7-29-04 2004-398 Order Confirming and Approving Purchase Orders in Excess of
$4,999.99 to be issued by the Kanawha County Commission
Purchasing Department.
7-29-04 2004-399 Order Confirming and Approving Cash Disbursements to be made by
the Clerk of the Kanawha County Commission For: General Fund
7-27-04 2004-400 Order Confirming and Approving Cash Disbursements to be made by
the Clerk of the Kanawha County Commission for: Special Fund
7-29-04 2004-401 Authorization for the Clerk of the County Commission to issue a check
from the Coal Severance Fund Line Item #002-439.00-5-68.00 in the
Amount of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) Payable to the Town of
7-29-04 2004-402 Authorization for the Clerk of the County Commission to issue a check
from the General Fund Line Item #001-809.00-5-68.00 in the Amount
of Eighteen Thousand Forty Dollars and Thirty-Five Cents
($18,040.35) Payable to the Elk Valley PSD
7-29-04 2004-403 Authorization for the County Commission to issue a check from the
Coal Severance Fund Line Item #002-439.00-5-68.00 in the Amount
Of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800.00) Payable to the
Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association
7-29-04 2004-404 Order for Approval of Submission of Application and Certificate for
Payment on Judicial Annex Renovation Project in the Amount of Five
Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Nine Dollars and
Fifteen Cents ($568,249.15) Payable from United Bank Trust Account
To BBL Carlton per attached requisition
7-29-04 2004-405 Budget Revision #4
7-29-04 2004-406 Resolution of Participation and Cooperation
7-29-04 2004-407 Merger of Green Valley Community Public Service District with the
City of South Charleston’s Sanitary Sewer System and the Dissolution
Of Green Valley Community Public Service District
7-29-04 2004-408 Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission
to sign an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between
the Kanawha County Commission and Paul D. Marshall Architects
& Engineers
7-29-04 2004-409 Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission to
sign a Contract and Notice to Proceed between the Kanawha County
Commission and General Restoration Corporation for the Kanawha
County Courthouse Masonry & Restoration Project
7-29-04 2004-410 Order and Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of not to exceed
$6,850,000.00 in Aggregate Principal Industrial Development Revenue
Refunding Bonds, Series 2004B the Kroger Company
7-29-04 2004-411 Order and Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of not to exceed
$4,500,000.00 in Aggregate Principal Industrial Development Revenue
Refunding Bonds, Series 2004A the Kroger Company
7-29-04 2004-412 Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission
to sign a lease renewal between The Elk River Community Council, Inc. a West Virginia Corporation, and the County Commission of Kanawha County, West Virginia, for the Kanawha
County Sheriff’s Elk River Detachment
7-29-04 2004-413 Removal Procedure for Members of the Planning Commission
7-29-04 2004-414 Re-appointment of Richard Atkinson to the Metro 911 Board
7-29-04 2004-415 Authorization for the President of the County Commission to sign
Lease Agreement between the Kanawha County Commission and the
West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals for Family Court Space
7-29-04 2004-416 Approval of Erroneous Assessment Exonerations submitted by the
Kanawha County Assessor
Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Carper
Presented by: Jack Lavender, Planning Commission President
Moment of Silence and Recognition
Approval of the Minutes of the Kanawha County Commission Meetings held
June 24, 2004 and July 1, 2004
Commissioner Shores moved for approval of the Minutes. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Amber N. Henson, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, $8.00 per hour,
Commissioner Shores moved for approval of the new employee. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Resolution of Participation and Cooperation - West Virginia Certified
Development Community Program
Commissioner Carper moved for approval of the Resolution regarding the Participation and Cooperation – West Virginia Certified Development Community Program. Commissioner Hardy seconded. Motion carried.
