
-32829514986000 Bradford Opportunity Area Partnership BoardDate: Wednesday 10th June 2020Time: 14:30 – 16:30Join Microsoft Teams Meeting +44 20 3321 5238 ? United Kingdom, London (Toll) Conference ID: 976 475 764# Local numbers | Reset PIN | Learn more about Teams | Meeting options AgendaItem 1Welcome; apologies; conflicts of interest. Outstanding Actions from last meetingIntroduce PB Meeting Focus paper Chair14.30 – 14:40Item 2OA activity updateJohn 14:40 – 14:50Item 3Year 4 ActivitiesLee/John 14:50 – 15:30Break15:3015:40Item 4Flexible Investment Fund – options paperKathryn 15:40 16.20Item 5Proposed dates of future PB meeting (July 2020-Sept 21)Kathryn 16:20 – 16.30Item 6Close All 16:30 Below are the proposed dates for future board meetings;MonthDateJuly 2020Wednesday 8th /Thursday 9th September Thursday 24th NovemberThursday 19th January 2021Thursday 18th MarchThursday 18thMayThursday 20th July Thursday 8th September Thursday 23rd AttendeesAnne-Marie Canning MBENaveed MushtaqueChristian BuntingWill RichardsonDuncan Jacques CBEMark Mon WilliamsSir Nick WellerJanice StephensonCllr Imran KhanVicky Beer Daniel CopleyCorinne TempletonEmma Morley (observer) Lee Turner (OA Team)Kathryn Loftus (OA Team)Melanie Hinchcliffe (OA Team)John Armstrong (OA Team)Apologies Kersten England (represented instead by Mark Douglas)Prof. Shirley CongdonNotesItem 1The Chair acknowledged the passing of Richard Jackson, the teams commissioning and contracts officer, emphasising his contribution to the Opportunity Area.The Chair welcomed new Board member and chair of Priority 2, Naveed Mushtaque. No conflicts of interest were raised. Item 2 Overview of the paper given by JA.Action – The admissions report is now complete. JA to circulate and convene a working group (to include DJ) to agree next steps.The Regional Schools Commissioner made the Board aware of the DfE offer of support for schools / head teachers that had been most impacted by Covid. The Board were keen that Bradford schools we offered this support and emphasised the importance of eligible schools in Bradford accessing the DfE funded school-to-school support to help schools respond and recover from Covid.Action – VB and EM to liaise with Bradford Council’s School Standards team to ensure LA maintained, eligible schools are offered this much neededsupport. Whilst acknowledging the complexities involved in children returning to school the Board agreed that messaging should be; Where schools have re-opened, the schools will have undertaken a rigorously health and safety check. These schools will have outlined the numbers of pupils that can be safely accommodate and it is therefore safe for children to return and they should be encourage to return. Mark Mon-William to speak to Prof. John Wright about supporting this messaging. Action – IK agreed to release a message that reflects the above. Item 3LT: The decision on the level of funding to be allocated to Bradford is with DfE ministers. As such, the Board will plan on the assumption that the top limit of any funding allocation would not exceed ?1.65m for Bradford. To ensure we are using this time efficiently we will continue to work on the assumption of planning for delivery of the plan detailed in ’Appendix 1’ below. The Board were also asked to review the year 4 plan (developed pre-Covid) to ensure the focus and funding allocations are current. The Board considered the table in Slide 3 of Paper 2 to review in each line of activity. An updated version of this slide is included in ’Annex 1’ of these notes. The table in ‘Annex 1’ has been updated to reflect the funding allocations agreed by the Board. The Board were very keen to have a focus on tuition to aid catch-up. A plan for ?200k of Bradford LA investment, plus ?30k OA funding and in-kind funding from local universities to provide around 30 sessions of tuition for 600+ year 11 pupils was outlined for the Board. The Board agreed:The funding envelopes and descriptions for each Priority/activity as outlined in annex 1.To fund an additional cohort for coaching, mentoring and masterclasses [increasing the total allocation to ?50k], acknowledging that new head teachers will be taking up their roles at an unprecedented time and will need additional support. Parental engagement will be of greater importance in-light of Covid and therefore funding should increase to ?100k. The Board tasked the Priority 2 working group with developing proposals, whilst indicating that some focus should be given to bereavement support.That the ?150k of year 3 funding is sufficient for school improvement in ‘School 2’, and that a further ?150k of year 4 funding would not be allocated for fear of overloading the school. The Board also acknowledged that ’School 