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Gerald Kulm
Home: Work:
P. O. Box 675 TLAC Department, MS 4232
Millican, TX 77866 Texas A&M University
936-825-8804 College Station, TX 77843
Gkulm123@ 979-862-4407
Ed.D. Mathematics and Educational Psychology, Columbia University, Teachers College, 1971.
M.A.T. Mathematics, Cornell University, 1967.
B.A. Mathematics, Washington State University, 1963.
Curtis D. Robert Professor, Mathematics Education, 1999 - present
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Program Director, 1996 - 1999
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Project 2061
Washington, DC
Visiting Professor and Director, Evaluation & Assessment, STEP Project, 1994 - 1995
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Professor, Mathematics Education, 1990 - 1994
Coordinator, Mathematics and Science Education, 1992-1994
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Director, Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, 1989 - 1990
Associate Program Director, 1986 - 1988
Directorate for Education and Human Services
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC
Senior Research Associate, 1984-1986
Office of Educational Research and Improvement
U. S. Department of Education, Washington, DC
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education, 1982 -1984
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Associate Professor, 1976 - 1982
Assistant Professor, 1971 - 1976
Mathematics and Education
Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN
Mathematics Teacher
Horace Greeley High School, Chappaqua, New York, 1968 - 1970
Sheldon High School, Eugene, Oregon, 1964 - 1966
Boise High School, Boise, Idaho, 1963 - 1964
Guided Missile Petty Officer 2nd Class
United States Navy, 1956 – 1959
Curtis D. Robert Endowed Chair Professorship in Mathematics Education, Texas A&M University, 1999-present.
Outstanding Teacher, Department of Education, Purdue University, 1982.
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University of Bielefeld, West Germany, 1977-1978.
NDEA Research Traineeship, Columbia University, Teachers College, 1969-1971.
NSF Academic Year Institute Fellow, Cornell University, 1966-1967.
Editor, School Science and Mathematics journal, 2006-present
Member, Mathematics Technical Advisory Committee, National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2005-present.
Member, Planning Committee, NAEP 2004 Mathematics Assessment Consensus Project. National Assessment Governing Board, 2000-2001
Member, National Advisory Committee for the National Voluntary 8th Grade Mathematics Test, 1997.
Member, Models of Authentic Assessment Working Group, National Center for Research in Mathematical Sciences Education, University of Wisconsin, 1991-96
Series Editor, Assessment and Evaluation, AAAS Press, American Association for the Advancement of Science, l991-93.
Member, Dissemination Evaluation Advisory Committee, Undergraduate Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education, National Science Foundation, 1991-93.
Member, National Advisory Board, Bell Atlantic-AAAS Institute, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1991-93
Member, State Textbook Subject Area Committee for Mathematics, Texas Education Agency, 1991.
Member, Board of Directors, Trinity-Brazos River Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1992-94.
Editorial Support for School Science and Mathematics Journal. School Science and Mathematics Association, $215,531 (G. Kulm, PI)
Improving Mathematics Teaching and Achievement through Professional Development, NSF-IERI, $5,823,988, 2001-2006. (J. Roseman, PI; G. Kulm, J. Manon, Co-PIs).
E-math Evaluation Project, Henderson ISD, $65,000, 2001-02. (D. Jolly, G. Kulm, Co-PIs)
Center for Applications of Information Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Science, NSF, $10,000,000, 2000-2005. Director of Evaluation: G. Kulm. (PIs: R. Ewing & J. Conoley, Co-PIs: J. Denton, J. Newton, J. Schielack, C. Loving, C. Stuessy, L. Peck, D. Whitacker, T. Scott)
Resources for Science and Mathematics Literacy: Assessment, National Science Foundation, $2.4 million, 1999-2002. (Co-PI, Grant to Project 2061, AAAS).
Analytical Reports on Curriculum Materials in Science and Mathematics, Carnegie Corporation of New York, $600,000, 1998-99. (Co-PI, Grant to Project 2061, AAAS).
Mathematics Curriculum Analysis Project, NSF Kentucky Middle Grades Mathematics Network, $57,000, 1996-97. (PI, Subcontract to Project 2061, AAAS).
Mathematics and Science Assessment in Grades 4 -10, Montana State Department of Education Eisenhower Program, $33,505, 1994-95.
