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Group _____________ Project: Character Types and Characterization-2349520891500Mnemonic DeviceDefinitionRoundStatic -4762544450013468861913600DynamicFlat-355603238500Direct CharacterizationIndirect CharacterizationExamples from the book NameRole in StoryRound/FlatStatic/DynamicIndirect CharacterizationDirect Characterization OdysseusPenelopeTelemachus AchillesAthena Poseidon Alcinious Group _______________: Foreshadowing and FlashbackTermMnemonic DeviceDefinition FlashbackForeshadowingExamples from the book Flashback ExampleForeshadowing #1Foreshadowing #2Foreshadowing #3Group ______________: SymbolismSymbolism:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectPictureWhat does it symbolize?Laertes’ Shroud13335013525500Odysseus’ Bow1333163556000The Sea838206921500Ithica 838202921000Sword from The Sport Games13335010033000Group _________________: AllusionsDirections: Think about different allusions you have seen on television, in novels, stories, tales, or any other form of media to “The Odyssey.” Use your online resources to find these examples of allusions. Allusion:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Allusion Allusion to …Explanation Allusion ExamplePirates of the Caribbean to the Trojan HorseIn order to trick the ship lords that are in the cave on the island, two of the pirates dress up like women and sail out to the cave as a disguise to get onto the island. Allusion #1Allusion #2Allusion #3Allusion #4Allusion #5Group ______________: Theme Directions: Write down all the information (bullets) you know about the topic. Then come up with a theme for each. Remember: Think of themes as lesson you have learned from the story. Topic Examples From Book (Bullets)Theme Hospitality Loyalty/PerseveranceSpiritual Growth Power of Cunning over StrengthGroup ______________: Epic Hero Characteristics of an Epic Hero Heroic CharacteristicsOdysseus The main character is a hero, who is often possessed of supernatural abilities or qualities. The hero is charged with a quest.The hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest. The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions. Strengths and weaknessesThe hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering.The cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated. A resurrection Restitution. Often this takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne. Group _____________ Project: Character Types and Characterization-2349520891500Mnemonic DeviceDefinitionRound Santa- fat (round) We know a lot about himCharacters that we know a lot about – we know many characteristics about them – through direct and indirect characterization – opposite of flat character Static -47625444500 Static on tv never changesCharacters that do not change in the book – feel and act the same way from beginning to the end – opposite of dynamic 13468861913600Dynamic Dynamite changes from solid to gasCharacter changes (personality) in the book due to some event in the story – opposite of static Flat-355603238500 Floor = flat 1 sidedCharacters we only know one or two things about – opposite of round character Direct CharacterizationDirectly tells usAuthor directly tells us about the character’s appearance and characteristics Indirect CharacterizationAuthor shows us characteristics through thoughts and actions the character does AND what other characters say about them– you have to infer these Examples from the book NameRole in StoryRound/FlatStatic/DynamicIndirect Characterization(Answers will vary)Direct Characterization OdysseusProtagonistEpic HeroTakes Epic JourneyKing of IthacaRound – arrogant, king, father, strongDynamic – arrogant in beginning – learns patience and acceptanceArrogant – Cunning "He is almost one of us. Wise beyond mortal men, ready beyond all to offer sacrifice to the lords of the broad heavens." (Zeus to Athena pg.12)Odysseus was “taller to all eyes,/ his build more massive now, and down from hisbrow/… ran his curls like thick hyacinth clusters/ full of blooms” (175; ln 253-6).PenelopeOdysseus’ wifeQueen of IthacaRound – beautiful, caring, mother, workerStatic – loving, caring, believes he is aliveFaithful – Intelligent Penelope’s actions when Odysseus leaves tell us she is a strong and faithful mother/wifeIntelligent – she makes a plan to allude the suitors with her shroud"Penelope came out of her room looking like Diana or Venus.""Then the goddess shed grace and beauty over her that all the Achaeans might admire her. She washed her face with the ambrosial loveliness that Venus wears when she goes dancing with the Graces; she made her taller and of a more commanding figure, while as for her complexion it was whiter than sawn ivory."Telemachus Odysseus’ sonPrince of IthacaFlat- son of Odysseus Dynamic- Matures into a man, but stays faithful to his mother and fatherImmature - Angered“’Oh how much you need Odysseus, gone so long—/ how he’d lay hands on all these brazen suitors!’” Telemachus needs Odysseus (Athena to