Mark the box for the appropriate city-state


|Athens |

|Region of Attica |

|Near the sea |

|Sparta |

|Region of Laconia |

|Rough, mountainous  |


|Athens |

|More populous- 40,000 male citizens |

|Sparta |

|Less populous- 8,000 male citizens |


|Athens |

|Limited Democracy: |

|Elected - 10 generals and magistrates |

|Council of 500 |

|Assembly - open to all male citizens |

|Jury duty drawn by lots (considered an honor unlike today) |

|Introduced the idea of trial by jury of peers |

|Sparta |

|Military Oligarchy: |

|Two Kings |

|5 Ephors (managed day to day operations) |

|Council and Assembly - all adult Spartan males |


|Athens |

|Valued wealth and luxury |

|Imported food and furnishings from other countries |

|Sparta |

|Men lived most of their lives in military barracks |

|Avoided luxury and lived mostly on broth |

|Boys went to military school at age 7 and forced to survive by stealing.  They were beaten if they were caught.  |


|Athens |

|Women had no voice in politics |

|Women were responsible for weaving and domestic arts |

|Did not often go out in public |

|Sparta |

|Women were allowed to own and control property |

|Given responsibility over home and property while husbands were at war |

|Valued for their role in raising future Spartan warriors |

|When a husband or son went off to war, she would say "Come back with your shield, or on it."  *Failure was not an option!* |


|Athens |

|Valued choral dance and music |

|Girls did not receive a formal education |

|Boys were educated in reading, writing, mathematics, gymnastics, poetry, and public speaking. |

|Slaves were not excluded from an education |

|Boys could enter an academy in their mid 20s for further education |

|Sparta |

|Valued athletics above all |

|Girls were educated in reading, writing, and sports |


|Sparta |

|Military supremacy |

|Athens |

|Famous for art, architecture, drama, and philosophy |

|Were knowledgeable in science and medicine |

|Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle |


|Athens |

| |

|Freemen - divided into social classes according to wealth |

|Metics - came from outside Athens; not allowed to own land but could own and run businesses |

|Slaves - Treated better in Athens than in other city states; master had power of life and death over slaves.   |

|Sparta |

|Spartiates - adult males; served in the army and could vote in the Assembly |

|Outsiders - freemen who could not serve in the army or vote; often included foreigners |

|Helots- people who had fought against Sparta and lost; treated like slaves and forced to give half their produce to Sparta  |


|Athens: |

|Strong Navy |

|Member of the Delian League |

|Sparta: |

|Strong Army |

|Member of the Peloponnesian League |


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