Assessing Mathematical Thinking in At-Risk Learners, U. S. Department of Education, $98,130, 1992-94.
Assessment and Evaluation of the Texas Renaissance Centers for Science and Mathematics Education, National Science Foundation (subcontract) $86,033, 1992-1993.
Pre-K and Kindergarten Mathematics Module, Texas Education Agency, $41,968, 1991-1992.
Innovative Mathematics Assessment Module, Texas Education Agency, $21,000, 1991-93.
Colonias Education Project, Texas A&M College of Architecture, $17,000, 1992-93.
Innovative Mathematics Assessment and Teachers' Classroom Practice, U. S. Department of Education, 1991-92, $80,752.
Video-Taped Mathematics Learning Episodes, Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence Incentive Grant, 1991-92, $950.
Building Bridges Between Educators and Scientists Conference, Texas A&M University Center for Teaching Excellence, $5,000, 1991 (Co-PI with C. Stuessy).
Middle School Mathematics: Prototype Materials for School, Home, and Community, Ford Foundation, $100,000, 1989-1990.
Bell Atlantic/AAAS Institute for Middle School Science and Technology Teachers, Bell Atlantic Charitable Foundation, $750,000, 1989-1992.
An Evaluation of the Impact of the Challenge of the Unknown, Phillips Petroleum Company, $35,000, 1987-1988.
A Retraining Program for Mathematics Teachers, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, $50,000, 1984-1985.
Information Measures of Mathematical Problem Solving, David Ross Foundation, $5,000, 1980-1982.
Analysis and Synthesis of Mathematical Problem Solving Processes, National Science Foundation, $128,000, 1979-1981.
Workshop on Diagnosis and Remediation in Mathematics Instruction for Adult Basic Education Teachers, Indiana Department of Public Instruction, $10,000, 1979.
Basic and Applied Arithmetic for Adult Students, Indiana Department of Public Instruction, $50,000, 1976-1977.
Journals, Books, Publications
American Educational Research Journal. Review of Manuscripts, 1988-present.
Charles E. Merrill Publishing. Review of Mathematics and Computer Education Manuscripts, 1980-present.
Jossey-Bass, Inc. Review of Mathematics and Science Education Book Proposals and Manuscripts, 1989-present.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Review of Manuscripts, 1975-present.
Longman Publishing Group. Review of Mathematics and Science Education Book Proposals and Manuscripts, 1992-present.
Oxford Press. Review of Mathematics Education Book Proposals, 1996-present
MCI and AAAS, Reviewer of Supersites for Science Netlinks project, 1998.
Proposals, Programs
National Science Foundation. Field Reviewer of Mathematics Education Research proposals, 1976-present.
National Science Foundation. Standing panel for review of Science Education Materials Development proposals, 1985-present
U.S. Department of Education, National Diffusion Network. Panelist and Field Reviewer of Mathematics and Science proposals, 1986.
U.S. Department of Education, Secretary's Discretionary Fund. Field Reviewer of Science and Mathematics proposals, 1986-present.
U.S. Department of Education, Field-Initiated Studies Proposals. Field Reviewer of Mathematics, Science, and Technology proposals, 1987.
U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement. Panelist to review proposals for the Center for Research in Mathematics, 1987.
CONSULTING ACTIVITIES (Alphabetical, since 1990)
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Project 2061. Comparison and alignment of the NCTM Standards with AAAS Benchmarks in mathematics, 1996.
American Association for the Advancement of Science. Bell Atlantic-AAAS Institute, Evaluation and alumni activities, l991-93.
American Council of Education. Mathematics Test Specification Panel for GED 2000 Examination, 1997.
American Institute for Research. National Advisory Committee for the National Voluntary 8th Grade Mathematics Test, 1997.
Council of Chief State School Officers. Review and analysis of state mathematics and science standards, 1996-present.
Education Development Corporation. Consultant on the alignment of mathematics textbooks with standards, 1998.
Educational Testing Service, Science performance assessment item development, 1991-1993.
Glencoe-McGraw-Hill Publishing, Elementary mathematics textbooks, 2006-2007.
Helena, Montana ISD. External evaluation of the Montessori program, 1995-96.
Mathnerds Project, External evaluator, Lamar University, 2006-present.
Mathworks Project, External evaluator, Texas State University, 2004-present.
