Summary of Objectives

Geometry Pre-AP – FBISD – 1st 9 weeks 2013 – 2014 (Subject to Change)

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|August 26 Review prerequisite |27 Inductive, Deductive, Intuitive,|28 2-1Conditional Statements |29 2-2 Biconditionals & |30 5-4 Negate, Inverse, |

|skills from Algebra I. Establish |& Counterexample | |Definitions |Contrapositive |

|classroom norms, hand out | |Obj: Identify the hypothesis and | | |

|Syllabus |Obj: Compare and contrast |conclusion of a conditional |Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Negate statements. |

| |inductive, deductive, and intuitive|statement. Construct the converse |biconditionals and definitions |Identify and construct the |

| |reasoning. Understand and |of a conditional statement. Add in |with airline round trips. |inverse and contrapositive of a|

|HW: WS – Do You Remember? |construct counterexamples. |the idea of a venn diagram. |HW: Page 90 # 1, 2, 6, 7-17 |conditional statement. |

| |In Class: G5 Questions | |odd; 18-22 even; 32-38; 45; 47|Determine statements that are |

| | |HW: Page 83 #2-58 even |WS - Big Sky Airlines |equivalent. |

| |HW: 1-1 Patterns and Inductive |Page 84 #59-61 |. | |

| |Reasoning: page 6 #1-12; 17-24; |WS – Rewriting If Then Statements –| |Quiz over Alg. Review page 6 |

| |31-39 |For odds, write venn diagrams on | |and Kinds of Reasoning, |

| |WS – Kinds of Reasoning |the back | |Conditionals & Converse |

| | | | | |

| | | | |HW: WS Equivalent Statements |

| | | | |Page 283 #1-9; 24-29; 34-36 |

| | | | |Pg 85 # 53 |

|September 2 |3 2-3 Deductive Reasoning & |4 Chain Rule (Extension of 2-3) |5 |6 |

| |Symbolic Logic Proofs | |Review for Test |Test |

| | |Obj: Apply equivalent conditional | |Reasoning and Algebra Review |

|Labor Day | |statements, law of syllogism, and |Obj: Review Objectives for | |

|No School |Obj: Understand and apply |the chain rule to solve logic |Reasoning Test | |

| |deductive reasoning in writing |puzzles | | |

| |symbolic logic proofs. | |HW: Study for Test | |

| | |Work Luann puzzle in class | | |

| |HW: Finish | | | |

| |WS – Valid/Invalid Reasoning & | | | |

| |Error Analysis |HW: WS – Working Logic | | |

| | |Puzzles I & II | |AD project Due |

| |WS – Symbolic Logic Proofs |Work 3 more symbolic logic proofs | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |( Hand out Ad and conditional | | | |

| |statement project, Due Friday) | | | |

|9 1-3 Points, Lines, Planes |10 1-4 Segments, Rays, Parallel |11 1-5 Measuring Segments and |12 1-5 continued |13 |

| |Lines and Planes |Subsets of Lines | |Obj: Review multiplying |

|Obj: Develop an awareness of the | | |Obj: Connect algebraic |binomials and factoring |

|structure of a mathematical |Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Find length of a segment on a|descriptions to geometric sets |quadratics. |

|system, connecting definitions |segments, rays, and lines. Define |number line. Integrate the terms |of points and review factoring | |

|and postulates. |relationships between lines and |midpoint and bisect. Apply set |concepts |Quiz, 1-3, and 1-4. |

| |planes. |theory to extend knowledge of |HW: WS – Subsets of Lines, | |

|HW: Page 19 #2-24 even; 30-44 |HW: Page 25 # 4-10 all; 11-35 all; |segments, rays, and lines. |Algebraic Connections | |

|even; 46-49 all; 55-60 all; 65-67|39, 44, 45 |HW: Page 33 #1-12 all; 29-33 all; |WS – Distance and Segment |HW: WS – Fun with Factoring |

|all |Page 20 #50-54 |36, 37 |Measure #1-14 (work 11 & 13 as | |

| | |WS – Subsets of Lines |examples in class) | |

|16 Pythagorean Theorem and |17 1-8 The Coordinate Plane |18 1-8 Continued – Distance Formula|19 1-6 Angles and 1-7 Angle |20 Review |

|Simplifying Radicals | |& Pythagorean Theorem |Bisector (Example 4) | |

| |Obj: Apply Pythagorean Theorem to |Obj: Apply Pythagorean Theorem to | |Obj: Synthesize previous |

|Obj: Review Pythagorean Theorem |find the distance between two |find the distance between two |Obj: Compare and contrast |material taught for review. |

|and simplifying radicals. Work |points on the coordinate plane. |points on the coordinate plane. |concepts for angles with | |

|an example where the sides of the|Develop the midpoint formula. |Develop the midpoint formula. |concepts for segments. |Review perimeter, |

|rectangle are algebraic |Emphasize that the midpoint is the |Emphasize that the midpoint is the | |circumference, and area. |

|expressions |“average” of the endpoints. |“average” of the endpoints. |WS – Overlapping Segments & |Give problems to kids as |

| |HW: Page 56 #3-9 odd; 10-17 all; |HW: WS – Distance Formula & |Angles (done in class) |examples of the types of |

|HW: WS – Simplifying Radical |19-31 odd; 41-43, 45, 48 (change |Pythagorean Theorem (work problems |Sample clock problems |problems they will be |

|Expressions & Pythagorean Theorem|directions so that answers are |11 & 13 in class) | |responsible for in the next |

