APUSH Seminar

|Section |Meeting Time |Google Classroom |Google Meet Code |FLEX time |Flex time Code |

| | |Code | |Office Hours | |

| |Period 1 | |. 10:40-11:25 |

|1B |Tues., Friday |itcp5fv |dswkryz?authuser=0&hs=179 |Wed. 9:20-10:00 |p3vt?authuser=0&hs=179 |

| | | | |M/F 2:55-3:30,W 2:30-3 | |

Welcome to the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)! This exciting program provides a framework of academic challenge that is based on MYP’s three fundamental concepts of holistic learning, communication, and intercultural awareness. Throughout your academic career, you will develop the traits of the IB learner profile: inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, communicator, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, balanced, and reflective.

Due to the fact that AP® U.S. History is a challenging course that is meant to be the equivalent of a freshman college course, a companion course is put in place to help the student understand the content better and develop the necessary skills. Historical Inquiry is a year-long elective course which will enrich the APUSH course. The class will equip the students without the extra homework load. Additionally the content covered in the regular APUSH course will provide the basis to practice critical and evaluative thinking skills, essay writing, interpretation of original documents, and test taking skills more thoroughly. The course will require the student to be reflective and willing to face personal academic challenges. Lastly the students will receive more one on one time with the instructor in order to analyze, track and evaluate their progress.

The Advanced Placement United States History instructional team at Annapolis High is composed of Mrs. Pantazis, Mrs. Edwards Randolph, Mr. Dziedzic.

Course Objectives

Students will:

▪ master a broad body of historical knowledge

▪ acquire reading, writing, and note taking strategies

▪ use historical data to support an argument or position

▪ differentiate the analysis and interpretation of documents according to the type

▪ effectively use analytical skills of evaluation, cause and effect, compare and contrast

▪ work effectively with others to produce products and solve problems

▪ analyze, evaluate, and improve test taking skills

▪ create a portfolio monitoring progress in unit tests, writing, and projects

▪ complete a National History Day Project

Textbooks and Resources

• United States History Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam, AMSCO

o This is a consumable. Students are able to write in it.

• Henretta, James, et al. America’s History. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 8th/AP Edition, 2014.


Historical Inquiry will be based on material and pacing from the regular APUSH course. Each class will begin and end with content reinforcement and skill increasing activities.

Course Outline

|AACPS Unit Title |MYP Unit Title |Unit Question |Global Context |

|Period 1: |A Whole New World |How do cultural differences |Orientation in Space and Time |

|The New World | |influence European exploration? | |

|1491-1607 | | | |

|Period 2: |Coming to America |How does the physical environment|Orientation in Space and Time |

|British North America | |influence the growth and | |

|1607-1754 | |development of the colonies? | |

|Period 3: |Shot Heard Round the World |Why revolt? |Personal and Cultural Expression |

|Revolution and Rise of Republican| | | |

|Culture | | | |

|1754-1800 | | | |

|Period 4: |We the People |How powerful should government |Identities and Relationships |

|Early National Period and the Age| |be? | |

|of Jackson | | | |

|Period 5: |A House Divided |How does Westward Expansion ? |Fairness and Development |

|Era of the Civil War and | | | |

|Reconstruction | | | |

|1844-1877 | | | |

|Period 6: |It’s a Hard Knock Life |How do you measure the quality of|Scientific and technological |

|Making of Modern America: | |life? |innovation |

|Westward Expansion and | | | |

|Industrialization | | | |

|1865-1898 | | | |

|Period 7: |Over Here and Over There |How do we use our power and |Globalization and Sustainability |

|America Emerges as a Modern Power| |influence and why? | |

|1890-1945 | | | |

|Period 8: |Fortunate Son? |How can we improve the human |Fairness and Development |

|The Modern State and the Age of | |condition? | |

|Liberalism | | | |

|1945-1980 | | | |

|Period 9: |Walk This Way |How does the US change in a |Globalization and Sustainability |

|Into the New Millennium | |globalized society? | |

|1980-Present | | | |

****It is the expectation that any student enrolled in an AP course will take the AP exam. The 2021 Exam is May 6, 2021 at 8:00am****

Important Dates

• October 30, 2020: Registration and Payment Deadline for the Exam

• January 15, 2021: Deadline to Register for Accommodations through College Board


Since this is an equivalent to a college level class, students are expected to complete high level work. Students are responsible for keeping up with reading assignments and being aware of, and ready for, quizzes and tests. Class will be a combination of lecture, group work, coverage of discussion questions, debates, and other activities. Periodically, student essays, reports, or presentations will be required. All essays will be scored according to the APUSH rubric included in the syllabus. Tests will be a combination of objective and essay questions.