National Science Center Foundation, Evaluation of Learning Logic Algebra I computer-base instruction system, 1991-92.
National Science Foundation, Site visit for the Scope, Sequence, Coordination Project, Houston, 1991.
National Assessment of Educational Progress, Review of the 1990 trial state assessment in mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, 1991.
RAISE Project, External evaluator, Oklahoma State University, 2005-2007.
RMC Inc. for the U. S. Department of Education. Training of mathematics curriculum analysts, 1997-1998.
SRI International. Alignment of state tests and standards: Maryland, Washington, 2001-02
UNESCO. Mission to Panama to develop strategy and proposal for science and mathematics education improvement, 1998.
U. S. Virgin Islands Department of Education. Project to improve science education in elementary schools, 1989-1991.
*publications with students
Articles in Refereed Journals
Kulm, G., & Li, Y. (2009). Curriculum research to improve teaching and learning: national and cross-national studies. ZDM-The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 41, 709-715.
*Li, Y., Chen, X., & Kulm, G. (2009). Mathematics teachers’ practices and thinking in lesson plan development: A case of teaching fraction division. ZDM-The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 41, 717-731.
*Sun, Y., Kulm, G., & Capraro, M. M. (2009). Middle grade teachers’ use of textbooks and
their classroom instruction. Journal of Mathematics Education, 2(2), 20-37.
*An, S. A., Kulm, G. O., & Ma, T. (2008). The effects of a music composition activity on Chinese students’ attitudes and beliefs towards mathematics: An exploratory study. Journal of Mathematics Education,1(1), 91-108.
*Ding, M., Li, Y., *Li, X., & Kulm, G. (2008). Chinese teachers' perceptions of students' classroom misbehaviors. Educational Psychology, 28, 305-324.
*Sahin, A., & Kulm, G. (2008). Sixth grade mathematics teachers’ intentions and use of probing, guiding, and factual questions. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11(3), 221-241.
*Ding, M., Li, X., Piccolo, D., & Kulm, G. (2007). Teacher intervention in cooperative learning: A case study in sixth-grade mathematics classrooms. Journal of Educational Research, 100, 162-175.
Kulm, G., Capraro, R. M., & Capraro, M. M. (2007). Teaching and learning middle grades mathematics with understanding. Middle Grades Research Journal, 2(1), 23-48.
Kulm, G., Wilson, L. D., & Kitchen, R. (2006). Alignment of content and effectiveness of mathematics assessment tasks. Education Assessment,10 (4), 333-356.
Capraro, R., Capraro, M. M., Parker, D., Kulm, G., & Raulerson, T. (2005). The mathematics content knowledge role in developing preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. Journal for Research in Childhood Education, 20 (2), 102-118.
Capraro, M. M., Kulm, G., & Capraro, R. M. (2005). Middle grades: Misconceptions in statistical thinking. School Science and Mathematics Journal, 105, 165-174.
*Nguyen, D. M., & Kulm, G. (2005). Using web-based practice to enhance mathematics learning and achievement. Journal of Interactive Online Learning (JIOL), 3(3), Winter 2005.
*An, S., Kulm, G., & Wu, Z. (2004). The pedagogical content knowledge of middle school mathematics teachers in China and the U.S. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 7(2), 145-172.
*Sun, Y. & Kulm, G. (2003). Developing understanding of fraction concepts: Lessons from two teachers. Texas Mathematics Teacher, L(2), 6-9.
Roseman, J. E., Kulm, G., & Shuttleworth, S. (2001). Putting textbooks to the test. ENC Focus, 8(3), 56-59.
Bush, W., Kulm, G., & Surati, D. (2000). Getting together over a good book. Journal of Staff Development, 21(2), 34-38 .
Kulm, G., (2000). Book review of Thinking practices in mathematics and science learning, James G. Greeno & Shelley V. Goldman (Eds.), Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 7(4), 315-320.
Kulm, G. (2000). Rating algebra textbooks. Science Books & Films, 36(3), 104-106.
Kulm, G. (1999). Making sure your mathematics curriculum meets standards. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 4(8), 536-541.
Kulm, G., Roseman, J. E., & Treistman, M. (1999). A benchmarks-based approach to textbook evaluation. Science Books & Films, July/August, 147-153.