|WS – Distance & Segment Measure |exact, not nearest tenth) | |HW: Page 40 #13--40; 42-45; 47 |unit. 1-9 |

|#15-20 (more practice over 1-5) | |Quiz over 1-5, Subsets of Lines, |Page 47 #9-12; 21; 25 | |

| | |factoring, Pythagorean Thm, & |Page 112 #12, 13; 30-32 |page 65 #6-11 all; 17-23 odd; |

| | |simplifying radicals |(DUE TUESDAY) |26, 27, 29, 31, 37, 38, 39, |

| | | | |47-50, 52, 53, 58-63, 66-70 |

| | | | |(DUE TUESDAY) |

| | | | |HW: Study! |

| | | | |Progress Report |

|23 |24 Complementary & Supplementary |25 Angles (continued) |26 Segment and Angle Proofs |27 |

|Test |Angles | | | |

|Unit 1: 1-3, 4, 5, 8 and | |Obj: Integrate solving systems of |Obj: Write flow proofs | |

|Pythagorean Theorem |Obj: Integrate algebra with |equations with solving for measures|including segment and angle |Holiday – Fort Bend County Fair|

| |measures of angle pairs. |of angles. Identify previous |concepts. |Day |

| |Understand and apply overlapping |definitions, postulates, and |Introduce proofs using | |

|HW: Finish pg. 65, pg 40, pg 47,|segment and overlapping angle |theorems in drawing conclusions. |substitution and transitive | |

|and pg 112 |theorems. Identify previous |Quiz (over assignments from |properties. (work 2 of the 4 | |

| |definitions, postulates, and |section 1-9 & Sept 19) |samples | |

| |theorems in drawing conclusions. | |HW: WS – Drawing Conclusions 3 | |

| | |HW: |WS – Flow-proofs (substitution | |

| |HW: |WS – Angle Pairs |& transitive) | |

| |WS –Comp & Supp. Angles |WS – Drawing Conclusions 2 |WS – Supplements and | |

| |WS – Drawing Conclusions 1 | |Complements | |

|30 Segment and Angle Proofs |October 1 |2 |3 3-1 Properties of Parallel |4 3-2 Proving Lines Parallel |||

| |Review for Test |Test |Lines (angles created by |Line proofs |

|Obj: Write flow proofs including| |1-9 and Angles |transversals) | |

|segment and angle concepts. |Go over Quiz & previous HW | | |Obj: Determine the conditions |

| | | |Obj: Define and identify pairs|to prove two lines are |

|Work 2 more sample proofs. | | |of angles created by a |parallel. Write parallel line |

| |Obj: Identify previous |HW: Drawing Conclusions 5 |transversal and two parallel |proofs. |

|HW: |definitions, postulates, and |Finish flow proofs – pick up for a |lines. Draw conclusions given |2 sample proofs in class – 4 |

|WS - Proofs #1, 7, 8 |theorems in drawing conclusions. |grade |parallel lines. |proofs for homework |

|WS – Drawing Conclusions 4 |HW: WS – Proofs 2-5 | |HW: |HW: |

| | | |Page 131 #1-8; 11-18; 23-25; |Page 137 #1-8; 10-21 (identify |

| | | |30-36 |transversal line); 24-26; 41, |

| | | |WS – Finding Angle Measures 1 |43 |

| | | | |Drawing Conclusions // lines |

| | | | |and proofs |

| | | | |Progress Report |

|7 3-1 & 3-2 Continued |8 3-3 Parallel and Perpendicular |9 Review then quiz |10 3-4 Parallel Lines & |11 3-5 The Polygon Angle-Sum |

|Remember that sum of angles of a |Lines | |Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem |Theorems |

|triangle is 180° | | | | |

| |Obj: Understand and apply |Quiz over || lines & angle pairs |Obj: Prove the sum of the |Obj: Use inductive reasoning |

|Obj: Apply parallel line |relationships between lines in a |and a proof |angles of a triangle is 180 and|to understand the theorems |

|concepts in solving algebraic |plane and in space. | |then extend that concept to the|about the sum of the interior |

|problems and in writing proofs. | | |exterior angle of a triangle. |and the sum of the exterior |

| |Page 143 #4-10; 14-21 | | |angles of convex polygons. |

|HW: WS – Crook Problems |WS – Parallel Lines & Angles |Proofs 9-12 |Page 150 #1-6; 10-20; 23-28; | |

|WS – Finding Angle Measures 2 |Proofs 5-8 | |30-32; 38 |Page 161 #8-27;32-36; 38-44; |

|Parallel Line Proofs 1-4 | | |WS – Test Review |47-53 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |WS – 4-2 Practice & Enrichment |

|14 Review |15 |16 PSAT Testing |17 3-6 Lines in the Coordinate |18 3-7 More Equations of Lines |

| |Test over Chapter 3 |(10th and some 11th ) |Plane | |

|Obj: Synthesize previous | |Sort Them Activity | |Obj: Write equations of lines |

|material to create a review for | | |Obj: Graph lines using |that are parallel or |

|the test over chapter 3. | |Obj: Compare and contrast four |intercepts, a point and a |perpendicular to a given line, |

| | |views of a function – graph, table,|slope, or the slope and |including bisectors of |

|Hand out Equations of Lines |Hw: Work on Writing Equations of |description, and equation. |y-intercept. |segments. |

|Review Sheet |Lines | | |HW: Page 178 #12-15; 20-23; 39,|

| | |Afternoon Classes: work on homework| |45, 46, 48, 49, 50 |

|HW: Finish test review | |and do card match activity. |HW: Writing Equations WS and |WS More Writing Equations |

|Graphing Equations of Lines WS | | |Page 169 (15 – 32, 38, 54) | |

|and pg. 177 (1-11 odd, 16, 18, | | | |End of 1st Nine Weeks |

|25-28, 40-43) – Due Thursday | | | | |

Geometry Pre-AP – FBISD – 2nd 9 weeks 2013 – 2014 (Subject to Change)