Public hearing regarding merger of Green Valley Community PSD with the City of South Charleston Sanitary Sewer System and the Dissolution of Green Valley Community Public Service District
Robert Rodecker, Esquire
Marc Slotnick, County Attorney discussed the progress of the merger of the Green Valley PSD and discussion with the Public Service Commission. Mr. Slotnick recommended to the Commission that the Merger be approved. Commissioner Shores moved for approval regarding merger of Green Valley Community PSD with the City of South Charleston Sanitary Sewer System and the Dissolution of Green Valley Community Public Service District. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried. (Commissioner Hardy was not present for the vote on this matter)
Public Hearing in the matter of a proposed bond issue to refund prior issues for the Kroger Company and to consider resolutions relating to the same
Cam Seigris - Bowles, Rice, McDavid, Graff & Love, PLLC
A presentation was made to the Commission by Cam Seigris and Bradley N. Ruwe, Attorney with Peck, Shaffer & Williams LLP. Currently there are two bonds, Series A – $4.5 Million and Series B – $6.850 Million. Bowles, Rice, McDavid, Graff & Love, PLLC has agreed to issue the two bonds that would earn 40 basis points that would be given to the Commission. This would amount to approximately $40,000.00. Commissioner Carper moved approval of the Resolutions to issue both Bonds. Commissioner Shores seconded. Commissioner Carper asked if there were any public comments, being there was none, motion carried. Commissioner Carper requested that a discussion regarding the usage of the $40,000 fee be placed on the next Agenda. (Commissioner Hardy was not present for the vote on this matter)
Update/discussion regarding Michael T. Clifford v. Kanawha County
Commission, Civil Action No. 04-Misc-121
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Shores
Ray Keener, Assistant County Attorney
Steve Sluss
Mr. Keener stated that the Deposition has been scheduled for August 18, 2004. Commissioner Carper recommended that Mr. Keener begin preparing questions to be asked at the Deposition. Commissioner Carper reminded everyone that Commissioner Hardy has recused himself from this matter. Commissioner Carper moved approval of the unpaid bills incurred by Mr. Clifford. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried. (Commissioner Hardy was not here for this discussion)
Discussion regarding Guthrie water project
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Carper announced that Congresswomen Shelley Moore Capito had secured $200,000.00 of Funds for the Guthrie water project. Commissioner Carper stated that this was a priority project for the Commission and the total budget for the project is $800,000.00. Commissioner Carper requested that Susan Blake begin contacting our local Senators and Delegates to secure the additional funding and to invite them to our next meeting of August 12, 2004.
Discussion regarding the COPS grant for the WV Interoperable Radio
Commissioner Carper
Mark Wolford, Charleston OES Director
Jeff Clark, Homeland Security Planner
Commissioner Carper stated that a joint application between the City of Charleston and the County Commission, was being prepared for the WV Interoperable Radio Project. The Grant, if awarded would be Three Million Dollars. Commissioner Carper stated that the application was due the first week of August. Commissioner Carper moved approval for him to execute the Grant application once it has been prepared. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion regarding receipt of $75,000 from the State of West Virginia to assist in a low-fare flight program at Yeager Airport
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Carper announced that the Independence Airlines was operational at Yeager Airport. The cost of the advertising package was $300,000.00. Contributions from Independence Air and Yeager Airport totaled $200,000.00. Commissioner Carper stated that Governor Wise secured $75,000.00 of State Funding for the project.
Discussion regarding contribution in the amount of $25,000 for reduced airfare program at Yeager Airport
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Shores stated that additional $25,000.00 was needed for the advertisement package; he moved approval to contribute County Funds for this project. Commissioner Hardy seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper recommended that a Resolution be prepared thanking Rick Atkinson and Yeager Airport for their hard work in the past two years with the airport projects.
Further discussion regarding personnel issue/complaint relating to a Kanawha-Charleston Humane Officer employee by the County Commission
Commissioner Carper
Allen Bleigh, County Manager
Donna Clark, Animal Shelter
Dr. Gunnoe, Chairman of the KCHA Board, gave an update regarding the personnel issue at the Humane Association. He stated that Roger Wolfe, Chairman of the KCHA legal committee, conducted an investigation into the matters. The Board is recommending that the employee receive 5 days suspension without pay, and that he gives a public apology and he attends sensitivity training. Commissioner Carper reminded the Commission that Mr. Fields is an employee of the Commission and that while they appreciate the Board’s recommendations, the Commission has the final say. Commissioner Carper moved to take the Board’s recommendation under advisement. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper requested that Allen Bleigh send a letter to Mr. Fields asking that he attend a future Commission meeting to discuss his behavior and future employment with the Commission.
