Asking questions Asking questions (continued


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Guided Practice Activities 4A-3

Asking questions

? Interrogatives are words that you use to ask questions. Here are some Spanish interrogatives.

Categories People Location Things or actions Reason Time Description (how)

?Qui?n? ?D?nde? ?Qu?? ?Por qu?? ?Cu?ndo? ?C?mo?


?Con qui?n?


?De d?nde?


?Cu?ntos? / ?Cu?ntas?

? You can change a statement into a question by raising your voice at the end:

?Margarita va a la biblioteca? In this case, you do not use an interrogative.

? These kinds of questions expect the answer will be yes or no. You can add ?verdad? (right?) to the end to emphasize this: Margarita va a la biblioteca, ?verdad?

A. Each drawing or group of drawings represents a question category in the chart above. Write the interrogatives that go with each group. Follow the model.


? Cu?ndo ?




? Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

______?_D_?__n_d_e_?________ ______?_A_d__?_n_d_e_?_______ ______?_D_e__d_?__n_d_e_?_____

_____?_Q_u__i?_n_?___________ _____?_C_o_n__q__u_i?_n__?______

_____?_Q_u__?_?________________ _____?_C_u_?__l?________________ _____?_C_u_?__n_t_o_s_?____________ _____?_C_u_?__n_t_a_s_?____________

WEB CODE jcd-0404

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