*Telese, J. & Kulm, G. (1995). Assessment scenarios for at-risk students in mathematics. Urban Review, 27, 2, 121-140.
Kulm, G. (1988). U. S. Department of Energy support of science, mathematics and technology education. Journal of College Science Teaching, 18, 90-91, 121.
Kulm, G. (1984). Geometry enrichment for mathematically gifted students. Roeper Review, 6, 150-151.
Kulm, G. (1984). Team Spirit: A computer with course for parents and gifted children. Teaching Exceptional Children, 16, 168-171.
Kulm, G. (1984). Mathematics processes and computers in the junior high school. Mathematics Teacher, 77,628-630.
Kulm, G. (1982). The development of mathematics problem solving ability in early adolescence. School Science and Mathematics, 82, 666-672.
Kulm, G. (1981). A study of mathematics problem solving processes in adolescents. Ontario Mathematics Gazette, September, 3-5.
Kulm, G. (1981). Remediation methods in arithmetic for general mathematics students. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics, 3, 46-58.
Kulm, G. (1980). Multiplication and division algorithms in German Schools, Arithmetic Teacher, 27, 26-27.
Kulm, G., & Bussmann, H. (1980). A phase-ability model of mathematics problem solving. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 11, 179-189.
Campbell, P.F., & Kulm, G. (1980). Development and evaluation of consumer-based mathematics materials in adult basic education. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 3, 283-294.
*Kulm, G. & Days, H. (1979). Information transfer in solving problems Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 10, 94-102.
*Days, H., Wheatley, G., & Kulm, G. (1979). Problem structure, cognitive level, and problem-solving performance. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 10, 135-146.
Kulm, G. (1977). The effect of two summative evaluation methods on achievement and attitudes in individualized seventh-grade mathematics. School Science and Mathematics, 77, 639-647.
Kulm, G. (1977). Teaching problem solving heuristics: A critique of two studies. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 8, 153-155.
Kulm, G. (1977). Heuristic teaching of geometry, Mathematisches Forschungs Institut Oberwolfach, Tagungsbericht, 42, 1.
Kulm, G. (1975). Volume and surface area. Mathematics Teacher, 68, 583-586.
Kulm, G., Lewis, J., Omari, I., & Cook, H. (1974). The effectiveness of textbook, student generated, and pictorial versions of presenting mathematical problems in ninth-grade algebra. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 5, 28-35.
Kulm, G. (1974). Area ratios in convex polygons. Mathematics Teacher, 67, 466-467.
Kulm, G. (1973). Some problems in a study of CAI feedback. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 4, 187-189.
Kulm, G. (1973). Pi, polygons, and probability. School Science and Mathematics, 73, 575-577.
Kulm, G. (1973). Sources of reading difficulty in elementary algebra textbooks, Mathematics Teacher, 66, 649-652.
Kulm, G. (1967). Discovering area ratios in triangles and quadrilaterals. New York State Mathematics Teachers Journal, 17,144-149.
Kulm, G. (Ed.) (2008). Teacher knowledge and practice in middle grades mathematics. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Kulm, G. (Project Director and Editor). (2000). Middle grades mathematics textbooks: A benchmarks based evaluation. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (Managing and Contributing Editor) (1998). Blueprints for reform. New York: Oxford Press. Also published as Bluprints online, project2061..
Kulm, G. (Ed.) (1994). Assessing higher order thinking in mathematics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1990 by AAAS Press.
Kulm, G., & Malcom, S. (Eds.) (1994). Science assessment in the service of reform. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1991 by AAAS Press.
Kulm, G. (1994). Mathematics assessment: What works in the classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kulm, G. (Ed.) (1990). Math power in school. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (Ed.) (1990). Math power at home. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (Ed.) (1990). Math power in the community. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. & Campbell, P.F. (1984). GED Scorebooster 3: Mathematics (2nd Ed). Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Company.
Kulm, G. (1976). Laboratory activities for secondary mathematics teachers. Boston: Prindle, Weber & Schmidt.
Moser, J., Starr, L., Phillips, O., & Kulm, G. (1975). Geometry. New York: Random House.
Book Chapters
*Li., Y., Kulm, G., Huang, R., & Ding, M. (2009). On the quality of mathematics lesson: Do elementary mathematics teachers have similar views as students and their school? In J. Cai, G. Kaiser, R. Perry, & N. Wong (Eds.), Effective mathematics teaching from teachers’ perspectives: National and international studies. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense.
