 1. Knowledge-Identifying key information from lectures and reading. 2. Inferring correct data from items given. 3) Application of causes to significant effects 4) Analysis-The ability to differentiate between two or three pieces of valuable information and choose the correct answer. 5) Evaluation-Judging between the value of several pieces of informationEuropean Colonization-Essay#1-What role did religion play in the establishment of the colonies? [Critical Thinking Skills-A) Recognize the difference between opinions and facts; B) Proof of reading comprehension [C] Analyzing causes of colonization [D] Evaluating and judging effects of colonization [E] Writing a persuasive argument that delineates their own positionCauses of the American Revolution-Essay #2- In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766. [Critical Thinking Skills-A) Recognize the difference between opinions and facts; B) Proof of reading comprehension [C] Analyzing causes of colonization [D] Evaluating and judging effects of colonization [E] Writing a persuasive argument that delineates their own positionAssignment Purpose (SWBAT) 1. Students will summarize the purposes of the English colonies and their economic activities; and 2) Which colonies had significant religious beginnings; 3) Students will analyze readings from primary resources in Unit 1&2 and answer questions; 4) Students will explain the difference between the Navigation Acts and the Grenville Tax program and identify the key people and events associated with both the implementation of the Grenville Tax program and its organized opposition 5) Student will summarize the steps which led the conies to declare war on England in 1776; 6) Students will understand why their essays were acceptable or not-can summarize to Mr. Brush what is needed to perform better on essaysCollege Readiness Skill Bands/EmphasesReview: (ex. 13-15)Focus: (ex. 16-19)Stretch: (ex. 20-23)College Bound:MI Review (13-15), Focus (16-19), Stretch (20-23)Infer the main idea or purpose of more challenging passages or their paragraphsSummarize events and ideas in virtually any passageUnderstand the overall approach taken by an author or narrator (e.g., point of view, kinds of evidence used) in virtually any passageSD Review (13-15), Focus (16-19), Stretch (20-23)Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in more challenging passagesUse details from different sections of some complex informational passages to support a specific point or argumentSCCR Review (13-15), Focus (16-19), Stretch (20-23)Order sequences of events in more challenging passageUnderstand the dynamics between people, ideas, and so on in more challenging passagesUnderstand implied or subtly stated cause-effect relationships in more challenging passagesGC Review (13-15), Focus (16-19), Stretch (20-23)Use information from one or more sections of a more challenging passage to draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so onPre-Accelerated:MI Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Infer the main idea or purpose of more challenging passages or their paragraphsSummarize events and ideas in virtually any passageUnderstand the overall approach taken by an author or narrator (e.g., point of view, kinds of evidence used) in virtually any passageSD Review (16-19), Focus 20-23), Stretch (28-32Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in more challenging passagesUse details from different sections of some complex informational passages to support a specific point or argumentSCCR Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Order sequences of events in more challenging passageUnderstand the dynamics between people, ideas, and so on in more challenging passagesUnderstand implied or subtly stated cause-effect relationships in more challenging passagesGC Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Use information from one or more sections of a more challenging passage to draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so onHonors & Advanced Placement: MI Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Infer the main idea or purpose of more challenging passages or their paragraphsSummarize events and ideas in virtually any passageUnderstand the overall approach taken by an author or narrator (e.g., point of view, kinds of evidence used) in virtually any passageSD Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in more challenging passagesUse details from different sections of some complex informational passages to support a specific point or argumentSCCR Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Order sequences of events in more challenging passageUnderstand the dynamics between people, ideas, and so on in more challenging passagesUnderstand implied or subtly stated cause-effect relationships in more challenging passagesGC Review (16-19), Focus (20-23), Stretch (28-32)Use information from one or more sections of a more challenging passage to draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so onContent/ Teacher Created ObjectivesAssignment Purpose (SWBAT) 1. Students will summarize the purposes of the English colonies and their economic activities; and 2) Which colonies had significant religious beginnings; 3) Students will analyze readings from primary resources in Unit 1&2 and answer questions; 4) Students will explain the difference between the Navigation Acts and the Grenville Tax program and identify the key people and events associated with both the implementation of the Grenville Tax program and its organized opposition 5) Student will summarize the steps which led the conies to declare war on England in 1776; 6) Students will understand why their essays were acceptable or not-can