10th Grade Global Studies Cycle IV Project

Edward R. Murrow H.S. Social Studies Department

Mr. Barge, Principal Ms. E. Rubin

AP Seminar Global Review Project

For this project you will be researching a current global issue or conflict of your choosing. You will report on the global issue and give your opinion on it.

Part I – Summary (30 points)

• Choose six articles and write a summary for each article. (Do not print and submit the articles, just include article information in citations and Works Cited page)

• Each article must be related to each other – a THEME!

• Each article must be from reliable newspapers or magazines such as New York Times, Times Magazine, or . Use RAVEN when choosing your sources.

• Articles must be about Global issue NOT American issues. If you have a question about it bring the article to me and I will let you know if it is appropriate.

• Each summary must be one-page double space, Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Due to this, I would suggest you find longer, more complex articles.

• At the end of each summary should be one citation. You should NOT have multiple citations since all the information should be from one article.

Part II – Reflection (60 points)

• You must write a 2-page reflection (double space, Times New Roman 12 pt. font) to the articles and the theme as a whole.

• Guiding questions include:

o What historical events can you connect your topic to? (You should have 2 additional sources in this section for historical information)

o What is the problem?

o What are the possible solutions?

o What enduring issues can you apply your theme to?

Part III: Mechanics (10 points)

• Your paper must have 1inch margins and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

• You must demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in writing and mechanics of language


• LATE PAPERS: You will lose five points per day the paper is late.

• Plagiarism (presenting someone else’s work or idea as your own) is unacceptable. If done you will fail for the project.

Part III: Works Cited/Citations

Your paper must include a Works Cited page and citations

• Use APA format

• You must have at least eight sources (Remember 6 of these sources are your newspaper articles)

• Works Cited page and Citations must properly formatted

Any incorrect or incomplete bibliographies and citations will NOT receive ANY credit and the essay will be returned to you. Without a bibliography and citations your entire project will not be graded and you will lose points for lateness until a bibliography is handed in with the project.

The rubric must be attached to your paper. It must be the last page. Please reference the rubric while writing your paper.

| |Excellent |Good |Satisfactory |Needs Improvement |Score |

|Part I – |(25 – 30 points) |(20 -24 points) |(15 - 19 points) |(0 – 14 points) | |

|Summary |6 articles |6 articles |Less than 6 articles |Plagiarized or Missing | |

|(30 points) |States specific relevant theme for each summary |States general theme for each summary (1 |States a theme for each summary (1 theme) |Fails to develop the task | |

| |(1 theme) |theme) | |Includes no relevant facts, examples, or | |

| |Credible sources (RAVEN) |Credible sources (RAVEN) | |details | |

| | | | |Research not done | |

| | | | |Uses first person – I, me, us | |

|Part II – |(50 - 60 points) |(40 - 49 points) |(30 - 39 points) |(0 - 29 points) | |

|Reflection |2 pages |2 pages |Less than 2 pages |Less than 2 pages | |

|(60 points) |Uses all 6 articles equally |Uses all 6 articles |Uses less than 6 articles |Plagiarized or Missing | |

| |Answers the following question with specific |Answers the following questions with details: |Answers the following questions with: What historical |Fails to develop the task | |

| |relevant details: What historical events can |What historical events can you connect your |events can you connect your topic to? |Includes no relevant facts, examples, or | |

| |you connect your topic to? |topic to? |What is the problem? |details | |

| |What is the problem? |What is the problem? |What are the possible solutions? |Research not done | |

| |What are the possible solutions? |What are the possible solutions? |What enduring issues can you apply your theme to? |Uses first person – I, me, us | |

| |What enduring issues can you apply your theme |What enduring issues can you apply your theme | | | |

| |to? |to? | | | |

| |Addresses additional ideas |Addresses additional ideas | | | |

|Part II –Mechanics |(8 – 10 points) |(6 – 7 points) |(4 – 5 points) |(0-4 points) | |

| |12point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins |12point Times New Roman Font |Not proper font/size/margins |Contain several spelling, punctuation, and | |

|(10 points) |Double Spaced |1 inch margins |Not stapled/attached |grammatical errors | |

| |Stapled/Attached |May contain a few spelling, punctuation, and |Not double spaced (when applicable) |Does not demonstrates appropriate grammar | |

| |Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, |grammatical errors |May contain several spelling, punctuation, and |usage in writing and mechanics of language | |

| |and grammatical errors |May demonstrate appropriate grammar usage in |grammatical errors |Uses first person – I, me, us | |

| |Demonstrates appropriate grammar usage in |writing and mechanics of language |Partially demonstrates appropriate grammar usage in |Passive Voice | |

| |writing and mechanics of language |Uses first person – I, me, us |writing and mechanics of language |TEAL Format(When applicable) | |

| |TEAL Format (When applicable) |Passive Voice |Uses first person – I, me, us | | |

| | |TEAL Format (When applicable) |Passive Voice | | |

| | | |TEAL Format (When applicable) | | |

|Bibliography and |You will only receive credit for doing this correctly. Any incorrect or incomplete bibliographies and citations will NOT receive ANY credit and the project will be returned to you. Without a | |

|Citations |bibliography and citations your entire project will not be graded and you will need to resubmit it. You will lose points for lateness if this occurs. | |

|Lateness |You will lose five points per day (regardless if school is in session or if the band meets or not) if late. | |

|Final Score: | |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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