Telemachus 295)“’I won’t put up with a man who shirks his work,/ not if he take his ration from mystores’” (391; ln 28-9; Telemachus).Athena God of wisdomHelps Odysseus Round- Goddess of wisdom, daughter of Zeus, Protector of OdysseusStatic – helps Odysseus throughout his journey Would that bright-eyed Athena should care to love you as once she cherished mighty Ulysses in the land of the Trojans, where we Achaeans suffered woes -- for I never saw the Gods showing such open affection as Pallas Athena stood by him for all to see.?2?When they describe her as wise because they call her "the goddess of wisdom", this directly tells you she is the wisest of all.Group _____________: Foreshadowing and FlashbackTermMnemonic DeviceDefinition FlashbackFlashbackFlash- when you remember something it is a flashBack- behind A flashback is a sudden, brief relocation to a previous time and then, just as suddenly, a return to the present story. Flashbacks can hint at backstories, but they aren’t backstories themselves.When the author interrupts the story with information from the past (retelling of that story). ForeshadowingForeshadowingFore- in front of When the author gives hints or clues to future events Examples from the book Flashback ExampleA flashback happens when Odysseus is feasting and retelling his journey to King Alcinious. In our adaption of the book, there are three stars that signal to the read that he is telling him the story. This is the flashback. He interrupts telling the story to the king several times when he it brings up back to the present and then goes back into the flashback. Foreshadowing #1When Odysseus blinded Polyphemus, Polyphemus prays to Poseidon not to let Odysseus return home and if he cannot promise that to at least make his journey long, perilous, and hard with his entire crew dead. Foreshadowing #2When we learn about the crew that Odysseus has with him on the journey, we learn how they are curious and greedy. Athena warns Odysseus of this. This is foreshadowing that they will do something that will cause trouble. They end up opening the gift from Aeolus and do not return home. Foreshadowing #3?As Telemachus is enraged and calls out the suitors and states that "Zues will pay you back with a vengeance-all of you destroyed in my house while I go scot-free myself" (2: 162-163). Odysseus does return home and fights and kills the suitors. Group__________: SymbolismSymbolism:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ObjectPictureWhat does it symbolize?Laertes’ Shroud13335013525500This symbolizes the intelligence that Penelope has over the suitors. She cannot fight them off physically, so she comes up with the plan of creating the shroud for Odysseus to hold them off until he returns. Odysseus’ Bow1333163556000This symbolizes the importance and strength of the king. It also symbolizes the maturity and character of the king. The suitors cannot string it. The Sea838206921500Represents the sea of life. It represents the journey one must take in order to go through ups and downs and learn from their mistakes. You must have hope and faith. Ithaca 838202921000Ithaca symbolizes home for Odysseus and the hope to see his family again. It gives him the strength and determination to fight to get home. Sword from The Sport Games13335010033000The sword symbolizes strength. It was given to Odysseus as a symbol of strength and good fortune after he displayed his talents during the Phaeacian games. Group _________: AllusionsDirections: Think about different allusions you have seen on television, in novels, stories, tales, or any other form of media to “The Odyssey.” Use your online resources to find these examples of allusions. Allusion:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Allusion Allusion to …Explanation Allusion ExamplePirates of the Caribbean to the Trojan HorseIn order to trick the ship lords that are in the cave on the island, two of the pirates dress up like women and sail out to the cave as a disguise to get onto the island. Allusion #1There is a song called “Symphony” The song is about Odysseus’ journey and the cover is a representation of that. Allusion #2The SpongeBob Square Pants movieMany of the events that happen refer back to the Odyssey. SpongeBob has a sack of wind to get him home. Allusion #3Percy Jackson All of the Greek Gods/Goddesses are in this movie and it makes a lot of references back to events and people in The Odyssey. Allusion #4There is a minivan that is called OdysseyThe ad says that it can take very long journeys. Allusion #5There are many different groups called the Trojans. These teams are known as undefeatable teams that are very strong. Group _______________: Theme Directions: Write down all the information (bullets) you know about the topic. Then come up with a theme for each. Remember: Think of themes as lesson you have learned from the story. Topic Examples From Book (Bullets)Theme Hospitality -Odysseus receives the kings at the beginning -King Alcinious is extremely gracious and hospitable to