Jennifer A .edu

Jennifer A. Sandlin curriculum vitae

1203 Haines Drive, College Station, TX, 77840

phone (979) 777-0993, email:

current as of September 22, 2006

|Education, Background, and Professional Experience |

|Educational History |Doctor of Philosophy (Adult Education) |

| |August 2001, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA |

| |Ronald M. Cervero, advisor. Dissertation: “Manufacturing Workers: Exploring Ideological Assumptions in Educational Programs |

| |for Welfare Recipients” |

| |Popular Education Institute |

| |June 2000, Sponsored by Rutgers University Adult Education Department, held in Guanajuato and Tlaxcala, Mexico. |

| |Master of Arts with Distinction (Anthropology) |

| |1994, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM |

| |Bachelor of Arts with Distinction (English Literature) |

| |1992, Millsaps College, Jackson, MS |

|Academic |Assistant Professor |

|Experience |Fall 2002-present, Texas A&M University, Educational Administration and Human Resource Development Department, Adult |

| |Education Program. Courses taught: |

| |EHRD 630: Adult Learning |

| |EHRD 631: Foundations of Adult Education |

| |EHRD 655: Introduction to Qualitative Research |

| |EHRD 638: Advanced Issues: Consumerism, Consumption and Adult Education |

| |EHRD 689: Evaluating Adult Learning |

| |EHRD 690: Review of the Literature in Adult Education |

| |Visiting Assistant Professor |

| |Spring 2002, Texas A&M University, Department of Educational Administration and Human Resource Development. |

| |English Literacy Civics Education Web Page Developer |

| |Spring 2002-Spring 2003, Texas Center for Adult Literacy and Learning & Brenham Community Education. Created a web page to |

| |provide practitioners access to best practices and resources in EL/ Civics education for adults. |

| |Curriculum Writer and Staff Development Coordinator |

| |1999-2000, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Worked on a web-based curriculum project funded by the Center for |

| |Rehabilitation Technology, Atlanta, GA, writing multi-media curriculum units focusing on adult and workplace literacy. Led |

| |the staff development segment of the project, creating staff development materials for teachers and writing lesson plans for |

| |teachers on a variety of work-related topics. |

| |Curriculum Coordinator, Beyond Basic Skills |

| |1996-1999, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Served as co-editor and Curriculum Coordinator of Beyond Basic Skills, a |

| |curriculum guide that was part of the Adult Literacy Staff Development Project funded by the Georgia Department of Technical |

| |and Adult Education’s Office of Adult Literacy. Produced three times a year, the curriculum, consisting of discussion-based |

| |activities and resources, reached over 1350 adult literacy teachers in Georgia and across the US. |

| | |

| | |

|Other Professional |Assistant Curator, NAGPRA Project (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) |

|Experience |1995-1996, Laboratory of Anthropology, the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM. This |

| |collaborative project between the Museum of New Mexico and Native Americans from six different Puebloan groups and the Navajo|

| |Nation was funded by a National Park Service grant. I worked closely with Native American consultants, created a database of |

| |relevant items, researched archived records, and physically inventoried the collection. |

| | |

|Scholarship of Research |

|Publications |Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Horatio Alger and the GED: Narratives of success in adult literacy education. Literacy and |

| |Numeracy Studies |

|Refereed Journal Articles | |

|(22) |*^#Wickens, C. M. & Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Literacy for what? Literacy for whom?: Analyzing the politics of literacy |

| |education and neocolonialism in UNESCO and World Bank-sponsored literacy programs. Adult Education Quarterly. |

|* indicates “top tier” | |

|journal as defined by Texas|*#Sandlin, J. A. & Chen, C. (in press). Stress on the job: How family literacy program directors perceive and cope with |

|A&M Adult Education |occupational stress. Adult Basic Education |

|program’s benchmarking | |

|survey |#Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K., & Sandlin, J. A. (in press). The art of leadership: Using popular culture in leadership |

| |development. Advances in Developing Human Resources. |

|^indicates journal indexed | |

|in an ISI database |Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Netnography as a consumer education research tool. International Journal of Consumer Studies. |

|(including the Social | |

|Sciences Citation Index and|Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Lifestyle magazines as informal consumer education: Evidence from a qualitative analysis of Budget|

|the Arts & Humanities |Living. Journal of Consumer Education. |

|Citation Index) | |

| |*Sandlin, J. A. (in press). In GED we trust?: A critical examination of the rhetoric and reality of the General Educational |

|#indicates articles |Development diploma. Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. |

|co-authored with students | |

| |*Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). From critical vision to critical practice: Exploring the process of critical |

| |transformational learning among archaeologists. Studies in the Education of Adults, 38(1), 48-63. |

| | |

| |^Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning a more |

| |critical practice of archaeology. Journal of Social Archaeology, 6(2), 256-277. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Beyond price comparisons: Towards a critical consumer education for adults. Adult Learning, 15(2). |

| | |

| |*^Ozanne, J. L., Adkins, N. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Shopping [for] power: How adult literacy learners negotiate the consumer|

| |world. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(4), 251-268. |

| | |

| |*^Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Culture, consumption, and adult education: Re-fashioning consumer education for adults as a |

| |political site using a cultural studies framework. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(3), 1-17. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Andragogy and its discontents: An analysis of andragogy from three critical perspectives. PAACE |

| |Journal of Lifelong Learning, 14, 25-42. |

| | |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004/2005). More than technical skills: Consumer education and a critical pedagogy of consumption. Journal|

| |of Consumer Education, 22, 19-26. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Designing women: Gender and power in welfare-to-work educational programs. Women’s Studies |

| |Quarterly, 32(1&2), 147-162, (WSQ special issue, Women and Literacy: Moving to Power and Participation). |

| | |

| |*St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Incompetence and intrusion: On the metaphorical use of illiteracy in U.S. political |

| |discourse. Adult Basic Education, 14(1), 45-59. |

| | |

| |*^Sandlin, J. A. (2004). It’s all up to you: How welfare-to-work educational programs explain workforce success. Adult |

| |Education Quarterly, 54(2), 89-104. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Adult literacy and the myth of educational amelioration: A critical literature review. Perspectives:|

| |The New York Journal of Adult Learning, 2(1), 33-48. |

| | |

| |*Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Sympathy and scorn: Negotiating popular rhetoric about welfare recipients in welfare-to-work |

| |educational programs. Adult Basic Education, 13(3), 146-167. |

| | |

| |*Sandlin, J. A. & Cervero, R. M. (2003). Contradictions and compromise: The curriculum-in-use as negotiated ideology in two |

| |Welfare-to-Work classes. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(3), 249-265. |

| | |

| |*Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Out of balance: Contradictory depictions of adult literacy students as consumers. Adult Basic |

| |Education, 11(1), 17-39. |

| | |

| |*^Sandlin, J. A. (2000). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Adult Education |

| |Quarterly, 50(4), 289-307. [reprinted in S. Merriam (ed.), 2002, Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion |

| |and analysis, pp. 352-370. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass]. |

| | |

|Books & Monographs (1) |St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. (2004). Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and |

| |Continuing Education, no. 102. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| | |

|Book Chapters (6) |Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Popular culture, cultural resistance, and anti-consumption activism: An exploration of “culture |

