FBISD Pre-AP Geometry – 1st 9 weeks 2012 - 2013

FBISD Pre-AP Geometry – 1st 9 weeks 2012 - 2013

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|August 27 Review prerequisite |28 Inductive, Deductive, |29 2-1Conditional Statements |30 2-1 continued |31 2-2 Biconditionals & |

|skills from Algebra I. Establish |Intuitive, & Counterexample | | |Definitions |

|classroom norms, hand out | |Obj: Identify the hypothesis |Obj: Identify the hypothesis | |

|Syllabus |Obj: Compare and contrast |and conclusion of a conditional|and conclusion of a conditional|Obj: Compare and contrast |

| |inductive, deductive, and |statement. Construct the |statement. Construct the |biconditionals and definitions |

| |intuitive reasoning. |converse of a conditional |converse of a conditional |with airline round trips. |

|HW: WS – Do You Remember? |Understand and construct |statement. |statement. Add in the idea of a| |

| |counterexamples. | |venn diagram. |Quiz over Alg. Review page 6 |

| |In Class: G5 Questions |HW: Page 83 #1-36 |HW: Page 84 #37-52; 54-61 |and Kinds of Reasoning, |

| | | |WS – Rewriting If Then |Conditionals & Converse |

| |HW: 1-1 Patterns and Inductive| |Statements – For odds, write | |

| |Reasoning: page 6 #1-12; | |venn diagrams on the back. |HW: Page 90 # 1, 2, 6, 7-17 |

| |17-24; 31-39 | | |odd; 18-22 even; 32-38; 45; 47|

| |WS – Kinds of Reasoning | | |WS - Big Sky Airlines |

| | | | | |

|September 3 |4 |5 2-3 Deductive Reasoning & |6 |7 |

| |5-4 Negate, Inverse, |Symbolic Logic Proofs |Chain Rule (Extension of 2-3) |Review for Test |

| |Contrapositive | | | |

|Labor Day | |Obj: Understand and apply |Obj: Apply equivalent |Obj: Review Objectives for |

|No School |Obj: Negate statements. |deductive reasoning in writing |conditional statements, law of |Reasoning Test |

| |Identify and construct the |symbolic logic proofs. |syllogism, and the chain rule | |

| |inverse and contrapositive of a| |to solve logic puzzles. |HW: Study for Test |

| |conditional statement. |Work Luann puzzle in class | | |

| |Determine statements that are | |HW: | |

| |equivalent. | |WS – Working Logic | |

| | |HW: Finish |Puzzles I & II | |

| |HW: WS Equivalent Statements |WS – Valid/Invalid Reasoning &|Work 3 more symbolic logic | |

| |Page 283 #1-9; 24-29; 34-36 |Error Analysis |proofs | |

| |Pg 85 # 53 | | | |

| | |WS – Symbolic Logic Proofs | | |

| |( Hand out Ad and conditional | | |AD project Due |

| |statement project, Due Friday) | | | |

|10 |11 1-3 Points, Lines, Planes |12 1-4 Segments, Rays, |13 1-5 Measuring Segments and |14 Obj: Review multiplying |

| | |Parallel Lines and Planes |Subsets of Lines |binomials and factoring |

| |Obj: Develop an awareness of | | |quadratics. |

|Test |the structure of a mathematical|Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Find length of a segment | |

|Reasoning and Algebra Review |system, connecting definitions |segments, rays, and lines. |on a number line. Integrate |Quiz, 1-3, and 1-4. |

| |and postulates. |Define relationships between |the terms midpoint and bisect. | |

| |HW: Page 19 #2-24 even; 30-44 |lines and planes. |Apply set theory to extend |HW: WS – Fun with Factoring |

| |even; 46-49 all; 55-60 all; |HW: Page 25 # 4-10 all; 11-35 |knowledge of segments, rays, | |

| |65-67 all |all; 39, 44, 45 |and lines. | |

| | |Page 20 #50-54 |HW: Page 33 #1-12 all; 29-33 | |

| | |Assign Scavenger Hunt Due |all; 36, 37 | |

| | |Friday??? |WS – Subsets of Lines | |

|17 1-5 continued |18 Pythagorean Theorem and |19 1-8 The Coordinate Plane |20 1-8 Continued – Distance |21 Review |

| |Simplifying Radicals |Obj: Apply Pythagorean Theorem |Formula & Pythagorean Theorem | |

|Obj: Connect algebraic | |to find the distance between | |Obj: Synthesize previous |

|descriptions to geometric sets of|Obj: Review Pythagorean |two points on the coordinate |HW: WS – Distance Formula & |material taught for review. |

|points and review factoring |Theorem and simplifying |plane. Develop the midpoint |Pythagorean Theorem (work | |

|concepts |radicals. Work an example where|formula. Emphasize that the |problems 11 & 13 in class) |Review perimeter, |

| |the sides of the rectangle are |midpoint is the “average” of | |circumference, and area. |

|Class Notes/HW: WS – Subsets of |algebraic expressions |the endpoints. |Quiz over 1-5, Subsets of |Give problems to kids as |

|Lines, Algebraic Connections |HW: WS – Simplifying Radical |HW: Page 56 #3-9 odd; 10-17 |Lines, factoring, Pythagorean |examples of the types of |

|WS – Distance and Segment Measure|Expressions & Pythagorean |all; 19-31 odd; 41-43, 45, 48 |Thm, & simplifying radicals |problems they will be |

|#1-14 (work 11 & 13 as examples |Theorem |(change directions so that | |responsible for in the next |

|in class) |WS – Distance & Segment Measure|answers are exact, not nearest | |unit. 1-9 |

