Mater Lakes Academy Middle / High

ScienceMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.What experiment is described by the procedure?a.Determine whether water and oil will mixb.Determine how far a drop of oil will spread on waterc.Determine the volume of oil in a dropd.Determine whether oil floats or sinks in water____2.Scientists confirm that a new experimental result is reliable bya.checking the background of the researcher who reported the resultb.reproducing the result in other labsc.checking the calculations to be sure they are correctd.reading journals to see if anyone else agrees with the results____3.What makes a hypothesis testable?a.if it is based on accurate observationsb.if an experiment can be designed to test itc.if it contains an opinion that other scientists shared.if it is based on a theory accepted by many scientists____4.Which of the following is untrue and therefore NOT a reason for scientists to wait to revise a theory based on inconsistent results. Scientists to discuss the changeb.carefully consider the new data to be certain it is not flawedc.see a significant difference in order to change theories based on many experimentsd.confirm and support the new data by other evidence____5.Lisa made a hypothesis that gravity causes all things to fall to the ground. Her sister pointed out that helium balloons move away from the ground. Lisa shoulda.throw out her hypothesis and do a different research projectb.try to find out why helium balloons are different from most objectsc.ignore her sister and keep testing her own hypothesisd.assume that gravity does not affect helium balloons____6.A biologist went into a marshy area to collect water samples that could be tested for possible toxic chemicals. The marsh was known to contain leeches. What kind of safety precautions should the biologist take?a.wear waterproof gloves and sturdy waterproof bootsb.wear safety gogglesc.carry sample containers with lids that can be securely sealedd.carry insect repellant to ward off leeches____7.Sarah designed an experiment and wrote instructions. Which of the following would best test the clarity of the instructions?a.Sarah uses the instructions to conduct the experimentb.One classmate uses the instructions to conduct the experimentc.Two classmates read the instructions about the experimentd.Ten classmates use the instructions to conduct the experiment____8.The pie chart below summarizes the relative amounts of dissolved salts found in a sample of ocean water. Based on the pie chart, which of the following is NOT a valid conclusion?a.Magnesium salts are more than twice as common as sulfur saltsb.The ocean tastes salty because the most abundant dissolved solid is sodium chloridec.The dissolved sodium chloride found in the sample is a different compound than the sodium chloride used in cookingd.Because there is a greater amount of chlorine in the sample than sodium, there must be additional sources of chlorine in the environment besides the compound sodium chloride____9.Mark is investigating the properties of rocks. His hypothesis is that all rocks are very hard. What observation might cause him to revise his hypothesis?a.A piece of quartzite is clear and colorlessb.A piece of granite did not break when he struck it with a hammerc.Mark can crumble a piece of shale in his handd.A piece of pumice floats on water____10.Which term below best describes a hypothesis?a.the result of an experimentb.a well-tested explanation for why something happensc.a random guess about what causes somethingd.a possible explanation of an observation or result____11.Which of the following is NOT a testable hypothesis?a.Nonliving things do not grow and developb.Lipids do not mix with waterc.Plant cells contain DNAd.Dogs are better than catsUse the information below to answer questions belowScientific investigations are a continual process. When the results of an experiment are reported, they are reviewed and compared to existing theories. Even after results are reviewed and accepted by the scientific community for publication, the investigation of the topic may not be finished. New evidence may become available. The scientist may change the hypothesis based on the new evidence. In other cases, the scientist may have more questions that arise from the original evidence. New information constantly challenges theories that exist. In the process, scientific knowledge grows. Each advance leads to new questions, new experiments, and sometimes, new theories. For example, in the midtwentieth century, scientists discovered that magnetic rocks on the sea floor are oriented in alternating directions. This discovery showed that Earth’s magnetic poles are not fixed. The north and south poles reverse periodically. This discovery, once it was confirmed, caused scientists to revise several theories. The fact that the magnetic fields can reverse raised new questions about the nature of Earth’s core. These questions led to new scientific investigations and new theories about Earth’s composition and history. When the alternating stripes of magnetic rock were found, new research was designed to explain the stripes. This research helped confirm that the continents move as the sea floor spreads. The new theory of plate tectonics was developed, based partly on this evidence. Each new discovery leads to new questions. Possible answers to these questions (hypotheses) are studied. These experiments, in turn, lead to new discoveries and new questions.