Odessa College Degree Plan

|Name |      |      |      |

| |Last |First | |Middle |

|Student Id # |      |Phone # |      |

|Address |      |      |      |      |

| |Street |City |State |Zip |

|Odessa College Catalog |(Year/Page) |      /       | | | |

|TASP/Texas Success Initiative Status |      |

| | | | |


| Date Completed/Grade |

|Date Completed/Grade |

|ENGL 1301 |      |      |American History |      |      |

|Composition and Rhetoric | | | | | |

|ENGL 1302 |      |      |American History |      |      |

|Composition II | | | | | |

|MATH 1342 |      |      |GOVT 2305 |      |      |

|Elementary Statistics | | |Federal Government | | |

|Life and Physical Science |      |      |GOVT 2306 |      |      |

| | | |Texas Government | | |

|Life and Physical Science |      |            |Social and Behavioral Sciences |      |      |

|Language, Philosophy, & Culture |      |            |Component Area Option (any 3 SCH) |      |      |

|OR | | | | | |

|Creative Arts |      |      |Component Area Option (any 1 SCH) |      |      |

|Odessa College General Education Fulfills The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board State-Mandated Core Curriculum Requirements |

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| Date Completed/Grade |

|Date Completed/Grade |

|*MATH 2413 |      |      |MATH 2320 |      |      |

|Calculus I | | |Differential Equations | | |

|MATH 2414 |      |      |MATH 2318 |      |      |

|Calculus II | | |Linear Algebra | | |

|MATH 2415 | | |*Students not prepared for MATH 2413 should enroll in MATH 2412 or a lower level |

|Calculus III | | |math course before enrolling in MATH 2413. Preregistration testing is available |

| | | |for placement aid. |

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|The AA Degree in Teaching Early Childhood 6th Grade At Odessa College Requires 60 Semester Credit Hours As Outlined On This Degree Plan |

|Note: | |

|Comments: |      |

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