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|October 21 |22 9-2 Reflections |23 9-2 Reflections Cont’d |24 9-3 Rotations |25 9-4 Symmetry |

|9-1 Translations |Obj: Understand and apply |Obj: Understand and apply | | |

| |properties of reflection, |properties of reflection on the|Obj: Understand and apply |Obj: understand and identify |

|Obj: Compare and contrast rigid |including the reversal of |coordinate plane over lines |properties of rotation, |kinds of reflectional symmetry,|

|transformations, dilations, and |orientation and the line of |with a variety of slopes. |including center and angle of |rotational symmetry, and point |

|distortions. |reflection as the perpendicular| |rotation. |symmetry as a 180 degree |

| |bisector of the segment |HW: Pg. 480 (12, 13, 15, 37, | |rotational symmetry . |

| |connecting preimage and image. |46) |p. 485 (1-9 odd, 10-19 all, |Hw: |

|Hw: Page 473 #1, 2, 3, 9; 11-14; |Investigate reflection in 3-D. |Reflections on Coordinate Plane|27-31, 34, 35, 45-47) |Workbook Practice 9-4 |

|16-23; 25-29; 31-33; 35 | |Quiz over 3-6 and 3-7 | |Symmetry WS |

| |Hw: p. 480 1-11, 16-22, 24-26, | | |p. 494 (36-40, 54) |

| |28-36, 51, 54 – 56) | | |Study for Quiz |

| |Reflection application ws | | | |

|28 9-5 Dilations |29 9-6 Compositions of |30 9-1 Through 9-7 Review Day |31 |November 1 |

| |Reflections and 9-7 | |7-1 Ratio and Proportion | |

|Obj: Understand dilation as an |Tessellations |Finish yesterday if needed and | |Review |

|enlargement or reduction which | |then use the review material to|HW: (Due Wednesday) | |

|have image figures similar to the|Obj: Part I Understand what a |help the kids begin to prepare |Page 368 #1-11 all; 12-20 even;|Obj: Review transformations, |

|preimage figures. |composition of two functions |for the test. |21, 22, 25, 28-33, 38-42, 47, |compositions of |

| |looks like how to compare the | |52-55, 59-61) |transformations, symmetry and |

|HW: p. 500 (1-14, 18-24 even, 42,|beginning and the end of a |HW: | |tessellations. |

|43, 47, 48, 54-61) |transformation. |p. 509 (1-3, 10-27, 30, 35-45) |7-2 Similar Polygons | |

|WS-Dilations Practice |Part II Discuss what a |Read and do | | |

| |tessellation is and what figure|WS-Tessellations |Obj: Analyze and apply |Transformation Project Due!!!! |

| |will and will not tessellate. |More Practice: Slopes & |concepts of similarity to | |

|Assign Transformations Project | |Transformations (OMIT parts D |triangles and polygons | |

|(Due Friday) |9-6 notes over Compositions – |and G) | | |

| |Define a glide-reflection |Test Review – Transformations |HW: (Due Wednesday) Page 375 | |

| |9-7 Frieze Patterns in class |Quiz over 9.1-9.5 |#1-6, 9-12, 15-18, 20-28, | |

| |p. 514 (5-10) together | |31-35, 40-45, 50) | |

| | | | | |

| |HW: WS Translations, | | | |

| |Reflections, and Rotations | | | |

| |Review – Reflection and | | | |

| |Dilations | | | |

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 |

|Obj: Assess understanding of |7-3 Similar Triangle Patterns |DAC |7-4 Similarity in Right |7-5 Proportions in Triangles |

|transformations, compositions of | | |Triangles | |

|transformations, symmetry, and |Obj: Summarize patterns for | | |Obj: Apply the side-splitter |

|tessellations. |similarity in triangles – AA~, | |Obj: Generalize the |theorem and its corollary and |

| |SAS ~, and SSS~. | |relationships when the altitude|the triangle-angle-bisector |

|Test Transformations | | |to the hypotenuse of a right |theorem in problem-solving. |

| |HW: 7-3 Study guide | |triangle is drawn. Apply the | |

|HW: 7-1 |WS 7.3 | |three geometric means formed. |Page 400 #1-16; 25, 26, 29, |

|Page 368 #1-11 all; 12-20 even; |Page 385 (16-19, 22b) | | |31-33, 36-38, 41-43 |

|21, 22, 25, 28-33, 38-42, 47, |Worksheet – Application | |HW: Worksheet 7.4 | |

|52-55, 59-61) |problems using similar | | |Similarity in Triangles WS |

| |triangles (OMIT geometric mean| |Extra Practice: |(TBC) |

| |and proportions) | |Page 394 #2-8 even; 9-21 all; |Chapter 7 Review Problems |

| | | |23a; 35-38, 49-51 | |

| | | | |Quiz over 7.1-7.3 |

| |optional: (1, 2, 4-15, 23-28) | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Progress Report |

|11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |

|Review |Obj: Assess understanding of |4-1 Congruent Figures |4-2 SSS and SAS |4-3 ASA and AAS |

| |similarity in triangles and in | | | |

|Obj: Synthesize concepts of |polygons. |Obj: Understand and apply |Obj: Generalize SSS and SAS. |Obj: Generalize ASA and AAS. |