____12.After an investigation, what do scientists do with their results?a.Hide them from other scientistsb.Share them only with their familyc.Put them away for several years to see if they hold municate their results to other scientists____13.In what way is a successful experiment never the final step in a scientific investigation?a.The results may later be proven wrongb.Scientist have to keep investigating so that they have work to doc.The data from an experiment lead to new questions and further investigationd.The experiment is not complete until a new theory is proposed____14.How did the confirmation of magnetic striping on the sea floor lead to new discoveries in plate tectonics?a.The new information helped answer questions about the movement of continentsb.The results proved that Earth’s magnetic field is strong enough to affect rocksc.The reversal of the magnetic poles is the force that drives plate tectonicsd.The discovery helped scientists get new funding to do research in plate tectonicsUse the information below to answer questions belowWhen testing a hypothesis, a scientist’s expectations can affect what he or she actually observes. For this reason, it is important for scientist supported by scientific data, not by opinions. Data that are made up or changed to fit expectations have no value. When possible, scientists will repeat experiments to verify their findings. A hypothesis cannot be examined usefully i n a scientific way without enough data. Just one example is never enough to prove something true. However, one example could prove that something is not true. It is just as important to keep accurate records of data that do not support the hypothesis as records that do support the hypothesis. If the hypothesis is not supported, it will need to be modified. Accurate records guide the scientist and lead to better hypotheses. Clear and accurate records are also needed so that other researchers can repeat an experiment. A single result is never enough support for a hypothesis. For it to be accepted, researchers in another lab must be able to repeat the experiment and obtain the same results. If the record is incomplete, unclear, or inaccurate, repeating the experiment is difficult or impossible. Always write neatly and record data in an organized way. By keeping information organized, tables can help make sure that data are accurate.____15.The total volume shown for Trial 3 on the data table on the previous page appears to be too high. What should the person doing the experiment do about that measurement?a.Ignore it because it is obviously wrongb.Change the value so all the measurements match one anotherc.Keep making measurements until the right one is observed and then record that oned.Record the data that appear to be incorrect and then try to find an explanation____16.It is important that research results are always blue inkb.accurately and clearlyd.unless they are wrong____17.What can you conclude if you perform one test and the results support the hypothesis with which you started?a.The hypothesis is correctb.The data were recorded incorrectlyc.More experiments are needed to confirm the resultd.The hypothesis has become a theory____18.Which is a correct guideline of science?a.Hypotheses may or may not be testableb.Explanations are based on observations, evidence, and testingc.Scientific knowledge does not need peer review and verification before acceptanced.Understandings and/or conclusions will never change with additional empirical data____19.A widely accepted scientific theory needs to be thoroughly revised when it isa.refuted by a hypothesis.c.challenged by scientific data.b.supported by peer review.d.converted into a scientific law.____20.A biology class learns that a larger local highway system is planned, and it wants to predict the effect on local wildflowers along the planned route. When should the flower samples be counted?a.just after year before constructionb.during the constructiond.before and after construction____21.The Internet offers many possibilities for science. What is the most effective way for scientists to use the Internet?a.allowing students to give them feedback on their researchb.allowing the public to alter research results to suit their needsc.staying current with new findings in the scientific communityd.using other scientists’ findings to fill in the weak points to their research____22.Scientific law?and a?scientific theory are similar?in that?botha.are based on what we expect to happen based on natural historyb.describe the events that can be observed in naturec.explain why events and conditions occur as they do in the natural worldd.represent a large amount of scientific investigation and evidence____23.Which of the following is the smallest unit as shown on the metric ruler below?a.centimeterc.millimeterb.kilometerd.hectometer____24.In a scientific experiment, how many independent variables should be tested at the same time?a.nonec.twob.oned.three or more____25.Adam experiments with anole lizards that can change color, depending on their environment. Adam places a green anole lizard on a brown background and a brown anole lizard on a green background. Adam knows that the brown lizard should turn green and the green lizard should turn brown, but neither of the lizards changed color. What may have caused Adam’s results?a.Their color changing may be affected by something else besides the background color, such as fear or temperatureb.They may have to move to the new background on their own rather than being placed therec.They may need more time in which to change colord.The colors of the background may not have been appropriate for these lizards____26.A student named Lu is about to leave the lab area where she has been working with chemicals. What is the last activity she should perform before she leaves the lab area?a.put away her equipmentc.wash the tabletopb.wash her handsd.clean the glassware____27.The picture shows a student reading a graduated cylinder. Which change would help ensure that a more accurate measurement is made?a.The student should be seated.b.The cylinder should be held with two hands.c.The student should be wearing insulated gloves.d.The cylinder should be on a flat surface.____28.The graph shows the results of a restocking program in which shrimp raised on a shrimp farm are released into the wild. If this trend continues, about how many metric tons of shrimp will be released in 1999?a.12c.14b.13d.15____29.The chart shows the range of numbers of nucleotides among species of different groups of plants. Which of these groups has the largest range of nucleotide numbers among its species?a.Bryophyta (mosses and liverworts)c.Gymnospermae (cedars and pines)b.Lycopsida (club mosses)d.Pteropsida (ferns)____30.If this trend continues, how many nesting pairs of purple martins will there be in the colony by the end of the fourth week?a.15c.17b.16d.18____31.The chart shows the types of invertebrates often consumed each night by a pallid bat. Which graph best represents these data?a.c.b.d.