Questions for Testing New Library Web Design

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design

This section summarizes the answers we gathered so far for our questions.

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

Everyone liked the new site.

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

The first thing noticed was different for several. Some noticed the picture first, then the banner. Others noticed the Search Box first. One person mentioned the overall layout.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

Figuring out where to go to ask a question seems to be a problem. Few of the testers went directly to “Ask A Librarian.” Some went to Staff and others went to Libraries@Dartmouth. We asked several students why they didn’t pick the “Ask A Librarian” button. They said that is not what they would use that for.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

The categories made sense to most everyone. There were some unknown or confusing acronyms and terms. The testers wanted some type of explanatory text to make things clearer.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

Some testers said everything was there. Other students made suggestions such as GreenPrint, Course Reserves, Baker/Berry Stack Guide, Jones Media link, Hours and a history of the Libraries.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

So far, all the testers liked the Search Box. They each liked a different aspect of the Search Box.

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

Some testers went directly to “Off-Campus Access.” However, not all of them were sure how to really use it. Several thought is needed to highlighted better. Another tester thought the instructions needed to be reworded and VPN located higher on the page.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Almost every student went to “Hours” under “About Libraries.” However, finding the Jones Media Center was a little difficult. They all said the title needs to say “Jones.”

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

They all found the Library Catalog either under “Find It” or the link in the Search Box.

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

Not all the testers knew the differences between each service. We explained the differences to them. Some of them suggestion explanatory text to help distinguish between them.

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007, located in Baker/Berry Library. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

Some of the testers used “Locating & Borrowing Materials” to help them answer this question. All of them said the Stacks Guide needed more prominence.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

They all found the title either by using the Search Box or going to the online catalog via a link on the front page.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

Some of the testers found the library links at the bottom of the page. Others used Libraries@Dartmouth to find Paddock. However, some of them thought the Libraries should be more prominent on the page.

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design (SC ’10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

The student liked it. The new design looks more like the College’s overall design. It looks easy to navigate, compared to the current web site, and you should be able to find things easily. He also liked the color scheme.

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

The picture is right there and big. The title of the site.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

The student went to the following links in this order

“Staff Link.”

“Get Research Help”

Email link at the bottom of the page

Ask A Librarian button

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

Yes, the categories are self-explanatory. There are a couple of acronyms or initials such as DCAL, that you may not know. You may also not know the difference between DartDoc and Borrow Direct.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

The page seems to cover what’s on the current page. He couldn’t think of anything else.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

Nice way to have it. It seems clear.

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

He had a process, but the steps seemed out of order. He went to Search360 first and pretended to do a search. He then clicked on the “Off-Campus” button. I asked if the text for the “Off-Campus” button was too small. He said he just wanted to go down the categories first.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

He went directly to “Hours” under “About Libraries.”

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

He said yes and went to the “Library Catalog” under “Find It.”

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

He said he would use Search360 to find articles. He would use Borrow Direct to get books only and DartDoc for articles only. I explained the differences and similarities to him.

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

He didn’t find anything on the front page to help him. He looked around on the page and went to the “Help Yourself” page. On that page, he found a Stacks Guide for Baker/Berry Library.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

Yes. He did the search in the Search Box on the front page. The results are a keyword search and gave him a long list. He redid the search as title one in the online catalog and that gave him a shorter list of 3 items. I did suggest he do that so that he could see the different results for each type of search.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

He went down to the library links at the bottom of the page and clicked on Paddock Music Library.