|similarity in triangles and | |concepts of congruence to |Apply both in algebraic |Apply both in algebraic |

|polygons. |Test |triangles and use deductive |problems and in prrofs. |problems and in proofs. |

| |Chapter 7 |reasoning in proving | |Page 215 #1-4, 7, 10, 11, |

|Study for test. | |relationships. |Work a sample proof in class |13-16, 18, 20-23 |

| |Triangle Menu – Create | | |Page 219 #2-10 |

| |Triangles according to |Page 200 #3-13; 16-23; 29, |Page 208 #1, 4-13, 18-19, |WS Congruent Triangles I |

| |specifications |38-40, 46, 47 |26-30, 38, 40 | |

| | |Drawing Conclusions WS | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Assign Vehicle Project to be | | |

| | |due on November 20 | | |

|18 |19 4-5 Isosceles and |20 4-6 Congruence in Right |21 4-7 CPCTC |22 |

|Do warm-up problems over 4.1-4.3 |Equilateral Triangles |Triangles(LL, LA, HA, HL) | |More Writing Proofs (2-stage |

|4-4 CPCTC | | |Obj: Separate and compare |proofs) |

| |Obj: Apply the isosceles |Obj: Generalize and apply |overlapping triangles to write | |

|Obj: Draw conclusions about the |triangle theorem and its |right triangle patterns for |proofs about their congruence. |Obj: Write proofs that have |

|remaining pairs of parts after |converse in algebraic problems |congruence – LL, LA, HA, and | |two stages of congruent |

|proving the triangles congruent. |and in proofs. |HL. |Go over the example on page 247|triangles. |

| | | |and work a sample problem | |

|Page 222 #1-3, 5, 14, 15 (check |Page 230 #1-13, 19-22, 24, 30- |Worksheet on patterns |similar to #10 on page 244 | |

|for notecard: [pic]linear[pic]s |33, 36 | | | |

|→[pic]lines ), 19 |WS – 4.5 Isosceles Triangles |Page 210 #39 |Page 243 #1-6, 8, 16, 17 |Page 244 # 10, 11, 21, 22 |

|WS Congruent Triangles II |Proofs with Isosceles triangles|Page 216 #6, 12 |CPCTC Proofs WS II |Page 247 #1, 2 |

|CPCTC Proofs WS I | |Page 224 #16, 18 | | |

| |Quiz over 4.1-4.3 (patterns of |Page 238 #13, 20, 21 | | |

| |congruency and 2 proofs) |WS Congruent Triangles III | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Vehicle Project Due!! | | |

|25 |26 |27 |28 |29 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |Thanksgiving Break |

|No School |No School |No School |No School |No School |

| | | | | |

|December 2 |3 Review |4 |5 |6 Bisectors in Triangles |

| | |Test over Chapter 4 |5-1 Midsegments of Triangles |Obj: Draw conclusions about |

| |Obj: Synthesize concepts of | | |the perpendicular bisectors, |

|2-Stage Proofs Day 2 |congruence in triangles and in |Obj: Assess understanding of |Obj: Draw conclusions about |and angle bisectors in |

|Reteach for absent kids |polygons |congruence in triangles and in |the midsegment of a triangle. |triangles. |

|Begin test review. | |polygons. | | |

| |HW: Test Review (TBC) | |p. 262 #1-10, 13, 20-36, 38 |p. 267 #1-4, 6-26 |

|pg. 243 (1-6, 8, 17) | |Worksheet – Application | |Ws Medians, altitudes, |

| | |problems using similar |Semester Review #40-52 |Perpendicular Bisectors (1-19) |

| | |triangles. | | |

| | | | |Semester Review # 53-64 |

| | |Semester Review #1-39 | |Progress Report |

|9 5-3 Concurrent Lines |10 Equations of Special |11 Review Properties of Special|12 QUIZ 5.1 - 5.3 |13 Review for Finals |

| |Segments |Segments | | |

|Obj: Apply the theorems about | | |HW: Semester Review # 95-115 |Semester Review # 116-141 |

|special segments in triangles in |WS-Equations of Medians, |Hw: Study for Quiz | | |

|problems |Altitudes, & Perpendicular |Work on Semester Review | | |

|p. 267 #34, 35, 37-39, 42, 45, 46|Bisectors | | | |

|Ws Medians, altitudes, | | | | |

|Perpendicular Bisectors (20-24) |Semester Review # 80-94 | | | |

|p. 275 #1-16, 23, 28 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Semester Review # 65-79 | | | | |

|16 Review for final exams |17 |18 |19 |20Semester Exams |

| |Semester Exams |Semester Exams |Semester Exams |7th period Exam |

|Semester Review should be |6th period Exam |2nd period Exam |3rd period Exam |1st period Exam |

|finished! |Full Day |4th period Exam |5th period Exam |½ Day |

| | |Full Day |½ Day | |

|GOOD LUCK!! | | | |End 2nd Nine Weeks |

| | | | |End 1st Semester |

Geometry Pre-AP – FBISD – 3rd 9 weeks 2013 – 2014 (Subject to Change)