Update and discussion regarding Advantage Valley Partners and their current projects
Commissioner Carper
Representative(s) from Advantage Valley Partners
Commissioner Carper has requested that representatives from Advantage Valley Partners attend several Commission Meetings, which they have not attended. Commissioner Hardy moved for this to be placed on the next Agenda of August 12, 2004 for an update. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Update regarding litigation relating to State of West Virginia v. The Board of Public Works, et al. Civil Action No. 03-C-582
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Hardy
Robert Allen, Esquire
Pamela Deem, Esquire
Commissioner Hardy moved for this to be placed on the next Agenda for an update. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Update regarding the Kelly's Creek Communities Association Brownfield Grant Project
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Hardy
Commissioner Shores
Allen Bleigh, County Manager
Jennifer Herrald, Grant Coordinator
Commissioner Carper stated that his recommendation was to have Regional Intergovernmental Council oversee the Kelly’s Creek Brownfield Grant Project. He stated that the Commission would still be responsible for the handling the Grant Funds. Commissioner Carper stated that Commission had received a letter from Kelly’s Creek agreeing to the oversight by RIC. Commissioner Hardy moved approval for Regional Intergovernmental Council’s oversight of the Grant. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Hardy requested that Ms. Herrald stay on the Advisory Committee. Ms. Herrald stated that the Commission would have to execute Memorandum of Agreements with RIC and Kelly’s Creek. Commissioner Hardy moved for Ms. Herrald and Mr. Bleigh develop the agreements and for Commissioner Carper to sign. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried. The Commissioners requested that RIC appear before the Commission at the 2nd meeting in August to give an update.
Discussion regarding Kanawha County’s contribution to the Regional Intergovernmental Council
Commissioner Carper
John Romano, Executive Director
Commissioner Hardy moved to give contributions to the Regional Intergovernmental Council. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion regarding funding request from the Charleston Northeast
Little League in the amount of $6,500 for replacement fencing
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Hardy moved for approval of $6,500 for replacement fencing at the Charleston Northeast Little League. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion Carried. Commissioner Carper stated that Ms. Herrald will be the contact person to see that the bids go out properly and that the money is spent for the purpose it was intended.
Further discussion regarding the Kanawha County Courthouse Masonry and Restoration Project in the amount of $438,000
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Carper asked when will the work begin and what does our contract say? Mr. Dan Hart, Architect, stated that the work would begin August 27, 2004 and the completion would be done by June 30, 2005, 20% of the work to be completed by December 20, 2004. Commissioner Hardy asked Allen Bleigh to go on OSHA Web Site and see what kind of records the contractor has with OSHA.
Discussion regarding delayed mailing of tax tickets by the Sheriff’s Tax Department, discussion to include but not be limited to possible necessity of placing advertisement to make taxpayers aware that they can now pay 2004 taxes
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Carper stated that he wanted to commend Mark Boyd for stating in a letter that he would take responsibility for tax tickets not going out on time. Mr. Boyd stated that all tax tickets would be mailed out by the weekend. Mr. Boyd stated that tomorrow, July 30, 2004 would wrap up collections for the month, and collections to the General Fund of $400 to $500 thousand versus l.4 million last year, with a day and half to go, we are a million shy on collections. Commissioner Carper stated that we would have to monitor the cash flow.
Discussion regarding Voice Over IP Technology and Research prepared by Dennis Wyer
Commissioner Carper
Allen Bleigh, County Manager
Dennis Wyer, System Administrator
Juan Smarr – Verizon
Alan Digman – Verizon
Rusty Risher – Verizon
Phil Hudson – Cisco
Marc Coleman – Telco Services, Inc.
Dennis Dolin – Quinn Technologies
Mr. Wyer stated that switching to the IP system would save the County approximately $5,000.00 a month. Commissioner Carper stated that he felt a meeting should be set up to include Mr. Bleigh, Mr. Wyer, Mrs. Whitehead, Ms. Herrald and whoever else you would like to look at this very carefully and give a recommendation by two meetings from now. Commissioner Carper stated that Ms. Herrald would provide support.