| |jamming” as critical adult education. In Tisdell, E., ed., Popular culture and adult education, New Directions in Adult and |

| |Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Jennifer A. Sandlin: An autobiography. In Armstrong, Keith B. & Lee W. Nabb, Editors. American adult |

| |educators: Quintessential autobiographies by adult educators of the twenty-first century. Chicago, IL: Discovery Association |

| |Publishing House. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2005). Volunteers in adult literacy education. National Center for the Study of Adult |

| |Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Vol. 5, pp. 125-154, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence |

| |Erlbaum. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Consumerism, consumption, and a critical consumer education for adults. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J.|

| |A., eds. Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102, pp. |

| |25-34, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2004). Editors’ notes. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. Promoting critical practice |

| |in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102. pp. 1-4, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Structure and subjectivity: Reflections on critical research. In S. Merriam (ed.), Qualitative |

| |research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis, pp. 371-373, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| | |

|Refereed Conference Papers |#Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K., & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). The art of leadership: Using popular culture in leadership |

|(16) |development, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Tilburg, |

| |Netherlands, May 22-24. |

|#indicates articles | |

|co-authored with students |Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Culture jamming and emotional hegemony: Exploring consumer resistance within a |

| |postemotional society. Proceedings of the 2006 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Columbus, OH, February |

| |22-26. |

| | |

| |Bey, G. J., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning, |

| |teaching, and enacting environmentally-friendly, community- inclusive practices. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult |

| |Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 25-30. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J.A. (2005). “Spend smart, live rich”?: A critical analysis of the consumer education lifestyle magazine Budget |

| |Living and its readers’ forums. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, |

| |2005, 387-392. |

| | |

| |Kilgore, D., Chupina, G., Clark, M. C., Sandlin, J. A., & Sparks, B. (2005). Learning and education of marginalized women in|

| |the United States. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, |

| |503-504. |

| | |

| |Ozanne, J., Adkins, N., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). The social construction of consumer literacy: Consumer empowerment among |

| |adult literacy learners. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, |

| |325-330. |

| | |

| |Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). The tyranny of technology: A critical assessment of the social arena of online |

| |learning. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds Metropolitan |

| |Univ., UK. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004) Troubling consumption: Creating critical consumer education through cultural studies. Proceedings of |

| |the 45th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), May 29, 2004, 420-425. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Creating consumer resistance through Adbusters: Managing emotion beyond |

| |organizational boundaries. Proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference (AHRD), Austin, TX, March|

| |5, 2004, 234-241. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2003). Bullish in business or cowed in coach? Differing implications of the new economy for |

| |employment preparation learners and instructors. Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Work and Learning Network, |

| |University of Alberta, September 27, 2003, 175-180. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Working on women: Gender, power, and the construction of the “good woman” in welfare-to-work |

| |educational programs. Proceedings of the 44th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), San Francisco, CA, June 6, |

| |2003, 369-374. |

| | |

| |St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2002). The unlettered state: Illiteracy and intrusion in US social policy. Proceedings of |

| |the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), University of Stirling, |

| |Scotland, July 2, 2002, 252-258. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Text, lies, and the welfare state: The portrayal of welfare recipients in welfare-to-work educational |

| |programs. Proceedings of the 43rd annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Raleigh, NC, May 25, 2002, 339-344. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Manufacturing workers: How adult literacy and welfare-to-work programs construct the world of work. |

| |Proceedings of the 42nd annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), East Lansing, MI, June, 2001, 351-356. Winner of |

| |the Graduate Student Research Award, 2001. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2000). Literacy for work: Exploring dominant discourses about work and literacy in the everyday practice of |

| |adult literacy education. Proceedings of the 41st annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Vancouver, BC, May, |

| |2000, 583-584. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (1999). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Proceedings of the |

| |40th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), DeKalb, IL, May 21, 1999, 285-290. |

|Book Reviews & Other |*^Sandlin, J. (2004). Book review of Princen, T., Maniates, M., & Conca, K., (Eds.), Confronting consumption. Adult |

|Publications (5) |Education Quarterly (54)4, 334-336. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. (Spring, 2003). Notes from the English Literacy Civics Resource Center: Spotlight on Professional Development |

| |and Community Building. Literacy Links, (7)3. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. (Winter, 2003). English Language Civics. Literacy Links, (7)2. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. (Fall, 2002). New directions for the EL/Civics Education Resource Center. Literacy Links, (7)1. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. (June, 2002). The English Language Civics Education Resource Center: Online EL/Civics resources for teachers |

| |and students. Literacy Links, (6)4. |

| | |

|Refereed |^Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review, Journal of Business Research, special issue on Anti-Consumption Research). |

|Journal Articles under |Deviance, dissonance, and détournement: Emotion management in anti-consumption culture jamming. |

|Review (4) | |

| |#Sandlin, J. A., Milam, J. L., & Wickens, C. M. (under review, Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy). “Spend smart, live rich?”: |

|* indicates “top tier” |Popular pedagogy and the construction of the “good consumer” in the popular culture lifestyle magazine Budget Living. |

|journal as defined by the | |

|Adult Education program’s |^Commeyras, M., Moller, K. J., Payne, C. R., Rush, L. S., Sandlin, J. A., & Bowles, S. N. (under review, Journal of |

|benchmarking survey |Adolescent and Adult Literacy). In search of a literacy animator self: Teachers learning together. |

| | |

|^indicates journal indexed |^*Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review, Adult Education Quarterly). The tyranny of technology: A critical |

|in an ISI database |assessment of the social arena of online learning. |

|(including the Social | |

|Sciences Citation Index and| |

|the Arts & Humanities | |

|Citation Index) | |

| | |

|#indicates co-authored with| |

|students | |

|Refereed Journal Articles |^Sandlin, J. A. & Clark, M. C. (Revise & Resubmit, August, 2005, Teachers College Record, currently under revision). I get by|

|in Process (7) |with [very] little help from my friends: Self-reliance, social policy, and success stories in adult literacy education. |

| | |

|* indicates “top tier” |^Sandlin, J. A. & Callahan, J. L. (in process for Journal of Consumer Research). “We want to be in the diffi-cult”: How |

|journal as defined by the |culture jamming employs emotions to resist the emotional hegemony of consumerism. |

|Adult Education program’s | |

|benchmarking survey |^#Sandlin, J. A. & Milam, J. L. (in process for Curriculum Inquiry). “Mixing pop [culture] and politics”: Cultural |

| |resistance, culture jamming, and anti-consumption activism as critical public pedagogy. |

|^indicates journal indexed | |

|in an ISI database |^#Sandlin, J. A., Wuensche, K. & Walther, C. S. (in process for Adult Education Quarterly). Complicated simplicity: Moral |

|(including the Social |identity formation and social movement learning in the voluntary simplicity movement. |

|Sciences Citation Index and| |

|the Arts & Humanities |*^Sandlin, J. A. & Clark, M. C. (in process for Adult Education Quarterly). Mezirow’s transformational learning theory and |

|Citation Index) |the problem of action. |

|#indicates co-authored with| |

|students |^Sandlin, J. A., Clark, M. C. (in process for Educational Researcher). When it comes to feminist research, are educational |