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|January 7 |8 |9 Parts of Similar Triangles |10 5-5 Inequalities in |11 5-5 Inequalities in Triangles|

| | |& 5-5 Inequalities in Triangles|Triangles | |

| | | | | |

|Campus Staff Dev. |Campus Staff Dev. | | | |

|Student Holiday |Student Holiday | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |WS – Parts of Similar | | |

| | |Triangles #1-9 |In class | |

| | |WS – Solving Compound |page 292 (1-28, 31-32) | |

| | |Inequalities | | |

| | |Inform students that they need | |WS - Pythaorgean Theorem More or|

| | |to buy a copy of Sphereland and|WS – Inequalities in One |Less |

| | |have it by February 9th |Triangle | |

| | | |& | |

| | | |Finish p. 292 (1-28, 31-32) | |

|14 5-5 Inequalities in Two |15 |16 |17 |18 |

|Triangles (Hinge Thm.) |8.2 Special Rt Triangles |8.2 Special Rt Triangles |8.2 Special Rt. Triangles |Right Triangles |

|Obj: Apply theorems about |Obj: Derive and apply the | | | |

|inequalities in triangles. (The|patterns for special right |Obj: Derive and apply the |Obj: Apply the special right |Obj: Solve right triangle |

|sum of any two sides of a |triangles. |patterns for special right |triangle patterns and |problems. Apply the Pythagorean |

|triangle is greater than the | |triangles. |Pythagorean Theorem to solve |Theorem to the rectangular prism |

|third. If two sides of a |Study guide – Case 1 & Case 2 | |problems. |and to the regular square |

|triangle are unequal, then the | |TEST 1 (Part I) | |pyramid. |

|larger angle lies opposite the |Study for TEST Part I |Parts of Similar Triangles & |(Define isosceles trapezoid. | |

|longer side. If two angles of a| |5-5 Inequalities in Triangles |Do some sample problems.) |Worksheet – Right Triangle |

|triangle are unequal, then the |Due Wednesday | | |Practice |

|longer side lies opposite the |p. 428 #15-23, 25-26 | |Worksheet on Right Triangles | |

|larger angle.) |WS 8.2 A | | |Study for TEST Part II |

| |WS 8.2 Special Right Triangles | | | |

|Discuss Hinge Theorem in class –| | | | |

|p. 293 #-30 | | | | |

| | | | | |

|p. 294 (35-37) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|WS-Inequalities in 2 Triangles | | | | |

|21 |22 |23 |24 8.5 Angles of Elevation & |25 |

| |Pyth. Thm. in 3D |8.3 & 8.4 Trig Ratios |Depression |8.5 Angles of Elevation & |

|M. L. King Day | | | |Depression |

|No School |Obj: Apply the Pythagorean |Obj: Define and analyze the |Obj: Define and apply angles | |

| |Theorem to 3D figures. Assess |trig ratios – tangent, sine, |of elevation and depression to |Obj: Apply all of the |

| |special right triangles and the|and cosine. Use the calculator|solve problems. |trigonometric techniques to solve|

| |Pythagorean Theorem. |to find segment lengths and | |problems. Assess understanding |

| | |angle measures. |p. 447 #1-8 & p. 442 #25, 28-29|of the Pythagorean Theorem in 3D |

| |WS – Pythagorean Theorem in | |(in class) |and trigonometric ratios. |

| |Three Dimensions | | | |

| | | | |WS – Angles of Elevation & |

| |TEST 1 (Part II) | |p. 437 (53-58) |Depression |

| |Special Right Triangles & Pyth.|WS – Trig Ratios in Right |p. 447 #9-18, 23, 28, 29 |p. 441 #10, 17, 22, 24, 31, 33 |

| |Thm |Triangles |p. 434 #10, 22, 23 |Class Activity – Too Tall to |

| | | | |Measure |

|28 |29 |30 |31 6.2 Properties of |February 1 |

| |Review |Test over Right Triangles |Parallelograms |6.3 Prove Quad. is a |

|Review | |(chapter 8) | |Parallelogram |

| |Obj: Compare and contrast | |Obj: Derive and apply the | |

|Obj: Compare and contrast |methods for solving problems |Obj: Assess understanding of |properties of parallelograms. |Obj: Derive and apply the ways |

|methods for solving problems |involving right triangles. |chapter 8, right triangles. | |of proving that a quadrilateral |

|involving right triangles. | | |Study Guide |is a parallelogram. Verify that |

| |Go over quiz & worksheet. | |WS – Parallelograms |a quadrilateral is or is not a |

| | |6.1 Define Special Quads |p. 316 (12-16, 31-33, 41) |parallelogram by coordinate |

|WS – Ch. 8 Extra Practice (with | |For homework: read pages | |methods. Introduce verifying |

|answers) | |306-308 and work the following | |parallelogram from coord. of 4 |

| | |problems: | |points |

|Quiz over Pyth. Thm. in 3D and | | | | |

|Trig. | |p. 308 | |Study Guide |

| | |(1-12, 19-26, 45-48) | |WS – 6.3 Parallelograms (front & |

|End of Progress 5 | | | |back) |

| | | | |Page 325 (14-19, 26) |

|4 6.4 Special Parallelograms |5 |6 |7 6.6 Placing Figures in the |8 6.7 Proofs using Coord Geom. |

| |6.5 Trap. & Isos. Trap. |6.5 Kites & Coord Work |Coord. Plane |Obj: Prove properties of special|

|Obj: Derive the properties of | |Obj: Derive and apply the | |quadrilaterals by coordinate |

|special parallelograms. Extend |Obj: Analyze isosceles |properties of a kite. Classify|Obj: Analyze the best |methods. |

|coordinate methods to the |trapezoids and apply their |quadrilaterals by coordinate |placement of figures in the |Use Ex. on page. 349 in class and|

|rectangle and the rhombus. |properties to find segment |methods. |coordinate plane. |problem 1 to illustrate choices |