Discussion regarding moving Kanawha County Sheriff’s Detachment out of the Quincy Center to the Upper Kanawha Valley Enterprise Community building
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Hardy
Damron Bradshaw, Chairman UKVEC Governing Board
Commissioner Hardy moved to have the Sheriff of Kanawha County write a contract to move the County Sheriff’s Detachment out of the Quincy Center to the Upper Kanawha Valley Enterprise Community Building in Chelyan. Commissioner Carper stated that he would second the motion if Commissioner Hardy would modify the motion. The Commission to enter a contract for the Sheriff’s Detachment to be moved to Upper Kanawha Valley Enterprise Community Building in Chelyan and the Commission would handle the amount of space with a notice sent out telling people that the detachment has been moved to Chelyan and the property owner of Quincy Mall needs to be notified of the move and if the Sheriff’s Department objects to this, they need to come in and advise. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper stated for Mr. Boyd to try to handle this situation without any problems. Commissioner Hardy moved that all Sheriff’s Detachment leases remain on a month-to-month situation until our County Manager, Allen Bleigh, reviews them. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Hardy moved to amend his motion to except Elkview Detachment. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper stated for Mr. Bleigh to get with the three detachments, Jefferson, Sissonville and Cross Lanes and analyze and get with Mr. Boyd.
Report on Merger of Economic Development Organizations
Commissioner Hardy
Ray Keener
Commissioner Hardy stated that the final merger would take place in September 1, 2004 and that the Board members have been picked. Ben Newhouse has been placed on this board to represent the Commission. Commissioner Carper stated that he was concerned with the funding of $100,000.00 the Commission gave to BIDCO for the Clendenin project and with the new name of the organization of CADCO, making sure that the money is still in place for the Clendenin project. Commissioner Hardy assured Commissioner Carper that the money is still set aside for the Clendenin project.
Discussion regarding the Family Court office space, and related rental rate of $10.50 per square foot, discussion will include but not be limited to the approval of the lease agreement
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Hardy moved to approve the lease agreement. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Update regarding Billo property
Commissioner Hardy
Terry Sayre
Mr. Sayre stated that one of the trailers had been demolished and it appeared that Mr. Billo was cooperating with the Commission. Commissioner Hardy moved for an update of the Billo property to be placed on the Agenda on August 26, 2004. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
Additional discussion regarding Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant, Project Heavy Metal for the Kanawha County Sheriff's Department, discussion to include but not be limited to the backfill of the ATF Position
Commissioner Carper
Jennifer Herrald, Grant Coordinator
Representative from the Sheriff's Department
Jennifer Herrald stated that on November 1, 2003 the Project Safe Neighborhood Grant was awarded to the Commission to place a deputy at ATF and the position had to be backfilled before we could be reimbursed. Commissioner Carper stated if we do not fill the position, the Commission would be out $40,000.00. Mark Boyd spoke on behalf of the Sheriff’s Department. Mr. Boyd stated that they anticipated hiring a deputy to backfill the position by the end of August. Commissioner Carper stated for Jennifer Herrald to stay on top of this. Commissioner Carper stated for this to be placed on the Agenda of August 12, 2004.
Discussion regarding request from WV Films to video demolition of condemned properties in Kanawha County performed by the County Commission
Commissioner Hardy
Commissioner Shores
Pam Hayne
Commissioner Carper stated for Ms. Haynes to get with Terry Sayre and Susan Blake to help her.
Discussion regarding federal regulatory changes relating to overtime and exempt classification for employees, discussion will include but not be limited to impact on county employees as well as the implementation date of August 23, 2004
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Carper stated for Mr. Bleigh to look into the federal regulatory changes relating to overtime and exempt classification for employees and to report to the Commission by August 26, 2004.
Discussion regarding WV Code §7-7-7a with discussion to include but not necessarily be limited to the limit of budget expenditures by elected officials who are leaving said office in the middle of FY 2004-2005
Commissioner Carper
Commissioner Shores
Commissioner Hardy
Commissioner Carper stated that the Commission has one or two items that may fall within the WV Code §7-7-7a. Commissioner Carper stated that the Sheriff’s Department is on notice of that responsibility not to spend more than fifty percent of their budget.
Approval of Erroneous Assessment Exonerations submitted by the
Kanawha County Assessor
Marc Slotnick, County Attorney
Steve Sluss, Assessor’s Office
Commissioner Carper moved approval of the Erroneous Exonerations submitted by the Kanawha County Assessor. Commissioner Hardy seconded. Motion carried.
