The center conducts a wide range of activities directed toward social change and primary prevention of sexual violence.

The goals of these activities are to make individuals and communities aware of sexual violence in all its forms and to engage the community in both primary prevention and social change. Strategies to achieve these outcomes include education programs, awareness campaigns and social activism.

A. Education Programs (Minimum 50% of effort.)

The center provides age and culture appropriate presentations to community groups on subjects of sexual violence, including, but not limited to, myths associated with its origins and perpetuation, prevention strategies, the impact of sexual assault on the victim, the needs of diverse populations of victims, sexual assault laws and policies and the characteristics of offenders. Education programs are designed primarily to inform an audience, raise awareness, and promote change in attitudes and behavior regarding sexual violence and related issues.

B. Awareness Promotion

Awareness promotion includes a broad spectrum of activities aimed at the community in general rather than a particular audience gathered for a presentation. Such activities may include: community health and resource fairs, distribution of flyers/leaflets in public venues,(media activities, radio, television, Internet) and other strategies designed to reach the community at large with messages directed at increasing awareness of sexual violence and rape crisis services. Messages focus on sexual violence topics ranging from primary prevention to specific aspects of sexual violence or sexual violence services.

C. Social Justice Activism

Social justice activism includes a variety of strategies directed at social change. Strategies may be directed specifically at sexual violence or at the broad spectrum of oppressions that contribute to the perpetration of sexual violence. Strategies may include protests and rallies (e.g., Take Back the Night), task forces to engage the community in challenging oppression (e.g., community task force on racism) media activity (e.g., letters to the editor, opinion columns, press conferences) and other activist efforts to prevent and end sexual violence and oppression through changes in institutions, the community and the broader culture.


A. Services

1. Annually, the center develops a victim-centered and culturally competent community awareness and social justice activism program plan including objectives and strategies. The plan identifies:

• audiences the center plans to reach with education programs, marketing strategies to reach those audiences and a tentative schedule of programs;

• awareness campaigns planned during the coming year; and

• social justice activism plans for the coming year.

2. The center monitors progress toward identified service and outreach goals included in its annual plan.

3. The center conducts institutional advocacy with education venues and other organizations to promote inclusion of education programs in those institutions.

4. The center seeks opportunities to sponsor or participate in social justice work.

5. The center conducts outreach into geographically, racially and economically diverse communities and makes a concerted effort to reach marginalized populations in its service area.

6. The center periodically assesses the impact of community awareness and social justice activism services on individual participants and the community via satisfaction surveys and/or outcome evaluation.

7. All community awareness and social justice activism services are culturally competent and reflect a feminist, victim-centered analysis of the problem.

B. Documentation

1. The center has an identifiable and documented community awareness and social justice activism program.

• The center has written education outlines and objectives for education programs with school-age audiences, civic organizations and faith-based groups.

• The center has a written description and written materials associated with awareness campaigns including brochures, flyers/leaflets, posters, articles (print, radio, television, Internet) and/or other materials.

• The center has a written description and written materials associated with any social justice activism, including planning documents, meeting minutes/notes, photos, news coverage of events and other materials.

2. The center utilizes evidence-based, culturally sensitive curricula, resource materials and teaching strategies appropriate for populations served. These materials are on file at the center.

3. The center reviews written materials regularly to purge outdated materials and add updated resources.

4. The center develops and/or distributes brochures, handouts, fact sheets and other materials appropriate for educating audiences, participating in activism events and awareness campaigns.


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