UNIT #15236

APO AP 96271-5236

EACG (400)

DEC 18 2020

MEMORANDUM FOR All Eighth Army Soldiers and Civilian Employees

SUBJECT: Eighth Army Command Policy Letter #26, Single Enlisted Soldiers' Living Standards for the Barracks

1. References:

a. Army Regulation (AR) 600-20, Army Command Policy, 24 July 2020.

b. AR 420-1, Army Facilities Management, 12 February 2008 (Rapid Action Revision (RAR) Issue Date 24 August 2012).

2. Purpose. To establish rules and procedures to govern command teams as they oversee the living conditions of barracks-housed Soldiers.

3. Applicability. This policy is applicable to all Battalion and Squadron Level commands subordinate to Eighth Army. This policy letter supersedes all previous SA barracks policy letters. It remains in effect until rescinded or superseded.

4. Punitive Action. Violations of subparagraph 5.h. of this policy may result in adverse administration action pursuant to Army regulation(s) and/ or disciplinary action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. No other subparagraphs of this policy are intended to be punitive unless so designated in a different regulation or policy.

5. General.

a. Commanders have inherent authority over the barracks and are responsible for enforcing standards to ensure a safe, secure, clean, pleasant, and functional living environment.

b. Commanders have the full authority to conduct health and welfare inspections. Commanders may enter rooms and authorize unit leaders to enter rooms on their behalf. Commanders and leaders will check rooms and common areas as necessary to enforce standards and cleanliness, guarantee safety and security, and identify maintenance shortfalls. The frequency of checks is the prerogative of Commanders based on the demonstrated performance, behavior, and hygiene habits of each Soldier and the condition of the existing facilities.

c. Barracks Supervision. It is mandatory that each subordinate maintains a

EACG (400) SUBJE CT: Eighth Army Command Policy Letter #26, Single Enlisted Soldiers' Living Standards for the Barracks

standard operating procedure for the Charge of Quarters (CO) and Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer (SDNCO). Each building will have a SDNCO and CO. Each company, troop, or battery-sized unit will maintain a CQ during off-duty hours. Units that share barracks space or have Soldiers in multiple buildings may coordinate with other units to share CO duties in order to foster force protection and ensure a command presence by maintaining at least one CO in every barracks building during off-duty hours.

d. Floor NCOs. Commands will identify an NCO who resides in the barracks (for each floor) to serve as the barracks supervisor who will monitor issues within the barracks to ensure that provisions of this policy are followed. They will assist the CO and the SDNCO by periodically checking areas of concern and report anything unusual to the CO.

e. Barracks Council. Battalion or Squadron level commands will establish a barracks council that is comprised of the floor NCOs and junior Soldiers who reside in the barracks. The number or personnel on the council and per floor are at the discretion of the Commander. The command teams will meet quarterly with the barracks council to identify and address issues within the barracks.

f. Senior Leader Patrol. Establish regular command checks beginning on the date this policy is signed. Command checks will be performed every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night as well as the night before a Training Holiday. The checks will be executed during off duty hours, both before and after midnight with no less than two hours of separation between PM and AM checks.

(1) Responsibilities: Units that maintain Single Soldier Barracks will identify a team of two Senior Leaders (Platoon Sergeant/ Platoon Leader for example) who will perform a minimum of one PM and one AM check of all unit-assigned barracks during the command-check period. The Senior Leaders will sign in at the Staff Duty prior to and after performing the checks. They will annotate comments in the Staff Duty log upon completing the command check.

(2) Personnel: Senior Leaders are identified as (but not limited to) Sergeant First Class (or Staff Sergeants in a Sergeant First Class Position) and above. It is optional and encouraged for the Senior Leader patrol to be accompanied by NCOs of lesser rank in order to mentor or teach the NCOs how to enforce standards.

(3) Scope: This Senior Leader patrol does not replace the normal Leader's checks that ALL leaders must do daily; instead, it augments those checks and provides the framework to ensure that good order and discipline in the Barracks are paramount.


EACG (400) SUB JECT: Eighth Army Command Policy Letter #26, Single Enlisted Soldiers' Living Standards for the Barracks

? Conduct: Leaders will make every effort to ensure that good order and discipline remain paramount throughout the barracks locations. Leaders will utilize their own discretion if a situation (other than alcohol) can be rectified during the check. However, if the situation (based on the leader's experience) is egregious enough the leader will notify the Installation Military Police, their respective Staff Duty, or the Soldier's Chain of Command.

? Safety: Leaders will annotate in the Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log if they identify outer doors unlocked, barracks rooms unlocked, exit signs not lit up, common area light fixtures not working, and any other physical features of the barracks that may be construed as a possible weakness in security. The purpose of annotating the deficiency is for the Chain of Command to correct the deficiencies the next duty day.

