Auburn University at Montgomery Policies and Procedures ...

Auburn University at Montgomery Policies and Procedures


Attendance Policy for Online Courses

Responsible Officer: Office of the Provost

I. Purpose To establish a policy to document attendance when students are enrolled in online education courses for purposes of federal financial aid reporting.

II. Policy a. For purposes of financial aid and enrollment, a student will be considered to be in attendance in an online class when the individual i. Submits an academic assignment on time; or ii. Submits an exam/quiz on time; or iii. Participates in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; or iv. Posts by the student showing the student's participation in an online study group that is assigned by the institution; or v. Posts by the student in a discussion forum showing the student's participation in an online discussion about academic matters; or vi. Emails initiated by the student to a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject(s) related to the course materials being posted on Blackboard. b. Logging into an online course without active participation does not constitute attendance. c. By the end of the second week of the term, a student should be actively engaged with the course content. d. The last date of attendance will be the date the student last logged into the course and met one of the six criteria above. e. A student in an online course must follow the standard procedure for dropping the class. f. No Show Status: Students who have logged into an online course but have not actively participated will be reported as "No Shows".

III. Effective Date August 2018

IV. Applicability This policy applies to all AUM faculty that teach an online course.

V. Responsibility The Office of the Provost will implement and administer this policy/procedure.

VI. Definitions

Online instruction is defined as education in which at least 51% of the content of a course is electronically delivered to a student who is separated from the instructor and has no regularly scheduled campus class meetings. VII. Procedures To ensure the University's compliance with federal guidelines for handling federal student aid, the faculty of record for any online course has the responsibility to report attendance according to the No Show Report administered by the Office of Financial Aid. Attendance is reported in Webster no later than date established by the Office of Financial Aid for each semester. According to the Federal Guidelines for Financial Aid, a school must demonstrate that a student participated in class or was otherwise engaged in an academically related activity. VIII. Sanctions Since attendance may affect the student's academic standing or the awarding of financial aid, it is imperative that faculty teaching an online class adhere to the policy and procedures in place for recording attendance. IX. Exclusions Exclusions to this policy will be requested through the dean of each college. X. Interpretation The Office of the Provost has the authority to interpret this policy. Approval to Proceed:________________________________________ Date______________



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