Discussion regarding status of Highway Safety Grant
Commissioner Carper
Natalie Zellers
Representative from County Clerk’s Office
This discussion regarding status of Highway Safety Grant was resolved prior to Commission Meeting.
Discussion regarding training offered by the IRS and Social Security
Administration as it relates to federal employee tax issues, such as Worker Classification, W-2 Filing Requirements, 1099 Filing Requirements – training to be offered August 4, 2004
Commissioner Carper
This item was not discussed.
Discussion regarding letter received from Jennifer N. Taylor, Esquire
Referencing a complaint from Keith Jordan
Commissioner Carper
This item was not discussed.
Discussion regarding annexation of Institute area to Dunbar.
Commissioner Carper stated that Dunbar would like to annex the Institute area to their area. Bill Raglin of the Institute-West Dunbar-Pinewood Sub-Area Planning Committee and two Dunbar city Council members told the Commission that the proposed annexation could bring about 1,900 residents into Dunbar. Mr. Raglin stated that his committee has been successful in obtaining utilities like sewer for the area, but it needs to address other problems such as removing junked cars and improving police and fire protection. Dunbar City Council is scheduled to hear a presentation on the annexation Monday, August 2, 2004, evening. Commissioner Carper stated that this was a significant step toward metro government and that he expects to see mergers of other government bodies in the county in the years ahead. Commissioner Carper stated that this would be the number one item on the Agenda of August 12, 2004, and that he wanted RIC to facilitate public meetings regarding the annexation. Commissioner Carper directed the staff to do a letter to support this concept.
Commissioner Shores recommends that the Commission hire Zdrojewski and Company to do the appraisal on the AEP building. Marc Slotnick, County Attorney, stated that he would recommend Mr. Zdrojewski to do the appraisal. Commissioner Hardy moved to approve hiring Zdrojewski and Company to evaluate the appraisal that AEP did. Commissioner Carper stated that he would second the motion if he would modify it to authorize the County Manager to enter into an agreement to let us know the proposed price and to let the Commission know. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper stated that last meeting our attorney could not negotiate a price and that Commissioner Hardy was going to recommend an attorney to represent the Commission. Commissioner Carper asked Allen Bleigh to remind Commissioner Hardy of this.
Update regarding the Judicial Annex renovation project
Chuck Smith stated that the Judicial Annex renovation project should be finished by the end of October. Commissioner Carper stated that Chuck has done a fine job without any change orders and that we were ahead of schedule.
Order Referring to a Fiduciary Commissioner, Estate of Lydia M. Runquist
Order Declaring Re-Opened Estate Closed, Estate of Helen Virginia Loving
Order Declaring Re-Opened Estate Closed, Estate of James Paul Frederick
Amended Order Admitting Will to Probate, Estate of Robert Lewis Siler, II
Order Confirming and Ratifying Supervisor’s Report of Claims and
Settlement Reports
Order Confirming and Ratifying Supervisor’s Report of Claims and
Short Settlement Reports
Commissioner Hardy moved approval of the Fiduciary Orders. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Order Confirming and Approving Purchase Orders in Excess of $4,999.99
to be issued by the Kanawha County Commission Purchasing Department:
Kanawha County Public Library, $2,047,252.70, Levy Payments for
FY 2004-2005
Verizon, $6,004.94, Data Circuit Charges for May 2004 for Sheriff’s
LED, June 2004 Payment, Mileage charge for Data Circuits
April thru June 2004
Software Computer Group Inc., $9,198.00, 50 Prepaid Maintenance
Hours, Support Fee for Circuit Court Management System,
Annual Support Agreement of the IBM SSP & AS400, Annual