Kulm, G. (2008). A theoretical framework for mathematics knowledge in teaching middle grades. In G. Kulm (Ed.), Teacher knowledge and practice in middle grades mathematics (pp. 3-18). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Kulm, G., & Capararo, R. M. (2008). Textbook use and student learning of number and algebra ideas in middle grades. In G. Kulm (Ed.), Teacher knowledge and practice in middle grades mathematics (pp. 255-272). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
*You, Z., & Kulm, G. (2008). Prospective teacher knowledge of linear functions.
In G. Kulm (Ed.), Teacher knowledge and practice in middle grades mathematics (pp. 45-65). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
*An, S., Kulm, G., Wu, Z., Ma, F., & Wang, L. (2006). The impact of cultural differences on middle school mathematics teachers’ beliefs in the U. S. and China. In Leung, F. K. & Lopez-Real, F. J. (Eds.), Mathematics education in different cultural traditions: A comparative study of East Asia and the West, The 13th ICMI Study (pp. 449-464). New York: Springer.
Kulm, G. (1997). Comparison of Benchmarks and Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics. In Resources for science literacy: Professional development. New York: Oxford Press.
Kulm, G. (1994). Assessing higher order mathematical thinking: What we need to know and be able to do. In G. Kulm, (Ed.), Assessing higher order thinking in mathematics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1990 by AAAS Press.
Kulm, G. (1994). New directions for mathematics assessment. In G. Kulm, (Ed.), Assessing higher order thinking in mathematics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1990 by AAAS Press.
Kulm, G. (1994). The control of assessment. In G. Kulm & S. M. Malcom, Science assessment in the service of reform. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1991 by AAAS Press.
Kulm, G., & Stuessy, C. (1994). Assessment in science and mathematics education reform. In G. Kulm & S. M. Malcom, Science assessment in the service of reform. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Originally published in 1991 by AAAS Press.
Stallings, J., Wiseman, D. & Kulm, G. (1994). Curriculum: Overview and framework; Implications and reflections. In M. J. O'Hair & S. J. Odell (Eds.), Partnerships in education: Teacher education yearbook II. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.
Kulm, G. (1985). Classification of problem solving research variables. In G. Goldin & E. McClintock, (Eds.), Task variables in mathematical problem solving. Philadelphia, PA: Franklin Institute Press.
Kulm, G. (1980). The Kulm Mathematics Self-Concept Test. In Sourcebook of Measures of Women's Educational Equity. Palo Alto, CA: American Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences. Also in Tests in Microfiche, Set K, #013826, Educational Testing Service.
Kulm, G. (1978). The role of problem structure in problem solving. In F. Evers, et al. (Eds.), Beitragen zum Mathematikunterricht. Hannover: Hermann Schroeder Verlag.
Kulm, G. (1978). Research on mathematics attitude. In R. Shumway, (Ed.), Research in Mathematics Education. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Kulm, G. (1975). Language level applied to the information content of technical prose. In N.A. Chigier & E.A. Stern (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Seminar on Collective Phenomena and the Applications of Physics to Other Fields of Science. Fayetteville, NY: Brain Research Publications.
*Wu. Z. & Kulm, G. (2004). Study of middle school teachers' understanding and use of mathematical representation in teaching. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Copenhagen, Denmark.
*An, S., Kulm, G., Wu, Z., Ma, F. Ling, W., & Wang, L. (2002). A comparative study of mathematics teachers’ beliefs and their impact on the teaching practice between the U.S. and China. Proceedings of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction Conference, Hong Kong.
*Capraro, R. M., Kulm, G., Hammer, M., & Capraro, M. M. (2002). The origin and persistence of misconceptions in statistical thinking. In D. S. Mewborn, P. Sztajn, D. Y. White, H. G. Wiegel, R. L. Bryant, & K. Nooney (Eds.), Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Vol. 3. pp. 1339-1340). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education.
*An, S., Kulm, G., Wu, Z., Ma, F. Ling, W., & Wang, L. (2002). A comparative study on mathematics teachers beliefs and their impact on the teaching practice between the U.S. and China. Proceedings of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction Conference, Hong Kong.
