Class 1 Verb

Preterite Indicative Mood

Uses of the Preterite

Preterite is used to indicate the beginning or the end of an action or event occurring in the past.

|To form Preterite Indicative with regular verbs |-ar |-er/-ir |

| |yo -é nosotros -amos |yo -í nosotros -imos |

| |tú -aste vosotros -asteis |tú -iste vosotros -isteis |

| |Ud. -ó Uds. -aron |Ud. -ió Uds. -ieron |

| |él ellos |él ellos |

| |ella ellas |ella ellas |

Be careful with the following:

1. There are certain verbs that use common endings

|Endings for irregular verbs that follow a pattern | No accents!! | |Endings for caer, creer, incluir, leer and oír |Remember: |

|(No accents!) |andar-anduv, caber-cup, decir-dij, estar-estuv, hacer-hic*, | | | |

| |poder-pud, poner-pus, producir-produj, querer-quis, saber-sup,| |yo -í nosotros -ímos |* Accents everywhere on caer, creer, leer and|

|yo -e nosotros -imos |tener-tuv, traducir-traduj, traer-traj venir-vin | |tú -íste vosotros -ísteis |oír |

|tú -iste vosotros -isteis | | |Ud. -yó Uds. -yeron | |

|Ud. -o Uds. -ieron |* hacer -> hizo 3rd person singular | |él ellos |* Incluir only accents on 1st person singular|

|él ellos |**Stems that end in j -ieron changes to -jeron. Use following| |ella ellas |and 3rd person singular. |

|ella ellas |endings with these verbs. | | | |

2. Spelling changes - some consonants in Spanish change their sounds when followed by certain vowels. To maintain the sound of the infinitive we must change the spelling. (almorzar, arrancar, avanzar, buscar, empezar, juzgar, llegar, pagar, sacar, tocar)

-car-> -qué happens ONLY in yo toqué tocaste

-gar->-gué tocaste tocasteis

-zar-> -cé tocó tocaron

3. Irregular verbs:

dar di diste, dio, dimos, disteis, dieron

ir fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

ser fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

ver vi, viste, vio, vimos, visteis, vieron

4. On the other side of this page are rules for stem changing verbs.

NOTE: Some verbs can have both stem change and spelling change for an example look on reverse side the verb comenzar.

Preterite Indicative

Stem Changing Verbs

| |Class 1 Stem Changing Verb | |Class 2 Stem Changing Verb | |Class 3 Stem Changing Verb |

| |-ar (in present o->ue) | |-ir } o→ u (in present o->ue) | |-ir } e→i |

| |-er (in present e->ie) | |e→ i (in present e->ie) | | |

| | | | | |In Preterite Indicative only change in the third |

| | | | | |person singular and third person plural (3rd/3rd). |

| | | |In Preterite Indicative only change in the third person singular | | |

| |In Preterite Indicative no Change. | |and third person plural (3rd/3rd). | | |

|volver pretérito |comenzar pretérito |dormir pretérito |preferir pretérito |pedir pretérito |

|(no change) |(no change) |(o→u) |(e→i) |(e→i) |

|volví volvimos |comencé comenzamos |dormí dormimos |preferí preferimos |pedí pedimos |

|volviste volvisteis |comenzaste comenzasteis |dormiste dormisteis |preferiste preferisteis |pediste pedisteis |

|volvió volvieron |comenzó comenzaron |durmió durmieron |prefirió prefirieron |pidió pidieron |

| | | | |Clase 3 |

|Clase 1 |Clase 1 |Clase 2 |Clase 2 | |

|Clase 1 o->ue |Clase 1 e->ie |Clase 2 o->ue (o->u) |Clase 2 e->ie (e->i) |Clase 3 e->i |

|acostar(se) |calentar |dormir(se) |divertir(se) |pedir |

|almorzar |cerrar |morirse |hervir |reír[3] |

|contar |comenzar | |mentir |repetir |

|costar |despertar(se) | |preferir |servir |

|devolver |empezar | |sentir(se) |sonreír |

|doler |encender | | |vestir(se) |

|encontrar |entender | | | |

|jugar (u->ue) |nevar[2] | | | |

|llover[1] |pensar | | | |

|mostrar |perder | | | |

|poder |querer | | | |

|probar |sentarse | | | |

|volver |temblar | | | |


[1] Rember only used in 3rd person singular – it rains, not we, they, she…

[2] Rember only used in 3rd person singular – it snows

[3] reír – reí, reíste, río, reímos, reís, ríen


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