| |lengths and angle measures. | | |of coordinates. |

|Study Guide | |Work a couple more coord. |Use Practice 6-6 as a study |WS – 6.7 Proofs Using Coordinate |

|WS – Rectangles, Squares & |Study Guide |examples in class |guide |Geometry |

|Rhombi (6.4) (32 problems) |WS- Trapezoids (6.5) |WS – Kites & Coord Work with | |Quiz over Special Parallelograms |

| | |Quadrilaterals |Pg. 344 (2-7, 9-15, 22-27) |& Trapezoids |

| |Quiz over 6.1-6.3 | | | |

| | |Introduce Kite Project |Teach 6.7 today | |

|11 |12 Midpt. Quads. |13 |14 |15 |

|Comparing & Contrasting Quads. | |Review |Test on Quadrilaterals |10-2 Area of Trapezoids, |

|Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Analyze quadrilaterals | | |Rhombuses & Kites |

|quadrilaterals and their |formed by connecting the |Obj: Review quadrilaterals, |Obj: Assess understanding of | |

|properties. |midpoints of consecutive sides.|their properties, and |Quadrilaterals, chapter 6. |Obj: Develop and apply the |

| | |coordinate methods for | |formulas for area of a trapezoid |

|Pg. 309 |WS-Quad. from Midpoints (in |verifying each. |Homework: p. 536 |and for quadrilaterals with |

|(29-41, 50-53, 56-59) |class) |10-1 Area of Parallelograms & |(1-9; 12-14; 19-27; 32-39) |perpendicular diagonals – |

|WS –Quadrilateral Relationships | |Triangles | |rhombus, kite, square, and |

| |WS – Connecting Midpoints |(include geoboard methods) |Geoboard Worksheet |others. |

|Fill in Chart of properties of |WS – Chapter 6 Review (note: |Obj: Analyze and apply methods| | |

|quadrilaterals |review sheet does not include |for finding the area of | |pg. 542 (4, 8-18, 22-32, 35) |

| |sections 6.6 & 6.7) |parallelograms and triangles, | | |

| |Page 359 (30-34) |including the dissection and | | |

| | |surround methods. | |End of Progress 6 |

|18 |19 |20 Continue 10-3 and 10-5 |21 10-6 Circles and Arc and |22 10-4 Perimeters and Areas of |

|10-3 Area of Regular Polygons |10-3 Work Day | |10-7 Areas of Circles & Sectors|Similar Polygons |

|and 10-5 Trigonometry and Area | |Obj: Find area of triangles by|Obj: Review circumference and |Obj: Apply ratios to find |

| |Have the kids work together in |trig. Find shaded areas by |area of a circle. Apply ratios|perimeters and areas of similar |

|Obj: Derive the formula for |groups to practice finding the |applying all of the area |to find arc length and area of |polygons. |

|finding the area of a regular |area of polygons. |formulas. |sector. Analyze the area of a | |

|polygon, including the special | |pg. 561 (2, 25, 11-17) |segment of a circle as a |p. 555 |

|cases of equilateral triangle, |Review for 10.1 – 10.2 Quiz |Worksheet with Heron’s Theorem |sector minus a triangle. |(2, 3, 5-10, 13-16, 19-22, 28-32,|

|square, and regular hexagon. | |and Circle Area/Perimeter | |35-37, 41-44) |

|Use trigonometry to find any |Hw: Study for Quiz | |p. 571 (57-59) | |

|missing parts. | |Quiz on 10-1 and 10-2 |p. 578 | |

|pg. 548 | | |(22, 25-28, 30, 32, 35, 40) | |

|(1-3, 10-18, 24-25, 29) | | |Worksheet – Arc Length, Sector |Quiz 10-3 & 10-5 |

|pg. 561 (1, 4, 7, 8) | | |Area, Segment Area | |

|2510-8 Geometric Probability |26 Review Chapter 10 |27 Test on Ch. 10 |28 |March 1 |

| | | |1-2 Drawings, Nets, and Other |1-2 continued |

|Obj: Apply concepts of |Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Assess understanding of |Models | |

|probability to distance and |methods for finding the |Area and Perimeter – Chapter | |In groups of 2 or 3, find 8 |

|area. |perimeter and area of polygons,|10. |p. 13 (1-9, 18-20, 35) |different nets for a pyramid with|

| |circles, sectors, segments, and|Obj: Apply algebraic skills to|Worksheet |a square base. Use polyhedrons |

|p. 584 |composite figures. |find area. |Isometric dot paper & square |(click-togethers). |

|(1-6, 15-20, 23-26, 32-35, 47) | | |dot paper provided for book | |

|Worksheet – Shaded Areas |WS - Chapter 10 Review |HW: Worksheet – Algebra & |work |p. 13 (11-16, 23-30, 34) |

| | |Areas | |“Packet” of pattern folding, etc.|

|4 |5 |6 |7 |8 Kite Day! |

|TAKS |11-2 Surface Areas of Prisms |District Assessment |11-3 Surface Areas of Pyramids | |

|ELA |and Cylinders | |and Cones | |

|11-1 Space figures and Cross | | | | |

|Sections |Obj: Derive and apply the | |Obj: Derive and apply formulas| |

|Obj: Describe and analyze |formulas for lateral area and | |for lateral area and surface | |

|cross sections of solid figures.|surface area of right prisms | |area of regular pyramids and | |

|Use plastic cubes with colored |and cylinders. | |cones. | |

|water to “see” cross sections. | | | | |

| |p. 612 | |p. 620 | |

|In class using cubes |(5-12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, | |(1, 2, 4, 5, 9-11, 18, 19, 21, | |