Students are expected to complete all learning activities (graded or not graded) to support/ fortify their learning.  However, graded assignments will be clearly labeled in Google Classroom for students to know what assignments are graded.  All graded assignments for the week will be posted in Google Classroom as soon as possible with some specific due dates established; assignments must be turned in within 7 days.  Any missing assignment will be coded as such in the gradebook and assigned a grade of a 0.  Upon completion/submission of a missing or late assignment, the assignment will be graded on merit with no penalty based on the date of submission. 

Students will have consistent access to their grades via Google Classroom and Parent Portal. Students shall not ask about grades while in class. If a student has a question about grades, they need to make an appointment with their teacher to discuss assignments during the appropriate times as listed on the Virtual Learning Schedule.

The following codes will be used in the Gradebook:

|AB(EX) |Absent Excused, 0% Earned |

|AB(M) |Absent Missing, 0% Earned |

|DNP(0) |Did Not Participate, 0% Earned |

|GFE(50) |Good Faith Effort, 50% Earned |

|NHI(0) |Not Handed In, 0% Earned |

Grade Breakdown:

A minimum of 9 separate assignments exclusive of homework and quarterly assessments in the following categories will be used to report student grades. A minimum of 4 assignments/assessments are required in each grading category with the exception of the quarterly assessment.

|Category |Percentage of Overall Grade |

|Skill Development |45% |

|Classwork |45% |

|Quarterly Assessment |10% |

Grading Scale

90-100= A

80-89.9= B

70-79.9= C

60-69.9= D

Below 59.9= E

Parent Notification:

Parents will be notified at least three weeks prior to the end of a marking period if a student is currently earning a failing grade. At any time, parents may check parentconnect. to see their student’s grade. Please contact the guidance office if you do not already have a login.

Late Work/Redo’s:

Students may redo 3 assignments over the course of a Marking Quarter. The exceptions to this are Quarterly Assessments. Redos must be completed within 10 days of the initial assignment being returned. If an extension is needed, students must contact their teacher directly as soon as possible.


● IF YOU ARE ABSENT, PLEASE CONTACT your teacher to receive your make up work or check Google Classroom. The teacher is not responsible to remind students to collect missing work.

● All effort will be made to facilitate with students when absent. Please make prior arrangements, if possible, to collect work from the instructor for days that are to be missed. Please note that this may not always be possible, based on the nature of the assignments that might be missed.

● It is the Annapolis High School expectation that all students will be on time.

● Per AACPS Policy, all lessons will be recorded and posted for a period of time onto Google Classroom.

Academic Integrity

In order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises. Breaches of academic integrity include, but are not limited to:

• Use of notes on a test

• Any writing on body or clothing

• Verbalizing or signaling during a test

• Stealing a test

• Breaking any of the test taking standards

• Advising another student who will take the test what material is on the test

• Copying information from the internet or book without proper documentation

• Sharing of homework assignments without permission

** The APUSH Team takes this very seriously, if a student is caught, they WILL receive a 0 on the assignment and be referred to administration.**

Digital Learning Expectations

Use of any technology that could distract from Virtual Learning (cell phone, other device, social media, and additional applications) should be put away for the duration of class.

Digital Learning Norms

Per AACPS Policy, students should follow clothing and dress guidelines. Be considerate of others in their speech and aware of their virtual backgrounds. Online behavior that is inappropriate or distracting to the learning environment may result in removal from the session and/or referral to administration.

Annapolis High School students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.


● Be prepared

● Use appropriate school language

● Have respect for yourself

● Try your best!

● Have a “Can Do” Attitude!


● Listen when others are talking

● Participate in class activities

● Use language appropriate for school

Avoid conflict in class

● Offer and accept constructive criticism


● Come to class daily and on time

● Bring all required materials

● Participate in class

● Study for tests and quizzes by doing practice problems

● Ask for help when needed

● Follow instructions and stay on task

● Complete all assignments on time


● Keep an organized notebook complete with quality notes

● Keep your space clean

● Stay in your seat and keep the desk clean

Daily Materials:

• Access to APUSH and HI Notes every day

• Reading Notes

• Pen/Pencil

• Lined Paper (not required, but students may prefer it)

Please complete the linked Google Form confirming that you read and understand this syllabus, as well as providing necessary contact information and any other relevant information.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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