City of Fredericksburg


January 9, 2017

On Monday, January 9, 2017 at the Municipal Hall at 7:00 P.M. the regular meeting of the Council, City of Fredericksburg Chickasaw County was held.

Mayor Shain Kroenecke in the chair called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Council Members present were Brad Schoonover, Randy Leach, Jimmy Mitchell, Sheriton Dettmer. Absent: Dean Speicher.

Employees present were Cindy Lantow.

Guests present were Jim Dagit, Claude Padget, Leona Schlatter, Jayden Beaner, Kyle Sander, Trey Hartson, Trevor Wurzer, Carter Matt, Mekayla Cannon, CreeAnn Pleggenkuhle, Jackie Schlatter, Kelsey Craun, Sheriff Martin Hemann.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all in attendance.

A motion was made by Mitchell second by Dettmer to approve the consent agenda as presented - Approval of the agenda as presented; Minutes of the December 5, 2016 Council Meeting; Financial Reports for November 2016; Summary List of Bills; Overtime/Comp. time for December 2016 - Bob – 18 hrs. Over Time; Curt – 33 hrs Over Time /8 hrs. Comp. Time and Ray 28 hrs. Over Time; Liquor Licenses Renewals - Here'z 2 U and Casey's. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Dettmer second by Schoonover to approve the building permit applications as presented - Jim Dagit - Garage / Farmers Win Co-op - Storage bin. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

Sheriff Marty Hemann presented the December 2016 Law Report. There were 113.5 hours worked during the month of December 2016. The following was reported for the month of December – 10 Traffic Citations; 10 Parking / Snow Citations; 3 Arrests; 6 Citizen Complaints Taken; 2 Motor Vehicle Accident; 5 Incident Reports Initiated; 15 calls for service received; and 6 Traffic Stops.

A motion was made by Mitchell second by Leach to accept and to make the final payment on the street lighting project to KWS Electric. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

Discussion was held on the ambulance contract and a motion was made by Mitchell second by Dettmer to send a letter to Chickasaw Ambulance stating that the City of Fredericksburg will not renew the contract / motion as written. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

Some discussion was held on the law contract. No decision was made at this time.

A motion was made by Leach second by Dettmer to purchase a 2002 snow plow & truck from O'Halloran International in Des Moines for $27,000. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Mitchell second by Schoonover to approve the following committee appointments for the year (2017) . All members present voting aye, motion carried.

Health Officers ----------------------------- Dr. Luke Brinkman

Water / Sewer ------------------------------- ** Leach & Speicher

Solid Waste --------------------------------- ** Schoonover & Dettmer

Electric --------------------------------------- ** Speicher & Mitchell

Streets / Sidewalks -------------------------- ** Speicher & Dettmer

Fire Board ------------------------------------ ** Schoonover & Leach

Swim Pool ------------------------------------ ** Mitchell & Leach

Wage & Benefits ---------------------------- ** Schoonover & Mitchell

Economic Development ------------------- Leach

Library ---------------------------------------- Mitchell & Speicher (no chairman)

Mayor Pro Tem ------------------------------ Brad Schoonover

** Indicates Chairman of Committee

It was brought to the Council's attention that the town whistle hasn't been working. It was decided to have Stanton's look at it to see what it might cost to repair. No action taken at this time.

We will be looking into getting some Christmas lighted garland to go up and down the light poles on Main Street. Maybe able to add a little more color. No action taken at this time.

The treatment plant requests were tabled at this time.

The date for the first budget meeting is Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

A motion was made by Dettmer second by Mitchell to go ahead and put an ad in the F'Burg Review for Lifeguards for the 2017 Swim Season at the Meinerz Dairyland Swimming Pool. All members voting aye, motion carried.

A motion was made by Leach second by Dettmer to approve the utility easement on the pole / lines that sets on Lot #10 on the north east corner of the lot. This pole feeds the houses at 202 E. Railroad and 206 E. Railroad. All members present voting aye, motion carried.

Under old business -

• Update on 121 Lion's Road - none

There being no further business requiring Council action the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m. by Mayor Kroenecke.

The next regular meeting of the Fredericksburg City Council will be on Monday, February 6, 2017 at 7:00 P.M.

____________ ______________________

Shain Kroenecke, Mayor



|Cindy Lantow, City Administrator | |


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