Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ph.D. Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures

Approved by CIED Faculty


Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ph.D. Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures

Table of Contents

I. General Information

II. Admission to Graduate Degree Programs

A. Program Admission

B. International Applicants

C. Formal Admission Procedures

III. Procedures Following Admission

A. Doctoral Advisory Committee

B. Program of Study

C. Residency Requirement

D. Grades

E. Licensure or Certification

F. Academic Grievance Procedures

G. Doctoral Candidacy Examination

H. Dissertation

I. Doctoral Dissertation Committee

J. Final Examination (Dissertation Defense)

K. Degree Application

L. Final Manuscript

IV. Forms

Flow Chart for Doctoral Students

BCSS-52 Checklist of Policies and Procedures for Doctoral Students

BCSS-50 Application for Admission to the Ph.D. Program including Guide for Autobiographical Sketch

BCSS-33 Recommendation Letter Form and Information

GS Doctoral Program Advisory Committee

BCSS-39 Doctoral Committee Change Form

BCSS-51Revised Ph.D. Program of Study (with a master’s degree)

BCSS-51 Ph.D. Program of Study (with an Ed.S.)

BCSS-51 Ph.D. Program of Study (original form)

BCSS-38 Application for Candidacy Examination

BCSS Doctoral Candidacy Examination Variance Form

BCSS-36 Candidacy Examination Report

GS Doctoral Dissertation Committee

GS Doctoral Dissertation Title

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ph.D. Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures

I. General Information

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is awarded in recognition of high scholarly attainment as evidenced by a period of successful advanced study, the satisfactory completion of certain prescribed examinations, and the development of a dissertation covering some significant aspect of a major field of learning. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

II. Admission to Graduate Degree Programs

Applicants for the Ph.D. program must first meet the standards for regular admission to Graduate School as defined in the Graduate School Catalog under "Classifications of Admission to Graduate Standing." (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

To be considered for full graduate standing, regular status, applicants must have earned a baccalaureate or a master’s degree from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, or from a regionally accredited institution in the United States with requirements for the degrees substantially equivalent to those of this University, or from a foreign institution with similar requirements for the degrees. Admission to graduate standing does not automatically constitute acceptance to a program of study leading to a graduate degree. To pursue a graduate degree a person must be accepted in a program of study. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

A. Program Admission

To be admitted to a graduate program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), pre-admission requirements must be met. These generally include a completed Master's Degree or equivalent. Departments may have additional requirements. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

All applicants to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction must meet the following minimum Admission Profile Requirements for admission to the Ph.D. program.

Applicants must have attained a 3.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) on all graduate courses taken prior to being admitted into the Ph.D. program.

Students must present a GRE General Score completed within the last 5 years prior to the date of application with 500 on the quantitative section, 500 in the verbal section and 3.0 on the 1-6 score range on the analytical writing.

Applicants seeking admission must have completed a master's degree with a minimum of 33 hours in a related field.

Students must complete a writing assignment designed and evaluated by the specific program are of concentration and administered through the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.

Applicants must complete a departmental interview concerning personal goals, professional goals, background experiences, and the results from the previously completed writing assignment.

Applicants must have approval of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. Admissions Committee.

B. International Applicants

An applicant who is a graduate of a regionally accredited institution in the U.S., or of a similar foreign university whose requirements for the bachelor's and master’s degree are substantially equivalent to those at the University of Arkansas, may be considered for admission to the Graduate School. (Graduate School)

The applicant must meet the following requirements in addition to the above requirements:

Student has pursued a curriculum comparable to one at the University of Arkansas.

Student has provided official evidence of all academic course work and confirmation of an appropriate bachelor's and master's degree.

Student has presented a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper- based)/213 (computer-based)/80 (internet-based) or a 6.5 on the IELTS (UA institutional code = 6866). (Graduate School)

International applicants may be conditionally admitted to the graduate programs in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Full admission occurs after the applicant has completed the Formal Admission Procedures and provides evidence of proficiency in both written and spoken English. A maximum of 6 graduate credit hours taken as a conditionally admitted applicant may be used as part of the program of study. After successfully completing the Formal Admission Procedures a temporary advisor will be assigned to assist the student in developing a Doctoral Advisory Committee and establishing a chair for the committee who will become the advisor until the Program of Study and Candidacy Examinations are completed.

C. Formal Admission Procedures

The Formal Admission Procedures apply to all applicants for the Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. International applicants may be admitted conditionally, but will need to complete the Formal Admission Procedures prior to beginning course work on their Program of Study.

Apply for Admission to the Doctoral Program. After securing admission to the Graduate School, the applicant should complete the Application for Admission to the Ph.D. Program (BCSS-50). These forms, as well as a Checklist of Procedures and Policies for Doctoral Students, are available online.

Submit Test Scores. Scores on the verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing parts of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) should be sent directly to the Graduate School (Institution code: 6866). International applicants should also submit official TOEFL or IELTS score.

Submit References. Three references (BCSS-33) are required. These should be returned directly to the appropriate graduate coordinator's office. (COEHP)

Candidate Interview. After the application materials and test scores have been returned to the graduate coordinator, the program faculty will arrange for an interview with each candidate. A Student Profile will be completed for each candidate. This profile includes the academic record, standardized test scores, previous employment and related admission file materials.

Committee Action. Upon program committee approval/ recommendation of a candidate, the committee will complete a Summary of Basic Data for Admission which will be placed in the applicant’s file. The Graduate Studies Committee is then notified of the student’s acceptance.

Candidate Notification. The candidate will be notified officially by the department. This notification will include the temporary advisor's name.

Time Limit. The degree must be completed within seven consecutive calendar years from the date of the Declaration of Intent. Courses taken prior to filing the Declaration of Intent cannot be used to satisfy the residence requirement for the Ph.D. Degree. (Graduate Catalog)

Readmission. Readmission to the Graduate School is not automatic. Students who have been previously enrolled in Graduate School but who have not been enrolled within the preceding two years should consult the Graduate Catalog for readmission requirements. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog).

