Iowa State Police Association

Iowa Legislative Report87th General Assembly, 2018 SessionIowa State Police AssociationWeek 4: January 29th - February 2, 2018Paula Feltner and Mike Heller, LobbyistsThe week legislators continued working in committee and subcommittees and have been busy moving bills forward. The House Judiciary committee passed out and onto the calendar HSB 507 , a proposal to make it easier to prosecute criminals who?possess or use SKIMMING DEVICES to steal credit and debit card information, came out of subcommittee this week. Skimming is a way thieves can steal your credit card information by installing devices on card readers (often at gas stations or ATMs). These “skimmers” are allegedly easy to install, tough to detect, and can eliminate all traces of evidence in a matter of minutes, making it impossible for law enforcement to present evidence of wrong-doing to a judge. This bill provides tougher penalties against even?possessing?one of these devices.Under current law, a thief caught using a skimmer can be prosecuted with a class D felony, which carries a maximum of 5 years in prison and a fine.?Yet these skimming devices have no legitimate uses; they are only used for theft. This legislation makes it a class D felony to?possess?a skimmer. There is a companion file in the Senate, SSB 3024, which is still in subcommittee.The House Public Safety Committee was very active in pushing bills to the calendar this week: *On Tuesday morning, spousal survivors and our board member Josh Bell did an excellent job presenting the merits of HF 2049 dealing with health insurance for officers killed in the line of duty. The bill requires a city, county, or the state to continue to provide group health insurance benefits to the surviving spouse and children of an eligible peace officer (defined as a member of the public safety peace officers' retirement system created under Code chapter 97A, a special service member of the Iowa Public Employees' Retirement system created under Code Chapter 97B, or a member of the Statewide Fire and Police Retirement System created under Code chapter 411, to which a line of duty death benefit under the applicable Code chapter is payable).The bill provides the full cost of the continuing coverage must be paid for by the eligible peace officer's employer and coverage for a surviving spouse continues until the earlier of five years from the date of death of the eligible peace officer, when the spouse remarries, when the spouse becomes eligible for Medicare, or when the spouse is covered by Medicaid. The coverage for a surviving child lasts until the child reaches the age of 26. The bill also provides that continuing coverage ends if the surviving spouse or children become eligible for other group medical coverage.The surviving spouse may elect to continue coverage beyond five years after the date of the eligible peace officer's death by notifying the peace officer's employer in writing and paying the full cost of the coverage. The bill as written applies to deaths occurring on or after July 1, 2018.A second subcommittee was held on Thursday afternoon. At the first subcommittee the league of cities brought up that this would be an unfunded mandate. The surviviors suggested they would like to make the bill "retroactive" and cover not only police but first responders as well as some other groups. Everyone was asked to draft amendments for changes they wanted to see in the bill and the result was….There is not a Senate companion to this bill so it must be passed through House Committee and on the calendar by February 16th to stay alive.We hope to have it pass out of committee this next week to be funnel-proof.* Tuesday morning it approved SF 481 IMMIGRATION LAWS that would ban sanctuary cities in Iowa. The bill would force county sheriffs' offices and local police departments to work with the federal agents to enforce federal immigration laws/detainers or risk losing state funding. This bill was passed out of the Senate last session but did not come out of House Public Safety committee until this week. It passed the House committee and will now is eligible for floor debate.* It voted out HSB 555 SEX Offenders which stops the practice or the release of a sexually violent predator from prison or other release program without supervision. It requires the court to order the supervision of such a person if determining that the person suffers from a mental abnormality and that it is in the best interest of the community. It also deems that the DOC/judicial district is not liable for the acts of a committed person under supervision and strikes certain hearing requirements if a committed person under supervision absconds from supervision and is later captured and placed in a secure facility. It deems certain medical records under seal to be available to various prosecutors, the Attorney General, the committed person and the attorneys representing the person without a court order. Good Time: the bill requires offenders who are required to complete sex offender/domestic abuse treatment to complete the programs prior to earning any reduction of sentence and allows the forfeiture of any good time if an offender has failed to complete one of the programs.On Thursday the Public Safety Committee pushed out onto