Army JROTC Leadership Education Training 1 (JROTC I) Syllabus


Course Syllabus, 2019-20 Army JROTC Leadership Education Training One (JROTC 1)

Instructor: SGM (R) Clifton Fields

E-mail Address:

Phone: (706) 592-2089


Description: The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to be better citizens. You are the focus of Army JROTC’s mission. In fact, you are the whole point of Army JROTC-it is devoted to your growth, both as a student and as a person. This program is a cooperative effort on the part of the Army and the host institution to give you an opportunity for total development and improve yourself in many ways. JROTC teaches self discipline, confidence, and pride in a job well done, and it offers you challenges and opportunities to:

• Sharpen your communication skills

• Promote and encourage citizenship through participating in community service projects

• Develop your leadership potential

• Strengthen your self-esteem

• Improve your physical fitness

• Provide incentives to live drug-free

• Promote your graduation from high school and develop a solid foundation for career development

Goal/Objective: Cadet Success is the main goal of all army JROTC learning experiences. This course focuses on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, citizenship, life success, geography, and wellness, in a structured interactive environment. The JROTC program is one the Army’s contributions to assisting America’s youth to become better citizens. It can prepare you for life by providing a framework for the qualities (skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes) that will help you to succeed- qualities such as courage, candor, competence, commitment, confidence, and character. The effort you put into mastering this program and developing your personal skills will help you to become a successful student and productive adult.

Weekly Schedule:

Monday: Classroom instruction (note taking)

Tuesday: Classroom instruction (written or hands on test)

Wednesday: Uniform Wear (Inspection)/ Drill

Thursday: Drill & Ceremony (Marching)

Friday: Physical Training (PT) Physical Exercise (PE)

Program of Instruction and Grading:


Lesson Description

U1C1L1 Army JROTC- The Making of A Better Citizen

U1C1L2 The Past and Purpose of Army JROTC

U1C1L3 Moving Up in Army JROTC- Rank and Structure

U1C1L4 The Signs of Success

U1C1L5 Your Personal Appearance and Uniform

U1C1L6 The Stars and Stripes

U1C1L7 Proudly We Sing- The National Anthem

U1C1L8 American Military Traditions, Customs and Courtesies

Elective Know The Mission of JROTC

Elective Know the Chain of Command

Elective Write an essay (TBD)



Lesson Description

U2C1L1 Leadership Defined

U2C1L2 Leadership Reshuffled

U2C1L3 Leadership From The Inside Out

U2C1L4 Principles and Leadership

U2C1L5 Sexual harassment/Assault

U2C2L2 Roles of Leaders and Followers in Drill

U2C2L3 Using Your Leadership Skills/Taking Charge

U3C1L2 Diversity through Winning Colors

U3C3L1 Thinking Maps

U3C5L2 Conflict Resolution

U3C8L1 Orientation to Service Learning

U3C10L4 Cadet Etiquette


Elective: JROTC Cadet Challenge

Elective: ADAP

Elective Write an Essay (TBD)

FINAL EXAM Will be worth 20% of the Final Grade


Exams/Tests/ Performance: 40%

Class/Work/Projects/ Cadet Portfolio/ Participation/Conduct: 25%

Uniform Inspections: 35%

Cadets in each LET 1-4 will be required to submit the annual JROTC essay for a grade. Requirements/topic will be published as soon as available. Essay will be due to the SAI NLT December 10, 2019 with oral presentations be done on 11, 12 and 13 December 2019. There will be also be an essay requirement in the spring.

If students accept leadership positions, they are expected to fulfill their responsibilities and this will impact their time before and after school. Please discuss this opportunity as a family. The leadership positions give the cadets real-world opportunities to apply and hone leadership, organizational, and communication skills desired by colleges and employers.

Student Materials:

Cadet Portfolio: Every cadet will create/maintain a portfolio that contains an organized collection of work based on accomplishments, personality and aspirations. The portfolio will begin upon entry in the JROTC program and be maintained for the duration of your enrollment in the program. The portfolio will reflect the student’s work and provide insight and information on the cadet’s personal achievements and growth over time. The portfolio is worth 10% of the overall grade and will be evaluated in accordance with the published standard. We will have digital portfolio this year that your cadet will have to purchase.

Academic Standards: The JROTC curriculum is based upon a systematic progression of learning. The scope, focus and content of instruction is both sequential and independent. The leadership unit of instruction allows for one of many training opportunities for cadets to exercise a student chain of command. Fourth year cadets act on guidance from the Senior Army Instructor or Army Instructor to plan, prepare, and execute training and prepare for assigned tasks and conduct training for younger cadets. Third year cadets learn instructional techniques, and more advanced styles of leadership. First and second year cadets receive education and training. Training is designed to enhance skills, knowledge, and abilities, of cadets and reinforce instruction in leadership theory. LET IV will be required to take the ASVAB during the fall and spring if necessary.

Grooming Standards & Wearing of Uniform: Cadets will correctly wear an Army issued uniform (the entire school day) every Wednesday unless otherwise directed. The JROTC program is a uniformed program where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a cadet wears a prescribed uniform as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Uniform wear is an evaluated task and is worth 35% of the semester grade. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the bottom edge of the collar. Uniforms must be cleaned and pressed when worn (responsibility of cadet). DO NOT cut pants.