Appeal Policy Procedures. If a person is denied admission to the doctoral program by the program area, the person may make appeal to the Graduate Studies Committee, and may have someone accompany him/her who may not speak before the committee. The next appeal would be to the Dean of the Graduate School. Further appeals would follow regular University appeal procedures. For each successive stage, notice of appeal must be given in writing within three weeks of receipt of notification. The reason for the appeal must also be presented in writing.

III. Procedures Following Admission

Doctoral Advisory Committee. Prior to the completion of twelve (12) semester credit hours, the student, in consultation with his or her advisor, shall select a Doctoral Advisory Committee. The Doctoral Advisory Committee will serve as a program advisory committee until all coursework is completed and the written and oral examinations have been successfully passed. One member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee will be designated by the student as the Chair of the committee and will then act as the advisor for the student until the Program of Study and Candidacy Examinations are completed. The Doctoral Advisory Committee will approve the Program of Study, develop and evaluate the written comprehensive examination, conduct the oral examination, and vote on the student's admission to candidacy. (The Doctoral Dissertation Committee will be formed after admission to candidacy.) For any Doctoral Advisory Committee changes, the Doctoral Committee Change Form should be completed and signed by the various members and submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee for their approval. Upon approval by the Graduate Studies Committee, this form will be transmitted to the Graduate School.

Doctoral Advisory Committee composition The Doctoral Advisory Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) faculty members whose academic credentials and experience qualify them to develop and examine the academic preparation of students in the program area, and shall include two (2) faculty from the program. Small programs should present a list each Fall Semester of persons who will be considered as program faculty. Only Group I Graduate Faculty members may chair advisory committees.

Advisement after Retirement, Resignation, or Incapacitating Illness Any faculty member serving as chair of an Advisory Committee shall resign his or her position prior to accepting retirement, upon resignation or if incapacitated by illness. Retired faculty may continue to serve as members of graduate committees during any period of continuous employment by the University after date of retirement. Exceptions to the above will need special approval by the COEHP Graduate Studies Committee.

Program of Study. Prior to completion of twelve (12) semester hours, the student, in cooperation with the major advisor and the advisory committee, shall develop a specific Program of Study (BCSS-35).

Prerequisites Candidates for the Ph.D. degrees are required to complete the following prerequisites: EDFD 5013 Research Methods in Education (or equivalent) or EDFD 5393 Applied Educational Statistics and EDFD 6403 Educational Statistics and Data Processing (or equivalent).

Required Hours A minimum of 103 hours is required for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree. If the candidate has a related master’s degree, then a minimum of 70 hours is required. If the candidate has a related educational specialist degree, then a minimum of 60 hours are required. A minimum of 60 semester hours including 18 hours of dissertation must be taken from the University of Arkansas after formal admission into the Ph.D. program. The nature of the program of study will vary, depending upon previous course work taken and the candidate's professional objectives. CIED 695V Independent Study can contribute a maximum of 6 credit hours toward the student’s program of study.

Required Coursework

EDFD Core (15 hours)*

EDFD 6413* Experimental Design in Education

EDFD 6623* Techniques of Research in Education

CIED 6443 Advanced Research in Curriculum & Instruction

Six (6)** hours from the following:

EDFD 6423* Multiple Regression Techniques

EDFD 6533* Qualitative Research

EDFD 6453 Applied Multivariate Statistics (pre-requisite EDFD 6413)

EDFD 6653* Measurement and Evaluation

EDFD 699 Seminars: Three-hour seminars in Research and/or Statistics may be offered as approved by the Doctoral Advisory Committee.

*(NOTE: EDFD 6403 Educational Statistics and Data Processing is a pre-requisite many of the courses in the statistical core)

**Other 5000 or 6000 level Statistics/Research classes may be substituted with approval of doctoral committee.

Departmental Core (25 hours)

Required courses (15 hours)

CIED 6023 Instructional Theory

CIED 6153 Curriculum Development

CIED 6603 Multicultural Education

CIED 674v Research Internship (3 credit hours)

CIED 674v Teaching Internship (3 credit hours)

Electives (10 hours of CIED)

Electives/Cognate (12 hours)

Courses as approved by the Doctoral Advisory Committee


CIED 700v Dissertation (18 hours of dissertation)

Note: Elective/cognate hours must be taken outside of the department and/or college. Elective/cognate hours may include the specialization in a content area: no more than six (6) hour may be taken as independent study.

Residency Requirement A candidate must fulfill a residence requirement by completing a minimum of two consecutive semesters of full-time graduate study (nine hours or more per semester), either fall-spring, spring-fall, spring and a complete 10-week summer session, or a complete 10-week summer session and fall. This period of residence is independent of and in addition to that required for any other graduate degree. During this period of residence, the student must be continually involved on a full-time basis with the on-site academic, scholarly, and research activities of the academic department (or corresponding academic unit) in which the degree program is administered. (Graduate Catalog)

A student who does not concurrently hold appointment as a Graduate Assistant must satisfactorily complete a minimum of nine semester hours, including dissertation credits but exclusive of courses offered through the Division of Continuing Education, during each semester or summer counted in the residence period. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

For students who hold appointments as Graduate Assistants, this requirement is six semester hours per semester if the appointment is for 50 percent time and nine semester hours per semester if the appointment is for 25 percent time. A student not on an assistantship who intends to satisfy one semester of the residence period during the summer must satisfactorily complete a minimum of nine semester hours of such work during the summer. For a student holding a concurrent assistantship of 25 percent or 50 percent time in the summer, this requirement is three semester hours per any five- or six-week summer session. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

Grades. The COEHP will not accept "D" grades for graduate credit. The COEHP requires a 3.25 GPA on all work taken as part of the Ph.D. degree program. The Graduate School will not accept transfer credit for grades other than "A" or "B." (Rules, 9)

Academic Grievance Procedures. The Graduate School of the University of Arkansas recognizes that there may be occasions when a graduate student, as a result of dissatisfaction with some aspect of his or her academic involvement, has a grievance. It is a declared objective of this University that such a graduate student may have prompt and formal resolution of his or her personal academic grievances and that this be accomplished according to orderly procedures. These procedures are provided in the Graduate Catalog. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

Doctoral Candidacy Examinations. The doctoral candidacy examinations should be taken in the last six (6) hours of coursework in the field of study or during the last semester of enrollment. The examination will consist of both written and oral examinations. Students must apply at the Departmental Office at least three weeks prior to the announced written phase of the examination. All deficiencies must be removed at the time of the examination.