the calendar:*HF 2094 CBC CONTRABAND?Includes community-based correctional institutions in the facilities covered under the criminal offense of contraband in prisons. *HSB 552 911 MATTERS?Defines 911 call processing equipment, equipment providers and other related terms. Makes changes to the 911 service plans and surcharges. Includes provisions on consolidating various 911 networks. *HSB 554 DOC READING MATERIALS & ROOMS?Strikes requirements for the DOC to provide reading rooms for inmates. Prohibits the DOC from using any funds to make available any commercially published information that is sexually explicit or features nudity. * ?HSB 569 DEATH PENALTY BILL would allow those convicted of first degree murder to be put to death by lethal injection, potentially reversing a half-century-old?ban on capital punishment in the state. The House proposal would take effect in January 2019 and would apply?to offenses committed after that date.The bill authorizes the costs for two attorneys for indigent defendants who face the death penalty, and it directs the Iowa Supreme Court and the state public defender to set up structures and training systems to provide legal assistance in cases of capital punishment. The legislation also would prevent the death penalty from being applied to children and to?those who are?mentally or intellectually disabled, and it would delay the death of pregnant women until after they give birth or until they are no longer pregnant.Under the bill, state employees could object to participating in administering the death penalty. The state Supreme Court?also would be required?to review every case where the death penalty is applied to consider whether the punishment is excessive.?There is also a bill in the Senate, Senate File 335, which would allow the death penalty but in fewer circumstances - it would apply only to those convicted of kidnapping, sexually abusing and killing a minor.?On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee voted out two bills:* HSB 541 2ND DEGREE KIDNAPPING?Makes the kidnapping of a minor under the age of 18 2nd Degree Kidnapping (Class B forcible felony). * HSB 577 LASCIVIOUS CONDUCT AGE?Defines a child as being 14 or 15 for the purposes of lascivious conduct with a child. On Thursday, the House Transportation Committee voted out:*SF 220 TRAFFIC CAMERA BAN?Regulates automated traffic law enforcement devices (cameras used to measure speed and or compliance with stop lights). Prohibits local governments from placing automated traffic law enforcement devices without self-certifying the need for such devices. Requires the placement be done according to DOT rules. Allows the placement if the road is a high-risk or high-crash area. Includes requirements for calibration of devices, signs and other matters. Allows residents to petition for a vote on the operation of traffic cameras. Establishes an independent appeals process, prior to court, for contesting fines. Limits fines. Requires the funds collected, less the costs, be used for secondary road maintenance or street construction. It prohibits the DOT from using automated traffic enforcement systems. In Senate committee action, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted out SSB 3025 TRAFFIC CAMERA BAN which we discussed last week and would prohibit the state or local governments from using automated traffic enforcement devices. It requires use of such devices to be discontinued by July 2018( now (SF 2148). Senator Taylor voted with six Republicans to support the bill and Senators Dawson (a policeman) and Shipley voted with four Democrats in opposing the bill. Remember that Senator Zaun ran a traffic camera ban bill out of Senate Judiciary last session, but the full Senate amended the SF 220 TRAFFIC CAMERA CONTROLS into a bill which regulates automated traffic devices instead. SF 220, as approved by the Senate, prohibits local governments from placing automated traffic law enforcement devices without self-certifying the need for such devices. The placement would need to be done according to DOT rules. The bill also limits the use of the funds collected through automated traffic devices and imposes additional testing and reporting requirements. The bill establishes an appeals process and allows for referendums on the removal of such devices. SF 220 moved out of the House Transportation Committee on Thursday so will be ready for debate in the House. To complicate matter on this issue, a traffic camera ban bill was also passed out of House Local Government Committee this session (HF 2118) preferred by some House members.This week we sent you an updated fiscal analysis on the impact of removing automated traffic enforcement devices from last year, as the number of automated devices has slightly decreased. According to the LSA, nine cities and counties (Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Fort Dodge, Muscatine, Sioux City, Windsor Heights and Polk County) are operating 80 devices. A ban on operating such devices would have no impact on the state but would reduce local revenues by $12 million and revenues for the operating vendors by $6.47 million. The same committee (Senate Judiciary) voted out: *SF 432 MARIJUANA POSSESSION?Makes a 1st offense possession of 5 grams or less of marijuana to a simple misdemeanor. SSB 