| |researchers hearing the talk? Walking the talk?: A content analysis of qualitative research on marginalized women in |

| |educational literature, 1970-2005. |

| | |

| |#Wickens, C. M., Milam, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (in process for International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education). |

| |“It’s like we have a degree in homophobia here”: Homophobia and heterosexism in one college of education. |

|Curricula |Sandlin, J.A. (July, 2000). Career exploration on the Internet. Adult Literacy Projects, Athens, GA: Department of Adult |

|Materials for Adult |Education. |

|Literacy Education (11) |Sandlin, J.A. (April, 2000). Solving childcare problems that interfere with work. Adult Literacy Projects, Athens, GA: |

| |Department of Adult Education. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J.A. (Feb., 2000). Are your life and work on a collision course? Adult Literacy Projects, Athens, GA: Department of |

| |Adult Education. |

| |Sandlin, J.A. (Nov., 1999). Setting career goals. Adult Literacy Projects, Athens, GA: Department of Adult Education. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1998). Are your students politically empowered? Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer |

| |1998. ED425271. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1998). Helping your students to understand complex social problems. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. |

| |2, No. 2, Spring 1998. ED425270. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1998). Helping learners build stronger personal relationships. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 2, No.|

| |1, Winter 1998. ED425269. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J (1997). Helping students live longer and healthier lives. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 1, No. 4, |

| |Summer 1997. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1997). Helping students become critical television viewers. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 1, No. 3,|

| |Spring 1997. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1997). Helping adult students find a place in the world of work. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 1, |

| |No. 2, Winter 1997. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1996). Credit traps can hurt your adult learners. Beyond Basic Skills, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall |

| |1996. |

| | |

|Presentations |Wickens, C. M. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review for AERA 2007). Adult literacy education as neocolonialism?: A critical |

| |analysis of the politics of UNESCO and World Bank-sponsored literacy programs. |

|Refereed Conference | |

|Presentations |Sandlin, J. A. & Milam, J. L. (under review for AERA 2007). “Mixing pop [culture] and politics”: Cultural resistance, culture|

|(no proceedings) (22) |jamming and anti-consumption activism as critical public pedagogy. |

| | |

|#indicates co-presented |Clark, M. C. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review for AERA 2007). From opportunity to responsibility: Adult literacy education, |

|with students |social policy and adult learner success stories. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A., Wuensche, K., & Walther, C. S. (under review for AERA 2007). Complicated simplicity: Moral identity formation|

| |and social movement learning in the voluntary simplicity movement. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Cultural resistance, culture jamming, and critical public pedagogies of consumption: Anti-consumption |

| |activism as adult education. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Milwaukee WI, November 2006. |

| | |

| |#Sandlin, J. A. & Milam, J. L. (2006). Cultural resistance as critical public pedagogy: Exploring culture jamming as |

| |curriculum. Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, October 2006. |

| | |

| |#Sandlin, J. A. & Chen, C. (2006) Stress on the job: How family literacy program directors perceive and cope with |

| |occupational stress. Commission on Adult Basic Education National Conference, April 27-29, Houston, TX. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Between a rock and a hard place: Dilemmas in researching and representing marginalized women. Women |

| |and Education SIG, American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, April 11, 2006. |

| | |

| |#Sandlin, J. A., Milam, J. L., & Wickens, C. M. (2006). Budget Living and the politics of consumer education in popular |

| |culture. Division B (Curriculum Studies), Section 2 (Critical Perspectives), American Educational Research Association |

| |(AERA), San Francisco, CA, April 9, 2006. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & Bey, G. J. (2005). It’s not easy being green: Exploring the shift toward a more environmentally-friendly, |

| |community-inclusive archaeology. Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM, April, 2005. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Resistance is futile?: Exploring the problems and possibilities of consumer resistance in |

| |anti-consumptive social movements. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Louisville, Kentucky, November 5,|

| |2004. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Questioning consumption: The critical promise of informal sites of consumer education for adults. |

| |American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, Detroit, Michigan, November 22, 2003. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Power of the people: Exploring the promise and problems of popular literacy education. Commission on|

| |Adult Basic Education, Portland, OR, April 28, 2003. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2001). In different worlds: Contradictory assumptions about the connection between education and employment. |

| |Commission on Adult Basic Education, Memphis, TN, April 3, 2001. |

| | |

| |Bowles, S. N., Payne, C., Commeyras, M., Rush, L. S., Möller, K. J., & Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Identifying ideologies through |

| |reflective portraits. Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies (QUIG), Athens, GA, January 13, 2001. |

| |Sandlin, J. A., Möller, K. J., & Rush, L. (1999). Reclaiming the "Critical" in critical literacy. Roundtable presented at the|

| |National Reading Conference, Orlando, FL, December 3, 1999. |

| |Sandlin, J. & Valentine, T. (1999). How Georgia’s teachers are using Beyond Basic Skills in their classrooms. Workshop |

| |presented at Georgia’s Tenth Annual Adult Literacy Conference, March 4, 1999. |

| |Sandlin, J. & Valentine, T. (1998). Beyond Basic Skills: Providing literacy teachers with the tools for socially meaningful |

| |instruction. Paper presented at the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference (AAACE), Phoenix, AZ, |

| |November 22, 1998. |

| |Sandlin, J. & Valentine, T. (1998). Newsletter readers’ forum: Beyond Basic Skills. Workshop presented at the Ninth Annual |

| |Adult Literacy Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 18, 1998. |

| |Valentine, T., Sandlin, J., & Warren, E. (1998.) Mapping under-education in Georgia: Locating and using demographic data for |

| |program planning, proposal writing, and public speaking. Workshop presented at the Ninth Annual Adult Literacy Conference, |

| |Atlanta, GA, February 18, 1998. |

| |Valentine, T., & Sandlin, J. (1997). Newsletter readers’ forum: Beyond Basic Skills. Workshop presented at the Eighth Annual |

| |Adult Literacy Conference, Atlanta, GA, February 26, 1997. |

| | |

| |Bey, G. J., Hanson, C. & Sandlin, J. A. (1994). Excavations in the Sacrificios Group: Late Classic life in Ek Balam. Paper |

| |presented at the 59th meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim, CA, April 22, 1994. |

| | |

|Invited Scholarly |Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning, teaching, and |

|Presentations and Papers |enacting environmentally-friendly, community- inclusive practices. Poster presented at the College of Education and Human |

|(5) |Development Educational Research Exchange and Faculty Research Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, January |

| |27, 2006. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Troubling consumption: Creating critical consumer education through cultural studies. College of |

| |Education and Human Development Research Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, February 18, 2005. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J.A. (2004). Gender and power in welfare-to-work educational programs. Panelist in the symposium “Women and |

| |Literacy: Moving to Power and Participation,” sponsored by WE LEARN, The Harvard Adult Learning and Development Group, |

| |University of Massachusetts at Boston, Applied Linguistics Program, NCSALL, Harvard Office of Student Affairs, and The Center|

| |for New Words. Cambridge, MA, October 2, 2004. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2004). “Open the door to your future!”: A critical look at the discourse of the General Educational |

| |Development (GED) diploma. Presentation to the Literacy Studies Group, Texas A&M University, February 4, 2004. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Strive and succeed?: A critical analysis of the American myth of success in adult literacy |