Written Doctoral Candidacy Examination

Schedule Examinations are scheduled for the fall and spring semesters only. The doctoral candidacy examination week will be the sixth weekend of the semester. The department is responsible for notification and arrangement of the examination. The examination will be conducted in a designated computer laboratory and/or in an appropriate classroom. The examination will be held:

Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Variance A variance on the comprehensive examination dates may be requested by submitting a Doctoral Candidacy Examination Variance form to the Departmental Office. This form must be approved by the advisor, the department head, and the associate dean. If a variance is submitted and approved, it is the responsibility of the advisor to arrange for the proctoring of the examination.

Guidelines for Written Examination Students may have the option of answering the examination questions by a) writing responses in the "Bluebook" or b) using a computer with Microsoft Word software (Macintosh or IBM Compatible). At the time of application for the candidacy examination, students must indicate on the application that they wish to take the exams on the computer. Disks will be provided for students choosing to take the candidacy examinations on the computer. The department will not be responsible for the loss of any data during the examination period. Data disks and/or printed materials may not be reproduced. Computers will be set up with a 12-point font and double-space defaults. That format needs to be followed unless specified otherwise by the major advisor. Computers are reserved on a first come, first served basis. Printing will begin at the end of the test session. No checking or additional work may be done on the documents after printing is initiated. Dictionaries will be provided, and no hand-held/portable electronic dictionaries will be permitted in the computer laboratory during testing. Once the examination is finished and handed to the proctor, it cannot be retrieved by the student or otherwise changed in any way. All examination materials must be handed in to the proctor. This includes the printed examination questions, the disk(s), the envelope and your final printed answers. Personal software will not be loaded on COEHP computers; however, eligible students with special needs may request assistive technology through the Campus Access Office.

Oral Doctoral Candidacy Examinations

Oral doctoral candidacy examinations are to be scheduled by the candidate (with the approval of the major advisor) with provision of a minimum one and one-half hour time allocation during which all committee members shall be in attendance. It is suggested that all oral examinations be scheduled within a month following the written examinations. (Handbook, 23) The result of the candidacy examination is the basis for determining doctoral candidate status and any further assessments of courses or independent study.

Candidacy Examination Report (BCSS-36) should be sent by the advisor within 30 days upon completion of the exam, directly to the Dean of the Graduate School, Ozark Hall 119, with a copy in the departmental file.

Dissertation. Each candidate must complete a doctoral dissertation on some topic in the major field. The topic assignment shall be made and a title filed with the Dean of the Graduate School at least one year before the final examination, the specific problem and subject of the dissertation to be determined by the major professor, the candidate, and the dissertation committee. The completed dissertation must be a scholarly contribution to the major field. This contribution may be in the form of new knowledge of fundamental importance, or of modification, amplification, and interpretation of existing significant knowledge. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

Doctoral Dissertation Committee. One member of the Doctoral Advisory Committee will be designated by the student as the Chair of the committee and will then act as the advisor for the student until the Program of Study and Candidacy Examinations are completed. No faculty member shall chair more than three (3) new dissertation committees per year. Exceptions may be allowed with the express permission of a majority of the program area's faculty and Graduate Studies Committee. Candidates must submit a Dissertation Committee Appointment Form to the Graduate Studies Committee within 20 working days of admission to candidacy. (COEHP)

Composition of Dissertation Committee

The Doctoral Dissertation Committee shall be composed of:

Two (2) faculty from the program

At least one (1) member from the department, but not from the program

At least one (1) member from outside the department; this person may be from outside the COEHP (COEHP)

Doctoral Dissertation Title. Immediately after the proposal has been approved by the doctoral dissertation committee, the Doctoral Dissertation Title form (Graduate School form) should be completed and sent directly to the Dean of the Graduate School, Ozark Hall 119, with a copy sent to the Departmental Office. This form must be filed one year prior to the final oral examination. (3/12/90)

IRB Approval Students, in consultation with the advisor, should submit their research proposals to the department's Human Subjects Research Review Committee or, when appropriate, to the departmental Animal Research Review Committee. The IRB Cover Sheet (Institutional Review Board form) should then be submitted by departmental review committee. Forms are available online at Research & Sponsored Programs.

Dissertation Hours Each doctoral candidate must register for a minimum of 18 hours of doctoral dissertation. After the student has passed the candidacy examinations, the student must register (earlier registration permissible) for at least one hour of dissertation each semester and one hour during the summer session until the work is completed. Candidates working on the dissertation during the summer, either in residence or away from the campus, must register for a minimum of one hour. For each semester in which a student fails to register without prior approval of the Dean of the Graduate School, a registration of three hours will be required before the degree is granted. (COEHP/Graduate Catalog)

Final Examination (Dissertation Defense). The candidate's final examination for the doctoral degree will be oral.

Notify Graduate School of Date for Oral Examination The major professor will forward to the Dean of the Graduate School, not less than ten working (10) days before the date of the final oral examination, an abstract of the dissertation accompanied by a memorandum announcing the date, time, and place of the oral examination. The Doctoral Record of Progress form will be sent to the major adviser when the Graduate School receives notice of the final defense. Announcement of a doctoral candidate's defense must be submitted to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to the date of the defense. Submit announcements to 119 Ozark Hall or by email at

Oral Examination Procedures (Dissertation Defense) The examination will be concerned primarily with the field of the dissertation, but may also include other aspects of the candidate's graduate work. This examination is open to the public. The examining committee shall consist of the student's dissertation advisory committee and others who may be included at the discretion of the major professor and the Dean of the Graduate School. (Graduate Catalog). All members of the dissertation advisory committee must be present at the final oral defense of the dissertation. If a member of the committee cannot be physically present, he/she can participate by distance means. If that is not possible, the member should resign from the committee.