*Nguyen, D. & Kulm, G. (2002). Learning, knowing, and doing: A comparison of the U.S. and Asian mathematics lesson contents. Proceedings of the International Commission on Mathematics Instruction Conference, Hong Kong.
Kulm, G. (1986). Translating mathematics learning research into practice. In H. G. Steiner (Ed.), Proceedings of the IDM-TME Conference on Didactics of Mathematics. Bielefeld, West Germany.
*Kulm, G., Campbell, P.F., Frank, M., & Talsma, G. (1981). Process patterns in the solution of visual and non-visual problems. In the Proceedings of the Third Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psvchology of Mathematics Education. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Kulm, G. (1981). Remediation methods in adult basic mathematics. In M. Zweng, T. Green, J. Kilpatrick, H. Pollack, & M. Suydam (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Mathematics Education. New York: Birkhouser.
Research Reports
Kulm, G. (1998). How to do mathematical curriculum analysis. Project 2061 Website, http:\\project 2061.. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. & Grier, L. (1998). Summary report: Mathematics curriculum materials analysis reliability study. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1994). Tribal College Faculty Institute, Summer 1994. Evaluation Report, STEP Project, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
Kulm, G. (1994). The effects of alternative assessment on mathematics teaching. Proceedings of the EMT Conference on 30 Years of Excellence, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
*Kulm, G., Telese, J. & McMullen, B. G. (1993). Alternative assessment in mathematics. Texas Mathematics Staff Development Module 31. Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.
Kulm, G. (1993). A theory of classroom assessment and teacher practice in mathematics. ERIC Document TM019911.
Kulm, G., & Stuessy, C. (1993). Assessment and evaluation of the Texas Science and Mathematics Renaissance. First Annual Report. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University.
*Kulm, G., Schielack, J., & Majdalani, M. (1992). Prekindergarten-Kindergarten mathematics. Texas Mathematics Staff Development Module 27. Austin, TX: Texas Education Agency.
Kulm, G., Malcom, S., & Lovitts, B. (1990). Science, mathematics and technology education and human resources in the FY 1991 budget. In AAAS Report XV Research and Development FY 1991. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1987). Challenge of the Unknown workshop program for AAAS mathematics teacher fellows. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1987). Evaluating the national impact of the Challenge of the Unknown. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1987). National student survey of the Challenge of the Unknown. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1987). Mathematics education: The roles of mathematics educators, mathematicians, and the National Science Foundation. In M. S. Knapp, M. S. Stearns, M. St. John, & A. A. Zucker (Eds.), Opportunities for strategic investment in K-12 science education, Volume 2. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
Kulm, G. (1982). Analysis and synthesis of mathematical problem solving processes. Final Report, Grant #SED-79-20596, National Science Foundation.
Kulm, G. & Campbell, P.F. (1979). Workshop on diagnosis and remediation in mathematics instruction for Adult Basic Education teachers. Final Report, Grant #FY-79-8068-T, Indiana State Department of Public Instruction.
Kulm, G. & Campbell, P.F. (1978). Basic and applied arithmetic for adult students. Final Report, Grant #FY-77-8047, Indiana State Department of Public Instruction.
Kulm, G. (1978). Reading level evaluation of Algebra through Applications. In J. O. Swafford & H. S. Kepner (Eds.), A report and evaluation of Algebra through Applications, University of Chicago.
Kulm, G. (1978). Translation of [Mathematics instruction as a problem-solving Process contributing to the development of abilities], by N. Biermann, H. Bussman & H. Niedworok. Technical Report, University of Georgia.
Other Publications and Papers
Kulm, G. (2009). Editorial: A time of change. School Science and Mathematics, 109, 2-3.
Kulm, G. (2009). Editorial: Science and mathematics education in a context of national crisis. School Science and Mathematics, 109, 309.
Kulm, G. (2008). (Editorial) Teachers’ mathematical knowledge. School Science and Mathematics, 108, 2-3.
Kulm, G. (2008). (Editorial) Transition to online manuscript submission and review. School Science and Mathematics, 108, 224-225.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) Learning from the history of mathematics and science education. School Science and Mathematics, 107, 368.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) The hiring season: Searching for potential, School Science and Mathematics, 107, 41.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) The great American education pastime: High stakes testing, School Science and Mathematics, 107, 84-85.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) Research as a place to stand in implementing reform and change, School Science and Mathematics, 107, 119-120.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) Taking stock: A year in review, School Science and Mathematics, 107, 165-166.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) How much technology is enough - or too much? School Science and Mathematics, 107, 220-221.