| |education. Paper presented at the Women Professors of Adult Education Symposium, University of Alaska, Anchorage, July 15, |

| |2003. |

| | |

|Invited Teaching and |Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Critical workforce training and development. Presentation to Dr. Jamie Callahan’s graduate course, |

|Workshop Presentations |EHRD 612, Introduction to Training and Development, Texas A&M University, January 31, 2004. |

|(8) | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Critical perspectives on knowledge and research. Presentation to Dr. Carolyn Clark’s and Dr. Cathy |

| |Loving’s graduate course, ERHD 651, Models of Epistemology and Inquiry, Texas A&M University, October 29, 2003. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Choosing and using web resources in the EL/Civics classroom: The view from one project. Workshop |

| |presented at Community Action Inc.’s EL-Civics Summer Institute, San Marcos, TX, June 19, 2003. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Critical theory and epistemology: An introduction. Presentation to Dr. Toby Egan’s graduate course,|

| |EHRD 651, Models of Epistemology and Inquiry, Texas A&M University, February 18, 2003. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Technical resources for EL/Civics education: Surfing towards citizenship. Workshop presented at the|

| |Texas Center for Adult Literacy and Learning’s EL/Civics staff development day, College Station, TX, November 1, 2002. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Feminist research in a welfare-to-work setting. Presentation to Dr. Linda Skrla’s and Dr. Carolyn |

| |Clark’s graduate course, EHRD 651, Models of Epistemology and Inquiry, Texas A&M University, October, 2001. |

| | |

| |Sandlin, J. A. & Vreeland, D. M. (2000). Popular education in Mexico. Presentation to Dr. Bernie Moore’s graduate course, |

| |EADU 6010, Introduction to Adult Education, The University of Georgia, September, 2000. |

| | |

| |Valentine, T. & Sandlin, J. (1998). Beyond Basic Skills: Creating consumer education materials for adult literacy programs. |

| |Workshop presented to the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics, The University of Georgia, March 9, 1998. |

| | |

|Academic |Early Career Award, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, November, 2005 |

|Awards & Honors |Who’s Who in America, September, 2005 |

| |1 of 3 Finalists, American Association of University Women Recognition Award for Emerging Scholars, April, 2005 |

| |Texas A&M College of Education Advisory Council’s Outstanding New Faculty Award, 2003-2004 |

| |Graduate Student Research Award, Adult Education Research Conference, East Lansing, MI, 2001. |

| |Phi Beta Kappa, Millsaps College, 1992 |

| | |

|Funded or Under Review |Addressing the Gap in Civics Education for Latino Youth: An Action Research Project Involving a University-Public School |

|Fellowships & Grants |Civics Teacher Professional Development Program, MALRC (Mexican American and US Latino Research Center), Texas A&M |

| |University. Principal Investigators: Dr. Jennifer Sandlin & Dr. Kathryn McKenzie. Co-PI’s: Ricardo Lozano & Carol Walther. |

| |Applied 8/2006. Amount requested: $7,020.00 (currently under review) |

| |Project AFTER: Advancing Fatherhood Through Education for Responsibility at Reentry, Department of Health and Human Services,|

| |Administration for Children and Families Principal Investigators: Dr. Jennifer Sandlin & Dr. Dominique Chlup. Applied 7/2006.|

| |Amount requested: $1,828,753.00 (currently under review) |

| |United Church of Christ, Neighbors in Need Grant. Authored a grant to help produce the award-winning documentary Where There |

| |is a Will…There will be a Living Wage: The Story of Workers at Texas A&M University and the Struggle to Gain a Living Wage. |

| |Fall, 2004. Amount funded: $2,000.00 |

| |College of Education International Travel Grant, Texas A&M University, 2004. Principal Investigator: Dr. Jennifer Sandlin. |

| |For research travel to Mexico, June, 2004. Amount funded: $750.00 |

| |Faculty Abroad Seminar, Texas A&M Center in Mexico City, May 18-27, 2004. Amount funded: $3,760. |

| |EL/Civics Grant for Website Development, Texas A&M University and Brenham Community Education, 2002-2003. Principal |

| |Investigator: Dr. Jennifer Sandlin. Amount funded: $26,000. |

| |First Annual Irene and Curtis Ulmer Scholarship, The University of Georgia, Department of Adult Education, 2000. Amount |

| |funded: $1000. |

| |Dissertation Completion Fellowship, The University of Georgia Graduate School, 2000-2001. Amount funded: $18,000. |

| |Graduate Assistantships, The University of Georgia, Department of Adult Education, 1996-2000. Amount funded: $18,000 per year|

| |for four years. |

| |Summer Research Grants, The University of New Mexico, Department of Anthropology, 1993 & 1994. Principal Investigator: |

| |Jennifer Sandlin. Amount funded: $700 per year for two years. |

| | |

|Submitted Research Grants, |Learning our way out: Social and transformational learning in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, National Science |

|not funded |Foundation. Lead PI: Dr. Jennifer A. Sandlin. Co-PI’s: Dr. M. Carolyn Clark (EAHR), Dr. Donna Davenport (EPSY) & Dr. Joseph|

| |O. Jewell (SOCI), Texas A&M University. Applied 9/2005. Total requested: $143,265. (not funded) |

| | |

| |Tourism enterprise and sustainable development in the Yucatan: Managing visitor safety and archeological site security |

| |through community-NGO collaboration, Texas A&M University—CONACYT Collaborative Research Grant Program. Lead PI: Dr. Tazim |

| |Jamal, Texas A&M. Co-PI’s: Dr. Jennifer A. Sandlin & Dr. Amanda Stronza, Texas A&M, and Dr. Barbara Pfeiler, Universidad |