File Forms Upon completion of the final oral defense, the advisor should submit the front page of the official Doctoral Record of Progress (Graduate School form) to the Graduate School and completed Program of Study.

Degree Application. Formal application for the degree must be made in the office of the Graduate Dean, 119 Ozark Hall.

Final Manuscript. Three typewritten copies of the completed dissertation in the prescribed form must be presented to the candidate's dissertation committee for approval at least six weeks before the degree is to be conferred. After approval by the committee and the Dean of the Graduate School, two copies of the final manuscript (20 weight 100% cotton bond paper) must be deposited in the Mullins Library at least two weeks before the degree is to be conferred, together with two copies of an abstract, of not more than 350 words, approved by the major professor as suitable for publication. (Graduate Catalog)



College of Education and Health Professions


Checklist of Procedures and Policies for Doctoral Students

Name _____________________________ Advisor ___________________________

Degree Program _________________________________________________________

To be admitted to a graduate program leading to a Doctor of Philosophy Degree, requirements for the Master’s Degree, or equivalent, must have been completed, and one must be eligible to pursue graduate studies in education/health professions.

I. Securing Formal Admission Date Completed

1. Apply for admission to the Graduate School. Secure an Application for Admission from the Graduate Dean’s office, OZAR 119, or the Office of the Associate dean for Academic Affairs, GRAD 317, or the Graduate School website at . Students seeking a graduate assistantship should also complete the Graduate School Application for Graduate Assistantship form, also available at the Graduate School website. Admission to the Graduate School does not guarantee admission into the program which confers the degree.

2. Determine Degree Area. The areas are Counselor Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Health Sciences, Kinesiology, and Rehabilitation Education. The degree name should be specified on the Application for Admission.

3. Apply for admission to the doctoral program. To be admitted into any of the above programs, an additional application for admission to the doctorate program is required. The Application for Admission to the Ph.D. Program is available from the graduate coordinator of each department. The Application for Admission to the Ph.D. Program should be sent directly to the graduate coordinator of the program sponsoring the degree area.

4. Submit test scores. Scores on the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical parts of the Graduate Record Examination are required for admission into the program. Original scores should be sent directly to the graduate coordinator of the program sponsoring the degree program. Information about these tests can be secured form Hotz Hall, Room 730, at the University of Arkansas, 575-3948 or the Graduate School, Ozark Hall, Room 119, 575-4401.

5. Pre-admission requirements. Admission requirements include a completed Master’s Degree or equivalent.

6. Submit references. Three references (form BCSS-33) are required for the application to be complete. Please distribute these forms to individuals you want to make recommendations. Students should provide stamped, addressed envelopes for the recommendations which are to be returned directly to the graduate coordinator or department head.

7. Candidate Interview. After the application materials and test scores have been returned to the graduate coordinator, the program faculty will arrange for an interview with each candidate. Factors considered for admission include: the Student Profile, the academic record, standardized test scores, previous employment and related admission file materials.

8. Committee Action. Upon program committee approval/recommendation of a candidate, the graduate coordinator/department head will provide a Summary of Basic Data for Admission (BCSS-34) and a Graduate School form entitled Declaration of Intent to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Grad 317. The Graduate Education Committee will officially acknowledge admission of each candidate.

9. Candidate Notification. The candidate will be officially notified of the Graduation Education Committee’s action by the appropriate graduate coordinator of other department designee. This notification will include the temporary advisor’s name.

II. Procedures After Being Admitted

1. File Established. The Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will forward the Declaration of Intent directly to the Graduate School. The Summary of Basic Data for Admission will be placed in a file in Grad, 317.

2. Select a Committee. Prior to completion of 12 semester hours, the student, in cooperation with the major advisor, should select an advisory committee for the doctoral program. The Doctoral Advisory Committee form available at the Graduate School website should then be completed and signed by the various members and submitted to the Office of the associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The recommended committee will be submitted to the Graduate Education committee for their approval. Upon approval by the Graduate Education Committee, this form will be transmitted to the Graduate School. Composition of the committee should be four or more faculty members and must include two faculty members from the program. Only Group I graduate faculty may chair advisory committees.

3. Develop a Program of Study. Prior to the completion of 12 semester hours, the student, in cooperation with the major advisor and the advisory committee, should develop a specific Program of Study (form BCSS-51). One copy of this form is for the student, one copy for the advisor, and one copy should be filed in the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

III. Coursework and Residence Requirements

1. Submit Residence Plan. A minimum of 96 approved graduate hours beyond the baccalaureate degree is required for the doctoral program. The hours and the degree program must be completed within seven consecutive calendar years. Doctor of Philosophy students should refer to the current Graduate Catalog for residence requirements.

2. Complete Coursework. Course requirements vary depending upon the field selected. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must complete a fifteen (15) hour research and statistics requirement: EDFD 6413* Experimental Design in Education and EDFD 6623* Techniques of Research in Education and select nine (9)** hours from the following: EDFD 6423* Multiple Regression Techniques, EDFD 6533* Qualitative Research, EDFD 6453 Applied Multivariate Statistics, EDFD 6653* Measurement and Evaluation, EDFD 6993 Seminars. Additional seminars in Research and/or Statistics may be offered as approved by Educational Leadership, Counseling and Foundations Department.

*Pre-requisite: EDFD 6403 Educational Statistics and Data Processing

**Other 5000 or 6000 level Statistics/Research classes may be substituted with approval of doctoral committee. In addition, students must meet all other program requirements.

Candidacy Examinations.