Kulm, G. (2007). (Editorial) The achievement gap – do we need a new strategy? School Science and Mathematics, 107, 267-268.
Kulm, G. (2007). Module 1: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) clarification: Grades K-4. .
Kulm, G. (2007). Module 1: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) clarification: Grades 5-8.
Kulm, G. (2007). Module 1: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) clarification: Grades 9-12.
Kulm, G. (2006). (Editorial) Research on teacher development, School Science and Mathematics, 106,276.
Kulm, G. (2006). (Editorial) Reflections on research in science and mathematics education. School Science and Mathematics, 106, 324.
Kulm, G. (2001). Curriculum trends, secondary level. In L. S. Grinstein & S. I. Lipsey (Eds.), Encylopedia of mathematics education, (pp. 177-179). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Kulm, G. (2001). Evaluation of instruction, overview. In L. S. Grinstein & S. I. Lipsey (Eds.), Encylopedia of mathematics education, (pp. 238-240). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Kulm, G. (2001). Integration of secondary school mathematics instruction with other subjects. In L. S. Grinstein & S. I. Lipsey (Eds.), Encylopedia of mathematics education, (pp. 356-357). New York: RoutledgeFalmer.
Kulm, G. (1999). Evaluating mathematics textbooks. Basic Education, 43(9), 6-8.
Kulm, G., (1999). Select math textbooks for the right reasons. In W. Wayt Gibbs & Douglas Fox, The false crisis in science education, Scientific American, 281(4), 87-93.
Kulm, G. (1998, January). High stakes mathematics assessment. Paper based on oral testimony on the proposed National Voluntary Mathematics Test, given before the National Assessment Governing Board on January 21, 1998.
Kulm, G. (1997). Assessment analysis. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1997). Comments on the item and test specifications for the National Voluntary 8th Grade Mathematics Test. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Kulm, G. (1994). Situated performance assessment. In A database and catalog of alternative assessments, Second Edition. Portland, OR: Northwest Regional Education Laboratory.
Kulm, G. (1992). (Guest Editorial) More than just a test to measure our students, Houston Chronicle, May 28, 1992.
Kulm, G. (1989). Book review of Innumeracy by J. A. Paulos. Education Week, 24.
Kulm, G. (1989). U. S. Department of Education support of science, and technology education. Science Education News, June/July.
Kulm, G. (1988). U. S. Department of Education support of science, and technology education. Science Education News, September.
Kulm, G. (1988). Book review of Linguistic and cultural factors in mathematics learning, R. Cocking & J. Mestre (Eds.). Science Books & Films, 24, November/December.
Kulm, G. (Guest Commentary), (1987). School mathematics: Barrier or open door to jobs? Science Books & Films, 23, September/October.
Kulm, G. (Contributing author), (1986). C. Finn (Ed.), What works: Research about teaching and learning. Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office.
Kulm, G. (1986). Book Review: Teaching and learning mathematical problem solving: Multiple research perspectives. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 16, 383-387.
Kulm, G. (1985). Counting and early arithmetic learning. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Kulm, G. (1985). Learning to add and subtract. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Kulm, G. (1982). Research abstract and review of: Information processing load in problem solving by network search. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 15, 10-12.
Kulm, G. (1979). Research abstract and review: High school mathematics preparation and sex differences in quantitative abilities. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 12, 9-11.
Kulm, G. (1978). Research abstract and review: Children's judgments of numerical inequality. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 11, 38-40.
Kulm, G. (1978). Seeing relationships between problems. Math Lab Matrix, Fall, 1-3.
Kulm, G. (1976). Research abstract and review of: Interaction of spatial visualization and general reasoning abilities with instructional treatment in quadratic inequalities: A further investigation. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 9, 22-23.
*Kulm, G. & Lockmandy, T. (1976). An alternative approach to evaluating math achievement. Indiana Mathematics Newsletter, 39, 1-4.
Kulm, G. (1974). Book review: How to teach children twice as much. Educational Studies, 5, 88-89.