| |Autonoma de Yucatan. Applied 5/2004. Total requested: $18,985. (not funded) |

| | |

|Scholarship of Teaching and Learning |

|Student Evaluations | |

|Graduate Level Courses, including in-person, TTVN, and online deliveries |

| |

| |

| |

|Ratings Based on 4-point Scale (4=strongly agree, 1=strongly disagree) |

| |

| |

|Term |

|Course |

|# |

|Students |

|Goals & Objectives |

|Preparation |

|Organization |

|Delivery |

|Fit |

|Mean |

| |

|F 2002 |

|EHRD 631 |

|7 |

|3.66 |

|3.72 |

|3.74 |

|3.77 |

|3.47 |

|3.67 |

| |

|SP 2003 |

|EHRD 655 |

|17 |

|3.57 |

|3.61 |

|3.64 |

|3.60 |

|3.53 |

|3.59 |

| |

|F 2003 |

|EHRD 630 |

|16 |

|3.81 |

|3.86 |

|3.80 |

|3.94 |

|3.88 |

|3.86 |

| |

|F 2003 |

|EHRD 630 (TTVN) |

|2 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|SP 2004 |

|EHRD 638 |

|7 |

|3.69 |

|3.93 |

|3.75 |

|3.91 |

|3.88 |

|3.83 |

| |

|SP 2004 |

|EHRD 638 (TTVN) |

|5 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|SP 2004 |

|EHRD 655 |

|16 |

|3.75 |

|3.78 |

|3.83 |

|3.79 |

|3.84 |

|3.80 |

| |

|SU 2004 |

|EHRD 630 (online) |

|18 |

|3.81 |

|3.86 |

|3.82 |

|3.83 |

|3.86 |

|3.84 |

| |

|SU 2004 |

|EHRD 630 (online) |

|17 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|F 2004 |

|EHRD 631 |

|4 |

|3.72 |

|3.75 |

|3.70 |

|3.69 |

|3.67 |

|3.71 |

| |

|F 2004 |

|EHRD 631 (TTVN) |

|6 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|F 2004 |

|EHRD 689 |

|13 |

|3.70 |

|3.94 |

|3.83 |

|3.83 |

|3.85 |

|3.83 |

| |

|SP 2005 |

|EHRD 630 |

|12 |

|3.29 |

|3.58 |

|3.38 |

|3.41 |

|3.35 |

|3.40 |

| |

|SP 2005 |

|EHRD 655 |

|20 |

|3.76 |

|3.77 |

|3.84 |

|3.69 |

|3.84 |

|3.78 |

| |

|F 2005 |

|EHRD 630 |

|14 |

|3.53 |

|3.60 |

|3.59 |

|3.45 |

|3.45 |

|3.52 |

| |

|F 2005 |

|EHRD 630 (TTVN) |

|2 |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|F 2005 |

|EHRD 690 |

|11 |

|3.99 |

|4.00 |

|4.00 |

|3.99 |

|3.98 |

|3.99 |

| |

|SP 2006 |

|EHRD 630 |

|16 |

|3.97 |

|3.97 |

|3.92 |

|3.91 |

|3.83 |

|3.92 |

| |

|Departmental Mean for In-person Graduate Instruction is below 3.7 |

|Overall Mean: 3.75 |

| |

| |

|Comments from Students |

|“Jenny Sandlin is the best professor in this department. Her classes are clearly laid out with expectations clearly defined. I’ve had 5 courses from her |

|and have never been disappointed. I walk away with more than I anticipated from each one.” |

|“Superb course and professor; I would highly recommend Dr. Sandlin to anyone!” |

|“Dr. Sandlin offers a relaxed, accepting atmosphere. She is very conscious that she is teaching adults who come with many years of life experience.” |

|“Dr. Sandlin is not afraid to change how we do things when something isn’t working well. She solicits advice for improvement as the course moves along |

|and is very open to others’ ideas.” |

|“Dr. Sandlin’s own intellectual curiosity is contagious and encouraging.” |

|“I circled “4” on everything because it was an excellent course. I appreciate Dr. Sandlin’s ability to take a risk and let the class emerge, so to speak.|

|I think that we all pushed ourselves really hard because she allowed us the freedom to set the direction of the course as a group. It made for a true, |

|sincere experience.” |

|“This is the 5th web-based course I’ve taken at A&M, and it is by far the most well-put-together due to the obvious organization efforts of the |

|instructor. I hope I have the opportunity to study under her again. She was collegial, humorous, encouraging, and personable, which are remarkable traits|

|to exhibit in an online course.” |

|“Her modeling of adult teaching/learning theory was as informative as the content.” |

|“Jenny’s mentoring has been critical to my success; I wish there were more professors of her caliber! |

|“Dr. Sandlin is an excellent instructor of graduate classes. She taught the adult learning class using principles of adult education with great respect |

|for the learner. She is enthusiastic about the material and very knowledgeable of current research. Her interest in each student is remarkable and very |

|appreciated!” |

|“This course with Dr. Sandlin has been a wonderful experience for me. It is encouraging to see such a young faculty member show such demonstrated skill |

|in teaching.” |

|“Jenny Sandlin is a keeper. She’s awesome because she isn’t precluded by the notion that students are not willing to be challenged as learners as well as|

|educators.” |

|“Smart, thorough, caring. Very inclusive and accepting of students ideas and contributions.” |

|“Kind, respectful, fair, knowledgeable, good communicator, interesting/thought provoking assignments.” |

|“Enthusiastic, supportive, intelligent, analytical.” |

|Doctoral Students Chaired |Ph.D. Candidates (ABD) |

| |1. Robin Redmond Wright |

| |Research Area: Popular culture and the informal learning of gender resistance |

| | |

| |Ph.D. Students in Progress |

| |Ph.D. Temporary Chair |

| | |

| |1. Linda Bond |

| |2. Carmen Villa |

| |3. Liz Ann Aguilar |

| |4. Dorothy Baker |

| |5. Norm Clark |

| |6. Estela Garza |

| |1. Bari Brookins |

| |2. John De La Garza |

| |3. Stacy Herring |

| |4. Jing Zhang |

| |5. Kristi Weunschke |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Doctoral Student Committees|Graduated |

| |Manda Hayes Rosser (EAHR) (graduated December, 2004). Chief executive officers: Their mentoring relationships. |

| | |

| |Ph. D. Students in Progress and Ph.D. Candidates |

| | |

| |1. Craig Anz (ARCH) |

| |2. Theresa Arocha-Gill (EAHR) |

| |3. Karen Buckman (EAHR) |

| |4. Isilay Civan (ARCH) |

| |5. Joellen Coryell (EAHR) |

| |6. Chris Duke (EPSY) |

| |7. Sharon Ganslen (EAHR) |

| |8. Mike Hasler (EAHR) |

| |9. Harold Henson (EAHR) |

| |10. Tom McPeek (ARCH) |

| |11. Johnny O’Connor (EAHR) |

| |12. Bethany Plett (TLAC) |

| | |

| |13. Jennifer Travis (MATH) |

| |14. Carla Porter (EAHR) |

| |15. Linda Powell (AGED) |

| |16. Thomas Rusnak (ARCH) |

| |17. Carolyn Sandoval (EAHR) |

| |18. Candace Schaefer (EAHR) |

| |19. Usha Somasundaram (EAHR) |

| |20. Mark Taylor (EAHR) |

| |21. Carol Walther (SOCI) |

| |22. Yvette Woods (EAHR) |

| |23. Suzanne Morales (EAHR) |

| |24. Robin Mathis (EAHR) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Masters Students Chaired*/ |Graduated |

|Committees |In Progress |

| | |

| |1. *Benjamin Jimenez (EAHR) (graduated 8/04) |

| |2. *Richard Johnson (EAHR) (graduated 8/05) |

| |3. *Clay Taylor (EAHR) (graduated 12/03) |

| |4. Xi Chen (EPSY) (graduated 5/06) |

| |5. Andrew Knox (EAHR) (graduated 5/06) |

| |6. Yan Sun (EPSY) (graduated 8/04) |

| |1. Chris LaVergne (AGED) |

| |2. Donna Mancuso (EAHR) |

| |3. Denise Whisenant (EAHR) |

| |4. *Vicki Heard (EAHR) |

| |5. *Leigh Vernon (EAHR) |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Select Student |Student Refereed Journal Articles |

|Publications, | |

|Presentations, & Funding |Kane-Sellers, L., & Clark, N. (2005). Developing continuing professional education for vertical markets: An applications |

|(not comprehensive) |study for the electronics distribution industry sector. NEDA Journal of Electronic Distribution, 4(1), 97-125. |

