Jackson Heights Middle School - Weebly

Jackson Heights Middle School

Miss Keene’s 7th Grade Life Science Syllabus

Email: Natalie_Keene-Krops@scps.k12.fl.us

Class Website:


Course Description: In 7th Grade Life Science, we will be exploring topics including the practice of science and experimentation, biology, ecology, human systems, DNA and cells. We will also be practicing reading strategies and completing practice tests in preparation for the Science FCAT in 8th Grade. The main text for this course is Pearson’s Interactive Science- Life Science textbook.

The most important thing about the textbook is that it is consumable, which means that you will tear out the chapters in the classroom and keep them safely in your binder or folder. You must bring your folder with the chapters to class with you every day; otherwise you could lose points for the day because you may not be able to complete the classwork. This is why it is important to keep your items organized.


Science Fair: This year we will be completing science projects. You will be getting the information during the first nine weeks, but the project will not be due until the second nine weeks. You will have many homework and project grades for portions of this assignment in both the first and second nine weeks. It is the largest project that you will complete all year. You will need to design a testable experiment. We will begin preparing for this in class during the first nine weeks. The top experiments in each class will be sent to the school science fair. Experiments must follow the scientific method; we will not be creating models this year. Guidelines will be given to each student and discussed at length in class. All documents, instructions, links and science fair forms will also be located on the class Weebly page. I will show student examples and assist students throughout the process. The initial research will be completed at school, but the project is to be completed independently at home. Students will need to have a large tri-fold to display their information. If students have financial or other hardships that make it difficult to purchase or use materials necessary for this project, please email me early to discuss possible alternatives and accommodations. If you want to work ahead on this project you must discuss it with me first. Everything has to be completed in a specific way, including the layout of the board and steps of the experiments. With that said, Science Fair is meant to be creative, challenging and fun. It is not necessary or advised to stress about this project, as there will be ample time and resources to complete it. The best advice for a smooth science fair project I can give is: preparation!

Make-Up Work Policy: It is your responsibility to make up any work that you miss when you are absent. Homework assignments will be posted both in class and on the class website. You may check the school website the day you are absent to stay caught up. You will be given one day for each day that you were absent plus one day to turn in any missed assignments (ex. If you were absent for 2 days, you will have 3 school days to make it up). Tests and quizzes may be made up during lunch and/or mornings on certain week days by appointment. If it is a planned absence, it is suggested that you try to get work assignments before you leave. Please keep in mind that some projects and work that are completed in class may be very difficult to make up on your own. Therefore if you are absent on a lab day a 3 paragraph essay on the topic of the lab will be written in place of the lab, it will still be graded as a lab grade. Every class period is packed with as much content as possible, so you could easily fall behind in your learning if you miss class.

Homework Policy: Homework is not assigned every day, but when it is assigned, you are expected to complete it. I usually assign homework only once or twice a week, but it is your responsibility to complete any unfinished classwork for homework. It is also your responsibility to study class material nightly and keep up with the required readings. All homework and classwork assignments will be posted on the white board and on the class Weebly page. You must write down your homework in your planner every day. You will lose points for late homework (1 day late=75% max, 2-5 days late= 50% max, 0% after a week).

Planner: You must have your planner with you every day. Homework must be written down every day during bellwork. If you forget your planner, I cannot sign you out to use the restroom or for water, so don’t forget it!

Bellwork: There will be bellwork every day. You are expected to begin bellwork as soon as you sit down and have your class materials ready. The Bellwork will be posted on the board or the projector along with the daily objectives and materials needed. Most of the bellwork will consist of review questions or critical thinking questions related to our current topic of study. They will be graded randomly. It is important to keep up with the bellwork because these questions may appear again on the test or quiz for that unit. The bellwork is a valuable study tool. If you are absent, you need to get the bellwork from a teammate. It is your responsibility to make up these questions when you are absent. It will include copying your homework into your planner, getting classroom materials out and ready and turning in any homework.

Class Weebly page: The website is useful for the following: class assignments, homework assignments, bellwork, extra credit and daily powerpoints/ Nearpods will be posted on the website. It will have links to relevant resources and extra help sites. I encourage everyone to check the site a few times each week. You do not need a code to view it, simply navigate to .

Technology: We will be using computers and other technology frequently in the classroom. Throughout the year I will assign many at-home assignments, extra credit and extension activities that utilize computer and/or internet access. The media center computers are available for students use. I also have 6 computers available for classroom use; however they are not connected to a printer so a flash drive will be the best way to save your assignments. I have a printer in the room that I will gladly let you print with.

Students in my classes have also been given a wonderful opportunity because last year I was awarded a classroom set of iPads for student use. We will use these several times a week for presentations, research and projects. As with any other form of school property, there will be consequences if blatant and intentional misuse of these iPads becomes an issue. Students will have rules explained to them. If a rule is broken, the student will lose iPad privileges for the day and receive a verbal warning and an email home. The second time, they will not be allowed to use it for the remainder of the school year and will receive a lunch detention. These iPads are a privilege to use and the misuse of them will not be tolerated.

Parent Communication: There are many ways for parents to stay informed on course content, student behavior and grades. The class website contains the basic information for the content of the course. Parents also may check Skyward for their child’s grade. I will be available by phone or email if parents have any questions or concerns. I believe that parental involvement is crucial for student success, so I will do my best to provide a prompt response to all parent inquiries. The best and fastest way to reach me is by email. Do not hesitate to contact me for any reason concerning your child in my class. I will do my best to return a swift response.


Grading Scale:

A = 90% - 100%

B = 80% - 89%

C = 70% - 79%

D = 60% - 69%

F = 0% - 59%


Assignments (including classwork, labs, notebook/website, etc.) = 65 %

Homework= 15%

Assessments (Tests, quizzes and EOC) = 20 %

Late Work:

1 day late- up to 75%

2-5 days- up to 50%

~No work will be accepted after 1 week late

Supplies Needed:

~binder or folder to hold pages from textbook

~school planner

~notebook paper

~1 composition book (Science Fair)

~pencils, colored pencils, and pens

~spiral notebook

If you’re out, stay in the loop by checking the website or emailing me!

Check the website often for important announcements and assignments!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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