(4) Reporting procedures: When an incident occurs in the barracks, units will submit copies of the DA Form 1594 (Daily Staff Journal or Duty Officer's Log) to their next higher headquarters. These Forms will be stored at the MSC level. The identity of who performed the senior leader checks will be annotated as part of the incident summary.

g. Door Placards. Units will mark each exterior barracks room door with a placard (standard color, font, form, material at the discretion of the Commander) that identifies the rank/name of the occupants of the room. This placard will clearly identify if the Soldier is under the age of twenty-one years old (e.g. UNDER 21 YEARS OLD). In addition, the placard will identify the name of the unit the occupants are assigned to and the name of the First Line supervisor. Lastly, the placard will identify if the occupants of the room are Ask, Care, and Escort -Suicide Intervention (ACE-SI) trained (e.g. ACE-SI TRAINED).

h. Supply of Alcohol. Personnel are prohibited from providing alcohol to persons who are prohibited from consuming, possessing, or receiving alcohol. Suppliers of alcohol to under-age drinkers may be held accountable.

i. Alcohol. Keg beer is not authorized in the barracks. Soldiers, who are 21 years of age or older, may possess or drink alcohol in the barracks IAW the Eighth Army Bluebook. Consumption or possession of alcohol by those under age 21 is prohibited by USFK Reg. 27-5, dated 9 July 2015, para. 8-2.c. SDNCOs will actively ensure that those under 21 are not in possession of nor consuming alcoholic beverages, by validating age on servicemember's CAC when entering with alcohol and when visibly consuming aclohol in common areas. No more than one 12 pack (144oz) of beer or two bottles (750ml each) of wine or one (750ml) bottle of liquor in a barracks room at any


EACG (400) SUBJECT: Eighth Army Command Policy Letter #26, Single Enlisted Soldiers' Living Standards for the Barracks

one time. If Commanders detect a problem with a specific Soldier regarding possession and/or consumption of alcohol, tighter controls on amounts of alcohol may be imposed on that Soldier. This will be done in concert with other measures, such as counseling, to help the Soldier. I urge every Soldier who drinks alcohol to do so responsibly.

j. Visitation. Visitors are personnel not assigned to the organization belonging to that barracks. Soldiers may have visitors of either sex in their barracks rooms from 1700 to 2400 on a duty day and from 0800 to 2400 on a non-duty day. Visitors are prohibited during the hours of 0001 to 1700 on duty days and 0001 to 0759 on non-duty days. Visitors must sign in/out at the CO desk. Each visitor will be required to have two forms of photo identification, one for the Visitor Control Center and the second to leave with the Charge of Quarters (CQ). The identification will be a state-issued driver's license, state ID, military ID, university ID, etc. CO will review the visitor log and remaining ID cards beginning at 2345 HRS each night; and will escort all remaining visitors from the building NLT 2400 HRS. Cohabitation is strictly prohibited without an approved exception; there will be no overnight visits in barracks rooms without prior command approval. Roommates must agree on ground rules for visits - who may visit, how often, and for how long. When more than one Soldier resides in a room, rights of privacy take precedence over visitation. Roommates must jointly agree to visitations prior to any visit taking place. Soldiers are responsible for the actions of their visitors and must escort their visitors at all times. Any nonmilitary visitor below the age of 18 and not related to the Soldier must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Commanders or their representatives will remove unescorted visitors from the building. Commanders may discontinue visitation privileges for individual Soldiers for reasons of discipline or military necessity. Commanders may authorize an exception to the visitor policy on a case by case basis for Soldiers who perform their duties in a reverse cycle or swing shift. 0-6 level Commanders, after legal review, may authorize exceptions to policy for married Soldiers living in the single enlisted barracks who request reasonable temporary accommodation from the prohibition against cohabitation.

k. Room Standards. Soldiers may arrange and decorate their rooms within the limits of good taste. Commanders are reminded of their authority and responsibilities in accordance with AR 600-20, to prohibit the display of symbols, flags, posters, or other materials relating to extremist groups or activities in order to ensure good order and discipline in the barracks. Nothing will be displayed that is inappropriate. Examples of inappropriate displays are those that contain nudity, pro-drug messages or depictions, extreme cruelty, inhumane treatment, or values incompatible with normal unit cohesion. Soldiers may have non-government furniture, telephones, civilian blankets, and other comforts. Government furnished appliances for cooking are approved for use in the living quarters; No use of hot plates, electric skillets, space heaters and similar small electrical appliances are permitted in rooms because of their proven high risk for fire and potential for loss of life. DA Form 3234 (Inventory Record) will be completed


EACG (400) SUBJECT: Eighth Army Command Policy Letter #26, Single Enlisted Soldiers' Living Standards for the Barracks

detailing personal property and high value items in the room for each Soldier and updated at a minimum of every six months. All pets are prohibited. Smoking is prohibited to include e-cigarettes (vaping) anywhere in the barracks. Lit candles or any open flames are also prohibited. For safety reasons, Soldiers must keep doors locked when not in use.

I. Common Area Standards. Smoking and vaping is not permitted within 50 feet of any government facility. Soldiers must obtain Public Works' approval through the Soldier's chain of command before making any structural modifications to rooms. Rooms and common areas must comply with health and safety regulations, be free of excess dirt and trash, and will appear neat and orderly. Plumbing, electricity, heating, smoke detectors, fire alarms, doors, and windows must be maintained and serviceable . Soldiers are prohibited from disconnecting, covering or tampering with smoke detectors or any other type of alarm in any manner. Access to doors and fire exits must be unrestricted. Fire exits will be utilized in emergency situations only and will not be propped open.

6. Summary. I want commanders to ensure that Soldiers and leaders understand the intent, spirit, and details of this policy. This policy emphasizes Army values - respect for the dignity of each Soldier and the ability to live and work together as a team. Upholding these values is the spirit of this policy. The chain of command must take an active role in knowing how our Soldiers live, and must be responsible for their well being. We must ensure that each Soldier is treated with dignity and respect; provided clean, wholesome, healthy, and safe living conditions; and afforded privacy and consideration by other Soldiers

7. Proponent. The Eighth Army Command Sergeant Major is the proponent for this policy. Contact the proponent at DSN (315) 755-2301.


WILLARD M. BURLESON Ill Lieutenant General, USA Commanding



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