| | |

|Names in bold indicate |Kane-Sellers, L., & Clark, N. (2005). Electronics industry talent pool shortage compounds challenges posed by a |

|students for whom I serve |multi-generational workforce. NEDA Journal of Electronic Distribution, 4(2), 79-102. |

|as dissertation chair | |

| |Lawrence, F. B., Krishnamurthi, R., & Clark, N. (2002). Performance metrics for a connected supply chain. NEDA Journal of |

| |Electronic Distribution, 1, 138-161. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (2003). Real men don’t ask for directions: Male student attitudes toward peer tutoring. Journal of College |

| |Reading and Learning, 34(1), 61-75. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R., Wright, G. & Lamb, C. (2002). Developmental mathematics education and supplemental instruction: Pondering the |

| |potential. Journal of Developmental Education, 26(1), 30-35. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (2001). Coaching critical thinking: Tutoring athletes toward self-sufficiency. Journal of College Reading and |

| |Learning, 31(2), 157-170. |

| | |

| |Student Refereed Conference Presentations & Proceedings |

| | |

| |Aguilar, L. A. B., (2006). Exploring the faces and silences of writing in Peru and Chile. Southwest Council of Latin American|

| |Studies (SCOLAS). March 1-4, 2006, Albuquerque, NM |

| | |

| |Bond, L. T. (2005). Preconceived notions of the media during coverage of the Space Shuttle recovery. International |

| |Conference on Communication and Mass Media. Association of European Journalists and the New York College of Athens, Greece. |

| | |

| |Clark, M. C., Scott, M., and Bond, L. T. (2006). A place at the table or a room of their own: The nature of academic |

| |collaboration for women in the sciences and in education. American Education Research Association annual meeting, April |

| |2006, San Francisco, CA. |

| | |

| |Clark, N. (2006). The transfer of tacit knowledge in continuing professional education programs for salespeople. Proceedings |

| |of the Industrial Distribution Educators Association (IDEA) Third Annual Meeting, March 3, 2006, Oklahoma City, OK. |

| | |

| |Clark, N. (2004). The use of interactive teaching methodologies in continuing professional education (CPE) programs for |

| |salespeople. Proceedings of the 2004 Industrial Distribution Educators Association (IDEA) Third Annual Meeting, March 5, |

| |2004, Orlando, FL. |

| | |

| |DeMars, T. and Bond, L. T. (2006). Re-evaluation of teaching news convergence in the university curriculum. Southern States |

| |Communication Association 76th Annual Conference, April 2006, Dallas, TX. |

| | |

| |Jennings, D. & Clark, N. (2006). Strategic capabilities of industrial distribution firms: Insights from top managers and |

| |sales managers. Proceedings of the Industrial Distribution Educators Association (IDEA) Third Annual Meeting, March 3, 2006, |

| |Oklahoma City, OK. |

| | |

| |Kane-Sellers, M. L., Taylor, M., & Clark, N. (2005). Considerations in vertical market continuing education development: An |

| |applications study for the electronics distribution industry sector. Proceedings of the Adult Education, Lifelong Learning, |

| |and Continuing Professional Development Conference, Leeds, England, May 24-26. |

| | |

| | |

| |Kane-Sellers, L., Clark, N. (2005). Talent pool shortage compounds challenges posed by multi-generational workforce. |

| |Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Columbus, OH. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (2006). A different definition of “boob-tube”: What Dr. Catherine Gale, of The Avengers, taught women. |

| |Proceedings of the 47th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Minneapolis, MN, May, 2006. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (2006). Popular culture, cult TV, and gender resistance: Informal learning from prime-time feminism. |

| |Proceedings of the 36th Annual Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), |

| |Trinity and All Saints College, Leeds, UK, June, 2006. |

| | |

| |Student Published Book Reviews |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1995). Review of Literary conversation: Thinking, talking, and writing about literature. Focuses: A Journal of|

| |Composition Studies and Writing Centers, 8(2), 146-149. |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Published Creative Works |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (2000). College 101-at 30 [poem]. In Ellington, P. & Marinara, M. (eds.) Voices from the outside: Writing by |

| |nontraditional writers. Needham Heights: Allyn & Bacon, p. 32. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1997). Daughter [poem]. Emergence Literary Magazine, Winter, p. 1. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1997). The gift [poem]. Emergence Literary Magazine, Winter, p. 27. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1997). Coffee break [poem]. Emergence Literary Magazine, Winter, p. 33. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1996). Dirty white trash [poem]. Phoenix Literary Arts Magazine, 38(1), p. 7. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1995). Lord Elvis [poem]. Phoenix Literary Arts Magazine, 37(1), p. 4. |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1993). Bugs, peter, buster, thumper and roger come to call [fiction]. Phoenix Literary Arts Magazine, 35(2), |

| |pp. 23-26. |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Edited Books |

| | |

| |Wright, R. R. (1998). Contributing editor, Literary culture: Reading and writing literary arguments, edited by Meyers-Bensel,|

| |L., North, S.G., & Webster, J. W. Needham Heights: Simon & Schuster. |

| |Student Book Chapters |

| | |

| |Thompson, S., Clark N., et al., Sales, in An introduction to industrial distribution, Mason, OH: Thomson Custom Publishing. |

| |ISBN 0-759-32149-3. |

| | |

| | |

| |Student Funded Research |

| | |

| |Clark, N. (2002). Development of an on-line course to provide salespeople with convenient access to professional techniques |

| |for solution-based selling. Thomas and Joan Read Center for Distribution Research and Education. PI: Norm Clark. Summer |

| |2002. Amount funded: $30,000. |

| | |

| | |

| |Clark, N. (2003). Assessment of selling practices for the purpose of identifying areas for increasing the effectiveness of |

| |Hatfield’s sales organization. Thomas and Joan Read Center for Distribution Research and Education. PI: Norm Clark. Summer |

| |2003. Amount funded: $9,850. |

| |Student Service to the Academy |

| | |

| |Bond, L. T. (2006). Review of pre-publication book for publisher: Harrower, T. (2006). Inside reporting: The news reporter's|

| |handbook. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. NY, NY. |

| | |

| | |

| |Bond, L. T. (2006). Review of pre-publication book for publisher: Arens, W. F. (2005). Contemporary Advertising (9th Ed.). |

| |McGraw-Hill Irwin, Burr Ridge, IL. |

| | |

| |Bond, L. T. (2005). Session Chair. Session VIII, International Conference on Communication and Mass Media. Association of |

| |European Journalists and the New York College of Athens, Greece. |

| | |

| | |

|Scholarship of Service to the Profession, University, and Society |

|Peer-Reviewed Journal |PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, Editorial Board, Spring 2006-present |

|Editorial Boards (5) |International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, North American Regional Editor, Fall 2004-present |

| |Adult Education Quarterly, Consulting Editor, Summer 2004-present; Guest manuscript reviewer, Fall 2003-Spring 2004 |

| |Adult Learning, Editorial Board, Spring 2004-present |

| |Adult Basic Education, Consulting Editor, Fall 2002-present |

| | |

|Professional Organizations:|Member, American Educational Research Association, Fall 2005-present: |

