Arkansas Conference on Teaching 2002 Registration

Arkansas Conference on Teaching 2006 Registration

Full Name: ______________________________________ Badge Name: ____________________________

School District or Business: ______________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________

School/Business City: ____________________ Work Phone: _______________ Fax: ___________________

Home Address: _________________________City: __________________ State: ____ Zip Code: _________

Area(s): [pic] Science [pic] Social Studies [pic] English/Language Arts [pic] Mathematics [pic] Elementary [pic] Other ________


• Two-Day Pre-Registration Fee $60.00

(After Oct. 20h : $70.00)

• One-Day Pre-Registration Fee $40.00

(After Oct. 20th : $45.00)

______ Thursday ________ Friday

• Full-time Student Registration Fee $20.00

• Non-teaching Guest Badge $ 5.00

(Name of Guest ________________________)

Total Amount From This Section $ __________


AR Council for the Social Studies (ACSS) $15.00

AR Council of Teachers of English/LA (ACTELA) $15.00

AR Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) $10.00

AR Science Teachers Assoc. (ASTA) $15.00

School Science & Mathematics Assoc. (SSMA) $50.00


Join ACSS, ACTELA, ACTM, & ASTA ALL for $45.00

Or…Join 2 or More Organizations

2 or more Organization Names must be chosen below.

AR Council for the Social Studies (ACSS) $12.50

AR Council of Teachers of English/LA (ACTELA) $12.50

AR Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) $ 7.50

AR Science Teachers Assoc. (ASTA) $12.50

Total Amount From This Section $ _________

SHORT COURSES Please circle the letter(s) of the short course(s) you wish to attend. (Lunch and materials included) See the enclosed descriptions on page 2. You must be registered for the ACT 2006 conference to attend these courses:

A. Thursday, Science: Inquiry-Based Learning Strategies (6-12)

B. Thursday, Math: Integrate! Integrate! Integrate! Technologies, Algebra, Geometry and Life & Physical Sciences (7-12)

C. Friday, Math: Navigating in the Middle Grades Toward High Stakes Assessments (5-8)

D. Friday, Social Studies: Project Citizen (5-12)

E. Friday, Social Studies: Teaching About the Holocaust, A Curriculum Workshop for Secondary Educators (8-12)

Number of courses selected ______ X $25.00

Total Amount From This Section $ __________

Social Functions (Please Circle)

ACSS Luncheon – Thursday 11:30-1:30 $20.00

ACTELA Luncheon – Thursday 11:30-1:30 $20.00

ACTM Luncheon – Thursday 11:30-1:30 $20.00

ASTA Awards Luncheon – Thursday 11:30-1:30 $20.00

ACT Joint Luncheon– Friday 11:30-1:30 $20.00

Total Amount From This Section $ __________

GRAND TOTAL Enclosed $ __________

Checks should be made payable to: ACT 2006

Check # _________ (NO Credit Cards Accepted)

School Districts may pay by purchase order.

P.O. # ________________ (must be included)

Faxed registration with school purchase order only.

Contact Person: _________________________

Phone: (______) __________________

Please include a separate registration form for each person covered by the PO#.

Special Needs (Please check)

____Visual Impairment ____Hearing Impairment

____Physical Impairment ____Other, Please list below:


Reservation deadline - OCTOBER 20th

Registration Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made prior to October 20th will receive a 100% refund.

Cancellations made from October 20th - 31st will receive a 50% refund.

Cancellations made after October 31st will receive NO refund.

Return ACT 2006 Conference Registration

With Payment by OCTOBER 20, 2006:

Arkansas Conference on Teaching

c/o Little Rock Convention Bureau

P.O. Box 207

Little Rock, AR 72203

501-376-4781 or 1-800-844-4781

Fax: 501-376-4143 (PO #’s only)


Hotel Reservation form is online this year


The Peabody Hotel: ATTN, Reservation Department.

A. Inquiry-Based Learning Strategies: Judi Falen Grades 6-12

(Lunch and materials included)

Participants will research current articles on inquiry and formulate a definition. Then they will perform labs evaluating them against the group definition to determine if they are truly inquiry activities.

B. Integrate! Integrate! Integrate! Technologies, Algebra, Geometry and Life an Physical Sciences: Wallece Brewer and Linda Griffin Grades 7-12

(Lunch and materials included)

The TI-84 Calculator, data collection devices, Smartview, Interwrite and TI-Navigator technologies will be integrated to model their impact on teaching mathematics and science.

C. Navigating in the Middle Grades Toward High Stakes Assessments: David Young Grades 5-8

(Lunch and materials included)

Spend a day using the Navigator 3.0 with the TI-73 as you learn to prepare students for high stakes assessments in mathematics and the sciences.

D. Project Citizen: Dora Bradley Grades 5-12

(Lunch and materials included)

Students learn interviewing, researching, organizing, and collaborative working in solving a problem in their community. Classes participate in a project which teaches civic awareness, involving the learners in a hands-on experiment in democracy and its processes.

E. Teaching About the Holocaust, A Curriculum Workshop for Secondary Educators: Renee Kaplan Grades 8-12 (Lunch and materials included)

Museum educators and scholars share rationales, instructional guidelines, and differentiated approaches for teaching the Holocaust. Session will focus on pedagogical, historical, and technological strategies. Free museum materials will be shared.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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