Hardware Maintenance, Circuit Clerk’s Office
Midwest Direct, $11,172.25, Printing and Mailing of Personal Property
Returns per bid, Assessor’s Office
Lou Wendell Marine Sales, $6,280.00, South Charleston Fire Department
Rescue Boat, Emergency Replacement of Motor
Eagan Management LLC, $81,601.02, 6 months rent for the Prosecuting
Attorney’s space at 550 Eagan Street July 04 – December 04
To be paid monthly
Diversified Enterprise, Inc., $322,401.60, Check Request 9 & 10
For 2003 Water Main Extension Project
WV Code §7-7-7a Purchase Orders
Vision Air, $61,145.90, Maintenance Agreement for Mobile Data
Software from July 2004-June 2005 Sheriff’s Law Enforcement
Commissioner Hardy moved approval of the Purchase Orders. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
Order Confirming and Approving Cash Disbursements to be made by the
Clerk of the Kanawha County Commission for:
a. General Fund (001), general budgetary, $1,613,415.09
The Honorable Alma Y. King
Order Confirming and Approving Cash Disbursements to be made by the
Clerk of the Kanawha County Commission for:
a. Special Health, (372), general budgetary, $234,210.22
b. Coal Severance (002), general budgetary, $70.51
The Honorable Alma Y. King
Merger of Green Valley Community Public Service District with the City of South Charleston’s Sanitary Sewer System and the Dissolution of Green Valley Community Public Service District
Marc Slotnick
Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission to sign an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement between the Kanawha County Commission and Paul D. Marshall Architects & Engineers
Jerie Whitehead
Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission to sign a Contract and Notice to Proceed between the Kanawha County Commission and General Restoration Corporation for the Kanawha County Courthouse Masonry & Restoration Project
Jerie Whitehead
Authorization for the President of the Kanawha County Commission to sign a lease renewal between Burdette Realty, Inc. The Elk River Community Council, Inc. a West Virginia Corporation, and the County Commission of Kanawha County, West Virginia, for the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Elk River Detachment
Allen Bleigh (correct a typographical error
Removal Procedure for Members of the Planning Commission
Marc Slotnick
Order for Approval of Submission of Application and Certificate for Payment on Judicial Annex Renovation Project in the Amount of Five Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred Forty-Nine Dollars and Fifteen Cents ($568,249.15) Payable from United Bank Trust Account to BBL Carlton per attached requisition
Allen Bleigh
Authorization for the Clerk of the County Commission to issue a check from
The Coal Severance Fund Line Item # 002-439.00-5-68.00 in the Amount of
Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) Payable to the Town of Glasgow
Allen Bleigh
Re-appointment of Richard Atkinson to the Metro 911 Board
Commissioner Carper
Authorization for the Clerk of the County Commission to issue a check from the General fund Line Item #001-809.00-5-68.00 in the Amount of Eighteen Thousand Forty Dollars and Thirty-five Cents ($18,040.35) Payable to the Elk Valley PSD
Allen Bleigh
Authorization for the Clerk of the County Commission to issue a check from
The Coal Severance Fund Line Item # 002-439.00-5-68.00 in the Amount of
Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800.00) Payable to the Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association
Allen Bleigh
Authorization for the President of the County Commission to sign Lease Agreement between the Kanawha County Commission and the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals for Family Court Space
Allen Bleigh
Commissioner Carper moved approval of the Orders. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried. Commissioner Carper stated let the record reflect that Commissioner Hardy obtained from the previous discussion on the Clifford case and also the bills that have occurred from this.