____32.The graph shows the growth of a Daphnia population in a 420-liter aquarium. According to these data, what was the approximate Daphnia population by the end of the second day?a.40c.80b.60d.100____33.These data support the hypothesis that a planarian moves away from a.plantsc.rocksb.lightd.food____34.According to these data, what is the average growth rate for this type of brown algae?a.6 cm/dayc.8 cm/dayb.7 cm/dayd.9 cm/day____35.According to this information, the sex of developing sea turtles is determined by —a.clutch sizec.available seawaterb.incubation temperatured.sand composition____36.The pictures show the fields of view during low and high magnifications. How much greater is the high-power magnification than the low-power magnification?a.x1c.x10b.x5d.x20____37.The chart shows a few characteristics of craniums from selected early hominids. Which of these graphs best shows the relationship between the brain cavities of these craniums?a.b.c.d.____38.Which of these experimental setups would be the first step in determining whether earthworms choose a wet environment or a dry environment?a.Fc.Hb.Gd.J____39.The graph shows the relationship between environmental temperature and the pumping rate of an earthworm’s aortic arches. If this trend continues, what will most likely be the earthworm’s pumping rate at an environmental temperature of 12°C?a.7 beats per minutec.9 beats per minuteb.8 beats per minuted.10 beats per minute____40.Which question is this apparatus most likely designed to answer?a.Does atmospheric pressure affect transpiration?b.Does gravity affect the direction of plant growth?c.Does turgor pressure affect the absorption of water?d.Does absorbed light increase the environmental temperature?____41.What is the approximate height of this mushroom?a.45 mmc.53 mmb.49 mmd.57 mm____42.The chart shows the types of organisms found in 100 mL of pond water. Which graph is the best representation of these data?a.c.b.d.____43.Male collared lizards are larger than females. According to the pictures above, the difference in length between the male and the female collared lizard when measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail is approximately —a.3 cmc.12 cmb.8 cmd.15 cm____44.According to this chart, there seems to be a relationship between the average number of offspring per species and the species’s —a.average adult massc.average number of predatory speciesb.body coveringd.body shading____45.The diagram shows a standard technique for dispensing liquid in a laboratory. What is the main reason that liquid should be dispensed from a reagent bottle in this manner?a.The liquid is slowly heated by frictionb.The liquid’s increased surface area absorbs more oxygenc.The stirring rod keeps the liquid from splashingd.The beaker causes liquids of different densities to form layers____46.The picture shows how a solution can be dispensed by a pipette. How much solution was released by this pipette?a.0.01 mLc.0.14 mLb.0.12 mLd.0.23 mL____47.The chart shows the storage compatibility of a few chemicals. According to this chart, which pair of chemicals can be safely stored together?a.Vinyl acetate and aminesc.Sulfuric acid and ammoniab.Nitric acid and anic acid and ketones____48.Which statement is an example of a hypothesis?a.All living things are composed of cellsb.If fertilizer is given to plants, then those plants will grow faster than plants not given fertilizerc.Based on this study, children who attend daycare have better test scores in elementary schoold.Because plants have two different alleles, they can produce two different types of gametes____49.Which statement about theories is true when the theory is being discussed in general conversation as compared to one that is considered a scientific theory?a.A general conversation theory is a guess or a hunch.b.A general conversation theory is held with a high degree of confidence.c.A general conversation theory is a set of universal statements that explains some aspect of the natural world.d.A general conversation theory is supported by enough physical evidence to make its abandonment unlikely.____50.Which data set would be most appropriately represented by a line graph? showing all the different uses of detailing the temperature of a certain region over a three-month showing the number of students in biology class with red, blonde, and brown showing the number of students who visited the doctor in the past month, broken down by age____51.A scientific experiment is conducted to determine the effects of different levels of caffeine on exercise performance. In this experiment, what are the levels of caffeine?a.the controlc.the dependent variableb.the summary statisticd.the independent variable____52.Which is the best description of a scientific law?a.a statement that identifies a specific opinionb.a statement that describes a pattern observed in naturec.a statement that explains why events will sometimes occurd.a statement that provides a clear prediction that can be tested through observation____53.Patients with a specific medical condition have been provided with a new device that helps them manage their condition. The patients will be required to participate in a survey regarding the usefulness of these devices. How can the manufacturer be certain that no bias enters into the surveys? paying the patients for their waiting until the survey is completed to sell the having a second, independent party conduct the providing a toll-free number in case there are questions about the devices____54.Which technological advance has increased the exchange of scientific knowledge the most around the world?a.the Internetc.the laptop computerb.the microscoped.the handheld calculator____55.a.b.c.d.