Ms. Regan SCPS

Advanced Placement United States History Syllabus

Ms. Catherine Regan


Stanton College Preparatory School

Course Syllabus 2020-2021

Course Title: Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH)

Introduction and Course Description:

Because passing the AP exam in this class equals college credit, students will be expected to perform on a college level. This means that there will be reading and performance expectations akin to a college freshman level class.

Accelerated U.S. History will enable students to understand the development of the United States within the context of history by examining connections to the past to prepare for the future as participating members of a democratic society. Students will use knowledge pertaining to history, geography, economics, political processes, religion, ethics, diverse cultures and humanities to solve problems in academic, civic, social and employment settings. 

Course Outline:

Period 1 – Period 1: 1491–1607

Period 2 – Period 2: 1607–1754

Period 3 – Period 3: 1754–1800

Period 4 – Period 4: 1800–1848

Period 5 – Period 5: 1844–1877

Period 6 – Period 6: 1865–1898

Period 7 – Period 7: 1890–1945

Period 8 – Period 8: 1945–1980

Period 9 – Period 9: 1980–Present

Students will complete nightly readings from both their textbook and provided primary & secondary sources. Any sources outside of the textbook will either be distributed by Ms. Regan or will be available on my website.

Educational Materials Needed for Course:

Required Texts

• Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey The American Pageant: A History of the Republic – 16 ed

• UNITED STATES HISTORY Preparing for the Advanced Placement® Examination Third Edition (“AMSCO”)

Additional Readings

Miscellaneous readings assigned, distributed and made available by Ms. Regan

Student Materials Need for Course:

( One "Five Star" five subject college ruled spiral notebook

( Three Ring Binder with 10 dividers

( Pens (blue or black ink only)

( Pencils (for scantron tests only)


Statement to the Student Body from the Honor Review Board:

1. Cheating is not gamesmanship; it is unethical.

2. Cheating may affect not only the individual, but others, as well, and, hence, is more than the concern of one person.

3. In addition to verbal or written instructions concerning cheating, a student should implement common sense and rational judgment so as not to bring about any question of his/her integrity.

Consequences as School Policy

1. No credit (0) on the assignment

2. An Integrity Referral written by the teacher which is also a Class 2 Discipline Offense

3. The Dean of Students will handle the discipline regarding the Class 2 offense

4. A copy of the Integrity Referral is kept on file

5. A copy is sent home, and verbal contact with parents will be made.

6. Any additional class consequences at the discretion of the teacher.

Things that are considered a violation of the Honor Code:

1. Discussing material covered on all quizzes or tests with other students in any way.

2. Collaborative effort on assignments unless noted otherwise by Ms.Regan (I will inform students when working together is acceptable).

3. Plagiarism of any kind.

4. Copying another student’s work on any assignment or test.

5. Turning in work that is not exclusively completed by the individual.

6. Using a smart phone in order to research information.

Grading Policy:

Grading Scale

A 100-90 B 89-80 C 79-70 D 69-60 F 59-0

Homework/Late Work Policy: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date.

Per district policy on student progression and learning recovery, I will not accept late work as a means to improve grade standings. All work will be accepted for evaluation, and to improve understanding/mastery of standards, but late work will hold no point value.

Under NO circumstances will work be accepted by proxy. Meaning, work may only be handed into Ms. Regan. Students and parents are NOT to deliver homework via staff member or another student. No assignments will be accepted via email unless specifically requested by Ms. Regan.

Make-up Work Procedure: Regular attendance in each forty-five day grading period is necessary for a student to be successful in school. Missing work may be completed for all absences, including suspension. Make-up work is permitted for each day of absence. Your child may earn up to full credit for work submitted within an acceptable time frame outlined within the D.C.P.S. Student Progression Plan.

Parent/Teacher Conference Information: If you have a question about a grade, please check the FOCUS Grade Portal via One View to see teacher notes or comments. If you have questions please email the teacher. If you have questions about the academic progress of your son or daughter you may contact the Guidance Office to speak with a school counselor. You may schedule a conference by contacting the Guidance Office at 630-6800 extension 1030. Parent/teacher conferences are available after 24 hours notice. Parent/teacher conferences may not include all of your child’s teachers. Please request which teacher(s) when scheduling a conference.

Tutoring Schedule: (COVID-19 change! There will be no face-to-face tutoring until further notice. Virtual tutoring will take place once a schedule is created).

Tutoring Schedule: Tutoring may be scheduled by appointment after school on Wednesday's from 3:05 P.M. until 4:05 P.M. Arrangements must be made for pickup at that time or there will be a charge of $10.00 if not picked up by 4:10 P.M.(District Policy)

As we draw closer to the exam date, we will be having regular study sessions/tutoring. Schedule TBA.

Other Information:

**Contacting the instructor**


All written correspondence will be handled by school email (reganc@). Please allow time for a response due to the nature of the email and the availability for the teacher to have the resources at their disposal. A normal turnaround time is up to 48 hours excluding weekends, please be patient. Please be sure to put your students name in the subject line.


All written correspondence will be handled by school email (reganc@). If there is a grade portal errors please send an email. This is your record of the request and this is normally the first area that I correct upon arrival to school.




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