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design (SB ’10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

I like it. I’m not sure about the color scheme. It looks a million times better than the old site. The green color made it look more “Dartmouthy.” He first thought this was a new web site for the entire College. Once he realized it was a redesign for the Library he remarked that it was now more similar to the College’s. He also liked the “Ask A Librarian” and the “Off-Campus Access” buttons

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

He said the search box and its indexes. He scrolled down to see other things on the page.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

He mentioned that he liked FAQ’s. He skipped over the “Ask A Librarian” button. He didn’t see where he could go to find answers. He scrolled down the page, but didn’t seem to find what he thought would help him.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

We clarified the question by saying “Do the headings make sense for what’s under them?” The student said yes. He thought the categories looked good. He was tempted to look at the more. He said you could click on “more…” if you didn’t see what you wanted on the list.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

Thinking about how he approaches using the library, he didn’t think so. Actually, he asked how you would search for something in Jones Media Center. We showed him the audio-visual search. He also asked what was searched for the Library site. We told him everything in the web site. There is also less navigating than compared to the old site.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

Good. 1 search box but several ways to search. The other search options are phrases. He didn’t notice the text in the box. He was looking for the “Advanced Search.” People are used to other search options. Catalog Home is not clear.

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

Off-Campus Access. This is nice and big. I guess I read and follow the instructions. It explains how and the importance of VPN.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Go to About Libraries and click on Hours. He didn’t see Jones. Jones is known as Jones and just the media center.

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

Catalog Home. Also you can go to Library Catalog under “Find It.”

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

He didn’t know 2 of the phrases. He said some terms are not intuitive. Maybe you could have rollover text which explains each term or put an “I” for more explanations. He knows what Borrow Direct is. You could also put explanations under FAQ’s. We explained the differences between each.

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

Yes, but how. The question assumes the answer is there and you just have to find it. If he hears “Stacks” he thinks Baker/Berry. He then went to “Locating & Borrowing Materials” and found the Stacks Guide.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

He used the search box on the front page to find the journal.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

Libraries@Dartmouth. We told him about the links at the bottom of the page. You have to scroll down to see key information. Maybe pull down menus with the library names would be better. Or put the specific libraries at the top or on the right. That is important information.

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design (JL ’10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

The looks better than the current page. More in line with the College. With the other/old page, you had to think where to go. Trying to find something was difficult.

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

The picture is the first thing I noticed. Then I noticed the search box.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

His first instinct is not to ask a librarian. His first instinct is to go to Staff, then Libraries@Dartmouth, which looks like an email (it’s not what he thought it was) and then Services. He missed the “Ask A Librarian” button. That seems to blend in with the background.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

They make a lot of sense. Libraries@Dartmouth is confusing. You need links to individual libraries on each page. He then found the links at the bottom of the page. He felt these were more important than the news. Maybe put the links on the side.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

Page about the History of the Library. He found a speech from 1957 on Rauner’s site. Make it more like the Off-Campus Access.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

Great. Just put in what you want. Other options are clearly labeled. Type and go. Didn’t expect the text in the box to change. Looking for Reserves, he wouldn’t expect Course Reserves. He thought that was something like Special Collections.

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

Search360 to start. If that didn’t work or start with Off-Campus Access.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Hours under About Libraries. He went to Media Center after a while. It needs to say Jones. Map Room vs. Evans Map Room?

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

Yes under “Find It.” Or Catalog Home above Search Box.

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

He understands the differences.

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

Locating & Borrowing Materials then Check Out Material then Stack Guides (with a prompt). It is not clear how to find that.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

He did a Search Box search. Perhaps a title search would be better or go straight to the catalog. Use the Limit button to limit to author, title, etc for a more powerful search.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

He remembered Libraries@Dartmouth. He thought about going to the bottom of the page, but knew of another way to get the information he wanted.

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design (CK ‘10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

I like it better. It is similar to the Dartmouth College homepage. I like the the tabs above the search box.

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

The picture and banner.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

"Ask a Librarian" link.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

Under the "Help Yourself," RWIT is sort-of a resource or service.

5 Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

"Course Reserves" ; "Jones Media Center " in the "Hours" drop-down tab.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

I like it.

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

"Off Campus Access"

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Under "Hours", "Media Center." This should be changed from "Media Center" to "Jones Media Center."

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

"Find It"; then "Library Catalog."

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

Search360 - searches all the databases at once

Borrow Direct - not sure

DartDoc - not sure

ILL - not sure; not clear

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007, located in Baker/Berry Library. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

She clicked on, "Locating and Borrowing Materials"...she could not find it...