____56.Which sentence best states the importance of using control groups?a.Control groups provide a method by which statistical variability can be reducedb.Control groups eliminate the need for statistical tests and simplify calculationsc.Control groups allow comparison between subjects receiving a treatment and those receiving no treatmentd.Control groups eliminate the need for large sample sizes, reducing the number of measurements needed____57.The hypothesis best supported by this graph is that these beetles are most active when the area is —a.wettest from dewc.coolest with some sunlightb.richest in oxygen from predators____58.In 1928, the scientist Alexander Fleming was trying to grow the bacterium Staphylococcus, and by chance, discovered that it would not grow in the presence of a mold that he named Penicillium. In 1939, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey purified penicillin, and in 1941, penicillin was first used to treat bacterial diseases. In 1945, Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain, and Howard Florey received the Nobel Prize in medicine for the discovery and isolation of penicillin. These facts show that —a.whenever possible, the Nobel Prize should be given to more than one personb.Florey and Chain unfairly used Fleming’s work and should not have received the Nobel Prizec.scientific progress often requires the efforts of many people working togetherd.chance plays no role in scientific discoveries____59.a.found before a firec.placed in a fireb.germinated after a fired.tolerant of fire____60.A student wanted to study the effect of temperature on algae levels in a local stream. Which items are most useful for gathering data and most appropriate for communicating the results of her observations?a.pH strips and written observations of stream waterb.Test tubes, thermometers, and graphs of resultsc.Research on the Internet and videotapes of water samplesd.Microscopes and written descriptions of weather patterns____61.a.Her measurements would lack precisionb.Her measurements would be too low for less dense liquidsc.Her measurements would be very accurated.Her measurements would be too high____62.a.b.c.d.____63.a.c.b.d.____64.a.b.c.d.____65.a.b.c.d.____66.a.c.b.d.____67.a.b.c.d.____68.a.c.b.d.____69.a.c.b.d.____70.a.b.c.d.____71.a.c.b.d.____72.a.c.b.d.____73.a.c.b.d.____74.a.b.c.d.____75.a.b.c.d.____76.a.b.c.d.____77.a.c.b.d.____78.A student constructs several terrariums like the one shown. Each terrarium is exposed to a different amount of sunlight each day. In order to determine the ideal amount of sunlight, which of the following variables must be held constant?a.Type of plantsc.Wavelengths of sunlightb.Growth rate of plantsd.Amount of sunlight received____79.As part of an experiment to measure decomposition rates of different materials, students put food scraps from the cafeteria in compost bin A and leaves and grass clippings in compost bin B for six weeks. Students in first measured the temperature in bin A, and students in sixth period measured the temperature in bin B. What is the greatest error in the students’ experimental design?a.There are too many uncontrolled variables in the experiment.b.Temperature is the only dependent variable in the experiment.c.The materials chosen decompose too rapidly.d.The students put equal masses of materials in each bin.____80.Scientists are using genetic engineering to develop a wheat crop that is resistant to a particular kind of moth. How would they determine if the plants are moth-resistant?a.Determine the length of the moth reproductive cycle in normal wheat.b.Determine whether moths in test wheat can be controlled with chemical sprays.c.Monitor numbers of moth species infesting normal wheat.d.Monitor moth populations in fields planted with test and normal wheat.____81.The diagram shows a setup for a plant investigation. Which variable is most likely being tested?a.Hours of light exposurec.Soil volumeb.Plant speciesd.Soil pH____82.A student hypothesizes that green algae will grow fastest when exposed to blue light. To test this hypothesis, the student should design an experiment with which independent variable?a.Color of algaeb.Rate of algae growthc.Color of light that algae are exposed tod.Amount of time per day that algae are exposed to light____83.The graphs show the results of two separate experiments on the same species of plant. Students now want to determine how the use of rainwater or bottled water affects the growth of this plant. Which conditions should be used for optimal growth as the two water types are tested?a.20°C, 10 mL/dayc.30°C, 45 mL/dayb.25°C, 35 mL/dayd.35°C, 20 mL/day____84.A scientist develops a hypothesis, designs an experiment, and obtains data that support her hypothesis. Which of the following best describes when a hypothesis becomes a theory?a.When one good set of scientific data supports a theoryb.When the official scientific method is followedc.When a website is created to display the theoryd.When it is supported by consistent data from many experimental trials____85.How could Mike and Kelsey be more certain the results of their experiment are reliable?a.Test the reaction with other acidities of potato juice.b.Repeat the experiment the same way.c.Increase the volume of potato juice.d.Use a different type of plant juice.____86.What did Mike and Kelsey do to make the results of their experiment valid?a.Recorded the volume of foam in milliliters.b.Calculated the average volume of foam for each acidity.c.Measured the volume of foam at each acidity three times.d.Waited three minutes before measuring the volume of foam.____87.Based on your knowledge of scientific investigations, which stage of scientific investigation did the invention of the microscope significantly advance?municating the results of experimentationb.Gathering the data for the investigationc.Generating explanations of phenomenad.Planning the investigation and experimentation____88.Which of the following is the smallest unit as shown on the metric ruler below?a.centimeterc.millimeterb.kilometerd.hectometer____89.A scientist performs an experiment to see if acids have an effect on the health of a particular type of plant. Three sets of plants were treated with acidic solutions of known pH while the control set was treated with a solution of neutral pH 7.Which is the best conclusion for this experiment?a.Acid has no effect on the health of this type of plantb.High acidity is helpful to this type of plantc.Low acidity is harmful to this type of plantd.High acidity is harmful to this type of plant____90.The information was collected in the field while studying the effect of pH on the growth of the duckweed plant. The data shows that duckweed has optimum growth at a pH of a.4c.8b.6d.12____91.Which of these graph axes would be best to use to analyze these data?a.c.b.d.____92.What percent of this fertilizer has compounds containing potassium (K)?a.0.2%c.6.0%b.4.0%d.10.0%____93.All of these characterize most laboratory accidents EXCEPT —a.Carelessnessc.inappropriate behaviorb.lack of attentiond.reduced risk-taking____94.The chart shows the number of tomatoes produced by branches of different lengths. Which graph best represents these data?a.c.b.d.