Ancient Greek Art

Ancient Greek Art



Culture Ancient Greece One of the world’s

greatest ancient civilizations

Origin White A combination of many races,

but mostly whites in power.

Location Southern Europe; consists of semi

independent “City States”. A “city state”

is a city and the land around it.

Dates 1000 BC ( 300BC


Government Democracy = a government where the people make the rules. Each person votes.

Religion Polytheism = the belief in many gods.

Art Architecture Temples constructed with a set design.

Sculpture Nude, Perfect Body, and Contropposto.

Painting No original Greek paintings remain, only Roman copies. Yet there are actually

millions of original Greek paintings on the ceramic pots,

Philosophy Idealism = Try to do everything perfectly.

Economy Grapes: (for wine), Olives: (for olive oil), Ceramics.

Science The Mill = for grinding corn, wheat, olives, etc.

Glass Blowing.


Polytheism This is the religion that believes in many gods.

Gods There were gods for most “aspects” or parts of life:

sun, moon, birth, death, floods, war, wine, etc.

Depiction Gods were usually shown in art in a ”human” form.




A - Parthenon Marble 432 BC

Used to worship Athena…and store gunpowder until the late 16oos.

B - DORIC (pillow), Ionic (Eye), Corinthian (leaves)

C - Ceramics BLACK, features people, FOOTED

D - Acropolis –

The hill that the Parthenon sits on

F - Greek Sculpture –

1. Perfect body

2. Nude

3. Contropposto


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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