Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

Mr. Goto

Senior Government


Unit 7 Review Game (Th. 5/20/04)

State Standard:

2SS-D6 Develop and defend issues involving civil rights and civil liberties.

Objectives and Expectations for Learning:

Students will review their knowledge gained through the unit covering Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.

Anticipatory Set:

Give students a couple minutes to look over their notes and study guides.

Direct Instruction:

The class will compete against each other in a jeopardy style review game. The winning section of the class will receive extra credit

Guided Practice:

Questions that students are unable to answer will need to be explained. Those that are answered correctly may have extra information added to them by the teacher or the teacher may present other questions about that answer to the class.


Winning team receives extra credit points on the test tomorrow.

Class reminders: Test Tomorrow

Summative Assessment:

Students and the teacher can assess knowledge gained through this unit by the class's performance during the review game.

Final unit assessment comes tomorrow


-In the case of Wooley v. Maynard, 1976, what did the Maynard family take offense with and where was it found?

"Live Free or Die" on the New Hampshire license plates

-What political party was started in Mississippi and demanded they be recognized at the National Democratic Convention before Johnson defeated Goldwater?

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

-In "Eyes on the Prize", we see a pretty rough Sherriff who pushes around the African Americans and stands in their way when trying to vote, what is his name?

Jim Clark

|Potpourri | | |What court case did the |This offense, defined in |What term is used to describe |

| |What term is used to describe|What type of trial has a |Supreme Court use to |the Constitution, carries |an item that that average |

| |an attack on a person's |judge but lacks a jury? |reaffirm that those being |the maximum sentence of |person may find sexual and |

| |character using false facts | |arrested must be read |death? |lacks and serious literary, |

| |through spoken words? |BENCH TRIAL |their rights? | |artistic, political, or |

| | | | |TREASON |scientific purpose (SLAPS)? |

| |SLANDER | |MIRANDA V. ARIZONA, 1966 | | |

| | | | | |OBSCENE |

|"Eyes on |What was the name of the |What was the name of the |According to the video, |In what Alabama city did |What is the full name of the |

|the Prize"|charismatic spokes person of |African American male who |what is the difference |the March to Montgomery |group who along with the SCLC,|

| |the SCLC, Southern Christian |was killed for taking |between a first and second|begin? |promoted Civil Rights through |

| |Leadership Conference? |fresh with a white woman? |class citizen? | |non-violent means? |

| | | | |SELMA | |


| | | | | |Coordinating Committee |

| | | | | |(or CORE, NAACP) |

|Rights of |What Amendment protects |What is Arizona's current |What term is used to |What type of laws seek to |What court case stated that |

|those |citizens from cruel or |method of execution for |describe being fined or |punish a person for |because a criminal's death |

|Punished |unusual punishment as well |punishments worthy of the |punished for a crime that |something they did before |sentence failed in the first |

| |excessive bail? |death sentence? |you have already paid your|it was against the law? |attempt, they may still try |

| | | |dues for? | |again to finish the sentence? |


| | | |DOUBLE JEOPARDY | |Louisiana v. Resweber |

|Rights of |What is used as a deposit to |What group determines |What is the name given to |What phrase is associated |What rule states that evidence|

|those |guarantee that someone |whether or not the |legislative acts that seek|with a person's right to |seized improperly cannot be |

|Accused |accused will show up for |prosecution has enough |to punish people without a|have the charges against |used against a person in |

| |their trial? |evidence to proceed with a|trial? |you brought forward and |court? |

| | |case? | |presented to you? | |



|Amendment |Which amendment protects |What word is used to |What is the three part |What is the name of the |What clause associated with |

|Freedoms |citizens from unreasonable |describe the rights |test used to determine if |clause attached to the |the First Amendment states |

| |searches and seizures of |associated with the 9th |giving state aid violates |14th Amendment |that people may worship, |

| |evidence? |Amendment? |the Establishment Clause |guaranteeing each person |believe, and practice the |

| | | |of the First Amendment? |Due Process? |religion of their choice? |



|Court |What court case is known for |In O'Brien v. the United |What 1879 court case |What case determined that |This act passed in the 1980's |

|Cases |the desegregation of schools |States 1968, punishing |involved the Supreme Court|state employees, |allowed Mergens in Westside |

| |in the United States? |O'Brien for burning his |saying that some religious|particularly teachers, |Comm. Schools v. Mergens of |

| | |draft card was deemed a |practices may be |cannot conduct a class |1990, to form a Christian club|

| |BROWN V. BOARD OF EDUCATION |reasonable limitation on |punishable, like polygamy |prayer even if |on her school's campus? |

| |(TOPEKA, KS) 1954 |what type of speech? |in this case? |participation is | |

| | | | |voluntary? |EQUAL ACCESS ACT |


| | | |1879 |ENGEL V. VITALE, 1963 | |

| |100 |200 |300 |400 |500 |


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