____95.The chart shows the periodic increases in the percent of open sunflower blossoms found in a meadow. If this trend continues, what percent of the sunflowers will have open blossoms by 6:00 P.M. on the second day?a.75%c.90%b.85%d.70%d,d. ____96.The graph shows the growth curves of a healthy plant and a plant infected with a fungus. If this trend continues, what will be the mass of the plant infected with the fungus at 12 months?a.10 kgc.12 kgb.11 kgd.13 kg____97.The chart shows the average change in mass of some frogs during a period of estivation. If this trend continues, what will be the average mass of the frogs by the twelfth week of estivation?a.424 gc.20 gb.422 gd.418 g____98.a.b.c.d.____99.a.b.c.d.____100.The picture shows a coverslip correctly being lowered onto a slide. This method is used because it —a.allows microorganisms to move freely in the waterb.reduces the possibility of air bubbles on the slidec.prevents the escape of microorganisms found in the waterd.prevents the coverslip from moving____101.According to the table, which graph below illustrates the calories used for 1 hour of jogging followed by 2 hours of walking?a.c.b.d.____102.a.The plants were grown at variable temperaturesb.A control without fertilizer was included for each plantc.A fifth fertilizer was testedd.Only one plant was tested____103.A student wants to view cells under the compound microscope at a total magnification of 400X. If the eyepiece is 10X, which of the following objective lenses should be used?a.40Xc.100Xb.10Xd.4X____104.a.c.b.d.____105.a.4c.3b.2d.1____106.a.c.b.d.____107.a.c.b.d.____108.a.b.c.d.____109.a.b.c.d.____110.a.c.b.d.____111.a.c.b.d.____112.a.c.b.d.____113.a.b.c.d.____114.a.b.c.d.____115.a.c.b.d.____116.a.c.b.d.____117.a.b.c.d.____118.a.c.b.d.____119.a.b.c.d.____120.a.b.c.d.____121.If a student needs to do research on heredity for a science project, which of these sources is the most reliable resource?a.A newspaper tabloidc.A weekly news magazineb.A national newspaperd.A professional journal____122.Theory A is a well-established scientific theory. One hypothesis that could refute this theory is successfully tested over many experiments. What action must be taken for this hypothesis to pose a legitimate challenge to Theory A?a.collecting empirical datac.forming a question for an investigationb.publishing data for peer reviewd.turning the hypothesis into scientific law____123.Which field of biology has the fewest educational requirements?a.lab technicianc.genetics professord.biomedical engineer____124.When scientists use human tissue samples for experiments, they are required to respect the rights and welfare of their human subjects. One way to do this is bya.strictly following the scientific method during the experiment.b.ensuring that the experiment results will greatly benefit humanity.c.obtaining informed consent from the subjects before taking the samples.d.making public the names of the subjects and the data they obtained from them.____125.A hypothesis and a theory are related becausea.a theory is always used to develop a hypothesisb.they are both developed in the absence of observationsc.the data collected when a hypothesis is tested can support a experiment is done before the formation of both a hypothesis and a theory____126.The data in the table below were collected for three plants that were fertilized at the beginning of an experiment. Height of Fertilized PlantsDayHeight (cm)Plant 1Plant 2Plant 311012105202015929333113394141What was the total growth of Plant 2 over the 13-day experiment?a.26 cmc.29 cmb.27 cmd.41 cm____127.A biology class conducted an experiment using five plants. The first plant received only water. The remaining plants received varying amounts of a liquid fertilizer added to their water. The class wanted to know which plant would show the greatest amount of growth. What is the control in this experiment?a.using two plantsc.measuring plant one plant one plant water with fertilizer____128.An archeological dig site is most likely the working environment of which kind of biologist?a.ecologistc.paleontologistb.geneticistd.molecular biologist____129.The steps shown below will be taken by a student when planning a science fair project.At which part of the process should the student identify and develop specific safety procedures?a.Observationc.Design Experimentb.Make Predictionsd.Propose Hypothesis____130.Which science term represents a tested explanation of a natural phenomenon?a.lawc.hypothesisb.theoryd.inference____131.During a lab investigation, a container is heated on a hot plate. Which is the safest way to check to see if the container is cool enough to be picked up?a.Unplug the hot plate using tongsb.Use the wafting technique to sense temperaturec.Splash cold water on the container before handlingd.Hold the back of one hand close to the container to sense the heat____132.Which describes the difference between pure science and applied science?a.Pure science attempts to solve practical problems.b.Applied science attempts to solve practical problems.c.Engineering would be an example of pure science.d.Basic cell research would be an example of applied science.____133.Why is it important to design experiments that can be reproduced? manipulate the control all of the produce favorable ensure reliability of the conclusions____134.What could cause a scientific theory to be changed? analysis on the most recent investigationb.discovery of flaws in the original data collectionc.a presentation of current thoughts by leading scientistsd.a documentary produced and distributed by a scientific organization____135.Laboratory instructions require students to assemble a measuring device containing many small parts and springs. Which piece of safety equipment would be required in this investigation?a.apronc.lab glasses____136.A student is asked to conduct an experiment related to animal behavior. Which question about animal behavior can be scientifically tested by the student?a.What is a cat’s favorite scent?b.How does a pill bug react to physical contact?c.Why do parakeets mimic voices?d.Why do earthworms move away from light?