Kulm, G. (1973). Research abstract and review: Relationships of study habits and school attitudes to achievement in mathematics and reading. Investigations in Mathematics Education, 6, 54-55.
Dr. Sally Sue Gerren (TAMU, 2008). A case study: The relationship between the use of graphing calculators and the development of classroom norms in a college algebra course. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Carol Stuessy) [Community college mathematics instructor].
Dr. Gary Wright (TAMU, 2008). Applying Gee’s method of narrative analysis to inform our understanding of adult developmental mathematics students. [Mathematics Instructor, University of Texas-San Antonio].
Dr. Leslie Woodard (TAMU, 2008). Middle grades in-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of student internal representation of equivalent fractions and algebraic expressions. Ph. D. Dissertation. [President, Woodard Associates, Houston, TX.]
Dr. Alpaslan Sahin (TAMU, 2007). The effects of types, quantity, and quality of teachers’ questioning in improving students understanding. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Principal, Harmony Science Academy, College Station, TX.]
Dr. Meixia Ding (TAMU, 2007). Knowing mathematics for teaching: A case study of teacher responses to students’ errors and difficulties in teaching equivalent fractions. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Nebraska-Lincoln].
Dr. Zhixia You (TAMU, 2006). Preservice teachers’ knowledge of linear functions within multiple representation modes. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Yeping Li) [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Nevada-Reno.]
Dr. Amanda Ross (TAMU, 2006). The effects of constructivist teaching approaches on middle school students’ algebraic understanding. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Educational Consultant.]
Dr. Xiaobao Li (TAMU, 2006). Cognitive analysis of students’ errors and misconceptions in variables, equations, and functions. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Yeping Li) [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Houston.]
Dr. Armando Perez (TAMU, 2005). The impact of anxiety, gender, and mathematics achievement on ontogenetic indicators for Hispanic/Latino students in higher education mathematics classes. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Robert Capraro) [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, Laredo Community College.]
Dr. Margaret Mohr (TAMU, 2005). An assessment of preservice teachers’ mathematics knowledge for teaching: middle grades mathematics. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Kentucky.]
Dr. Ye Sun (TAMU, 2005). The role of representations in developing students’ understanding and use of fractions, decimals, and percents. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, West Virginia University.]
Dr Adam Harbaugh (TAMU, 2005). Authoritative discourse in the middle school mathematics classroom: A case study. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Mary Margaret Capraro). [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of North Carolina-Charlotte.]
Dr. Tamara Carter (TAMU, 2005). Knowledge and understanding of probability and statistics topics by preservice pk-8 teachers. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Department Head. Oklahoma City Community College.]
Dr. TauGumba Kadhi (TAMU, 2005). Online assessment: A study of the validation and implementation of a formative online diagnostic tool in developmental mathematics for college students. Ph. D. Dissertation. (Co-chaired with Janie Schielack, Mathematics). [Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Prairie View University.]
Dr. Hossein Shirvani (TAMU, 2004). The effect of teachers’ using parental involvement to motivate low –income minority high school students. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Southern Mississippi.]
Dr. Zhonge Wu (TAMU, 2004). The study of middle school teachers’ understanding and use of mathematical representation in relation to teachers’ zone of proximal development in teaching fractions and algebraic functions. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, National University.]
Dr. Hossein Shirvani (TAMU, 2004). Effect of teacher communication with parents on students’ mathematics achievement. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Southern Mississippi].
Dr. Diem Nguyen (TAMU, 2002). Developing and evaluating the effects of web-based mathematics instruction on student achievement and attitude. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Bowling Green University, Ohio].
Dr. Shuhua An (TAMU, 2000). A comparative study of the pedagogical content knowledge of middle school mathematics teachers in the U. S. and China. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, California State University - Long Beach, CA].
Dr. James Telese (TAMU, 1994). Alternative assessment of at risk students in mathematics: The effects of context and setting. Ph.D. Dissertation. [Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Texas-Brownsville, TX].
Dr. Michael Battista (Purdue University, 1976). [Professor of Mathematics Education, Michigan State University].
Dr. Herman Windham (Purdue University, 1975). [Associate Professor and Head of Mathematics Department, Tuskegee University].
Dr. Harold Days (Purdue University, 1974). [Professor of Mathematics, Fort Valley State University, GA].
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