Science – Mrs

Life Science – Mrs. Milliken

Portola Middle School

2004-2005 School year

home.~artemis75/science (Class Web Site)


Welcome Back! For the 2004-2005 academic year, you will be involved in learning a variety of terms, facts, figures, and concepts important in science education. These concepts will allow you to develop your knowledge through the use of scientific investigations that surround cells, genetics, earth history, and structure and function of living things. Moreover, we will be meeting all of the Los Angeles Unified School District Standards for seventh grade science.

The textbook used will be Focus on Life Science. The semester will be divided into three areas: Cell Biology and Genetics- the material will include structure, function, and the science of heredity; Evolution and Earth’s History- this section will include evolutionary theories, fossils, and the study of geographic changes; and Structure and Function in Living Things-which will cover an introduction into the six kingdoms.


Assignments will be posted on the bulletin board in class. My grade book will also be periodically posted for each class so that you can see how you are doing, and if you are missing any assigned work or homework. I also encourage you to check the online grade book for a more up to date report of assignments.

• All assignments will be collected at the beginning of the period (when the tardy bell rings).

• Work should be neat, not sloppy.

• Work should be done in blue or black ink only, or pencil (NEVER RED INK).

• Correct heading is required on every assignment in the upper right hand corner as follows:



Period Assignment Name

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in a lowered grade.

All projects will be due on time (at the beginning of the period) whether you are present or not. You must make arrangements to get the assignment to me when it is due.


• Failure to turn in assignments on time will result in a drop of one whole letter grade.

• After 4 missing homework assignments, you will receive a phone call home and a “U” for work habits on your report card.


• If you are sick or absent it is your responsibility to makeup the assignment. I will not pursue you about any missed work. Students excused for school-sponsored activities will be expected to complete work before the absence for the activity.

• Any missing work may be made up as long as it is turned in before the deadline set for each grading period.

**Parents** Please take time to review and discuss these policies with your child.


Grades will be based upon: Homework (3-10 pts each), Class work (Science Notebook: 30 pts each), Lab Activities (10-20 pts each), Projects (50 pts each), Class participation (20 pts each term), Quizzes (10-20 pts each), Tests (100 pts each).

Tests will be given every 2-3 weeks. I use a point system for grading all of your work including classwork, homework, projects, and tests. Every assignment turned in counts! Your grades are based on the total amount of points earned. The following percentages are used for grading purposes.

100% - 90% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 56% = D

55% or below = F


1. Be RESPECTFUL of other students’ opinions, ideas and themselves.

2. Be IN your seat and ready to work before the bell rings.

3. No GUM, CANDY, OR OTHER FOOD ITEMS allowed in class.

4. Bring all necessary SUPPLIES to class daily.



• White, wide-ruled or college-ruled binder paper

• Blue or black ink pens only, 2-3 pencils


1st Offense: Verbal Warning

2nd Offense: Teacher/student conference

3rd Offense: Phone call home

4th Offense: Referral

• Remember failure to follow school rules will result in the appropriate disciplinary action already established by the school (refer to your student agendas’ for further information on those policies!).

Thank You for taking time in reading this course description. PARENTS: I need your support for the homework assignments, academic goals and classroom discipline plan I have set for the students. With school and home working together, I know we can have a successful year!

Please return this page ONLY to Mrs. Milliken by :

I have read and understand the guideline and procedures for Mrs. Milliken’s Science class and have shared them with my parents.

Student’s name: Period:

Student’s signature:

Parent’s signature:

Parent’s contact information:




Thank You !!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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