She clicked on "Find Your Book"...

She would like to be able to type in your call number and the location appears.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

She selected the Search 360 tab above the search box. She typed, English Miscellany, in the search box.

After some confusion, she clicked on "English (subject)." She typed, English Miscellany, in the Search 360 search box.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

In the "Libraries at Dartmouth," bottom tool bar.

Questions for Testing New Library Web Design (SR ’10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

I like it a lot. It is better than the oldone. It is better organized and looks more like the Dartmouth College web-site.

2. What is the first thing you notice about the new page?

The picture and the dark banner. It is almost too big, but I like it.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

"? Ask a Librarian" link

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Resources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

The items under "Help Yourself" are random.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn’t there now?

A link to Greenprint locations on campus. A link to a map of the Baker Berry stacks.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

She likes the tabs above the search box. She likes the organization of the columns (categories).

7. You’re home for Thanksgiving and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it? [If they need clarification--this is a question about access when you’re not on campus]

She clicked on "Off Campus Access." She was confused about need for IP address and VPN. She thinks the descriptions should be reworded (shorter) and VPN with a link (to instructions) should be located higher up on the page.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

She clicked on "About the Libraries." Then clicked on "Hours." She thinks it should be listed as Jones Media Center, instead of Media Center.

9. Can you go directly to the library’s catalog from this page?

Yes, " Find-it"; then Library Catalog.

10. Do you know the difference between Search360, Borrow Direct and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

Search360 - online resources

Borrow Direct - book from another library

DartDoc - no

ILL - "interlibrary loan?"

I think Borrow Direct and DartDoc should be called "Research Sharing."

11. You’ve identified a book you want from the library catalog. Its call number is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007, located in Baker/Berry Library. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

She clicked on "Locating and Borrowing Materials" then she clicked on "Stack Guide". This list should be reorganized and stack guide higher up on the page. Ideally, it would be good if you could click on the call number in the catalog record and the location given at that point.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal English Miscellany?

When she hears the word, journal, she automatically thinks of ejournals. She clicked on the tab, "Search 360" above the search box. She typed, English Miscellany, in the search box. No result...

She clicked on the tab, "Library Catalog" above the search box. She typed, English Miscellany, in the search box.

13. Where do find a link to Paddock Music Library’s web page?

She clicked on "Paddock Music Library" in the bottom tool bar.

Questions for Testing the New Library Web design (ZM ’10)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

I like the color scheme. I like the spacing and the columns of topics. It's nice to have news and exhhibits on the top page. I like the tabs. It looks clear. You don't have to decipher where to go. It's comfortable.

2. What's the first thing you notice about the new page?

The layout is different and better, cleaned up, headers are nice. Subject access is appreciated. Clearer categories, prefer it to the old site.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

I would look to contact a person, for phone numbers. Search "About the Library" and then "Staff". When I am really lost i look for a phone number. Perhaps i could find contact information under "Resources"? I like that the subject specialists have an area. [Finally he notices "Ask a Librarian"} Oh, I didn't notice "Ask a Librarian right away, and I'm not sure what that means. I might have noticed it sooner had it been on the left of the page. I see things left-to-right. I tend to take the long route when it comes to technology.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Rsources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

The groupings and the titles make sense. I particularly like the subject breakdown. I can find subject-specific resources.

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn't there now?

This is a flurry- how about "books or databases of the day"? I like to know about new resources. How about "Fact of the day". I like the news feature. I like that there is access to libraries other than Baker-Berry.

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

I am always looking for reserves. I am glad that it is there. I like the delineation of different kinds of searches below. I don't mind going to the next page for the catalog, however. The categories are clear.

7. You are home for Thanksgiving, and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it?

I haven't done this yet. I would ask a librarian. If I was in London (and I will be next year)- hmm what would I do? I know I saw something about this. Oh, dah, "off-campus access". I had difficulty finding that. I wasn't aware that a special connection was needed. I look at things from left to right- put in to the left? This is too easy.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Under "Hours", then "Media Center". It would help if it said "Jones Media Center". If it has a name, use it! What would the alums for whom it was named think?