____137.Which conclusion is best supported by the data?a.The incidence of breast cancer increases with a woman’s age and peaks at ages 75–79b.No one over 85 years old gets breast cancerc.Only women get breast cancerd.No one under 25 years old needs to be screened for breast cancer____138.The greatest difference between the incidence of measles and the incidence of bacterial pneumonia oc-curred ina.1940c.1960b.1950d.1970____139.To investigate selective pressures on fish populations, researchers set up three identical tanks, labeled X, Y, and Z. Each tank contained 1000 fish of the same species. Before the fish reproduced each generation, the researchers removed fish from some of the tanks. The graph below shows the changes in the mean weight of the fish in each tank over four generations. Based on the graph, what did the researchers most likely do to tank Z each generation?a.The researchers removed the 900 smallest fish.b.The researchers removed the 900 largest fish.c.The researchers removed 900 fish at random.d.The researchers removed none of the fish.____140.The table below shows the approximate amounts of nitrogen fixed per year by various processes worldwide.Based on the data, which of the following conclusions can be made?a.Aquatic ecosystems are more nitrogen-rich than terrestrial ecosystems.b.Forests and nonagricultural land need more nitrogen than agricultural land needs.c.The global nitrogen cycle would be relatively unaffected if no fixation occurred by industrial processes.d.The amount of nitrogen fixed by biological processes is more than two times the amount fixed by nonbiological processes.____141.A bird-watcher records the movement of migrating birds. In which part of the scientific process is the bird-watcher participating?a.controlling variablesc.observingb.experimentingd.hypothesizing____142.A scientist set up two glass fish tanks. She put 5 L of water, a small fish, and several plants in each tank. She then sealed the tops of both tanks so that no air could leave or enter. Tank A was placed in bright light. Tank B was placed in a dark room. After 45 hours, the fish in the tank that was kept in darkness died. The fish in the brightly lit tank remained healthy for more than 96 hours.Based on the results of the experiment described above, what conclusion can you draw about the relationship between the tank conditions and the organisms that live within the tank?a.Fish cannot survive in an overcrowded tank.b.Fish cannot survive in a tank that does not contain plants.c.Fish cannot survive in a plant-filled tank kept in darkness for 45 hours.d.Fish cannot survive in a plant-filled tank that has been sealed so that no air can leave or enter.____143.Lamont conducted an investigation of four ant piles to see whether the amount of sunlight they got affected their activity. One ant pile was located in a sunny area, one ant pile was in a shady area, and the other two ant piles were in partly shaded areas. After five days, he noticed that the ant pile in the shady area had no ants. Which of the following statements BEST describes what Lamont should do?a.He should stop observing that ant pile because it no longer pertains to his investigation.b.He should revise his hypothesis and begin a new investigation omitting the shaded ant pile.c.He should make a note of the date and time that he noticed no activity in the shaded ant pile.d.He should remove the object that is shading that ant pile so that it will receive more sunlight____144.A field ecologist wants to determine the interactions of various populations of organisms living in a large grassland field. Which method is best for conducting this study? with local farmers about the diversity of organisms in the fieldb.dividing the field in half, walking over it, counting organisms, and then doubling the numbersc.walking over the entire field, collecting the organisms, and then compiling a totald.observing the behaviors of different types of organisms several times during the year____145.Biology is the study ofa.sciencec.lifeb.moleculesd.animals____146.To observe a skin cell through a microscope at its highest magnification, you should firsta.use the coarse adjustment and the lowest power lens to focus and then switch to the highest power lensb.use the highest magnification and the fine adjustment until the object is in focusc.use the fine adjustment and lowest power lens to focus the object and then switch to the highest power lensd.use the highest power and the coarse adjustment until the object is in focus____147.Aida is planning a field investigation to compare the numbers of insects and spiders in a one square-meter area she has marked outdoors. Aida knows that insects make up the largest group of arthropods. Which would be the MOST accurate prediction for Aida to make before she starts her investigation?a.The marked area will contain more spiders than insects.b.The marked area will contain equal numbers of insects and spiders.c.The marked area will contain more insects than spiders.d.The marked area will contain more centipedes and millipedes than insects and spiders.____148.Every year, monarch butterflies travel thousands of miles from their summer homes in northern states and Canada to wintering spots in Mexico and southern California. In spring, they make the journey back again. However, the butterflies die before they reach their northern homes. New butterflies, hatched from eggs laid by migrating monarchs, complete the journey. A scientist wanted to know how the new butterflies found their way to their northern homes if they had never been there before. Which of the following is NOT a testable hypothesis about monarch migratory behavior?a.Monarchs follow routes that have many milkweed plantsb.Monarchs are prettier than other types of butterfliesc.Monarchs can sense Earth’s magnetic fieldd.Monarchs can smell the remains of the last season’s dead monarchs____149.A sample of digestive juice was removed from the stomach of a pig. The juice was placed in a test tube, along with some grains of wheat. A second, identical test tube that contained an equal number of wheat grains was set up. However, pure water was used rather than digestive juice. The test tubes were kept at 40°C, which is about the temperature inside a pig’s stomach. After eight hours, the grains of wheat in the digestive juice had broken apart into tiny particles. The grains of wheat in the water were wet but were otherwise unchanged. What was the dependent variable in this experiment?a.temperaturec.the