1. Complete Candidacy Exams. After completing approximately two years of graduate study, and at least one year before completing all other requirements, the prospective candidate must take candidacy examinations in specified fields of study in accordance with the requirements of the department in which the candidate is working. These examinations may be either written or written and oral. Upon satisfactorily completing these examinations, the student may be admitted to candidacy and may proceed to work toward completion of the remaining requirements for the degree. Students must apply (form BCSS-38) at the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, at lest three weeks prior to the announced written phase of the examination. All academic deficiencies must be removed prior to the examination.

2. Research Proposal. Select a problem approved by your program advisor and prepare a written research proposal. Present research proposal in writing to your dissertation committee for their consideration and approval. “A Guide for Preparing a Thesis and Dissertation” is available in the University Bookstore.

3. Submit Proposal to Human Subjects Research Review Committee. Students, in consultation with advisor, should submit their research proposal to department’s Human Subjects Research Review committee or, when appropriate, to the departmental Animal research Review Committee. The IRB Cover Sheet – Institutional Review Board form – should then be submitted by departmental review committee to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Ozark Hall.

4. File Dissertation Title. Immediately after the proposal has been approved by the dissertation committee, the Doctoral Dissertation Title and Committee report (available at ) should be completed and sent directly to the Dean of the Graduate School, Ozark Hall 119. This form must be filed one year prior to the final oral examination.

5. Dissertation Credit. A minimum of 18 semester hours of credits required for the doctoral program. A candidate must be continuously enrolled until completion of dissertation (see current Graduate Catalog for details).

VI. Program Completion

1. Announcement of Dissertation Defense. Announcement of a doctoral candidate’s dissertation defense and copy of the dissertation abstract must be submitted to the Graduate Dean’s Office (OZAR 119) at least three weeks prior to the date of the defense.

2. Final Oral Defense. The final oral examination is generally confined to the student’s dissertation and is given only after each member of the committee has had at least two weeks to study the completed manuscript. The candidate’s final examination for the degree of doctor of Philosophy will be oral. The major advisor will forward to the Dean of the Graduate School, not less that ten (10) days before the date of the final oral examination, an abstract of the dissertation accompanied by a memorandum announcing the date, time, and place of the oral examination. The examination will be primarily concerned with the field of the dissertation, but may also include other aspects of the candidate’s graduate work. This examination is open to the public. The examining committee shall consist of the student’s dissertation committee and others who may be included at the discretion of the major advisor and the Dean of the Graduate School. Upon completion of the final oral defense, the advisor should submit the Record of Progress –Doctoral Program and Schedule of Study – Doctoral Program (Graduate School form). This two-sided form should be sent directly to the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, GRAD 317. A copy will be placed in the file and the originals will be sent to the Graduate School.

3. Degree Application. Formal application for the degree must be made in the office of the Graduate Dean, 119 Ozark Hall.

4. Final Manuscript. Two official copies of the final manuscript (20 weight 100% cotton bond paper) should be delivered to the Graduate School. Additional binding of copies is available in Printing Services, 123 Hotz Hall. The two official copies of the dissertation, after approval by the Graduate School, should be delivered to Mullins Library.

Note: Students and/or advisors should check the current Graduate Catalog for any other policies and/or procedures. All policies and procedures are subject to change upon approval of the Graduate Faculty in the College of Education and Health Professions and/or the Graduate Council.




College of Education and Health Professions

Application for Admission to Ph.D. Programs

Date of Application

Program Area: ADED ___ CIED ___ CNED ___ EDAD ___ HIED ___ VOED ___


1. Name ID#

Last First Middle

2. Home

Address Phone #

Street City State Zip

3. E-mail Business

Address Phone #

4. Citizenship


1. Colleges and universities attended (begin with most recent)

Institution Location Date Major Minor Degree

2. Standardized Test (original copy of scores must be on file in Program Chair/Coordinator's office)

GRE: Verbal Quantitative Analytical Advanced

Total Date Location

MAT: Score Date Location

TOEFL: Score Date Location

Other: Test Score Date Location

3. Total Graduate Hours Grade Point Average on all Graduate Hours

4. Certification/License Held


1. Teaching or other educational experience (Begin with most recent)

Employing Institution Location Position Dates

2. Non-teaching experiences (exclude minor short-term employment, begin with most recent)

Employing Agency Location Position Dates


1. Attach an autobiographical sketch emphasizing those elements which you consider relevant to your admission to the program. See attached guide, Form BCSS-32.


1. Name a minimum of three persons whom you have asked to provide a letter of recommendation (use form ORGS-33). To include: (a) a supervisory recommendation from current or last employment; (b) a former graduate instructor outside the program area to which the application is being made. Applicants should provide stamped envelopes to individuals writing recommendations. Recommendations should be returned directly to program chair/coordinator of program area of specialization.

Name Institution Position


College of Education and Health Professions

Guide for Autobiographical Sketch

As part of the application material for a graduate degree in education/health professions, it is necessary to include an autobiographical sketch. The document must be in narrative form.

The document should include a history of your formal education at al levels, part-time and full-time jobs, and all professional positions held.

Specific experiences or activities shown below should be included.

1. Civic organization participation

2. Educational advisement roles

3. Professional organization activities

4. Committee assignments

5. Participation in workshops, seminars, and related activities

6. Consultant assignments

7. Evidence of teaching capabilities, including teaching of “off-campus” classes

8. Community education programs

9. Evidence of writing capabilities, including thesis, term papers (submit one or two if available), school or agency publication, and other published articles

10. Travel experiences

Conclude the document by indicating our professional objectives and the reasons for your choices.





Recommendation letter

Name of Applicant: Telephone:

(Print or Type)


(Print or Type Name of Person Who is to Complete the Form)

Directions for Letter of Recommendation

TO THE APPLICANT: This form should be given to persons able to comment on your qualifications for graduate study. We suggest you include a stamped, addressed envelope for the convenience of the person completing this form.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students are entitled to review their records, including letters of recommendation. However, those writing recommendations and those assessing recommendations may attach more significance to them if it is known that the recommendations will remain confidential. It is your choice to waive your right of access to these recommendations or to decline to do so. Please mark the appropriate phrase below, indicating your choice, and sign your name.

