University of Delaware

2020 National Youth Photography Summit Application for DelawareWashington, DC – February 26- March 1, 2020Type your answers in the shaded areas.First name FORMTEXT ?????Last Name FORMTEXT ?????Street FORMTEXT ?????City/State/Zip Code FORMTEXT ?????County FORMTEXT ?????Date of Birth FORMTEXT ?????Gender FORMTEXT ????? Years in 4-H FORMTEXT ?????Age January 1 this year FORMTEXT ?????Age today FORMTEXT ?????Home phone FORMTEXT ?????Parent’s work phone FORMTEXT ?????Your cell phone FORMTEXT ?????Your E-mail address FORMTEXT ?????Mother’s name FORMTEXT ?????Father’s name FORMTEXT ?????Name of 4-H Club (if applicable) FORMTEXT ?????T-shirt Size FORMTEXT ?????Name of school FORMTEXT ?????Grade in school FORMTEXT ?????Do you have any food allergies? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoDo you have any special assistance needs? FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoFood allergy explanation FORMTEXT ?????Special assistance needs explanation FORMTEXT ?????What career path do you plan to pursue? FORMTEXT ?????Ethnicity/race is requested for reporting purposes only to USDA.Ethnicity FORMCHECKBOX Hispanic FORMCHECKBOX Non-HispanicRace FORMCHECKBOX White FORMCHECKBOX Black FORMCHECKBOX Asian FORMCHECKBOX Am. Indian/Alaskan NativeStatement by Teen ApplicantI have personally prepared this report and certify that it accurately reflects my work and ideas. I agree to return to my community to implement a photography project with the other National Photography Summit participants from Delaware.Date: ________________ Signature of 4-H Member: _________________________________________Approval of this ReportDate: ________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________Date: ________________ Signature of Local 4-H Leader (not a parent): __________________________Date: ________________ Signature of County 4-H Agent: _______________________________1885950135890Deadline: December 15, 2019400000Deadline: December 15, 2019Type (or cut and paste) your answers in the text box. 4-H MEMBERS PROJECT SUMMARY (Include all projects for all years) FORMTEXT ????? PARTICIPATION SUMMARY (Include all school, community or 4-H programs, activities, events, contests, etc.) FORMTEXT ?????Why would you be interested in attending the National Youth Photography Summit? FORMTEXT ????? Please provide an explanation for the following: 1) how you feel you have been able to use your 4-H photography project work as a form of art, 2) what life skills you have gained and 3) how you have used these life skills to be able to express yourself in a creative way. FORMTEXT ????? If you were given a $10,000 opportunity grant to do something to share or expand Photography as an art form in 4-H, what would you do? FORMTEXT ?????"Cooperative Extension Education in Agriculture and Home Economics, University of Delaware, Delaware State University and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Delaware Cooperative Extension, University of Delaware. It is the policy of the Delaware Cooperative Extension System that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex, disability, age or national origin." ................

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