9. Can you go directly to the library's catalog from this page?

Sure, "Library Catalog" under "Find IT", or under the search box.

10. Do you know the difference between Search 360, Borrow Direct, and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

I have used Search360. I have used Borrow Direct (for books only). I like the sound of the word "DartDoc", but I have no idea what it means (I haven't used it). I don't know what ILL is [He did know what "Interlibrary Loan" means]

11. You've identified a book you want from the library caalog. Its call numner is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007, located in Naker/Berry Library. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

Maybe it's on the cell-phone tour. It should be under "About the libraries" or "Services". I generally use my paper copy. This isn't obvious on this website to me. [We showed him "Stacks Guide"] He said: Wouldn't "Stacks floorplan" or "Stacks map" be better? Put it up to higher prominance on the webpage?

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal "English Miscellany"?

I would type it in under eJournals. If it was a film studeie journal, I would go to the subject area for film studies. Or I would search in the search box/library catalog. I like it when the website tells you exactly where to go next.

13. Where do you find a link to Paddock Music Library's web page?

I have it on "Favorites";-)

[He looked around alot at alot of different places, and had trouble finding it]

Help Yourself? Library Service Points?

[Did not notice it on the bottom, or under "Libraries@Dartmouth".

Questions for Testing the New Library Web design (WS Faculty)

1. What do you think of the overall design of the web page?

It's very eye-appealing, invites you. Categories are clear. Like black/bold/green colors, and visual differentiation. It's clean.

2. What's the first thing you notice about the new page?

I like it that the library catalog is right there at the top.

3. If you needed to ask a question, where would you go on this page?

[Looked at 6 categories] I'd go to "Reference & Research Services" under "Services". [Missed "Ask a Librarian"] The dark grey is difficult to read text, not seen as prominnently as the text below in the white area.

4. Do the items under each category (ie Find It, Rsources by Subject, etc.) make sense to you?

Yes, absolutely. Everything under "Find It" is critical to me (the things I use)

5. Is there something you think should be on the front page that isn't there now?

Move "Ask a Librarian" down into the blank white space where it will be noticed

6. What do you think about the formatting of the search box?

It's clear, you wouldn't miss it. But it doesn't have "Keyword" search on it. I always use the "Keyword search", so that should be possible in the search box.

7. You are home for Thanksgiving, and need to do research. You found an article for which Dartmouth has an online subscription. How do you get it?

It's too difficult to access databases from home [Did not see "Off Campus Access"]. "Off Campus Access" ought to be highlighted in the white area, where it could be seen better.

8. How would you find the hours for the Jones Media Center?

Looked under "Services" and then "Hours". Had trouble finding "Jones Media Center" because it didn't have "Jones" in the title.

9. Can you go directly to the library's catalog from this page?

Yes, under "Find It". I am so glad it's the first thing, and you don't have to click to find it.

10. Do you know the difference between Search 360, Borrow Direct, and DartDoc? [Does ILL mean anything to you? Does it help?]

I know what they all mean, and I use them all. ILL is meaningful to me, as well.

11. You've identified a book you want from the library caalog. Its call numner is BR 1725 .S735 A3 2007, located in Naker/Berry Library. Can you find help on this website for finding the physical location of the book?

I don't use the website to locate physical items. I would ask a librarian in person. I don't use online maps.

12. Does Dartmouth College Library have the journal "English Miscellany"?

Searched in search box and found it.

13. Where do you find a link to Paddock Music Library's web page?

Went to "About the Libraries", then "Departments", then to the bottom of the page.

"Libraries@Dartmouth doesn't make sense. Perhaps move the libraries at the bottom of the page higher (maybe to the grey area where "Ask a Librarian" and "Off-Campus Access" currently are, if those were moved to the white area). You shouldn't have to do more than a click to get to a specific library.

Miscellaneous Comments

I think the site looks better overall, but I'd like a search box that lets me search by author or title on the first click...that's by far the most common reason I head to the library's site. (Faculty)


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