Art Pacing Guide – Suzana Stevcevska

|Dec. |6th Grade |7th Grade |8th Grade |

|2018 | | | |

| | 3-D Cube Collage, Elements of Art |Drawing Texture |Abstract Painting |

| |6P.12.1 The student will recognize, explore, and create a |The student can: |8P.2.3 The student will create works of art that emphasize |

| |three-dimensional collage, combining various media, techniques, |-draw a variety of different textures |specific formal color relationships. (SOL 8.1) |

| |and processes. |-draw texture and pattern to add visual weight and emphasis |Students can: |

|Week 1,2 |The student can: |-recognize different types of texture: Actual, Implied, Invented, |- create a composition of Abstract Painting |

| |-recognize and create a collage |and Simulated. [pic] |- paint an object with different tints and shadows |

| |-recognize and create a 3-D art | |- change the intensity of a color |

| |[pic] | |- critique and comment on their final art projects |

| | | |[pic] |

| |One Point Perspective |Animal Collage – Megan Coyle |Paper Weaving The student can: recognize, explore, and create |

| |6P.6.2 The student will use one-point perspective to create the |7P.12.1 The student will recognize, explore, and create a two or |a weaving demonstrating the use of various media, techniques, |

| |illusion of depth in a two-dimensional drawing. (SOL 6.3) |three-dimensional collage/mixed media combining various media, |processes, and tools. Weaving is one of the most ancient forms of |

| | |techniques, and processes. |human creativity. Students plan weaving in their art journal. |

|Week 3 |The student can: |Students can: | |

| |-recognize One Point Perspective |- create a paper collage of an animal | |

| |-learn how to Overlap and how to diminish the size and details | | |

| |-learn how to place the object in the picture plane | | |

| |[pic] |- create Art Collage with Magazine | |


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