|p. 603 (46-54) |27-30, 33-35) p. 253 (1-4 | |23, 27-30) | |

|HW: p. 601 (1-19, 21-29, 36) | | | | |

|Spring Break—March 11-15 |

|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |

|Review |11-3 continued |Extra day to review |Review for Test |11-4 Volumes of |

|Obj: Solve lateral area and |Obj: Apply formulas for | |Obj: Solve lateral area and |Prisms & Cylinders |

|surface area problems, including|lateral area and surface area | |surface area problems, | |

|some nonformula problems. |of pyramids, cones, prisms, and| |including some nonformula |Obj: Derive and apply the |

|HW: Worksheet - Fun with |cylinders.. | |problems. |formulas for volumes of prisms |

|Lateral Area and Surface Area |p. 620 (3, 6, 8, 12, 17, 31-35,| | |and cylinders. |

|Worksheet - Review of 11.2 and |37-40, 43) | | | |

|11.3 | | | |Page 627 (1, 2, 4-6, 10-12, 15, |

| |Quiz 1-2, 11-1, 11-2, & Algebra| | |17-19, 22, 26-35, 37 (part a |

| |and Areas | | |only), 38) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |End 3rd Nine Weeks |

Geometry Pre-AP – FBISD – 4th 9 weeks 2013 – 2014 (Subject to Change)

|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|25 |26 11-5 Volumes of Pyramids & |27 11-6 Surface Area & Volume|28 Composite figures |29 |

|TEST 1.2, 11.1 – 11.3 |Cones |of a Sphere | |Good Friday |

| | |Obj: Derive and apply the |Obj: Apply volume concepts to |No School |

| |Obj: Derive and apply the |formulas for surface area and|find the volume of composite | |

| |formulas for volumes of |volume of a sphere. Describe|figures, including cones made | |

|Homework: page 75 #1-19 (TAKS |pyramids and cones from models.|and draw the intersection of |by removing a sector from a | |

|Tune-up) | |a given plane with a sphere. |circle. | |

| |Page 634 (1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, | | | |

| |13-16, 18, 20-25, 27, 29-31) | |Page 642 (40-43, 47) | |

| | |Page 640 (1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12,|Page 644 (10) | |

| | |13, 16-24, 29, 34, 35, 37, |WS - More Practice | |

| | |38) | | |

| | |Optional Orange Activity |Quiz over 11.4 and 11.5 | |

|April 1 |2 |3 |4 |5 11.7 Areas & Volumes of |

| | | | |Similar Solids |

| | | | | |

|STAAR English I Writing & Reading|STAAR English I Writing & |STAAR English II Writing & |STAAR English II Writing & |Obj: Use ratios to solve problems|

| |Reading |Reading |Reading |involving similar figures. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Page 648 (1-10, 12-15, 17-18, 20,|

| | | | |22, 24, 29, 34, 35) |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Worksheet – Area and Volume |

| | | | |Review |

|8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |

|Frustums & More |Volume of Rotational Solids |Test Review |Test over Surface Area and |10-6 Circles and Arcs |

|Practice | | |Volume |12-1 Tangent Lines |

| |Card Deck Matching Activity – |Finish Card Deck if needed |(11-3 – 11-7 & WS) |Obj: a. Understand and apply |

|Obj: Find the surface area and |Volumes of rotation(for a daily|And review for test. | |relationships between central |

|volume of frustums by applying |grade) | | |angles and arcs. |

|similar solids. Apply concepts of| | | |b. Understand and apply |

|surface area and volume to solve | | | |properties of tangent lines. |

|problems. | | | | |

| |Hw: Work on top 10 TAKS | |Hw: Finish the homework from |p. 570 (15-26, 42-47, 49-53, 70) |

|Page 636 (32, 34) |strategies | |Friday |p. 665 (1-4, 8-15, 20, 22, 25, |

|Page 649 (11, 16, 37) |Review for Test | | |26, 28) |

|Worksheet - Frustums | | | | |

|Page 652 (1-2) | | | |End of Progress 7 |

|15 |16 |17 12-4 Angle Measures |18 |19 |

|12-2 Chords and Arcs |12-3 Inscribed Angles |and Circles (exterior) |12-4 Segments and Circles |Obj: Apply relationships between|

| | | |(Interior) |circles, arcs, angles, and |

|Obj: Develop and apply |Obj: Understand and apply |Obj: Understand and apply | |segments. |

|relationships between circles, |relationships between angles |relationships between angles |Obj: Understand and apply | |

|chords, and arcs. |with their vertex on the circle|with their vertex in the |relationships between segments | |

| |and their intercepted arcs. |interior and in the exterior |and circles. |Quiz on 12-1 through the angle |

|p. 673 (3-8, 11-18, 26, 27, |Find the center of a circle |and their intercepted arcs. | |part of 12-4 |

|30-32, 34) |without measurement. | |p. 691 (9, 11-28, 36, 40, 41) | |

| | |p. 691 (1-8) and WS Finding |p. 685 Checkpoint | |

|Hand out Sphereland study sheets.|p. 681 (5-24, 28, 42-44) |Angle Measures in Circles | |WS – Chapter 12 |

| | | | |Assign Sphereland, Part I The |

|Read through page 26 by Friday, | | | |Straight World – pages 27-82 |

|April 19 | | | | |

|22 |23 TAKS Testing |24 TAKS Testing |25 TAKS Testing |26 |

| |EXIT Math |EXIT Science |EXIT Social Studies |Sphereland |

|Sphereland | | |Sphereland | |

| |Sphereland |Sphereland | |Obj: Understand the social and |

|Obj: Understand the social and | | |Obj: Understand the social and |mathematical progress through |

