Overview - Arizona State University


1. Submission

The process begins with a manager, with direct reports, initiating a request to promote an employee.

In order to promote an employee, the employee must report to the Manager.The Manager clicks on the Manager Self Service Menu, select Job and Personnel Information, and clicks on Promote Employee.


The Manager initiates the request by entering an effective date into the first page of the MSS page. The effective date must be a pay period begin date. A filter has been applied that will only allow selection of the most recent unconfirmed payroll pay begin date and pay begin date in the future by 90 days.

A pay period begin date is used to synchronize the dates with a salary change that may occur from the promotion. The salary adjustment that results from the promotion will be paid for a complete pay period and avoid mid-payroll period adjustments.


A list of the employees that “Report To” the manager appears as well as any open funded Positions within the Manager’s department. If the Manager does not see an employee that reports to them, the reports to position number is incorrect on the employee’s job. This will need to be corrected before the employee will appear on the list.

The manager selects the employee they want to promote by clicking in the radial button by the employee’s name.


The manager selects the reason for the promotion from the drop down list. The manager selects the position that the employees is being promoted into by selecting the lookup for Position under the New Info section on the page below.


The manager clicks submit and the promotion request is sent to the approver. The approver is the Manager “Reports To”


The email sent to the submitter shows that 2 approvals are required – the manager approval and the Human Resources Personnel Administrator Approval.


The Manager is sent any email that the promotion has been submitted. The email contains a link that displays the Promotion Status Details.

2. Approval Step

Once the Manager submits the Promotion Request, the approver is sent an email notifying them that they need to approve the request. The email contains a link that will bring them the approval page.


The approver can click on the link in the email or sign in to Peoplesoft and access the Approve Promotion


A list of employee needing approval appears.


The approver clicks on the employee’s name. The promotion details appear and the approver can approve or deny the request. In addition, the Personnel Administrator appear on the approval details indicating that another level of approval is required,


An email is sent to the submitter notifying them that one approval has been made and that the request is awaiting another approval.


Step 3 Human Resources/Personnel Administrator

The Personnel Administrator has a 2 step process to follow if the promotion is to be approved. Since system is configured to not update the database, the Personnel Administrator will first, process the Promotion transaction on the worklist and second, approve the transaction. If the promotion transaction is going to be denied, the Personnel Administrator goes directly to Step 2.

Step 1

The promotion transaction is in the Personnel Administrator worklist with a status of Promotion CI Status Msg.. The Personnel Administrator accesses the Worklist by clicking on the Worklist link on the right top of their page or by clicking on the Worklist Menu Item. The Promotion will be displayed as a Promotion CI Status Msgs under Work Item and the Link will contain ‘HR Promotion”.

The Personnel Administrator accesses the employee by clicking on the link. Note: the worklist may be sorted by clicking on any of the underlined column headings. Click once for ascending and twice for descending order.


The link brings the Personnel Administrator to the page below. The Personnel Administrator clicks on the Update Status link to view the Promotion Details. The Go To Job link may be click to bring the Personnel Administrator directly to the employee’s job record.


The Personnel Administrator must manually update/save the job row for the promotion to take effect. A link to the JOB is provided under Administrator Actions. The status will show as In Approval Process until the Personnel Manager Approved the promotion transaction in Step 2. Click on the link to access the employee’s JOB record. It may be necessary to Control Click to access the Job record depending upon the system configuration.



The employee job record will be displayed with the promotion transaction already set up. Notice that a new job row is displayed with the Action/Reason filled in and the Position Number for the new position is entered. The Personnel Administrator reviews the Job record and clicks Save to complete the transaction.


Step 2 is approving or denying the transaction.

The email is sent to the Personnel Administrator notifying them to approve the request.


The Personnel Administrator must Approve or Deny the request by following the same steps as the Approver. The Approve Promotion page is accessed and the Employee is selected from the list by clicking on the employee’s name.


The Personnel Administrator will Approve or Deny the request and the Promote Detail status is updated to Data Saved. The transaction is removed from the Worklist once the transaction has been Approved or Denied.



Once the Approval has been submitted, 2 emails are sent to the Submitter notifying them that the Promotion has been approved and of the detail of the promotion.



Ad-Hoc Salary Change

1. Submission

The Submitter enters the effective and selects an employee that requires a salary change. A pay period begin date must be entered in the effective date from the drop down list. The salary adjustment can only be processed within the current pay period or 90 days into the future.


The Submitter enters the change percent or change amount, clicks the Calculate New Total and then Submits.



The submitter receives an email that the transaction was submitted.


2 Approver

The approver received an email notifying them that the salary Change was submitted.



The approver selects approve or deny from the drop down and saves




The submitter receives an email when the Approver Approves and Saves the transaction.


An email is also sent to the Compensation Administrator that the Salary Change was approved by the manager.


Administrator will go into worklist and will see the salary changes under Self Service Request.


The link is clicked and the detail page is displayed. The Compensation administrator will select either the second (approve the transaction and manually update database) or third option (deny).



The email is sent to the submitter and approver that the transaction was processed.



Self Service Transaction Menu

There are additional menus available to the Human Resources Department to manage the Manager Self Service Transactions.


For the Promotion, the Promote Employee Requests, the Workflow status may be checked and if the first level of approval is pending or approved. Note that under the Approval Details, the Manager has not yet approved the transaction.

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A similar view is available for the Ad Hoc Salary Change Transaction.



The Workflow Inquiry is another page available to search for the status of a Manager Self Service transaction.


The lookup on Transaction Name offers the following choices.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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