2’ has additionally already received ?60k of school-to-school support from the OA.To retain ?100k of funding for Bradford for Teaching (BfT), tasking the LA to develop an action plan for delivery in year 4 and long-term [possibly exit?] strategy for when OA funding for BfT comes to an end in August 2021. The refocusing of the majority of the allocated Priority 3 funding to reducing NEET in light of Covid, though agreed that some of that funding be retained to support the creation of a body with strategic oversight of careers education – being led on behalf of the Board by WR. Action – NM & KL to develop proposals for parental support in year 4 in collaboration with the Priority 2 working group.Action – KL to liaise with IK and the LA’s School Standards team to develop a specification for Bradford for Teaching 2020/21 and a long term recruitment and retention strategy. Action – JA to liaise with WR regarding the P3 allocation and set up a working group to develop proposals for investment. As a result of the year 4 funding allocations agreed above a further ?425k will be provisionally [pending ministerial decision mentioned above] allocated to a the ‘Flexible Investment Fund’ [Discussed in ‘Item 4’].Item 4 Decision – The Board agreed the principle of establishing a Flexible Investment Fund.In consideration of the 3 options outlined in paper 3 the Board expressed concern about an open grant process, both in terms of the administrative burden it would place on the OA Team and the potential for direction to be lacking. Establishing task and finish groups to develop proposals would widen participation to a broader range of stakeholders from across Bradford district. Decision – Task and Finish Groups to be established [with consideration of the point above re. membership] to propose areas of investment. The importance of taking evidence based approaches and looking at recovery over the long-term (next 3 years) was emphasised. The Board agreed that focus of the working groups should be the following [with sub categories listed within each theme]:Catch-up/tuitionTo think beyond the majority LA funded support detailed above.GCSE resits in FE for this year’s year 11 cohort [though with appreciation that these are not technically resits as it applies to those who were awarded grades having not been able to sit exams this year]. Catch-up and tuition focused on extending the school day/week.Funding to start in September, not over the summer, as less likely to engage those who most need it over summer. Support around the development of recovery curricula.Support for blended learning (including online).Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)To be cognisant of and aligned to the mental health trailblazer. Vulnerable learners Including those at risk of NEET.Transition (into all stages)Action – KL and JA to establish Task & Finish groups. Decision – Next meeting to be held on 8th JulyMeeting closedAction PointsAction DescriptionWhoWhenComplete/UpdateOutstandingThe admissions report is now complete. JA to circulate and convene a working group (to include DJ) to agree next steps.JAOutstandingOn behalf on the OA board VB and EM to liaise with Bradford Council’s School Standards team to ensure LA maintained, to offer system leader support to LA maintained schools most impacted by covid VBASAPUpdate – RSC has now offered this support to Bradford Council’s school standards team who have responded; “We are in daily contact with all our school leaders and in our maintained schools and our position has not altered.? All of our school leaders have put in place robust risk assessments to determine how & when to open more widely and we are confident in their decision-making.We have been supporting any school, both maintained and academy, where they have experienced short-term staffing capacity issues due to Covid19, via the deployment of our central teaching service.? If the position alters, then I will ensure we get back in touch.”OutstandingIK to release a message that if a school is open, it has been rigorously health and safety checked and is therefore safe for children to return to, and they should do so.IKOutstandingNM & KL to develop proposals for parental support in year 4 in collaboration with the Priority 2 working group.NM & KLOutstandingKL to liaise with IK and the LA’s School Standards team to develop a specification for Bradford for Teaching 2020/21 and a long term recruitment and retention strategy.KL & IKOutstandingJA to liaise with WR regarding the P3 allocation and set up a working group to develop proposals for investment. JA & WROutstandingKL and JA to establish Task & Finish groups.KL & JA ................

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