3032 WIRETAPS Allows a court to enter an ex parte order authorizing a wiretap if the court finds probable cause that a person is committing, has committed or committed certain felonies (forcible felonies, human trafficking or money laundering, or felonies related to ongoing criminal enterprises) or for felony fugitive warrants. SSB 3038 CRIME VICTIM PAYMENTS?Defines the survivors of a deceased victim (spouses or former spouses, children and foster children, parents, siblings, including foster/step relations, persons living with the victim and other blood relatives). Makes changes to computing compensation related to funeral expenses, cleaning at crimes scenes, dependent care and various security items. Allows for additional compensation for victims if some matters were not eligible for reimbursement at the time of the initial application or some new event with compensable events has occurred. SSB 3041 LASCIVIOUS CONDUCT AGE?Defines a child as being 14 or 15 for the purposes of lascivious conduct with a child. AMENDED & PASSED 12-0; FM: Garrett Senate Transportation Committee: Voted Out: * SF 2067 DRIVING WITH HEADLIGHTS which requires drivers to have their headlights on during times of rain, sleet, snow or fog. *SSB 3048 SNOW PLOW LIGHTS?strikes the future repeal of provisions governing snow plow lights enacted in 2015 and strikes related reporting requirements on the effectiveness of flashing snow plow lights. *SSB 3049 COMMERCIAL TEXTING?Prohibits texting or using a hand-held mobile device while driving a commercial vehicle, except in emergency situations or where permitted by federal law. The House Transportation Committee voted out the companion bills to the snow plow bill and the ban on texting by drivers in commercial vehicles (HSB 535 COMMERCIAL TEXTING and HSB 533 SNOW PLOW LIGHTS) Tuesday in committee action. In short, it has been a very busy week and lots of bills of interest saw action. Many of these bills will get new bill numbers. As we discussed last week, we are also sending an excel sheet with the bills we are following on your behalf. THESE BILLS ARE 'HOTLINKED" IF YOU WANT TO LOOK AT THE TEXT AND HISTORY OF EACH BILL. Please let us know your positions and which bills you want deleted from the list. You are currently registered as MONITOR on all the bills. Please contact us if you have questions and have a good week!Finally, we hope you are attending legislative forums and/or visiting with you legislator. Just a reminder to find out who your two Legislators are (Senator and Representative. Simply go to: “FIND YOUR LEGISLATOR” at . Enter your address on the right side of the page and you will get both your State Representative and your State Senator. Click the two names and you will be taken to a site where you can find out all kinds of information about each person (district, home address, home phone, committees, etc). YOU CAN ALSO SIGN UP FOR THEIR WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. They are a wonderful source of information on what your legislators are thinking, what is important to them, and when they are conducting forums. Most legislators conduct forums back in their home districts on Fridays and on the weekends to seek constituent feedback on a variety of topics. We strongly encourage attendance at forums. It is a very effective way to let legislators know we work in their districts and to advance and address issues that are important to us. A link to these forums can be found here:that are vital to counties. A link to these forums can be found here?? Please contact us if you have questions and have a good week!NameTitleNoteHF 164A bill for an act requiring search warrants for certain activities under the jurisdiction of the natural resource commission.?HF 2009A bill for an act relating to the disclosure of personal identifying information of prescribing practitioners contained in the information program for drug prescribing and dispensing.SUPPORTHF 2011A bill for an act relating to motor vehicle operating records pertaining to arrests, convictions, and driver’s license revocations for operating-while-intoxicated offenses.SUPPORTHF 2012A bill for an act relating to search warrants issued in the investigation of operating-while-intoxicated violations.SUPPORTHF 2015A bill for an act relating to the administration of portable breath tests in operating-while-intoxicated cases, including the use of test results in court actions.?HF 2022A bill for an act relating to impoundment and immobilization of motor vehicles involved in operating-while-intoxicated offenses, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHF 2023A bill for an act relating to operating-while-intoxicated offenses causing death or serious injury, and providing penalties.?HF 2028A bill for an act relating to motor vehicles approaching stationary motor vehicles displaying emergency signal lamps, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHF 2032A bill for an act relating to subacute mental health care facilities and the psychiatric bed tracking system.SUPPORTHF 2038A bill for an act relating to the nonreversion or reallocation of moneys appropriated to state departments, institutions, or agencies.?HF 2039A bill for an act providing an extended period for appeals to city civil service commissions in