Student Financial Aid Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress

Student Financial Aid Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress

In order to receive financial aid, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). The Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress at Auburn University is as follows:

Qualitative: Students must meet the University's policies for continuation of enrollment. In addition, students must maintain a 2.00 AU cumulative GPA.

Quantitative: Students must achieve a passing rate of at least 67% of all AU hours attempted. F and W grades count against the passing percentage.

Time frame: Undergraduate students cannot receive aid after they have attempted 192 semester hours of academic work. Students in Architecture and Pharmacy are allowed 260 semester hours of academic work. Students in Veterinary Medicine are allowed 232 semester hours of academic work. Transfer credit is included in the attempted hours total.

Effective at the end of Fall 2007, AU will administer a new SAP evaluation process. For students who do not meet the Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress, the new evaluation process will be as follows:

1. Students who fall below the SAP standards will be placed on `SAP Alert - 1st Warning' status. Students on SAP Alert - 1st Warning are eligible for aid.

2. Students on SAP Alert ? 1st Warning status who fail to meet SAP standards again will be placed on `SAP Probation - 2nd Warning' status. Students on SAP Probation - 2nd Warning are eligible for aid.

3. Students on "SAP Alert ? 2nd Warning" status who fail to meet the SAP standards again will be placed on `Failing SAP Status. Students on Failing SAP status are NOT eligible for aid.

4. Students who are placed on academic suspension or expulsion by the University will automatically be placed in Failing SAP status.

5. Students on Failing SAP status have the opportunity to appeal if they feel that they have extenuating circumstances. Appeals should be in writing and addressed to:

Financial Aid Appeals Officer 203 Martin Hall Auburn University, AL 36849

Appeals can also be faxed to 334-844-6085. Every effort will be made to give careful and timely consideration to each appeal. Decisions are rendered within 3-5 business days of receipt. Appeals, if granted, are for one term only.

REVISED: Fall 2007


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