Odysseus - Polyphemus is no hospitable-Circe is hospitable -Zeus is hospitable Arriving strangers may be dangerous or harmless, and residents are wise to be prepared for trouble.?Hospitality, or the lack of it, affects Odysseus throughout the epic, and the reader can judge civility by the degree of hospitality offered.Loyalty/Perseverance-Penelope stays loyal to Odysseus for over 20 years -Odysseus’ crew stay loyal to him-Athena stays loyal to Odysseus -Odysseus does not stay loyal to Penelope-Odysseus will not give up fighting to get home -Find faith in something and always have hope for the future -Never give up no matter the circumstances Spiritual Growth -Odysseus must learn from his mistakes through his journey-Penelope uses her faith to get her through the time without Odysseus -Life will throw you twists and turns, but you must learn from them Power of Cunning over Strength-Odysseus tricks the Greeks with the Trojan horse-Odysseus tricks Polyphemus as saying his name is no-manYou may be strong, but intelligence is worth more Rely on your smarts and not on your physical powerWhen strength leaves, all you have is your mind Group ______________: Epic Hero Characteristics of an Epic Hero Heroic CharacteristicsOdysseus The main character is a hero, who is often possessed of supernatural abilities or qualities. Odysseus can see and talk to Gods and Goddesses throughout his journey home. Odysseus is seen as a natural leader that has great strength and is very cunning.The hero is charged with a quest.Athena sends him to defeat the Trojan army. The hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest. Odysseus has to go through many challenges on his way home to Ithaca for defying the Gods. Such examples are: the Cyclopes, Circe, Hades, and the six headed monster. The presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions. There are many Gods and Goddesses involved in his journey home. Athena, Poseidon, Aeolus, Zeus, and Circe are all a part of his journey. Strengths and weaknessesStrengths – cunning, natural leader, king, strength Weaknesses- Arrogance and impatience The hero’s travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering.Odysseus has to travel to Hade to seek the information of a prophet on what he must do next. The cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated. The six headed monster destroys his ship and kills his crew. A resurrection The Phaeacians take him home and he shows himself to the suitors after Athena had clocked him as an old man.Restitution. Often this takes the form of the hero regaining his rightful place on the throne. He then slays the suitors that want to marry Penelope and takes his rightful place back as king of Ithaca. Character and Characterization Sort Arrogant – Cunning "He is almost one of us. Wise beyond mortal men, ready beyond all to offer sacrifice to the lords of the broad heavens." (Zeus to Athena pg.12)Faithful – Intelligent Penelope’s actions when Odysseus leaves tell us she is a strong and faithful mother/wifeIntelligent – she makes a plan to allude the suitors with her shroudImmature - Angered“’Oh how much you need Odysseus, gone so long—/ how he’d lay hands on all these brazen suitors!’” Telemachus needs Odysseus (Athena to Telemachus 295)Would that bright-eyed Athena should care to love you as once she cherished mighty Ulysses in the land of the Trojans, where we Achaeans suffered woes -- for I never saw the Gods showing such open affection as Pallas Athena stood by him for all to see.?2When they describe her as wise because they call her "the goddess of wisdom", this directly tells you she is the wisest of all.“’I won’t put up with a man who shirks his work,/ not if he take his ration from mystores’” (391; ln 28-9; Telemachus)."Penelope came out of her room looking like Diana or Venus.""Then the goddess shed grace and beauty over her that all the Achaeans might admire her. She washed her face with the ambrosial loveliness that Venus wears when she goes dancing with the Graces; she made her taller and of a more commanding figure, while as for her complexion it was whiter than sawn ivory."Odysseus was “taller to all eyes,/ his build more massive now, and down from hisbrow/… ran his curls like thick hyacinth clusters/ full of blooms” (175; ln 253-6).Characters that we know a lot about – we know many characteristics about them – through direct and indirect characterization – opposite of flat character Characters that do not change in the book – feel and act the same way from beginning to the end – opposite of dynamic Character changes (personality) in the book due to some event in the story – opposite of static Characters we only know one or two things about – opposite of round character Author directly tells us about the character’s appearance and characteristics Author shows us characteristics through thoughts and actions the character does AND what other characters say about them– you have to infer these ................

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