liquid in the test tubeb.wheat grainsd.pig physiology____150.A scientist wants to determine how water temperature affects the development of fish eggs. Which of the following would be an appropriate control group for such an experiment?a.Ice is added to the water of one group of fish eggs and the tank is coveredb.One group of fish eggs and water is placed in a sunny windowc.The water of one group of fish eggs is kept at the same temperature as would be found in natured.The water of one group of fish eggs is kept at the same temperature as would be found in nature and the tank is covered____151.A student conducted an experiment that investigated how light affects the growth rates of plants.In the illustration above, how many centimeters (to the closest 0.1 cm) taller is the plant on the right than the plant onthe left?a.0.3 cmc.1 cmb.0.5 cmd.5 cm____152.Which of the following would be an appropriate safety procedure when working in the laboratory?a.wearing safety goggles when pouring an acidic substanceb.tasting a chemical to determine if it is metallicc.placing a microscope near the edge of the table to get a better viewd.taking shortcuts in a laboratory procedure to save time____153.Jonathan marked off a square-meter area on a rocky beach. He then counted the number of sea urchins, starfish, and mussels living in the area. He wants to show the results of his investigation in a visual display. Which of the following is the BEST way for Jonathan to compare the numbers of different animals on the beach?a.a concept mapc.a line graphb.a flow chartd.a bar graph____154.A biologist wanted to determine why there was a decline in the number of salamanders. Based on his observations, he suggested that acid rain might be responsible. What would scientists call his suggestion?a.a conclusionc.a theoryb.a hypothesisd.a scientific “truth”____155.Which of the following hypotheses is testable?a.Snails eat less food when their environment is dry.b.Snails have thoughts similar to that of earthworms.c.Snails become depressed when their environment is dry.d.Snails will evolve into organisms that only live in dry environments.____156.Which of the following accurately describes a control group?a.It requires a lead scientist who controls a group of scientists conducting an experiment.b.It is always registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).c.It is the group in an experiment that receives no experimental treatment.d.It provides the answer to a problem posed by a theory.____157.A hypothesis states that taking drugs known as “gateway drugs,” which include nicotine and marijuana, could make an individual more likely to use stronger illegal drugs. To test this idea, a group of researchers divided young rats into two groups. For one week, they injected one group with saline (salt solution) and the other group with methylphenidate (MP). MP, which is used to treat attention disorders, is in the same class of drugs as cocaine and is considered a gateway drug. The researchers then inserted catheters in the rats so that as adults they could self-administer very low doses of cocaine with a pump by poking their heads into one of two holes. To be sure the animals were not randomly selecting cocaine, the researchers designed the experiment so that only one hole would produce a dose of cocaine. The researchers created the graph in Figure 1 to illustrate the results of the experiment over a five-day period. On the graph, Sal represents saline.Based on the graph, what would be an accurate statement regarding the effect of pretreatment with MP?a.Animals pretreated with MP were less likely to self-administer cocaine.b.Animals pretreated with MP were more likely to self-administer cocaine.c.Animals pretreated with MP self-administered the same amount of cocaine as control animals.d.Animals pretreated with MP did not self-administer cocaine.____158.Three bodies were found at what appeared to be the same crime scene. Police used yellow tape to block off the area. Crime scene investigators arrived to take pictures and collect evidence of fingerprints and bloodstains and to look for other evidence, such as tire tracks, footprints, and bullet holes.It was 11:00 p.m. when pathologists from the coroner’s lab began their examinations to estimate time of death. Body #1 and body #2 showed the beginning signs of rigor mortis and some red blotches on the skin, and the temperature of the bodies was 92°F. Use the chart to predict the time at which the coroner’s office estimated the deaths happened.a.between 6:00 PM. and 8:00 PMc.between 8:00 PM and 10:00 PMb.between 5:00 PM and 6:00 exactly 7:00 PM____159.Based on the information in the table below, which of the following is NOT a valid conclusion about carbon dioxide emissions?U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emissions* fromFossil Fuel Energy ConsumptionEnergy Sector199719981999Residential289289290Commercial241244244Industrial490480481Transportation474482496Total149314951511*Emissions are given in millions of metric tons of carbon.a.Carbon dioxide emissions increased each year from 1997 to 1999.b.The commercial energy sector is the smallest source of emissions.c.Total carbon dioxide emissions have always exceeded 1500 million metric tons of carbon.d.The transportation and industrial energy sectors are the largest____160.In a controlled experiment,a.a control group is compared with one or more experimental groupsb.there are at least two variablesc.all factors should be differentd.a variable is not needed____161.A scientist conducted an experiment to see how exposing turtle eggs to different conditions affects whether they produce male or female turtles. She organizes her results in the table below.Light exposureTemperatureResulting turtlessunlight25.0?C100% malesshade28.5?C50% males and 50% femalescomplete darkness30.0?C100% femalesBased on the data in the table, which of the following statements is true?a.A valid conclusion can’t be drawn because none of the variables changed.b.A valid conclusion can’t be drawn because too many of the variables changed.c.A valid conclusion is that as temperature increases, number of males born increases.d.A valid conclusion is that as temperature increases, number of females born increases.