circumstances involving a criminal conviction.?HF 2049A bill for an act relating to continuation of health care coverage for certain surviving spouses and children of peace officers killed in the line of duty, and including applicability provisions.SUPPORTHF 2054A bill for an act relating to the limitations of criminal actions in kidnapping offenses, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHF 2059A bill for an act relating to the presence of a sex offender upon the real property of a public or nonpublic elementary or secondary school.?HF 2060A bill for an act relating to computation of overtime for state employees who serve as volunteer emergency services providers.?HF 2066A bill for an act relating to the expungement of simple misdemeanor offenses.?HF 2067A bill for an act relating to the possession, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver marijuana, and providing penalties.OPPOSEHF 2074A bill for an act relating to driver’s license suspensions and revocations for operating-while-intoxicated offenses.SUPPORTHF 2080A bill for an act providing for the issuance and display of one motor vehicle registration plate.?HF 2091A bill for an act relating to electronic and mechanical eavesdropping.?HF 2094A bill for an act relating to the possession of contraband in or on the grounds of a community-based correctional facility, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHF 2095A bill for an act limiting campaign contributions to certain candidates and making civil and criminal penalties applicable.?HF 2097A bill for an act relating to the taxation under the state corporate income tax, franchise tax, and insurance companies tax of compensation paid by a publicly held corporation to its chief executive officer, and including applicability provisions.?HF 2107A bill for an act relating to employee organization elections administered by the public employment relations board and including effective date and applicability provisions.SUPPORTHF 2109A bill for an act requesting an interim committee relating to confidentiality provisions under Iowa’s open records law.?HF 2113A bill for an act relating to the state’s workers’ compensation laws by modifying alternate care procedures for medical treatment, creating registries of physicians who treat and evaluate work-related injuries, providing for the retention of a medical director, creating a state workplace injury care providers registry fund, establishing a workers’ compensation advisory council, providing for and appropriating fees, and including effective date provisions.?HF 2114A bill for an act relating to criminal identification files of law enforcement agencies and immigration status information.SUPPORTHF 2117A bill for an act relating to the assessment of fees when a public defender or designee requests copies of certain documents. (Formerly HF 2013.)?HF 2118A bill for an act prohibiting the use of automated or remote systems for traffic law enforcement, requiring the removal of existing systems, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 512.)OPPOSEHF 2120A bill for an act relating to ignition interlock devices in motor vehicles of operating-while-intoxicated offenders, including provisions relating to driver’s license revocations, the issuance of temporary restricted licenses, and the creation of an ignition interlock device indigent user fund, and providing penalties.NEW BILLHF 2127A bill for an act prohibiting the purchase of weapons seized as a public nuisance by certain persons.NEW BILLHF 2144A bill for an act prohibiting the manufacture, possession, shipment, transportation, or receipt of a multi-burst trigger activator, and providing penalties.NEW BILLHF 2145A bill for an act relating to the issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation of a permit to carry weapons.NEW BILLHF 2146A bill for an act relating to the supervisory custody and control of a county courthouse.NEW BILLHF 2147A bill for an act relating to the treatment of certain incidents of human trafficking as child abuse and to mandatory or permissive reporting of such incidents, and making penalties applicable.NEW BILLHF 2148A bill for an act permitting cities to charge certain fireworks violations as municipal infractions, and making penalties applicable.NEW BILLHF 2150A bill for an act relating to unintentionally causing the death of a person by operating a motor vehicle at an excessive speed, and providing penalties.NEW BILLHF 2154A bill for an act relating to operating an unmanned aerial vehicle in, on, or above a county jail, municipal holding facility, detention facility for juveniles, community-based correctional facility, or institution under the management of the department of corrections, and providing penalties. (Formerly HSB 518.)SUPPORT - new bill numberHF 2167A bill for an act relating to the placement of sex offenders who qualify for release from the custody of the department of human services or the department of corrections.NEW BILLHF 2176A bill for an act requiring school employee training and protocols relating to suicide prevention and trauma-informed care.NEW BILLHF 2179A bill for an act relating to a lost or stolen firearm, and providing penalties.?HF 2180A bill for an act relating to the creation of an extreme risk protective order against a