HARRIET TUBMAN CHARTER SCHOOL6TH GRADE SUMMER REVIEW PACKET INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\var\\folders\\2j\\3zv09g2x53bfxp5n3r8h3qrh0000gn\\T\\com.microsoft.Word\\WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles\\Summer-school-clip-art-clipart-download.jpeg" \* MERGEFORMAT Summer Reading PacketFor Upcoming 6th GradersIncluded in this packet are 3 readings that you are to complete over the summer. Each reading comes with questions you must answer. All writing must be neat and in complete sentences. It is recommended that you do not wait until the last minute to complete this. YOU MUST ANNOTATE!!Also, it is recommended that you do as much independent reading as possible. Read what you like and enjoy. Remember, every time you read and write, you are further developing your ELA skills.This packet is due Friday, September 11, 2020 of school. It will be your first grade for the school year. You will lose points for each day it is late.Have a great summer! The 6th Grade Team looks forward to working with you next year!Name __________________________ Class _______________________Parent’s Signature _________________________________________________SECTION 1: READING INFORMATIONAL TEXTDIRECTIONSRead the article below. Then answer the questions on page 2.Modern-Day Gold Rushby Lisa HerringtonMore than 160 years ago, thousands of people flocked to California with the hope of discovering gold. In 2011, 12-year-old Gatlin Grove from Frazier Park, California, followed that same dream.Gatlin headed out to the Stanislaus River, along with his parents and two siblings. They were there to dig for gold—?and to experience a bit of history.People who searched for gold during the original California Gold Rush were called prospectors. Just like them, Gatlin and his family panned in streams. They used a box with a screen to sift gold out of dirt and water.“It was really fun,” Gatlin said. “You have to work pretty hard, but it pays off.” He sold the shiny specks he collected—about $35 worth—to help buy a video game.Cash for GoldGatlin was panning for gold mainly for the thrill. For many people, however, gold has become serious business.The price of gold hit a record high in 2011,when an ounce (about the size of an acorn) was worth about $1,900.Those record prices stirred a gold frenzy. During tough economic times, people look for new ways to make money. People across the country began scouring their jewelry boxes for gold to sell for cash.Rising gold prices also inspired a new generation of dreamers to head west with thoughts of striking it rich. These modern-day prospectors remind many people of the original miners in California. Some old gold mines there reopened in recent years.“There is a history to it,” explains Brad Jones of the Gold Prospectors Association of America. “California was really built on the Gold Rush.”The California Gold RushThe Forty-NinersIn 1848, a carpenter found a gold nugget while building a sawmill for a man named John Sutter near the American River in California. News of the discovery at Sutter’s Mill spread worldwide. By 1849, people were pouring into Californiain search of gold. They became known as the forty-niners, after the year the Gold Rush began. (That’s where the San Francisco 49ers football team got its name.)Some prospectors got rich, but most didn’t. Mining was hard work, and many people spent much of their money on tools and other necessities. Some of the most successful people weren’t miners but those who sold supplies to the miners. Others opened inns, banks, and other businesses that helped California grow.New towns sprang up and grew quickly.San Francisco’s population jumped from 6,000 people in 1848 to 25,000 in 1850. That same year, California became the 31st state.Not surprisingly, California is nicknamed the Golden State. Its motto—Eureka!—comes from a Greek word meaning “I have found it!” It captures the thrill of those early gold seekers.Today’s prospectors share that same excitement.1SECTION 1: READING INFORMATIONAL TEXTPART AIn paragraph 7, what does the phrase “stirred a gold frenzy” mean?A caused people to be excited about goldB made it difficult to search for goldC slowed the sale of goldD reminded people of the pastPART BWhich sentence from the article best supports the answer to Part A?A “These modern-day prospectors remind many people of the original miners in California.”B “People across the country began scouring their jewelry boxes for gold to sell for cash.”C “They used a box with a screen to sift gold out of dirt and water.”D “The price of gold hit a record high in 2011.”The author uses a quotation from Brad Jones. He states, “California was really built on