| |#15-20 (more practice over 1-5)|tenth) | | |

| | | | |page 65 #6-11 all; 17-23 odd; |

| | | | |26, 27, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, |

| | | | |47-50, 52, 53, 58-63, 66-70 |

| | | | |HW: Study! |

| | | | |Progress Report |

|24 |25 1-6 Angles and 1-7 Angle |26 Complementary & |27 Angles (continued) |28 Segment and Angle Proofs |

|Test |Bisector (Example 4) |Supplementary Angles | |Obj: Write flow proofs |

|Unit 1: 1-3, 4, 5, 8 and | | |Obj: Integrate solving systems|including segment and angle |

|Pythagorean Theorem |Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Integrate algebra with |of equations with solving for |concepts. |

| |concepts for angles with |measures of angle pairs. |measures of angles. Identify |Introduce proofs using |

| |concepts for segments. |Understand and apply |previous definitions, |substitution and transitive |

|HW: Finish pg. 65 | |overlapping segment and |postulates, and theorems in |properties. (work 2 of the 4 |

| |WS – Overlapping Segments & |overlapping angle theorems. |drawing conclusions. |samples |

| |Angles (done in class) |Identify previous definitions, |Quiz (over assignments from |HW: WS – Drawing Conclusions 3 |

| |Sample clock problems |postulates, and theorems in |section 1-9 & Sept 25) |(HW due Monday) |

| | |drawing conclusions. |HW: |WS – Flow-proofs (substitution |

| |HW: Page 40 #13--40; 42-45; 47 | |WS – Angle Pairs |& transitive) #1-2(HW due next |

| |Page 47 #9-12; 21; 25 |HW: |WS – Drawing Conclusions 2 |Wednesday) |

| |Page 112 #12, 13; 30-32 |WS –Comp & Supp. Angles | | |

| | |WS – Drawing Conclusions 1 | | |

|October 1 Segment and Angle |2 Review for Test |3 |4 3-1 Properties of Parallel |5 3-2 Proving Lines Parallel |||

|Proofs | |Test |Lines (angles created by |Line proofs |

| |Go over Quiz & previous HW |1-9 and Angles |transversals) | |

|Obj: Write flow proofs including| |(Does Not Include Proofs) | |Obj: Determine the conditions |

|segment and angle concepts. | | |Obj: Define and identify pairs|to prove two lines are |

| |Obj: Identify previous | |of angles created by a |parallel. Write parallel line |

|Work 2 more sample proofs. |definitions, postulates, and | |transversal and two parallel |proofs. |

| |theorems in drawing |HW: Drawing Conclusions 5 |lines. Draw conclusions given |2 sample proofs in class – 4 |

|HW: |conclusions. | |parallel lines. |proofs for homework |

|WS - Proofs #3-5 |HW: | |HW: |HW: |

| |WS – Drawing Conclusions 4 | |Page 131 #1-8; 11-18; 23-25; |Page 137 #1-8; 10-21 (identify |

| |(HW due Wednesday) | |30-36 |transversal line); 24-26; 41, |

| | | |WS - Drawing Conclusions 5 |43 |

| | | |WS – Finding Angle Measures 1 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Progress Report |

|8 3-1 & 3-2 Continued |9 3-3 Parallel and |10 Review then quiz |11 3-4 Parallel Lines & |12 3-5 The Polygon Angle-Sum |

|Remember that sum of angles of a |Perpendicular Lines | |Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem |Theorems |

|triangle is 180° | | | | |

| |Obj: Understand and apply |Quiz over || lines & angle |Obj: Prove the sum of the |Obj: Use inductive reasoning |

|Obj: Apply parallel line |relationships between lines in |pairs and a proof |angles of a triangle is 180 and|to understand the theorems |

|concepts in solving algebraic |a plane and in space. | |then extend that concept to the|about the sum of the interior |

|problems and in writing proofs. | | |exterior angle of a triangle. |and the sum of the exterior |

| |Page 143 #4-10; 14-21 | | |angles of convex polygons. |

|HW: WS – Crook Problems |WS – Parallel Lines & Angles | |Page 150 #1-6; 10-20; 23-28; | |

|WS – Finding Angle Measures 2 |Proofs 2, 5, and 6 | |30-32; 38 |Page 161 #8-27;32-36; 38-44; |

|Parallel Line Proofs 1-4 | | |Proofs 3, 7, and 8 |47-53 |

| | | |WS – Test Review | |

| | | | |WS – 4-2 Practice & Enrichment |

|15 Review |16 |17 PSAT Testing |18 3-6 Lines in the Coordinate |19 3-7 More Equations of Lines |

| |Test over Chapter 3 |(10th and some 11th ) |Plane | |

|Obj: Synthesize previous | |Sort Them Activity | |Obj: Write equations of lines |

|material to create a review for | | |Obj: Graph lines using |that are parallel or |

|the test over chapter 3. | |Obj: Compare and contrast four|intercepts, a point and a |perpendicular to a given line, |

| | |views of a function – graph, |slope, or the slope and |including bisectors of |

|Hand out Equations of Lines |Hw: Work on Writing Equations |table, description, and |y-intercept. |segments. |

|Review Sheet |of Lines |equation. | |HW: Page 178 #12-15; 20-23; 39,|

| | | | |45, 46, 48, 49, 50 |

|HW: Finish test review | |Afternoon Classes: work on |HW: Writing Equations WS and |WS More Writing Equations (omit|

|Graphing Equations of Lines WS | |homework and do card match |Page 169 (15 – 32, 38, 54) |#3, 4, 5, 8, 9) |

|and pg. 177 (1-11 odd, 16, 18, | |activity. | | |

|25-28, 40-43) – Due Thursday | | | |End of 1st Nine Weeks |


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