|mathematical progress through |Obj: Understand the social and |Obj: Summarize the strands |mathematical progress through |history by an analysis of |

|history by an analysis of |mathematical progress through |throughout Sphereland: |history by an analysis of |dimensions in Sphereland |

|dimensions in Sphereland. |history by an analysis of |possibility of third |dimensions in Sphereland | |

| |dimensions in Sphereland |dimension, role of women, | | |

|Show Flatland video??? | |attitude of society, and |Discuss Part II |Discuss Part III |

| |Discuss the introduction |kinds of reasoning. | | |

|HW: Finish Part I pages 27-82 , |through page 26. | |HW: Sphereland, Part III – |Assign Sphereland, Part IV – |

|start part II pages 83 – 119 | |Discuss Sphereland through |pages 120 – 170 for Monday, |pages 170 – 205 |

| |HW: Finish Sphereland Part I |page 82 (Part I) |Finish the book, pages 170-205 | |

| |27-82 and study guide, work on | |and do Part IV | |

| |Part II pages 83 - 119 |HW: Finish Sphereland, Part | | |

| | |II pages 83 -119, start Part | | |

| | |III pages 120 – 170 | | |

|29 Obj: Review relationships |30 |May 1 |2 |3 |

|between circles, arcs, angles, |TEST over Circles – 10-6 and |Sphereland |Sphereland | |

|and segments. |12-1 to 12-4 |Obj: Examine the rolls of | |Quiz over all of Sphereland |

| | |women, social structure and |Obj: Summarize the strands | |

|Study for the test |Obj: Assess understanding of |history by Discussing |throughout Sphereland and their|(2 daily grades) |

| |relationships between circles, |Sphereland Part IV |relevance to today. | |

| |arcs, angles, and segments. | |Review Sphereland with “I have,| |

| | | |who has?” Card Act | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |End of Progress 8 |

|6 |7 |8 |9 |10 |

|STAAR Algebra I* |STAAR World Geography* |STAAR Biology* |STAAR Geometry* |STAAR World History |

|STAAR Chemistry |STAAR Algebra II |STAAR U.S. History |STAAR Physics |STAAR Make-ups |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |

|12-5 Circles in the Coordinate |3D Coordinate System | |More Locus work |More Locus work |

|Plane | |3D Coordinate System | | |

| |Obj: Understand coordinate | |Obj: Understand and describe |Obj: Assess understanding of |

|Obj: Derive and apply the |geometry from a dimensional |Obj: Match equations, |verbally and algebraically a |equation of circle and of 3D |

|equation of a circle in the |viewpoint. Locate points in |pictures, and descriptions of|locus of points that satisfies |coordinate system. Review Locus |

|plane. |space. Locate planes in space.|planes in space. |given condition(s). |of Points. |

| | | | | |

|p. 697 (1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, |WS – Coordinate Geometry from a|3D Card Matching Activity |p. 703 (9-12, 18-20, 26, 31, |Quiz over 12-5 and 3D coordinate |

|17, 20, 21, 24, 27, 29, 32, 33, |Dimensional Viewpoint; WS- |(counts as a daily grade) |32, 33-40, 44) and WS – Locus |system |

|35, 37, 40, 42-47, 53, 55, 57) |Coordinates in 3D | |of Points and Intersection of | |

| | |WS 2 - Coordinates in Space |Loci | |

| | | |p. 703 (1-8, 14-17) and WS | |

| | | |Examples for Locus of Points |WS – Locus of Points |

|20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |

|More Locus Work |Review |Test over 12-5, 3D |Spherical Geometry |Taxicab Geometry |

| | |coordinate system, Locus of | | |

|Obj: to discuss what happens when| |Points, and Intersection of |Obj: To expose student to |Obj: To expose students to |

|two Loci intersect. | |Loci |another type of Geometry, |another type of Geometry, |

| | | |including how the basics of |including the new rules of |

|WS – Intersection of Loci | | |Geometry change when applied to|Taxicab Geometry and the history |

| | | |a spherical surface. |behind it. |

|27 |28 |29 |30 Review for final exam |31 |

|Memorial Day |Spherical, Taxi and Euclidean | | |Review for final exam |

|No School |Geometry Review. |Review for final exam | | |

| |Obj: To review the three types | | | |

| |of Geometry and compare and | | | |

| |contrast the different rules. | | | |

| |Quiz over Spherical and Taxicab| | | |

| |Geometry | | | |

|June 3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|Semester Exams |Semester Exams |Semester Exams |Semester Exams | |

| | | | |Teacher Workday |

|6th Period Exam |2nd Period Exam |3rd Period Exam |1st Period Exam | |

|(12:30 – 2:30) |4th Period Exam |5th Period Exam |7th Period Exam | |


Obj: -&)*+,01GHIJOQWYabjlqs{|~¨õêßÐßźõº¯ºõ¯¤–‹€‹€‹€‹€‹€‹rg\Qht~h`YCJaJh`Y5?CJ\?aJhW#ï5?CJ\?aJhA"fhA"f5?CJ\?aJhÓ/35?CJ\?aJh8)á5?CJ\?aJh%o¶h8)á5?CJ\?aJh8)á5?CJ\Apply theorems about inequalities in triangles. (The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third. If two sides of a triangle are unequal, then the larger angle lies opposite the longer side. If two angles of a triangle are unequal, then the longer side lies opposite the larger angle.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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