person in possession of a firearm who presents a significant danger to the person’s self or others, and providing penalties.NEW BILLHF 2181A bill for an act relating to the sale or transfer of firearms, providing penalties, and including applicability provisions.NEW BILLHF 2183A bill for an act concerning contractual relationships between local entities and federal or private entities relating to the housing or detention of noncitizens for purposes of civil immigration custody and including effective date provisions.NEW BILLHF 2187A bill for an act requiring the department of transportation to provide information relating to whether a person has been convicted of a felony to certain peace officers and employees of law enforcement agencies, and including applicability provisions.NEW BILLHF 2190A bill for an act including public safety telecommunicators in the protection occupation category of the Iowa public employees’ retirement system.NEW BILLHF 2194A bill for an act relating to sexually violent predators, the accumulation of earned time by offenders, and providing penalties. (Formerly HSB 555.)NEW BILLHF 2196A bill for an act relating to texting or using a mobile telephone while operating a commercial motor vehicle, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly HSB 535.)SUPPORT-new numberHF 2198A bill for an act relating to amber, blue, and white lighting devices and reflectors on motor vehicles and equipment owned by the department of transportation and used for snow and ice treatment or removal. (Formerly HSB 533.)SUPPORT - new bill numberHF 2199A bill for an act relating to the criminal offenses of the illegal use of a scanning device or encoding machine and criminal mischief in the third degree, and providing penalties. (Formerly HSB 507.)SUPPORT-new numberHF 2201A bill for an act concerning employment matters involving public employees including collective bargaining, educator employment matters, personnel records and settlement agreements, city civil service requirements, and health insurance matters, and including effective date, applicability, and transition provisions.NEW BILLHF 2202A bill for an act relating to the medical cannabidiol Act by adding post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of debilitating medical conditions for which the medical use of cannabidiol would be medically beneficial.NEW BILLHJR 2003A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the rights of a crime victim.?HSB 519A bill for an act relating to the real-time transmittal of information to the prescription monitoring program by licensed pharmacies and including effective date provisions.SUPPORTHSB 520A bill for an act relating to the issuance of prescriptions for an opiate that is a schedule II controlled substance and making penalties applicable.?HSB 521A bill for an act relating to peace officers of the department of public safety exercising the general powers of a peace officer in cities without a permanent police force.SUPPORTHSB 522A bill for an act relating to information reporting to the information program for drug prescribing and dispensing.SUPPORTHSB 523A bill for an act relating to requirements for specific digital content-blocking capabilities of products manufactured, distributed, or sold in the state that make the internet accessible, providing for the collection and remittance of fees, and providing for criminal and civil liability for certain violations of the Act.?HSB 525A bill for an act relating to asset forfeiture by eliminating state civil forfeiture and limiting the transfer of seized cash or property to federal law enforcement agencies or other federal authorities for federal civil forfeiture.OPPOSEHSB 526A bill for an act modifying certain provisions relating to personal information security breach protection.?HSB 537A bill for an act relating to department of transportation employees designated as peace officers, and including effective date provisions.?HSB 541A bill for an act relating to kidnapping in the second degree, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHSB 543A bill for an act relating to the definition of dangerous weapons to include simulated firearms.SUPPORTHSB 547A bill for an act relating to the temporary emergency removal of a child from the child’s home and background investigations on adult persons with whom a child is placed, and providing fees.?HSB 552A bill for an act relating to 911 emergency telephone and internet communication systems, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.?HSB 553A bill for an act relating to an ex parte court order authorizing the interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications by special state agents.SUPPORTHSB 569A bill for an act creating a capital murder offense by establishing the penalty of death for murder in the first degree, and including effective date and applicability provisions.?HSB 577A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of lascivious conduct with a minor or child, and providing penalties.SUPPORTHSB 581A bill for an act relating to DNA testing of certain criminal offenders.?HSB 617A bill for an act relating to testing violent crime evidence collection kits by the state criminalistics laboratory.?HSB 618A bill for an act relating to the criminal elements and penalties for