American History I

US of A!

• Colonies became states but… most people were still loyal to their…

• Reluctant to give up state’s power to a _________________________________ government

• Just rebelled against an over-powerful _______________________

• How do you balance the interest of the ______________________ with the interests of a ______________________?

State Constitutions

• ____________________________________ - the system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed

• Each state wrote similar constitutions

• Emphasized ______________________________ rather then equality

• Outlined citizen _____________________ (freedom of speech, religion, press)Limited power given to leaders

• Fear of ______________________ authority

• Limited power given to state leaders

• Outlined ______________________ rights

• Limited to white males (some states required property ownership)

• No voting for women or blacks (NJ – women who owned property could vote until 1807)

Continental Congress Debates

• Continental Congress was debating key questions during the American Revolution…

• How much ____________________________ should the ______________________________ have?

• State representation based on ____________________________ or ______________________?

• Who gets new ___________________________ lands?

• Can power be ______________________ between a federal government and state governments?

Democracy vs Republic

|Democracy |Republic |

| | |

|Government directly by the… |Government in which citizens rule though… |

| | |

| | |

|Pro – |Pros – |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Cons – |Cons – |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

• Compromise – the Continental Congress chose a mix of both…

o Democracy –

o Republic –

Representation by Population or State?

• States equal as political entities BUT have many differences…

• Compromise – Each state gets_______ vote (decided on by 2-7 delegates per state depending on state population.)

Western Lands

• Conflicts between states over new western lands

• Some states had land that…

• ___________________________ states worried that larger states would become more powerful

• Compromise – All land was given to Congress and they passed…

• _________________________________________________________ – plan for ___________________ and ___________________the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River

• __________________________________________________________ – procedure for dividing western lands into _________________________, which would later become ___________________________

• Compromise – All land was given to Congress and they passed…

• ____________________________________ – procedure for dividing western lands into territories which would later become states

• Land Ordinance of 1785 – how to map and divide land

• Northwest Ordinance of 1787 – how to make territories into states

• BLUEPRINTS FOR ___________________________!!

Shared Power Between Federal and State Governments

• Who should have more power?

• Compromise - Delegates decided to form a _________________________________ of states where the power would be ____________________________ among the states and federal government.

• Confederation –

• Delegates got the idea for a confederation from an alliance of Native tribes called the _______________________ Confederacy

• alliance between 5 separate tribes across New York state that during the 1600s-1700s

• Also called the Iroquois _________________ or the Iroquois ____________________

• Constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy outlined principles in our current government.

|Federal Powers |In the AoC |State Powers |

| |CAN | |

|Declare _____________, make ____________________ | |Levy (set) ______________ on state citizens |

|Sign ___________________ | | |

|Regulate _______________________ and Native trade | |Regulate trade with _______________ states |

| |CANNOT | |

|Levy (set) _____________ on citizens | |_________________________ |

|Regulate trade between states | | |

The Articles of Confederation

• _________________________________, document that outlined the roles of the _______________ and _______________________ governments.

o Included articles (sections) describing all of the compromises decided upon in the Continental Congress.

Trouble in Paradise: Political Problems

• Confederation lacked national _____________________!

• Each state pursued its own interests, rather than the nation’s interests.

• States were scared that…

• Regardless of population size, each state = ______ vote in Congress.

• Angered more populous states like VA and MA.

• Articles of Confederation could not be ________________________ (changed) AND federal laws could not pass without a __________________ vote.

• VERY difficult to get all the states to agree.

Trouble in Paradise: Economic Problems

• Congress DEEP in ________________ due to Revolutionary War

• _________________________ from wealthy investors and foreign nations

• _____________________ too much money ( ___________________ currency

• Articles of Confederation ___________________ the federal government (Congress) from _____________________ the citizens

• No way to gain ______________________ (money) to pay debts!

• Congress tried to approve a tariff (tax on imported goods), but RI refused ( without unanimous approval, the tariff failed.

• ______________________ was high after the American Revolution and there was much debate on how to address it.

|Debtors |Creditors |

| | |

|____________________________ |____________________________ |

| |Wanted a _______________________ in paper money ( increase the value of money |

|Wanted an ______________________ in paper money ( lower the value of money |Get more _________________ from the debtors |

| | |

|Pay off debts with ________________ money | |

Trouble in Paradise: Shays’s Rebellion

• During the war, wealthy people loaned money to the states.

• After the war, the wealthy people wanted the states to impose ____________________________________ on the citizens so the gov’t could raise the revenue to pay back their loans.

• Many farmers couldn’t pay these high taxes ( courts approved farm _________________________________ (when the gov’t takes your property if you can’t pay taxes, loans, debts, etc) ( ANGRY farmers

• Daniel Shays

• Farmer, Revolutionary War _______________________

• Angry because he can’t pay the high taxes in MA

• Courts continued to approve foreclosures of farms in MA

• September 1786-January 1787– Shays’s Rebellion

• a series of revolst led by former Revolutionary War captain Daniel Shays to prevent judges in Massachusetts from foreclosing on the farms of farmers who could not pay taxes the state had levied

• In January 1787, Shays organized a _______________________ of 1,200 to march to the arsenal at ____________________________, MA with the goal of taking the weapons and marching on the courthouse in Springfield.

• At the arsenal, state officials disbanded the mob, 4 rebels killed

• Why is Shays’s Rebellion significant?

• Proved…

• Showed that there were _______________________________________________________ with the way state governments and the “federal” government operated under the Articles of Confederation.

• Highlighted the difficulties facing the __________________________________________________ as the states were no longer unified in fighting a common enemy like in the war.

• Many people began to think that the new national experiment was doomed to ___________________________.

Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

• No __________________ unity

• No president or central _________________________ to enforce laws

• No national ____________________________ system to resolve disputes

• Congress cannot _____________ citizens to pay debts

• Each state = __________ vote in a one-house legislature (regardless of population)

• Major decisions = _____________________approval (war, etc)

• Amendments (changes) to the document, including federal laws = ________________________ approval



Concerning the number of appointed delegates representing each state in Congress…


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