|REVENUE: | | |
|001-323-00.00 |State Grants |$75,000.00 |
|001-322-15.00 |Fed Grants-DOJ Gun Grant |80,000.00 |
|001-322-21.00 |Fed Grants-Homeland Security Grant |840,000.00 |
|001-322-22.00 |Fed Grants-Project Safe Neighborhood Sheriff |38,687.00 |
|001-322-22.01 |Fed Grants-Project Safe Neighborhood Pros Atty |42,496.00 |
|001-323-29.00 |State Grant-Courthouse Improvement Grants |85,000.00 |
| | | |
|001-401.00-2-26.00 |Co Comm Insurance |$700.00 |
|001-401.00-5-68.00 |Co Comm. Contributions |155,000.00 |
|001-442.13-1-03.01 |Fed Grant-EOP Fulltime |33,595.00 |
|001-442.13-1-04.00 |Fed Grant-EOP FICA |2,570.00 |
|001-442.13-1-05.01 |Fed Grant-EOP Hospitalization |4,440.00 |
|001-442.13-1-05.02 |Fed Grant-EOP Dental/Vision |456.00 |
|001-442.13-1-06.00 |Fed Grant-EOP Retirement |3,527.00 |
|001-442.13-2-11.00 |Fed Grant-EOP Telephone |500.00 |
|001-442.13-3-41.00 |Fed Grant-EOP Supplies & Materials |1,500.00 |
|001-442.13-3-41.01 |Fed Grant-EOP Equipment Non-Depr |2,112.00 |
|001-442.13-3-41.02 |Fed Grant-EOP Citizens Corp Sup. & Mat. |10,000.00 |
|001-442.13-3-43.00 |Fed Grant-EOP Gas/Oil/Tires |600.00 |
|001-442.22-1-03.01 |Fed Grant-PSN Sheriff Fulltime |28,600.00 |
|001-442.22-1-04.00 |Fed Grant-PSN Sheriff FICA |2,188.00 |
|001-442.22-1-05.01 |Fed Grant-PSN Sheriff Hospitalization |4,440.00 |
|001-442.22-1-05.02 |Fed Grant-PSN Sheriff Dental/Vision |456.00 |
|001-442.22-1-06.00 |Fed Grant-PSN Sheriff Retirement |3,003.00 |
|001-442.23-1-03.01 |Fed Grant-PSN Pros Fulltime |32,000 |
|001-442.23-1-04.00 |Fed Grant-PSN Pros FICA |2,400 |
|001-442.23-1-05.01 |Fed Grant-PSN Hospitalization |4,440 |
|001-442.23-1-05.02 |Fed Grant-PSN Dental/Vision |456 |
|001-442.23-1-06.00 |Fed Grant-PSN Retirement |3,200 |
|001-972.13-4-59.00 |Fed Grant-Homeland Sec Equipment |750,000.00 |
|001-972.13-4-59.01 |Fed Grant Homeland Sec EOC Equipment |30,000.00 |
|001-987.00-4-57.01 |Courthouse Capital-Buildings |85,000.00 |
Grant from Governor’s office for low-fare airline ticket program; to record Homeland security grant
Commissioner Hardy moved approval of General Fund Budget Revision #4. Commissioner Carper seconded. Motion carried.
Monica Robinson $8.00/hour $9.00/hour
Commissioner Hardy moved approval of the Department Pay Raise for Monica Robinson. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
Vera McCormick stated that two precincts (337 & 347) wanted to be moved to St. Albans High School for the convenience of the voters. Mrs. McCormick stated that when Highlawn Elementary closed about 3 years ago, they had to put precincts 337 and 347 in McKinley Jr. High. Mrs. McCormick has been talking to Marc Slotnick, County Attorney, their needs to be 120 days between the primary and general election before you move a precinct. Mrs. McCormick stated that she would put out a notice to the voters in 337 & 347 precincts and tell them they would take this under consideration after the General Election. Commissioner Hardy asked Marc Slotnick to do a letter suggesting that they place 337 & 347 precincts into St. Albans High School.
Supplemental Voucher - Elk Valley PSD $18,040.35, Per Order
Supplemental Voucher – Town of Glasgow, $8,000.00, Per Order
Supplemental Voucher – Kanawha-Charleston Humane Association,
$2,800.00, Per Order
Supplemental Voucher – Kanawha County Public Library, $41,714.09,
June Payment
Supplemental Voucher – Buchart-Horn, $16,343.60, Architectural Services
For Judicial Annex
Supplemental Voucher – Dwayne C. Smith, $2,500.00, Payment for
Services rendered for Judicial Annex Project
Supplemental Voucher – Beverly R. Jobst, $700.00, Title Searches
For Enforcement Agency Action Properties
Supplemental Voucher – Rebecca S. James, $500.00, Title Searches
For Enforcement Agency Action Properties
Supplemental Voucher – Sissonville Public Service District, $805.00,
For Monthly Lease for Sissonville Detachment
Supplemental Voucher – Eagan Management, LLC, $13,600.17, for
Prosecuting Attorney’s Office Rental
Supplemental Voucher - Diversified Enterprise Inc., $322,401.60,
Check 9 & 10 for 2003 Water Main Extension Project
Supplemental Voucher – Clayton Cottrell, $240.00, Reimbursement
For building permit fee – mobile home financing not approved
Commissioner Hardy moved approval of the New Business items. Commissioner Shores seconded. Motion carried.
(All proceedings on tape in the Commission Office)
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