I waive my right to review this recommendation.

I do not waive my right to review this recommendation.

Applicant's Signature Date


I am applying for admission to the Ed.S. Ed.D. Ph.D.

graduate program in the field or area of in the College of Education and Health Professions at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. I would appreciate having you as a reference. If you agree, please complete the information requested and return directly to the address at the bottom of the form.

1. I have known the applicant for approximately years.

2. I know the applicant: slightly fairly well very well.

3. I have known the applicant:

as an undergraduate as a teaching/research assistant

as a graduate student as an advisee

other (please specify relationship)

Thank you for completing this form. Please mail directly to the Graduate Coordinator of the program sponsoring the area of specialization at the address provided by applicant.


Directions: Please rate the applicant on the dimensions described below. Use as a frame of reference other persons you have known as successful students/graduates of comparable graduate programs of which you are aware. (Check the SCALE column which best reflects your rating of this applicant.)


| | | | | | |


|Includes such things as the breadth of academic and |Exceptional |Above Average |Acceptable |Definitely Lacking |For Judgment |

|general knowledge | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Includes such things as initiative, willingness to | | | | |No Basis |

|work, persistence, quality and quantity of work |Self-Motivated |Above Average |Acceptable |Lacks Motivation |for Judgment |

|produced, work habits (planning and management of | | | | | |

|time). | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|CREATIVITY/ORIGINALITY: |Consistently | | |Content with |No Basis |

|Includes the ability to conceptualize ideas and |Exceptional |Above Average |Occasionally |Status Quo |for Judgment |

|imagine new solutions to problems/opportunities. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ORAL COMMUNICATION: | | | | |No Basis |

|Includes ability to present ideas in small groups or |Exceptional |Highly Effective |Acceptable |Has Difficulty |for Judgment |

|formal presentations. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Includes written expression skills of clarity, |Exceptional |Highly Effective |Acceptable |Has Difficulty |for Judgment |

|correctness, and succinctness. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: | | | | |No Basis |

|Includes ability to establish and maintain personal |Exceptional |Highly Effective |Acceptable |Has Difficulty |for Judgment |

|and professional relationships. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|The ability to influence others so that they strive |Definitely |Frequently |Occasionally |Normally |No Basis |

|willingly and enthusiastically toward the |a Leader |a Leader |a Leader |a Follower |for Judgment |

|accomplishment of objectives. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ANALYSIS: | | | |Definitely Lacking |No Basis |

|The ability to see the relationship(s) among |Exceptional |Above Average |Acceptable | |for Judgment |

|variables relevant to a situation. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|INTEGRITY: | | | |Definitely Lacking |No Basis |

|The ability to inspire trust, stand on principles and |Exceptional |Above Average |Acceptable | |for Judgment |

|maintain ethical standards in one's work and | | | | | |

|relationships. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|ENERGY: | | | |Definitely Lacking |No Basis |

|The ability to maintain vigor and vitality. |Exceptional |Above Average |Acceptable | |for Judgment |

| | | | | | |

|PROFESSIONAL PROMISE/POTENTIAL: | | | |Definitely Lacking |No Basis |

|Includes a commitment to field of study, motivation to|Exceptional |Good |Fair | |for Judgment |

|achieve (Your assessment of professional promise). | | | | | |

| | | | | |No Basis |

|OVERALL ENDORSEMENT: |Highly | |Recommended |Not |for Comment on |

|Indicate your overall endorsement of the applicant. |Recommended |Recommend |with Reservation |Recommended |Recommendation |

Please amplify and/or clarify any of the above or indicate other information which you believe would be relevant to consideration of this applicant to pursue graduate study. (Please print or type.)

Signature of person completing this form: Telephone #

Title and institution:


(Street) (City) (State & Zip Code)

Graduate School


119 Ozark Hall


Student's Name: ID Number:

Degree Sought: Degree Program:

The Doctoral Program Advisory Committee is appointed immediately after the student submits a Declaration of Intent to study in a doctoral program. It evaluates the student’s preparation and fitness for graduate study at the doctoral level. If the student has chosen a major adviser to direct the doctoral research, that professor chairs the Advisory Committee. The Program Advisory Committee develops the student’s program of study and monitors progress in it. This group may or may not have the same composition as the Doctoral Dissertation Committee.

Doctoral Program Advisory Committee

All committee members must hold graduate faculty status of I or II.

(Please type or print FULL NAME. Example: Jane R. Doe.)







Chair of the Committee*:____________________________________________ Date:


(*Chair must hold graduate faculty status of I.)

Department Chair/Head: Date:


Approved: Date:

Office of the Graduate Dean

This form is to be submitted to the Graduate School in duplicate immediately after or at the time of the submission of the Declaration of Intent.

Original: Graduate School

xc: Department/Degree Program Revised: 6/23/03


College of Education and Health Professions

Doctoral Committee Change Form

Doctoral Advisory Committee Doctoral Dissertation Committee

It is recommended that the faculty member(s) listed below serve as member(s) of the committee for:

Student’s Name: ID#

Program Area:

New Committee Member(s):

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature


__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

Other Committee Members(s):

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

__________________________________________ _________________________________________

Name Signature

Date: ________________ Signed ___________________________________________________


Date: ________________ Signed ___________________________________________________

Committee Chair

Date: ________________ Signed ___________________________________________________

Department Head or Graduate Coordinator

Date: ________________ Approved ________________________________________________

Chair, Graduate Education Committee

Date: ________________ Approved ________________________________________________

Graduate Dean

Submit two original copies to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, GRAD 317.