the Gold Rush.” How does the author support this claim?A by describing important events in the order in which they happenedB by comparing a historical event with a modern-day eventC by providing an anecdote that uses strong emotional languageD by explaining a problem and describing a possible solutionAccording to the article, why were gold prospectors called the forty-niners?A They were named after the San Francisco football team.B California was the 49th state.C Gold at the time sold for $49 an ounce.D They were named after the year the Gold Rush plete the chart by describing one cause and one effect of the original California Gold Rush.CauseEffect______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________People_________________________________poured intoCalifornia_________________________________in search of_________________________________gold._________________________________What is the main purpose of the article?A to explain how California became a stateB to describe a recent trend that reminds people of a historical eventC to describe the difficulties of panning for goldD to explain why gold prices went up in 20112SECTION 2: READING PAIRED TEXTSDIRECTIONSRead the following two articles about dress codes at schools. Then answer the questions on page 5.Fashion PoliceIn 2013, Adrian Rocha was in the middle of a regular school day when the assistant principal stopped him in the hall. Adrian, then 13, was told that his hairstyle violated school rules.Adrian had a faux hawk. He combed his hair from the sides into the center and used gel to form it into a peak. It was a style worn by kids across the country—and by celebrities too. But Adrian’s school, Durham Middle School in Lewisville, Texas, didn’t allow faux hawks.Like many schools, Durham Middle School had a dress code that banned hairstyles and clothing that school officials considered inappropriate. The school decided that faux hawks were too distracting to other students.Adrian was held out of class for the rest of the day. He was allowed back the next day only after getting a haircut. Adrian thought the dress code was unfair. “People should have their hair styled however they want,” he said. “It’s a part of us.”Fashion Don’tsAdrian and his classmates aren’t the only students with fewer style options these days. The number of public schools with strict dress codes is growing. Dyed hair, tank tops, and ripped jeans are among the fashion no-no’s at many schools. Some schools forbid students from wearing shirts that have any writing or symbols.Many students have no choice about what they wear. About 20 percent of public schools require students to wear uniforms. A school in New York City called Beginning With Children Charter School (BWCCS) is one of them. Dionne Jaggon, who was that school’s principal in 2013, says switching to uniforms helped cut down on bullying and distractions in class.“It took the focus off of clothing,” she says.“School is a place where academics are first and foremost. We’re here to learn.”Adrian Rocha witha faux hawkStudents’ RightsMany students and parents argue that schools sometimes take dress codes too far. On Valentine’s Day 2013, seventh-grader Jada Alston spent the day in Principal Jaggon’s office because she wore a shirt with a red heart on it instead of her uniform shirt.“I come to school to learn,” Jada said. “It shouldn’t matter what I’m wearing.”Some critics of dress codes say they aren’tjust unfair—they’re unconstitutional. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to free speech. But “speech” isn’t just words. The First Amendment also protects your right to express yourself through art, music, the way you dress, and even how you wear your hair.Express YourselfSchool officials say dress codes aren’t meant to suppress free speech. Principal Jaggon likes to remind students that clothing isn’t the only way to show individuality.“You can think of other ways to express yourself,” she says. “How well you communicate is true self-expression.”3SECTION 2: READING PAIRED TEXTSNo More Saggy PantsDo you wear a belt to school? For many Florida students, it’s not a matter of choice. A law that went into effect in 2011 bans wearing saggy pants to school in that state. Students caught letting their pants sag too far below their waist can be suspended for up to three days.The “Pull Up Your Pants” law says students are prohibited from “wearing clothing that exposes underwear.” A similar law is in effect in Arkansas. And some towns in other states have gone a step further. They’ve banned wearing saggy pants anywhere in public.Stopping the SagSo what happens if you wear your pants too low? According to the Florida law, the first time a student is caught with pants sagging to an unacceptable level, he or she will receive a verbal warning. The offender’s parents will get a call from the principal. After a second offense, the student will not be allowed to take part in extracurricular activities for as many as five days. The third saggy-pants offense will bring as many as three days of in-school suspension and a 30-day expulsion from extracurricular activities.A billboard reminds students to pull up their pants.School officials argue that it’s their duty to teach kids what is—and isn’t—appropriate to wear. Some say that improper clothing can be a distraction in class.