the commission of sexual misconduct with offenders and juveniles, and including effective date provisions.?HSB 619A bill for an act relating to temporary restricted licenses for operating-while-intoxicated offenders, providing penalties, and including applicability provisions.?SF 2003A bill for an act allowing the display of one registration plate on the rear of certain older, reconstructed, and specially constructed motor vehicles.?SF 2024A bill for an act relating to recording custodial interrogations in a criminal or juvenile case.?SF 2025A bill for an act relating to carrying or possessing a dangerous weapon when entering real property if a written notice forbidding such entry has been conspicuously posted, and providing penalties.?SF 2032A bill for an act relating to the transition of the Medicaid program long-term services and supports population from managed care to fee-for-service administration, and including effective date provisions.?SF 2037A bill for an act relating to the minimum standard of transparency for motor vehicle window tint, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable.SUPPORTSF 2044A bill for an act relating to firearm prohibitions in county courthouses by the supreme court or judicial branch.?SF 2051A bill for an act relating to peace officers, reserve peace officers, and federal officers going armed with, carrying, or transporting a firearm on school grounds. (Formerly SF 2010.)SUPPORTSF 2062A bill for an act relating to mandatory reporters of child abuse.?SF 2066A bill for an act requiring the department of human services to facilitate a workgroup study relating to certain mandatory reporter training and certification requirements.?SF 2067A bill for an act relating to lighted headlamps on motor vehicles, and making penalties applicable.SUPPORTSF 2073A bill for an act concerning special service members of the Iowa public employees’ retirement system by establishing a deferred retirement option plan and including public safety telecommunicators in the protection occupation category.?SF 2095A bill for an act concerning the employment of unauthorized aliens and human trafficking and providing penalties and other sanctions and appropriations.?SF 2097A bill for an act relating to the legal age relating to the purchase, possession, or use of tobacco, tobacco products, alternative nicotine products, vapor products, and cigarettes, and including effective date and applicability provisions.?SF 2104A bill for an act relating to going armed with, carrying, or transporting a firearm in a county courthouse, and including effective date provisions.?SF 2105A bill for an act relating to the possession of contraband in or on the grounds of a community-based correctional facility, and providing penalties.SUPPORTSF 2106A bill for an act relating to carrying and possessing weapons and acquiring pistols and revolvers, including penalties and applicability provisions.SUPPORTSF 2107A bill for an act relating to restitution for claims arising from state employees committing unfair or discriminatory employment practices.?SF 2109A bill for an act exempting all retirement income from the individual income tax and including retroactive applicability provisions.SUPPORTSF 2110A bill for an act concerning disqualification from eligibility for unemployment benefits due to discharge for misconduct.?SF 2111A bill for an act requiring minors to wear helmets while riding motorcycles, motorized bicycles, and all-terrain vehicles, and providing penalties.?SF 2117A bill for an act relating to public funding and regulatory matters and making, reducing, transferring, and supplementing appropriations for expenditures in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3089.)?SF 2122A bill for an act providing for the issuance and display of one motor vehicle registration plate.NEW BILLSF 2123A bill for an act providing immunity from certain criminal offenses and prohibiting certain disciplinary sanctions for persons who report, seek, or require emergency assistance for alcohol or drug-related overdoses or protection from certain crimes, and modifying penalties.NEW BILLSF 2134A bill for an act modifying the periods of time to bring certain civil actions, including by victims of sexual abuse, minors, and persons with mental illness, and including effective date provisions.NEW BILLSF 2135A bill for an act relating to the failure to wear a motor vehicle safety belt or safety harness. (Formerly SSB 3044.)NEW BILLSF 2147A bill for an act relating to the accumulation of earned time by offenders, and providing penalties.NEW BILLSF 2148A bill for an act prohibiting the use of automated or remote systems for traffic law enforcement, requiring the removal of existing systems, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3025.)OPPOSE-new numberSF 2157A bill for an act adding certain medical conditions to the list of debilitating medical conditions under the medical cannabidiol Act.NEW BILLSF 2162A bill for an act relating to texting or using a mobile telephone while operating a commercial motor vehicle, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable. (Formerly SSB 3049.)SUPPORT-new numberSF 2163A bill for an act relating to amber, blue, and white lighting devices and reflectors on motor vehicles and equipment owned by the