College of Education and Health Professions

Program of Study

Ph.D. Degree

Name ID Number

Last First Middle


Street City State Zip

Program Area

Telephone Numbers

Work Home Cell

College Statistical Core:

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

Departmental Requirements:

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

Field of Study/Additional Courses:

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |



Student ____________________________________________ Date _____________

Major Advisor ______________________________________ Date _____________

Committee: ________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

Dept. Head ________________________________________ Date _____________


Revised for




Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ph. D. Program of Study

for Candidates holding a Master’s Degree at time of Admission to Degree Program

Name ________________________________________________ ID Number _____________________

Last First Middle

Address _______________________________________________________________________________

Street City State Zip

Program Emphasis ____________________________________

Telephone Numbers _____________________________________________________________________

Work Home Cell


Pre-requisites for the Statistical Core or the course equivalent

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Location |Year |

|EDFD |5013 |Research Methods in Education |3 | | | | |

|EDFD |5393 |Applied Educational Statistics|3 | | | | |

|EDFD |6403 |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

| | |Data Processing | | | | | |

| | |(pre-requisite EDFD 5013 or | | | | | |

| | |equivalent) | | | | | |

College Statistical Core

(9 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|EDFD |6413** |Experimental Design in |3 | | | | |

| | |Education | | | | | |

|EDFD |6623** |Techniques of Research in |3 | | | | |

| | |Education | | | | | |

|CIED |6443 |Advanced Research in C & I |3 | | | | |

|**Note: | |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

|EDFD 6403 | |Data Processing | | | | | |

| | |(pre-requisite for EDFD | | | | | |

| | |courses | | | | | |


(6 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|EDFD |6423** |Multiple Regression |3 | | | | |

| | |Techniques | | | | | |

|EDFD |6533** |Qualitative Research |3 | | | | |

|EDFD |6453 |Applied Multivariate |3 | | | | |

| | |Statistics (pre-requisite | | | | | |

| | |EDFD 6413) | | | | | |

|EDFD |6653** |Measurement and Evaluation |3 | | | | |

|**EDFD |6403 |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

| | |Data Processing | | | | | |

|EDFD |699v |Three-hour seminars may be |3 | | | | |

| | |approved by the Doctoral | | | | | |

| | |Advisory Committee | | | | | |


Required Courses

(15 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|CIED |6023 |Instructional Theory |3 | | | | |

|CIED |6013 |Curriculum Development |3 | | | | |

|CIED |6603 |Multicultural Education |3 | | | | |

|CIED |674v |Internship (Research) |3 | | | | |

|CIED |674v |Internship (Teaching) |3 | | | | |

|CIED |700v |Dissertation |Total 18 | | | | |

| | |(minimum of 1 credit hour | | | | | |

| | |required for each semester| | | | | |

| | |while working on | | | | | |

| | |dissertation) | | | | | |

Departmental electives

(10 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |


(12 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |



Student ____________________________________________ Date _____________

Committee Chair ______________________________________ Date _____________

Committee: ________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

Dept. Head ________________________________________ Date _____________


Revised for




Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Ph. D. Program of Study

for Candidates holding a Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) Degree at time of Admission to Degree Program

Name ________________________________________________ ID Number _____________________

Last First Middle

Address _______________________________________________________________________________

Street City State Zip

Program Emphasis ____________________________________

Telephone Numbers _____________________________________________________________________

Work Home Cell


Pre-requisites for the Statistical Core or the course equivalent

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Location |Year |

|EDFD |5013 |Research Methods in Education |3 | | | | |

|EDFD |5393 |Applied Educational Statistics|3 | | | | |

|EDFD |6403 |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

| | |Data Processing | | | | | |

| | |(pre-requisite EDFD 5013 or | | | | | |

| | |equivalent) | | | | | |

College Statistical Core

(9 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|EDFD |6413** |Experimental Design in |3 | | | | |

| | |Education | | | | | |

|EDFD |6623** |Techniques of Research in |3 | | | | |

| | |Education | | | | | |

|CIED |6443 |Advanced Research in C & I |3 | | | | |

|** | |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

|Note: | |Data Processing | | | | | |

|EDFD 6403 | |(pre-requisite for EDFD | | | | | |

| | |courses | | | | | |


(6 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|EDFD |6423** |Multiple Regression |3 | | | | |

| | |Techniques | | | | | |

|EDFD |6533** |Qualitative Research |3 | | | | |

|EDFD |6453 |Applied Multivariate |3 | | | | |

| | |Statistics (pre-requisite | | | | | |

| | |EDFD 6413) | | | | | |

|EDFD |6653** |Measurement and Evaluation |3 | | | | |

|**EDFD |6403 |Educational Statistics and |3 | | | | |

| | |Data Processing | | | | | |

|EDFD |699v |Three-hour seminars may be |3 | | | | |

| | |approved by the Doctoral | | | | | |

| | |Advisory Committee | | | | | |


Required Courses

(15 credit hours—Courses taken during the Ed.S. program can be included)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|CIED |6023 |Instructional Theory |3 | | | | |

|CIED |6153 |Curriculum Development |3 | | | | |

|CIED |6603 |Multicultural Education |3 | | | | |

|CIED |674v |Internship (Research) |3 | | | | |

|CIED |674v |Internship (Teaching) |3 | | | | |

|CIED |700v |Dissertation |Total 18 | | | | |

| | |(minimum of 1 credit hour | | | | | |

| | |required for each semester| | | | | |

| | |while working on | | | | | |

| | |dissertation) | | | | | |

Departmental electives

(10 credit hours)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |

|CIED | | |3 | | | | |


(12 credit hours---Courses from the Ed.S. maybe used)

|Dept |Course # |Course Title |Hours |Grade |Term |Instructor |Year |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |



Student ____________________________________________ Date _____________

Committee Chair ______________________________________ Date _____________

Committee: ________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

________________________________________ Date _____________

Dept. Head ________________________________________ Date _____________





College of Education and Health Professions

Application for Candidacy Examination

(Return to Doctoral Committee Chair)

Name ___________________________________________________________Date ________________

Last First Middle

Address ______________________________________________________________________________

Street City State Zip

Telephone ________________________________________________ ID#________________________