summarize to Mr. Brush what is needed to perform better on essaysPART II: Literacy and Writing AlignmentAlignment to Writing FrameworkACTS, MEL-CON, STACSSepulveda Belittles the Indians (1547)(Think Aloud, Questions to elicit student thinking) Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552) )(Think Aloud, Questions to elicit student thinking) The Interesting Narrative of Oladah Equiano (Metacognitive Reading Log)The Starving Time-John Smith (1609) (Questions to elicit student thinking) Framing the Mayflower Compact (1620) (Questions to elicit student thinking)Anne Hutchinson is Banished (1637) (Metacognitive Reading Log)Winthrop’s Concept of Liberty (1645) (Questions to elicit student thinking)Captivity Narrative-Mary Rowlandson (1675) (Metacognitive Reading Log)A Servant Describes his fate (c. 1680) (Metacognitive Bookmark)Whitefield Fascinates Franklin (1739) (Metacognitive Bookmark)Edward’s Paints Horrors of Hell (1741) (Metacognitive Reading Log)Supplementary TextDescription/ TitleThe Starving Time-John SmithNonfiction, Fiction, InformationalLexile1400LFlesch Reading Ease37%Flesch-Kincaid reading Level12.0Supplementary TextDescription/ TitleWhitefield Fascinates FranklinNonfiction, Fiction, InformationalLexile1250LFlesch Reading Ease40%?Flesch-Kincaid reading Level12.0PART III: UNIT DESCRIPTION AND DELIVERYUnit Content/ Essential Questions/Concept QuestionsColumbian Exchange, Navigation Laws Bacon’s Rebellion John Smith Anglican Church Half-Way Covenant Iroquois Confederacy Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards Mercantilism Headright System Pilgrims King Phillip’s War Mayflower Compact Salutary Neglect John Winthrop Indentured servant Columbian Exchange Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams Salem Witch hunt Quakers William Penn Roger Williams Pilgrims/Separatists Benjamin Franklin Albany Congress French and Indian War Grenville Tax Program Stamp Act Tea Act Intolerable Acts 1st Continental CongressEssential Questions:What role did religion play in the establishment of the colonies? In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies?Instructional Delivery(groupings, prioritized instructional strategies, considerations made for student learning needs, i.e. interests, relevance, needed interventions)Group presentations; lecturing; discussions and personal interpretations of Events and People Reading Apprenticeship strategies including metacognitive thinkingPacing Calendar -Daily Activities(Include dates and denote differences between college bound, pre-accelerated, and honors classes)Monday 1NO SCHOOLTuesday 23x5 cards;Discussion of the Summer Assignment/ExamWednesday 3Syllabus; Books3x5 cardsThursday 4Syllabus; Books3x5 cardsplusExplaining and showing the APUSH Exam Friday 5Reading Identity and How to read and analyze the textSepulveda Belittles the Indians (1547)(Think Aloud, Questions to elicit student thinking) Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552) (Think Aloud, Questions to elicit student thinking) Monday 8Lecture on Chapter 1 and 2 of The AmericanPageantBR: The Interesting Narrative of Oladah EquianoES: Was Equiano’s life lucky? Why or Why not?Tuesday 9APRQ#1Lecture onChapter 2BR: The Starving Time-John Smith(1609)ES:In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic and social development of New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660's?Take home APRQ#2Wednesday 10APRQ#3Lecture onChapter 3 of The AmericanPageantBR: Framing the Mayflower Compact (1620)ES:Explain the differences between Massachusetts Bay and Chesapeake Bay in terms of government, population and origin?Take home APRQ#4 and #5Thursday 11How to write an essayBR: Anne Hutchinson is Banished (1637)Friday 12APQ#1a-All various types of questionsMonday 15 Go over examBR: Captivity Narrative-Mary Rowlandson (1675)Tuesday 16Lecture onChapter 4BR: A Servant Describes his fate (c. 1680)ES:Explain how the English colonies in the New World were different from one another in terms of government, population and origin?Wednesday 17Lecture on Chapter 5BR: Whitefield Fascinates Franklin (1739)ES: What role did religion plain in the establishment of English colonies?Thursday 18Review BR: Edward’s Paints Horrors of Hell (1741)Friday 19APQ#1b-European ColonizationMonday 22Go over examTuesday 23Review and Lecture of post-French and Indian WarES: Analyze and discuss to what extent religion played an important part in the development of THREE of the following colonial governments. Massachusetts BayPennsylvaniaMarylandRhode IslandWednesday 24How write a DBQ#1Thursday 25How to write a DBQ#2Friday 26DBQ#1-In what ways did the French and Indian War (1754-1763) alter the political, economical and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies? Confine your answer to the period 1740-1766.Monday 29Collaboration ReviewTuesday30Collaboration ReviewWednesday 1BR: Winthrop’s Concept of Liberty (1645) Review RA Style/DiscussionThursday 2APQ#2-Causes of the American RevolutionFriday 3Go over examIntegrations/ Interdisciplinary ConnectionsAmerican Literature- Unit 1- Pre-Columbian Civilization, European Colonization and Causes of the American RevolutionPrimary Source Documents:Sepulveda Belittles the Indians (1547)Las Casas Defends the Indians (1552) The Interesting Narrative of Oladah Equiano The Starving Time-John Smith (1609) Framing the Mayflower Compact (1620)Anne Hutchinson is Banished (1637) Winthrop’s Concept of Liberty (1645) Captivity Narrative-Mary Rowlandson (1675) A Servant Describes his fate (c. 1680) Whitefield Fascinates Franklin (1739) Edward’s Paints Horrors of Hell (1741) Paine Talks Common Sense (1776) ................

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