|Membership |--Division B (Curriculum Studies) |

| |--Home Economics Research SIG |

| |--Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG |

| |--Media, Culture and Curriculum SIG |

| |Member, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, Fall 2002-present |

| |Member, Commission on Adult Basic Education, 2001-present |

| |Member, American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, 1998-present |

| |Member, University of Georgia Lifelong Learning Association, 1996-2001 |

| | |

|Professional Organizations:|Session Chair, Taking Family Diversity and Children’s Experience Seriously, AERA, Division B (Curriculum Studies), San |

|Leadership and Service |Francisco, CA, April 10, 2006 |

| |Conference Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, 2006: |

| |--Division B (Curriculum Studies), Section 2 (Critical Perspectives) |

| |--Home Economics Research SIG |

| |--Adult Literacy and Adult Education SIG |

| |--Media, Culture and Curriculum SIG |

| |Steering Committee, Adult Education Research Conference, 2005-2007 |

| |Secretary/Treasurer, Commission of Professors of Adult Education, 2003-2005 |

| |Secretary, University of Georgia Lifelong Learning Association, 1998 |

| | |

|Other Professional Service |External reviewer for book: Milam, J. L., Carpenter, S., Sloan, K., & Springgay, S., eds. (2006), Curriculum for a |

| |progressive, provocative, poetic, and public pedagogy. Troy, NY: Educators International Press. |

| |Teacher’s College Record, Occasional manuscript reviewer, Fall 2002-present |

| | |

|University Service |EAHR Department Liaison to Aggie Honor System Office |

| | |

|College Service |Secretary, Faculty Advisory Council, College of Education & Human Development, Texas A&M University, Summer 2005-present |

| |Member, Interdepartmental Coordinating Council, College of Education & Human Development, Texas A&M University, Spring |

| |2006-present |

| | |

|EAHR Departmental Service |Search Committee, Assistant Professor, Adult Education, Spring 2004 |

| |Search Committee, Associate Professor, Adult Education, Spring 2006 |

| |Advisory Committee, Texas Adult Literacy Clearinghouse, TCALL, Texas A&M University, October 2004-present |

| |Graduate Assistant Process Committee, Spring 2006-present |

| |Admissions Committee, Fall 2006-present |

| |Tenure and Promotion Committee, Spring 2006-present |

| | |

| | |

|Adult Education Program |Chair, Benchmarking Committee, Fall 2005-present |

|Service |Chair, Assessment Committee, Fall 2005-present |

| |Member, Recruitment Committee, Fall 2005-present |

| |Member, External Funding Committee, Fall 2005-present |

| |Member, Curriculum Committee, Fall 2005-present |

| |Member, Futuring Committee, Fall 2005-present |

| |Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2006 |

| |Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2005 |

| |Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2004 |

| |Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2003 |

| |Graduate Student Selection Committee, 2002 |

| | |

|Community Service |Living Wage Coalition, College Station, TX, Fall 2003-present |

| |Brazos Church Pantry, Bryan, TX, 2003-present |

| |Clark County EvenStart Program, Athens, GA, 1999 |

| |Barrow County Adult Learning Center, Winder, GA, 1997-1998 |

| |Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe, NM, 1995-1996 |

| |League of United Latin American Citizens, Albuquerque, NM, 1994-1995 |

| |Albuquerque Literacy Program, Albuquerque, NM, 1994-1995 |

| |FOOD NOT BOMBS, Albuquerque, NM, 1992-1995 |

| |RESULTS (Responsibility for Ending Starvation Using Legislation, Trim-tabbing, and Support), Millsaps College Chapter and |

| |Albuquerque Community Chapter, 1988-1995 |

| | |

|Overview of Research Agenda |

| |

|This diagram is a graphical representation of my research agenda, which consists of three interrelated areas. The first area (A) encompasses my |

|theoretical perspective, which lies in critical perspectives on education and curriculum. This area infuses all of my work, and is thus depicted as |

|providing the overarching umbrella for my other areas of research. This area is also where I place my research and writing in which I critically analyze |

|adult learning theory and curriculum in a variety of settings. The second research area (B) is one specific site of adult education practice where I have|

|applied a critical perspective. Within this research area I have examined the politics of adult literacy and welfare to work education. I have addressed |

|several topics within this area, listed as topics B1, B2, and B3. My third area of research (C) focuses on consumer education for adults, another site of|

|adult education where I apply my critical perspective. Topics within that area are listed at C1 and C2. Finally, there is one research topic that lies at|

|the juncture of areas B and C, labeled B/C1. This topic is graphically represented between areas B and C. |

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|In the following pages I have grouped my publications according to my research agenda. Published and “in press” peer-reviewed journal articles are in |

|bold. |

| |

|A. Critical Perspectives on Adult Learning and Adult Education |

| |

|1. Sandlin, J. A. & Clark, M. C. (in process for Adult Education Quarterly). Mezirow’s transformational learning theory and the problem of action. |

| |

|2. Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (under review, Adult Education Quarterly). The tyranny of technology: A critical assessment of the social arena of |

|online learning. |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). From critical vision to critical practice: Exploring the process of critical transformational learning among |

|archaeologists. Studies in the Education of Adults, 38(1), 48-63. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J.A. & Bey, G. J. (2006). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning a more critical practice of |

|archaeology. Journal of Social Archaeology, 6(2), 256-277. |

| |

|5. Bey, G. J., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). Trowels, trenches, and transformation: A case study of archaeologists learning, teaching, and enacting |

|environmentally-friendly, community- inclusive practices. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, |

|2005, 25-30. |

| |

|6. Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). The tyranny of technology: A critical assessment of the social arena of online learning. Proceedings of the |

|Sixth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK, May 26, 2005. |

| |

|7. Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Andragogy and its discontents: An analysis of andragogy from three critical perspectives. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, |

|14, 25-42. |

| |

|8. St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. (2004). Promoting critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. |

|102. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| |

|9. Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2004). Editors’ notes. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. Promoting critical practice in adult education. New |

|Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102. pp. 1-4, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| |

|10. Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Structure and subjectivity: Reflections on critical research. In S. Merriam (ed.), Qualitative research in practice: Examples |

|for discussion and analysis, pp. 371-373, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

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|B. The Politics of Adult Literacy and Welfare-to-Work Education |

| |

|B1. Gender and power in adult literacy and welfare to work education |

| |

|1. Sandlin, J. A., Clark, M. C. (in process for Educational Researcher). When it comes to feminist research, are educational researchers hearing the |

|talk? Walking the talk?: A thematic content analysis of qualitative research on marginalized women in the educational literature, 1970-2005. |

| |

|2. Kilgore, D., Chupina, G., Clark, M. C., Sandlin, J. A., & Sparks, B. (2005). Learning and education of marginalized women in the United States. |

|Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 503-504. |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Designing women: Gender and power in welfare-to-work educational programs. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 32(1&2), 147-162, (WSQ |

|special issue, Women and Literacy: Moving to Power and Participation). |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Sympathy and scorn: Negotiating popular rhetoric about welfare recipients in welfare-to-work educational programs. Adult Basic|

|Education, 13(3), 146-167. |

| |

|5. Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Working on women: Gender, power, and the construction of the “good woman” in welfare-to-work educational programs. |

|Proceedings of the 44th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), San Francisco, CA, June 6, 2003, 369-374. |