Work Phone Home Phone

Computer ______Yes ______No

Degree Program Area ____________________________ Outside Field ___________________________

Number of semester hours enrolled in this semester __________

Graduate Hours Completed Prior to this Semester:

A. University of Arkansas ___________

B. Other Accredited Institutions Beyond Master’s ___________

C. Total Graduate Hours Completed Including Master’s Degree ___________


A. Number of previous semesters and summer terms at University of Arkansas _____________

Committee Chairperson: ____________________________________

Committee: _______________________________ ______________________________________

_______________________________ ______________________________________

If deficiencies were assessed, state when and how they have been or are being removed:



Approved for Taking the Candidacy Examination

(Signatures Needed)

____________________________________ _____________

Committee Chairperson (Signature) Date

____________________________________ _____________

Department Head/Coordinator of Grad. St. Date



Note: Advisory Committees who wish to administer the Ph.D. Candidacy Examination at a time other than the times published by the College of Education and Health Professions should submit this form two weeks in advance of anticipated administration date.

_____________________________________ ______________________________

Student’s Name ID#

_____________________________________ ______________________________

Address Campus Phone Number

_____________________________________ ______________________________

City, State, Zip Home Phone Number

Degree Field (Circle): CIED CNED HLSC KINS RHAB

Suggested Dates/Times (12 hours over a minimum of two days):

_____________________________________ _____________to_______________

Date Times

_____________________________________ _____________to_______________

Date Times

_____________________________________ _____________to_______________

Date Times

_____________________________________ _____________to_______________

Date Times

Testing Room Location:


________________________________________ ______________________________

Advisor Signature Date

________________________________________ ______________________________

Department Head/Graduate Coordinator Date

________________________________________ ______________________________

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Date



College of Education and Health Professions

Candidacy Examination Report

Candidacy Examination Report to be submitted by:*

Name ID#

Date of Candidacy Examination:

(Please include both days of written examination.)

As a result of the examination, the Committee recommends:

The candidate be Approved

Not Approved

to continue the Specialist

Doctorate (Ed.D.)

Doctorate (Ph.D.)

with an emphasis in

Committee Chairperson Date

Committee Member

Committee Member

Committee Member

Committee Member

Graduate School


119 Ozark Hall


Student’s Name:__________________________________________ ID Number:____________________

Degree Sought:___________________________________ Degree Program:________________________

The Doctoral Program Advisory Committee is appointed immediately after the student submits a Declaration of Intent to study in a doctoral program. It evaluates the student’s preparation and fitness for graduate study at the doctoral level. If the student has chosen a major adviser to direct the doctoral research, that professor chairs the Advisory Committee. The Program Advisory Committee develops the student’s program of study and monitors progress in it. This group may or may not have the same composition as the Doctoral Dissertation Committee.

Doctoral Dissertation Committee

All committee members must hold graduate faculty status of I or II.

(Please type or print FULL NAME. Example: Jane R. Doe.)







Chair of the Committee*:______________________________________________ Date: ____________

(Chair must hold grad faculty status of I.) (Signature)

Department of Chair/Head:_____________________________________________ Date: ____________


Approved: __________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Office of the Graduate Dean

This form must be submitted t the Graduate School in duplicate at least one year prior to the defense of the dissertation. The Graduate Dean must approve modifications in the membership of the appointed committee. Committee members cannot be removed without their written request.

Original: Graduate School

xc: Department/Degree Program

Graduate School


119 Ozark Hall


Student’s Name: ___________________________________________ ID Number: _________________

Degree Sought: ______________________________________Degree Program: _____________________

Title of the dissertation to be applied toward the requirements of the degree and the degree program

listed above:




Will Research Committee Review Be Required?

(This section must be completed.) Approval #

Biosafety Committee (Recombinant DNA) Yes*_____ No_____ __________

Animal Care and Use Committee Yes*_____ No_____ __________

Institutional Review Board (Human Subjects) Yes*_____ No_____ __________

Radiation Safety Committee Yes*_____ No_____ __________

Toxic Substance Committee Yes*_____ No_____ __________

Please refer to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs web site for information about specific research committees:

*NOTE TO STUDENT: If Yes is checked, approval must be on file with the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs before the degree will be conferred. If No is checked, no date requiring committee approval may be used in the dissertation.

Chair of the Committee*:____________________________________________ Date: ________________

(*Chair must hold grad faculty status of I.) (Signature)

Department Chair/Head: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________


Approved: ________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Office of the Graduate Dean

This form is to be submitted to the Graduate School in duplicate at least one year prior to the prior to the defense of the dissertation. Title changes may be submitted by memorandum to the Graduate School until immediately before graduation: however, changes submitted less than four months before graduation may not appear in the commencement Program.

The booklet Guide for Preparing Theses and Dissertations is available on our web site at as well as at the University of Arkansas Bookstore and should be adhered to rigorously.

Original: Graduate School

xc: Department/Degree Program


Submit 3 copies of final manuscript to Graduate School at least 6 weeks before degree confirmed.

Submit degree application.

Official Doctoral Record of Progress with completed Program of Study submitted to Department Head for transmitted to Graduate School.


Notify Graduate School of date for Dissertation Defense two weeks before the defense date.

Submit research proposal to IRB for approval.

Do not begin research until IRB approval is received.

Send Approved Doctoral Dissertation Title form to Graduate School 1 year prior to oral examination.

Submit Doctoral Dissertation Proposal to Committee.

File Doctoral Dissertation Committee Form.

Doctoral Candidacy Exam

(Fall and Spring only)

1. Written Exam

2. Oral Exam within 1 month of written exam

1. Wri

Complete Residency Requirement

Before completing 12 credit hours

1. Establish Doctoral Advisory Committee

2. Establish Program of Study

Admission to Ph.D. program

1. Candidate Notified

2. Temporary Advisor Assigned

Complete Departmental Interview & Admission Process

Conditional Admission

Admission Materials Submitted to CIED Ph.D. Admissions Committee

Apply Graduate School




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