Unit 1 Study Guide: Colonization

Unit 3 Study Guide


Use your vocabulary words & notes to answer the following questions:

1. Checks and balances the provisions in the US Constitution that prevent any one branch form dominating the other two

2. Articles of Confederation a document adopted by the second Continental congress in 1777 and approved in 1781 that outline the form of government of the new United States

3. Confederation an alliance permitting states or nations to act together on matters of mutual concern

4. Republic a government in which people rule through elected officials

5. Republicanism the belief that government should be based on the consent of the people

6. Electoral College a group selected by the states to elect the president and the vice president in which each states number of electors is equal to its number of its senators and representative in congress

7. Great Compromise Established a 2 house legislature with all states having equal representation in one house and each state having population based on population in the other house

8. Bill of Rights the first ten amendment of the Constitution added in 1791 and consisting of a formal list of citizens rights and freedoms

9. 3/5th Compromise count three-fifths of a states slaves as population for purposes of taxation and representation

10. _Ratification ___ official approval of the Constitution or an amendment by the states

Name that Amendment: Using your notes identify if the statement refers to:

Amendment #1 Amendment #2 Amendment #3 Amendment #4

Amendment #5 Amendment #6 Amendment #7

Amendment #8 Amendment #9 Amendment #10

1. Amendment #6 speedy and public trial; impartial jury; informed of accusation; allowed witnesses and a lawyer

2. 10 all other powers not stated in the Constitution are reserved to the states

3. 8th no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment

4. 7th right to a jury for civil trials involving more than $20.00

5. 9th rights cannot be denied to any citizen

6. 2nd right to bear arms

7. 5th grand jury; double jeopardy; no self-incrimination; due process of law; eminent domain

8. 3rd no quartering of troops without consent of owner

9. 4th no unreasonable searches and seizures

10. 1st Freedom of Speech, Press, Petition, assembly and Religion

Knowledge: Use your notes to answer the following questions:

1. The most important reason for the failure of the Articles of Confederation was states had to much power, the national government was too weak

2. The calling of the First Continental Congress is an example of colonial rebellion

3. What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? National government could not raise and army or tax without permission, only had the legislative branch, no common currency

4. The Federalists supported strong national government

5. What did the Virginia Plan establish? Bicameral legislature based on population

6. What did the New Jersey Plan establish? Unicameral legislature base on equal representation

7. What state did not send a representative to the Constitutional Convention? Rhode Island

8. Because of their size and influence it was important for which states to ratify the constitution?? Virginia and New York

9. What three people were influential Federalists? _James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton and Goerge Washington

10. What three people were influential anti-federalists? Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Sam Adams and George Mason

11. Leader of the Federalists? Alexander Hamilton

12. Leader of the Anti-Federalists? Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson

13. Bicameral legislature, Senate- 2 senators from each state, House of Representatives- based on population. Great Compromise

14. A document adopted by the second Continental congress in 1777 and approved in 1781 that outline the form of government of the new United States Articles Of Confederation

15. Bicameral Legislature, 2 Houses; both based on population (more people, more votes) VA Plan

16. What was the rule that John Smith enacted? No farming no Eating

17. Unicameral system, 1 House, 1 vote for each State; 13 votes for all measures _New Jersey plan

18. A series of 85 essays designed to convince members of NY state convention to agree to the Constitution. Federalist papers

19. Enforces the laws Executive

20. Makes the laws Legislative

21. Interprets the laws Judicial

SOL Review Material

Name that Colony: Identify if the statement refers to:




1. ___S_______ had closer social ties to England

2. ___S_______ Large Plantations

3. ___NE_______intolerant of dissenters

4. ____S______Jamestown

5. ___S_______large scale slavery

6. ____S______Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

7. ___M_______ settled by English, Dutch, & Germans seeking religious freedom

8. ____S______ cavaliers

9. ____M______New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware

10. ______S____ cash crops “brown gold”(tobacco)

11. ____M______ cities became seaports for trading (Philadelphia, New York )

12. ____NE______ economy based on shipbuilding, fishing and lumbering

13. _____M_____ economy based on small scale farming, Shipbuilding and trade

14. ____NE______Athenian democracy, in the form of Town Meetings

15. ____M______tolerant of Christian faiths

16. ____S______Social status is based on land ownership

17. ____NE______Social status determined by church membership

18. _____NE_____New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut

Directions: Answer Each of the following questions

19. What was the first legislative body in the new world? Virginia House of Burgesses

20. When was Jamestown founded? 1607

21. What city was the Constitutional Convention held? Philadelphia PA

22. What cash crops were grown in Georgia and South Carolina? Rice and Indigo

23. What was the last Battle of the American revolution? Yorktown,VA

24. In what state did Shays Rebellion happen? Massachusetts

25. What did Shays rebellion prove? There was a need for a stronger national government and theat the articles of Confederation was too weak

26. What religious group settled the following

a. New Jersey Presbyterians

b. Pennsylvania Quakers

c. New York Jews and Hugonauts

27. How did the colonist respond to the tax on tea? Boston tea party

28. What is the name of the act that placed a tax upon 50 items including playing cards, new papers and pamphlets? Stamp acts

29. What was the name of the line drawn down the western edge of the Colonies following the French and Indian war? Proclamation of 1763

30. What two Christian churches grew out of the great awakening? Baptist and Methodist

31. Who were two key thinkers that influenced Jefferson in the writing of the Dec. of Independence? John Locke and Thomas Paine

32. Who ask “ What good is a King”? What document did he ask this question? Thomas Paine Common Sences

33. Was the Boston massacre really a massacre? What did it do? No, only 5 people killed, Made the Colonist angry at the British

34. Where did the first two shots of the revolution occur? Lexington and Concord, MA


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