department of transportation and used for snow and ice treatment or removal. (Formerly SSB 3048.)SUPPORT-new numberSF 220A bill for an act regulating the use of automated traffic law enforcement systems, and providing a penalty. (Formerly SF 3.)NEW BILLSF 335A bill for an act creating the penalty of death for the commission of the multiple offense of murder in the first degree, kidnapping, and sexual abuse against the same minor, providing penalties, and including effective date and applicability provisions.NEW BILLSF 360A bill for an act relating to the newborn safe haven Act. (Formerly SF 183.)SUPPORTSF 481A bill for an act relating to the enforcement of immigration laws and providing penalties and remedies, including the denial of state funds to certain entities. (Formerly SSB 1172.)NEW BILLSJR 2002A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to public retirement systems.?SSB 1177A bill for an act relating to law enforcement profiling by standardizing collection and centralizing the compilation and reporting of officer stop and compliant data, providing for officer training, creating a community policing advisory board, providing for penalties and remedies, and including effective date provisions.NEW BILLSSB 3006A bill for an act relating to the definition of dangerous weapons to include simulated firearms.SUPPORTSSB 3008A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of manufacturing, delivering, selling, or possessing drug paraphernalia by exempting hypodermic needles or syringes delivered, sold, or possessed through an approved needle exchange program.SUPPORTSSB 3018A bill for an act modifying certain criminal acts involving payment cards, and including penalties.SUPPORTSSB 3024A bill for an act relating to the criminal offenses of the illegal use of a scanning device or encoding machine and criminal mischief in the third degree, and providing penalties.SUPPORTSSB 3026A bill for an act relating to kidnapping in the second degree, and providing penalties.?SSB 3032A bill for an act relating to an ex parte court order authorizing the interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications by special state agents.SUPPORTSSB 3034A bill for an act relating to sexually violent predators, the accumulation of earned time by offenders, and providing penalties.SUPPORTSSB 3040A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Iowa relating to the rights of a crime victim.?SSB 3041A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of lascivious conduct with a minor or child, and providing penalties.?SSB 3042A bill for an act creating a capital murder offense by establishing the penalty of death for murder in the first degree of a peace officer, and including effective date and applicability provisions.SUPPORTSSB 3045A bill for an act relating to the penalties for the commission of sexual misconduct with juveniles, and including effective date provisions.SUPPORTSSB 3050A bill for an act relating to department of transportation employees designated as peace officers, and including effective date provisions.SUPPORTSSB 3059A bill for an act relating to the expungement of records of certain misdemeanor offenses.?SSB 3062A bill for an act relating to criminal acts committed on or against critical infrastructure property and providing penalties.SUPPORTSSB 3071A bill for an act relating to the Iowa prescription monitoring program, including by establishing an advisory committee, authorizing a registration surcharge, expanding information collection and reporting requirements, and making penalties applicable.?SSB 3073A bill for an act relating to controlled substances and precursor substances, including provisions relating to the registration of persons who manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled substances, adding substances to the controlled substance schedules, expanding the list of precursor substances for which reporting is required, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.?SSB 3081A bill for an act relating to retaining forfeited or abandoned ammunition and firearms by a local law enforcement agency.SUPPORTSSB 3098A bill for an act relating to DNA testing of certain criminal offenders.?SSB 3101A bill for an act excluding certain portable devices or weapons that direct an electric current from the definition of a dangerous weapon.?SSB 3102A bill for an act relating to the criminal offense of child endangerment by prohibiting a parent or guardian from allowing the parent or guardian’s spouse custody or control of, or unsupervised access to, a child or certain minors if the spouse is a registered sex offender, and providing penalties.?SSB 3106A bill for an act relating to the medical cannabidiol Act, by granting the medical cannabidiol board the authority to alter the definition of medical cannabidiol and to alter the list of debilitating medical conditions for which the use of medical cannabidiol would be medically beneficial.?SSB 3107A bill for an act relating to 911 emergency telephone and internet communication systems, making appropriations, and including effective date provisions.?SSB 3136A bill for an act relating to the Iowa prescription monitoring program by establishing an advisory committee.? ................

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