Art 132x4 - San Bernardino Community College District

Art 132x4 Life Drawing

|Course Objectives |Outcome |Activity |Assessment |

|Upon completion of the first semester, students should be able to: |

|Visualize, observe, and |The student will demonstrate |Discussion and drawings of the |Written tests on the skeletal and|

|coordinate the hand with the eye |the ability to draw the |skeletal and muscular |muscular structure. Critiques of |

|in order to create drawings of |skeletal and muscular structure|structure. |student drawings. |

|the figure, through analysis of |of human anatomy. | | |

|the skeletal and muscular | | | |

|structure | | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to use |The student will demonstrate |Life drawings that use |Critiques of student drawings. |

|their materials (charcoal, conte'|the ability to create a figure |charcoal, conte' crayon, pens, | |

|crayon, pens, pencils, brush, |drawing using charcoal, conte' |pencils, brush, pastels, and | |

|pastels, and ink) to express |crayon, pens, pencils, brush, |ink. | |

|themselves in a variety of ways, |pastels, and ink. | | |

|from formal to spontaneous | | | |

|Upon completion of the second semester, students should be able to: |

|Demonstrate the ability to |The student will demonstrate |Life drawings that emphasize |Critiques of student drawings. |

|develop new techniques through |the ability to experiment with |experimenting with materials. | |

|experimentation with materials |materials to create a figure | | |

| |drawing | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to use |The student will demonstrate |Life drawings that emphasize |Critiques of student drawings. |

|color; |the ability to create a figure |perspective and special | |

|1. with perspective to heighten |drawing using perspective and |illusion. | |

|the illusion of space |use techniques that create the | | |

|2. to create forms that give the |illusion of space. | | |

|illusion of mass, volume, and | | | |

|weight. | | | |

|Upon completion of the third semester, students should be able to: |

|Differentiate between objective |The student will demonstrate |A drawing that differentiates |Critiques of student drawings. |

|and subjective approaches to |the ability to create to create|between objective and | |

|drawing |a figure drawing differentiates|subjective approaches to | |

| |between objective and |drawing. | |

| |subjective approaches. | | |

|Demonstrate the ability to create|The student will demonstrate |A drawing that uses multiple |Critiques of student drawings. |

|figure drawings using a variety |the ability to create a figure |perspective or stacked | |

|of perspectives (e.g., multiple |drawing multiple perspective, |perspective, or foreshortening.| |

|perspective, stacked perspective,|stacked perspective, and | | |

|and foreshortening). |foreshortening. | | |

|Upon completion of the fourth semester, students should be able to: |

|Conceptualize and create a series|The student will demonstrate |Art projects in which the uses |Critiques of student work. |

|of drawings that are |the ability to create a figure |autobiographical | |

|autobiographical |drawing which come from the |representation. | |

| |integration of their emotion, | | |

| |spirit, and intellect with | | |

| |appropriate techniques and | | |

| |materials | | |

|Create figure drawings reflecting|The student will demonstrate |A drawing that focus on |Critiques of student work and |

|the cultural research |the ability to create a figure |different cultures, and the |written tests. |

| |drawing that reflects styles of|research of art styles used in | |

| |a different culture. |the cultures. | |


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