____162.This graph shows the volume of water flowing in the Yakima River during a 12-month periodWhich conclusion would be supported by the data?a.The water is warmest in late summer.b.The amount of water in the river increases in spring.c.There is more rain in spring.d.The flow decreases in winter because wind patterns change.____163.A student measured the temperature outside her classroom every hour starting at 9:00 A.M. and ending at 3:00 P.M. Her measurements are given in the table below.TimeTemperature9:0025°C10:0026°C11:0028°C12:0029°C1:0029°C2:0029°C3:0027°CThis student wanted to grow a culture of yeast. The optimal temperature for the yeast growth is between 27°C and 31°C. It takes five hours for the yeast to grow. When should the student begin her culture? 9:00c.after 11:00b.before 10:00d.any time between 9:00 and 11:00____164.Why would a scientist make a note in her lab report procedure of the particular brand of equipment she is using in an experiment?a.The equipment might break and she will have to buy a new one to replace itb.The company that sold her the equipment might give her money for advertisingc.By claiming that brand, she prevents other scientists from using it in their studiesd.That particular brand of equipment might have an effect on the results of the experiment____165.What happens if it is unclear whether new data show a significant difference from an accepted theory?a.The new data are ignored.b.The results are not published in journals until they can be repeated.c.The theory is modified just in case the data is reliable.d.Scientists try to design other experiments to test the new information.Salmonberry PlantsDirections: Use the following information to answer questions belowSalmonberry plants can be found all along the Pacific coast. Salmonberry plants are a food source for many animals in Pacific coast ecosystems including hummingbirds, deer, and bear. Scientists conducted a field study to learn about salmonberry plant populations in different habitats in Washington.Field Study Question: How does the salmonberry plant population vary by habitat?Procedure:1.Go to the salmonberry field study area. Record location, date, time, and temperature. 2.Choose a random location in the forest edge habitat. 3.Measure a 5-meter-by-5-meter plot and label as Plot 1. 4.Count the number of salmonberry plants in Plot 1. Record as Plot 1 for the forest edge habitat. 5.Repeat steps 2 through 4 for Plot 2 and Plot 3, choosing a new location in the forest edge habitat for each plot. 6.Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the stream bank and forest habitats. 7.Calculate and record the average number of salmonberry plants for each habitat. Data Collected:Location: Forest edge, stream bank, and forest habitatsDate and Time: May 1, from 11:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M.Temperature: 10° C to 15° C____166.How could the validity of this field study be improved?a.Use a fourth habitat type in the field study.b.Count the number of trees in the field study area.c.Use three 1-meter-by-1-meter plots in each habitat.d.Count the salmonberry plants in four plots at each habitat.____167.Scientists wondered how the presence of the new type of grass could affect the population of salmonberry plants in a forest ecosystem. What kind of investigation would be most appropriate to answer this question?a.A field study because factors that are hard to control could influence the resultsb.A research paper because information is available about many kinds of plantsc.A controlled experiment because all the variables can be kept the samed.A simulation because computers are more reliable than natural systemsFoaming SpudsDirections: Use the following information to answer questions belowMike and Kelsey were studying how hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in cells breaks down to form water and oxygen. When this reaction happens, bubbles of oxygen gas are released, producing foam. This reaction is described as follows:A protein named catalase, found in all cells including potatoes, increases the rate of this reaction. Mike and Kelsey used potato juice as the source of catalase to do the following controlled experiment.Question: What is the effect of the acidity of potato juice on the volume of foam produced when hydrogen peroxide is added to potato juice?Prediction: As the acidity of potato juice decreases (higher pH), the volume of foam will increase.Materials:?graduated cylinders labeled pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and pH 9 potato juice from the same potato,?divided and adjusted to four acidities: pH 6, pH 7, pH 8, and pH 9 hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)?beaker stopwatch stirring rods thermometerControlled Experiment SetupProcedure:1.Label four graduated cylinders, one for each acidity. 2.Put 10 milliliters of potato juice at pH 6 in the appropriately labeled cylinder. 3.Do the same for each of the other cylinders. 4.Monitor the room temperature to make sure the temperature remains the same throughout the investigation. 5.Add 5 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide to each graduated cylinder, stir for two seconds. Wait three minutes. 6.Measure and record the volume of foam in each graduated cylinder as Trial 1. 7.Clean all graduated cylinders and stirring rods. 8.Repeat steps 1 through 7 two times for Trials 2 and 3. 9.Calculate and record the average volume of foam for each acidity of potato juice. Data:Acidity of Potato Juice(pH)Volume of Foam(milliliters)Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3Average622252524732383635841424242932293030____168.A scientific study concluded that plants with red flowers are less likely to die in drought situations. Which statement about the study would be a reason for this conclusion to be biased?a.All plants received the same amount of rain waterb.Many different types of plants were tested in the studyc.Each plant’s growth was recorded at the same time every dayd.Plants with red flowers were given more fertilizer than plants with other color flowers____169.A student is performing an investigation of the effects of fire on pine seedlings in a forest. The student conducts a study of ten plots that are burned annually. What is an appropriate control for this experiment?a.ten plowed plotsc.ten unburned plotsb.ten cleared plotsd.ten herbicide-treated plots ................

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