“We feel [the ban] can improve the learning environment in schools,” says Donna Morey, the former president of the Arkansas Education Association.Opponents of these laws argue that kids are being robbed of their right to express themselves. Some say parents, not schools, should educate kids about proper ways to dress.Joshua Simpkins, a teenager from Orlando, Florida, says the government should not be telling kids what they can wear.“We bought our clothes [the] way we wanted them,” Simpkins says in response to the new law. “It doesn’t matter how you dress. You come to school to learn.”Dressing the PartFlorida State Senator Gary Siplin worked for six years to get the “Pull Your Pants Up” law passed. The year that the law went into effect, Siplin personally welcomed students back to schools in Orlando. He handed out free leather belts to encourage kids to keep their pants pulled up and follow the law.“We want our kids to believe they’re going to college,” Siplin said. “And part of that is being dressed professionally.”Even before the law was passed, most school dress codes required students to keep their body parts appropriately covered while on school grounds. Changing fashion trends have also influenced kids to keep their pants up. Antoinette Sims, a student from Orlando, says she and many of her friends found saggy pants unattractive.“You can see your boxers sticking out,” Antoinette said. “It’s not cute.”4SECTION 2: READING PAIRED TEXTSPART AWhat is the meaning of the word suppress as it is used in paragraph 10 of “Fashion Police”?A supportB hold backC expressD promotePART BHow does Principal Jaggon support the idea that “dress codes aren’t meant to suppress free speech”?A by reminding the reader that the First Amendment guarantees the right to free speechB by arguing that having a dress code reduces bullyingC by emphasizing that school is a place where academics are first and foremostD by suggesting that clothing isn’t the only way to show individuality“No More Saggy Pants” describes a law in Florida that bans saggy pants. Based on what you know about Dionne Jaggon’s point of view in “Fashion Police,” do you think she would be in favor of this law? Use text evidence to support your answer.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which choice best describes how the focus of “Fashion Police” differs from the focus of “No More Saggy Pants”?A “Fashion Police” focuses on only one side of the dress code debate,while “No More Saggy Pants” provides various opinions.B “Fashion Police” provides a general overview of school dress codes, while “No More Saggy Pants” focuses on a type of law.C “Fashion Police” is about what kids can and can’t wear to school,while “No More Saggy Pants” focuses on appropriate clothing in all public spaces.D “Fashion Police” describes consequences for not following the dress code,while “No More Saggy Pants” explains the reasons behind having a dress code at school.Which idea is presented in both texts?A Students are more likely to follow the school dress code if it is enforced by state law.B Schools that require uniforms have less bullying than schools that don’t.C The U.S. Constitution states what is considered appropriate schoolwear.D At many schools, students face consequences for not following the dress code.In “No More Saggy Pants,” one argument in favor of the ban on saggy pants is that it “can improve the learning environment in schools.” Which detail from “Fashion Police” best supports this claim?A “Dyed hair, tank tops, and ripped jeans are among the fashion no-no’s at many schools.”B “People should have their hair styled however they want.”C “How well you communicate is true self-expression.”D “Dionne Jaggon ... says switching to uniforms helped cut down on bullying and distractions in class.”5SECTION 3: LANGUAGEDIRECTIONSThis section contains questions about grammar and punctuation.Read each question and choose the best response.Which sentence is written correctly?A “How much is this?” Ayleen asked the vendor.B ‘How much is this?’ Ayleen asked the vendor.C “How much is this? Ayleen asked the vendor.”D “How much is this? Ayleen asked” the vendor.Which sentence is written correctly?A I’m reading the book holes by Louis Sachar.B I’m reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar.C I’m reading the book Holes by Louis Sachar.D I’m reading the book “Holes” by Louis Sachar.Which sentence uses the question mark correctly?A I can’t believe it’s not butter?B Is today Wednesday?C I’d like to learn how to do a cartwheel?D I’ll never understand why frogs jump?Which sentence is written correctly?A Everyone needs to bring their own pencil.B Everyone need to bring their own pencil.C Everyone needs to bring his or her own pencil.D Everyone need to bring his or her own pencil.Which is NOT a complete sentence?A Snow monkeys live in Japan.B They’re intelligent animals.C Some monkeys have taught their babies to wash sweet potatoes.D Before eating them.The following sentences contain errors. Circle the words that should begin with capital letters.This summer, mohsen will travel to pakistan to see his family. he will return to new york in september.6SECTION 4: WRITING TASKA student has conducted research on whether the school day should be longer.Read her notes below and the directions that follow them.Some schools in Washington, D.C., and other cities now have longer school days.It would cost more money to pay teachers to work extra hours.Longer school days give students more time for things like lunch and recess.According to the National Sleep Foundation, kids should get about 10 hours of sleep each night.More class time will help students learn more and improve their test scores.Extra time in school could be used for finishing homework.Longer school days would mean less time spent at home with families.Imagine that you are preparing for a class debate about this topic. Write a brief essay on whether you think the school day should be extended. Choose the details from the notes above that best support your opinion and include them in your essay as needed. Be sure to introduce the topic clearly and end with a conclusion.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7Dear Family and Friends,The Summer Break is here! In an attempt to have our children remain sharp, a summer packet is being sent home. The Practice Assessment provides reinforcement of multiple choice and short answer responses, which include problem solving and all skills previously taught in the classroom. This assessment will aid in driving instruction during the first weeks of school in the fall. This math packet assesses students’ conceptual, procedural fluency, and problem solving abilities..Name__________________________ Class_______________________Parent’s Signature_________________________________________________Due Date: SEPTEMBER 8, 2020HAPPY SUMMER VACATION! LCMPencils come in packages of 10. Erasers come in packages of 12. Phillip wants to purchase the smallest number of pencils and erasers so that he will have exactly 1 eraser per pencil. How many packages of pencils and erasers should Phillip buy? What is the LCM of 5, 9, and 18?GCFThere are 40 girls and 32 boys who want to participate in 6th grade intramurals. If each team must have the same number of girls and the same number of boys, what is the greatest number of teams that can participate in intramurals?What is the GCF of 16, 40, 72?Prime Factorization5. What is the prime factorization of 455?6. What is the prime factorization of 129?Divisibility 7. Tell whether each number is divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8, 9,10.4120NumberRule2345689108. Tell whether each number is divisible by 2,3,4,5,6,8, 9,10. 540 NumberRule234568910Fractions9. It usually takes Niara 1 3/4 hours to get to her aunt’s house. Due to holiday traffic, this year it took 3 1/3 hours. How much longer did it take this year? 10. Ms. Morgan is making costumes for the Black History Assembly. She needs 1 1/3 yards of material for each custom. How much material should Ms. Morgan buy for 8 costumes? 11. Ms. Santiago has 11 ? cups of juice to share with 12 students. How much juice is she giving to each student?12. Party guests ate 2 5/8 cheese pizzas and 7 2/3 vegetable pizzas. How much pizza did the guest eat in all?13. 