| |

|6. Sandlin, J. A. (2002). Text, lies, and the welfare state: The portrayal of welfare recipients in welfare-to-work educational programs. Proceedings of |

|the 43rd annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Raleigh, NC, May 25, 2002, 339-344. |

| |

|B2. Discourses of education, work, and success |

| |

|1. Sandlin, J. A. (in press, Literacy and Numeracy Studies). Horatio Alger and the GED: Narratives of success in adult literacy education. |

| |

|2. Sandlin, J. A. & Clark, M. C. (Revise & Resubmit, August, 2005, Teachers College Record, currently under revision). I get by with [very] little help |

|from my friends: Self-reliance, social policy, and success stories in adult literacy education. |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J. A. (in press). In GED we trust? A critical examination of the rhetoric and reality of the General Educational Development diploma. |

|Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. (2004). It’s all up to you: How welfare-to-work educational programs explain workforce success. Adult Education Quarterly, 54(2), |

|89-104. |

| |

|5. Sandlin, J. A. & St.Clair, R. (2003). Bullish in business or cowed in coach? Differing implications of the new economy for employment preparation |

|learners and instructors. Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Work and Learning Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, September 27, |

|2003, 175-180. |

| |

|6. Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Manufacturing workers: How adult literacy and welfare-to-work programs construct the world of work. Proceedings of the 42nd |

|annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), East Lansing, MI, June, 2001, 351-356. Winner of the Graduate Student Research Award, 2001. |

| |

|7. Sandlin, J. A. (2000). Literacy for work: Exploring dominant discourses about work and literacy in the everyday practice of adult literacy education. |

|Proceedings of the 41st annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Vancouver, BC, May, 2000, 583-584. |

| |

|B3. Critical analyses of adult literacy and welfare-to-work policy, curriculum and practice |

| |

|1. Commeyras, M., Moller, K. J., Payne, C. R., Rush, L. S., Sandlin, J. A., & Bowles, S. N. (under review, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy). In |

|search of a literacy animator self: Teachers learning together. |

| |

|2. Wickens, C. M. & Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Literacy for what? Literacy for whom?: Analyzing the politics of literacy education and neocolonialism in |

|UNESCO and World Bank-sponsored literacy programs. Adult Education Quarterly. |

| |

|3. St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2004). The unlettered state: Illiteracy and intrusion in US social policy. Adult Basic Education, 14(1), 45-59. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. & Cervero, R. M. (2003). Contradictions and compromise: The curriculum-in-use as negotiated ideology in two Welfare-to-Work classes. |

|International Journal of Lifelong Education, 22(3), 249-265. |

| |

|5. Sandlin, J. A. (2003). Adult literacy and the myth of educational amelioration: A critical literature review. Perspectives: The New York Journal of|

|Adult Learning, 2(1), 33-48. |

| |

|6. St.Clair, R. & Sandlin, J. A. (2002). The unlettered state: Illiteracy and intrusion in US social policy. Proceedings of the Standing Conference on|

|University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA), University of Stirling, Scotland, July 2, 2002, 252-258. |

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|C. Consumer Education for Adults |

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|B/C1. Consumer Education in Adult Literacy Programs |

| |

|1. Ozanne, J. L., Adkins, N. & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Shopping [for] power: How adult literacy learners negotiate the consumer world. Adult Education |

|Quarterly, 55(4), 251-268. |

| |

|2. Ozanne, J., Adkins, N., & Sandlin, J.A. (2005). The social construction of consumer literacy: Consumer empowerment among adult literacy learners. |

|Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 325-330). |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J. A. (2001). Out of balance: Contradictory depictions of adult literacy students as consumers. Adult Basic Education, 11(1), 17-39. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. (2000). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Adult Education Quarterly, 50(4), 289-307. |

|[reprinted in S. Merriam (ed.), 2002, Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis, 352-370. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass]. |

| |

|5. Sandlin, J. A. (1999). The politics of consumer education materials used in adult literacy classrooms. Proceedings of the 40th annual Adult Education |

|Research Conference (AERC), DeKalb, IL, May 21, 1999, 285-290. |

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|C1. Theorizing a critical pedagogy of consumption |

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|1. Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Beyond price comparisons: Towards a critical consumer education for adults. Adult Learning. |

| |

|2. Sandlin, J. A. (2005). Culture, consumption, and adult education: Re-fashioning consumer education for adults as a political site using a cultural |

|studies framework. Adult Education Quarterly, 55(3), 1-17. |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J. A. (2004/2005). More than technical skills: Consumer education and a critical pedagogy of consumption. Journal of Consumer Education, |

|22, 19-26. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. (2004) Troubling consumption: Creating critical consumer education through cultural studies. Proceedings of the 45th annual Adult |

|Education Research Conference (AERC), May 29, 2004, 420-425. |

| |

|5. Sandlin, J. A. (2004). Consumerism, consumption, and a critical consumer education for adults. In St.Clair, R., & Sandlin, J. A., eds. Promoting |

|critical practice in adult education. New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, no. 102, pp. 25-34, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| |

|C2. Popular culture, informal consumer pedagogy, and consumer resistance |

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|1. Sandlin, J. A. & Callahan, J. L. (in process for Journal of Consumer Research). An exploration of the role of emotion in consumption-related culture |

|jamming. |

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|2. Sandlin, J. A., Milam, J. L., & Wickens, C. M. (under review, Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy. “Spend smart, live rich?”: Popular pedagogy and the |

|construction of the “good consumer” in the popular culture lifestyle magazine Budget Living. |

| |

|3. Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Unlearning consumerism: Learning and practicing consumptive resistance in and through popular culture. In Tisdell, E., ed.,|

|Popular culture and adult education, New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |

| |

|4. Sandlin, J. A. (in press). Netnography as a research tool to investigate informal consumer education for adults. International Journal of Consumer |

|Studies. |

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|5. Sandlin, J. A. (in press). “Who has this kind of budget?”: A qualitative inquiry into how the lifestyle magazine Budget Living practices consumer |

|education, and how its readers respond. Journal of Consumer Education. |

| |

|6. Callahan, J. L. & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Culture jamming and emotional hegemony: Exploring consumer resistance within a postemotional society. |

|Proceedings of the 2006 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Columbus, OH, February 22-26. |

| |

|7. Sandlin, J.A. (2005). “Spend smart, live rich”?: A critical analysis of the consumer education lifestyle magazine Budget Living and its readers’ |

|forums. Proceedings of the 46th annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Athens, GA, June, 2005, 387-392. |

| |

|8. Sandlin, J. A. & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Creating consumer resistance through Adbusters: Managing emotion beyond organizational boundaries. |

|Proceedings of the 2004 Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Austin, TX, March 5, 2004, 234-241. |

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C. Consumer Education for Adults

B. The Politics of Adult Literacy & Welfare to Work Education

A. Critical Perspectives on Adult Learning & Adult Education

B/C1. Consumer Education in Adult Literacy Programs

C1. Theorizing a Critical Pedagogy of Consumption

C2. Popular Culture, Informal Consumer Education & Consumer Resistance

B1. Gender and Power Issues

B2. Discourses of Work and Success

B3. Critical Analyses of Policy, Curriculum & Practice


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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