Physical Education Make-up Article Review

Physical Education Make-up Article Review

For students completing an article review for a P.E. make-up:

• Complete an article review for each day absent.

• Review is due 2 days after absence.

1. Read an appropriate article related to physical education, fitness or health (may be a magazine or an internet article).

2. Write a hand-written full page summary on this form.

3. Write a reaction paragraph to the article.

4. Attach the original article or a copy of the original article to the review. Article must be attached to receive credit.

Student’s Name: ________________________ Hour: ___________________

Title of the Article: ______________________________________________________________

Source (circle one): Magazine Internet

Name of Magazine: ____________________ Month/Year Issued: ______________

Name of Website: ______________________ Web Address: ____________________

Summary: In your own words, give a written summary of what the article discussed:



Reaction: Write what you thought about the article, such as if you agreed or disagreed with its contents, if you would implement the article’s suggestions and why, and if you would share the information from the article with others.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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