Males: The face will be clean-shaven, except for permitted mustaches. Males are not authorized to wear braids, cornrows, or dreadlocks while in uniform. Males CANNOT wear ANY jewelry, except a watch and a ring, while in uniform.

Females: Hairstyles will not interfere with proper wearing of the military headgear. Females may wear braids or cornrows as long as the braided style is conservative and the braids and cornrows lie snugly over the head. Females may wear one pair of disc-shaped earrings no more than ¼ inch in diameter. Earrings will be worn on the lower portion of the earlobe.

Disenrollment from JROTC: Students may be dis-enrolled from JROTC if they:

a. Withdraw from school

b. Demonstrate ineptitude for leadership training indicated by a general lack of adaptability

c. Fail to keep an acceptable standard of academic achievement, conduct, appearance, or attendance

d. Exhibits undesirable character traits such as lying, cheating or stealing, unauthorized possession of illegal drugs or substances, or exhibits an indifference to and lack of interest in citizenship and leadership training.

Attendance: Class attendance contributes significantly to academic success. Students who attend classes regularly tend to earn higher grades and have higher passing rates in courses. If you are absent for any reason, you are responsible for all missed work and must contact the instructor promptly.

Academic Honesty: Students are expected to do their own work unless advised that collaboration is acceptable. This means that you may use facts from other sources if you re-write them in your own words. Anytime you quote directly for another source or paraphrase substantially, you must cite the source you used. When you take a test, you are expected to keep your eyes on your own paper and protect your test paper from being copied by a classmate.

Make-up Work/Assignments: It is the student’s responsibility to get missed assignments and to complete them. Unexcused late work will be assessed a grade penalty. Excessively late work will receive no credit whatsoever. Assignments must be completed and turned in within five school days after the absence. If cadet is present on the day of uniform inspection, but doesn’t wear the uniform, uniform inspections can be made up the next day that the cadet returns to school. Per school policy all unexcused absences result in penalties that effect grading. See Student Agenda for more information. Missed tests may be made up before or after school; coordinate time with instructor.

Help Sessions: Students may request help sessions before and after school. Students are responsible for coordinating times with the instructor.

Communications: E-mail is the preferred method. The provided phone numbers are another means. A reply will be made immediately but always within 24 hours. Conferences are available by arrangement.

Tardiness and Minor Discipline Infraction Consequences: Students are expected to be in class, quiet, and ready to be seated when the final class bell rings. Students will be behave in such a way to facilitate their own learning as well as that of others during the entire class period. No exceptions! Penalties may include but are not limited to verbal warning, demotion and a report of student conduct to the administration.

Program Expectations/Classroom Rules: In addition to the student responsibilities outlined by the school, the following rules and procedures will be followed in the classroom:

▪ Come prepared to learn and help each other to learn. Always apply effort and stay on task. Demonstrate leadership and teamwork.

▪ Listen to others’ ideas. Cooperate with others and treat everyone and their property with respect.

▪ All personal electronic devices (cell phones, tables, IPODs etc) to include ear buds may be on hand during co-curricular activities outside school hours by granted exception only.

▪ Slides are not acceptable on the JROTC wing. Closed toe shoes.

▪ In accordance with school policy, hats (of any type) will not be worn while indoors.

▪ No beverages are permitted in class

▪ No Chewing gum or eating in the classroom or formation

▪ Be standing at my seat at the final bell ready to recite the cadet creed along with the group and remain in place until the group recites the battalion motto at the end of class. Do not leave my seat for any reason without permission.

▪ No inappropriate touching-eg touching not required in pursuit of a teacher directed classroom learning objective. This includes but is not limited to touching by either sex, hugs etc.

▪ Raise my hand before I speak. No talking when someone else is talking.

▪ Refer to the instructor as “Sergeant Major (SGM)” always.

Consequences for Misconduct:

• Push-ups/ Physical Activity, verbal reprimand, write a paper on character trait, demerits, call made to parents.

• Persistence of bad conduct will incur conference with parents, rank demotion, detention.

• Refer to grade level administrator (assistant principal) for necessary action and possible removal from course.

Student Conduct and Participation: Each student will be assessed on their aspiring leadership skills which include displaying the emotional maturity to master one-self (self-discipline). Accordingly, 10% of the semester grade includes an evaluation of classroom conduct, and adherence to rules and procedures the standard for which is published and posted in the classroom.

Promotion Policy: Promotions will be based on my recommendation in accordance with the published standards. Criteria for promotions include classroom behavior, leadership potential, academic achievement, and pass promotion test for each rank.

Materials: Students will need a 1in binder with paper, pen or pencil, dress out clothing for Physical Training.

STUDENT has read and understands JROTC requirements and grooming standards.

Print Name: ______________________ Signature: ___________________ Date: _________

PARENT OR GUARDIAN has read and understands JROTC requirements and grooming standards.

Print Name: ______________________ Signature: ___________________ Date: _________

This syllabus will be maintained in the student’s portfolio.



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