6 ? ÷ ? = _______Comparing and Ordering Fractions14. Jade is looking in her closet. If 1/3 of her shoes are black and 2/5 are brown, does she have more black shoes or more brown shoes?15. A red gumball is 5/8 inch across. A green gumball is 5/6 inch across, and a blue gumball is 7/9 inch across. List the gumballs in order from smallest to largest.Decimals16. Natelie is buying some refrigerator magnets for her friends. Her total bill is $16.80. If magnets are $0.80 each, how many magnets is she buying?17. Iona’s favorite peaches are $2.50 per pound at the local farmers’ market. She bought 3.5 pounds of the peaches. How much did she spend?18. Distance in space can be measured in astronomical units, or AU. Jupiter is 5.2 AU from the Sun. Pluto is 39.223 AU from the Sun. How much closer to the Sun is Jupiter than Pluto?19. Alan is connecting three garden hoses to make one longer hose. The green hose is 6.25 feet long, the orange hose is 5.755 feet long, and the black hose is 6.5 feet long. Find the actual total length.20. 8.553 ÷ 7.6Compare and Order Decimals21. Alberto is setting out four boards of lumber. The lengths of the boards are 4.5 feet, 4.52 feet, 4 feet, and 4.505 feet. Order the lengths from longest to shortest.22. Use < or > to compare the decimals for R & B and Rap Which is greater?R&B= 47.08769 Rap= 4.708769Order of Operations 23. 6(2+3)?-8/4 24. 16/2?·3-(2+5)Area of a Triangle25. Find the area of the triangle H= 12.8 inB= 5.4 in26. Find the area of the triangleH=7 1/3 cmB= 3 2/5 cmVolume of Rectangular Prism27. Find the volume of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions: L= 2 3/5 ftW= 12 2/9 ftH= 5 ft28. Find the volume of a rectangular prism with the following dimensions: L= 4 1/5 ftW= 6 1/3 ftH= 8 ftRatios29. Justin is making cookies, using a recipe in which the ratio of flour to chocolate chips to sugar is 4:2:1 for each batch.a. If he is using 8 cups of flour how many cups of sugar does he need? b. To make 3 batches of cookies, what is the ratio of flour to chocolate chips to sugar? 30. Morgan and Kira have a number of jelly beans in a ratio of 5 : 3. Kira and Mann have a number of jelly beans in a ratio of 6 : 1.a. What is the ratio of Morgan’s jelly beans to Mann’s? b. If Morgan and Kira have 64 jelly beans in total, how many does Kira have? RatesFind the unit rate of each31. Mr. Lowery purchased 12 bottles of juice for $4.50. What is the unit price?32. Peter is saving to enroll in a roller-blading training program that costs $350.00. He already has $78 and will save $34 per week until he has enough money to join the program. At this rate, what is the least number of weeks it will take Henry to have $350?Proportions33. A cookie recipe that yields 48 cookies calls for 2 cups of flour. A different cookie recipe that yields 60 cookies calls for 3 cups of flour. Are these rates proportional?34. A cookie recipe that yields 48 cookies calls for 2 cups of flour. A different cookie recipe that yields 60 cookies calls for 3 cups of flour. Are these rates proportional?Distance35. The new Toyota cars will be sent to New York by train, about 2,850 miles. The train will travel an average speed of 50 miles per hour. How long will it take to reach New York?36. Mr. McCoy took 12 hours to drive 30 miles. What is his rate?Conversion of Metric System37. As a Sumo wrestler, Ishi must weigh a minimum of 70 kilograms. How many grams is that?38. Each week Mrs. Lopez has six 946-milliliter bottles of milk delivered to her home. How many liters is each bottle?39. At the "Burger King" each patty contains 200 grams of ground beef.? If on one busy day 467 burgers were sold, how many kilograms of ground beef were used?Conversion of Customary System40. Pam has a 4-pound bag of dry cat food. Every day she puts out 4 ounces of dry cat food for her cat. For how many days will the bag of cat food be enough to feed her cat?41. Jason made 34 bottles of flavored olive oil to give to his class. How many pints of flavored olive oil did Jason make if each bottle holds 8 fluid ounces?42. There is a jar on the cabinet by the refrigerator. If Keona pours 114 ounces of water into the jar three times to fill it, how many quarts of water does it take to fill the jar? (round to the nearest whole number)Coordinate Plane43. What quadrant is ( -45, 67) located? ______________44. Where does the point (9,0) lie? __________For #’s 45 and 48, use the graph below45. Plot the following coordinate pairs 46. Plot the following coordinate pairs a) (-4 , 0 ) b (12 , 7 ) c) (-11 , -8 ) d (0 , -6 ) 47. Write the ordered pairs for the following points 48. Write the ordered pairs for the following pointsE= ________ F=__________ G= ________ H=__________49. A bus travels 480 miles in 14 hours, moving at a constant speed.Find the speed of the bus in miles per hour. Show your work. Answer______________________________ miles per hourHow long will it take the bus to travel 600 miles at this speed?Show your workAnswer __________________________hours.50. a) Which challenge made you take pause? Explainb) I self- corrected my beautiful mistake by………… ................

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