Only Daughter Worksheets

Literary Element (page 321)Author’s PurposeOnly Daughter SANDRA CISNEROSAn author’s purpose is the author’s reason for writing. What does the author want to communicate? Occasionally, the author’s purpose might be to describe. More commonly, the author’s purpose is to reflect, to entertain, to inform, or to explain. An author might also have a combination of purposes. This is true of Sandra Cisneros in “Only Daughter.”You determine an author’s purpose mainly by examining the ideas and details in a work and deciding reasons why the author included them. Identifying the writer’s intended audience can also shed light on an author’s purpose.ACTIVITY53340057150Name Date Class Name Date Class 07258050Only DaughterOnly DaughterDirections Using the first row of the chart as a model, complete the chart. Remember to keep Cisneros’s audience in mind, which was not only readers of a magazine for young women magazine, but also her father.Idea/DetailsReasons for IncludingPurposeCisneros explains her father’s reaction to her desire to go to college. (p. 323)reveals father’s valuesadds humorto reflectto entertainCisneros explains that everything she has ever written has been for her father. (p. 324)reveals author’s valuesshows a daughter’s love1.Cisneros explains that her father always said he had seven sons. (p. 324)2.3.Cisneros includes details about things cooking and everyone talking loudly in the house at Christmas time. (p. 325)4.5.Cisneros relates how her father asks for copies of her story for all the relatives. (p. 325)6.7.Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.20 Unit 2 Nonfi ctionReading Strategy (page 321)Drawing Conclusions About Author’s BeliefsOnly Daughter SANDRA CISNEROSPersonal essays like “Only Daughter” do more than tell a story; they also convey the author’s values or beliefs. Although Cisneros never says, for example, “I believe women deserve the same opportunities as men,” this belief is strong and clear in her essay. It is up to you as the reader to use details in the essay to draw this conclusion as well as others from Cisneros’s essay. To do so, examine and combine details from the selection to write statements about what the author believes.ACTIVITY6126085899192Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.83820057150Name Date Class Name Date Class 71627997258050Only DaughterOnly DaughterDirections In the chart below, record details from the selection that show or tell beliefs. Then draw a conclusion about those beliefs based on the details. An example is shown.Selection DetailsConclusion Based on Selection DetailsFamily“I wanted my father to understand what it was I was scribbling. . . .” (p. 322)1.3.Values father’s approval; wants father to recognize who she is and what she does.2.4.Success5. Reading Graphic OrganizerCisneros’s beliefs about who she is and what she can be are a product of many influences. Only some of them are directly stated in this essay. Show a web of influences on the author’s beliefs. Note which influences the author rebelled against and which she embraced to develop her own beliefs. For this activity, ask your teacher for a copy of the Cluster Graphic Organizer.Unit 2 Nonfi ction 21Selection Vocabulary Practice (page 321)Only Daughter SANDRA CISNEROSVocabularyanthology n. a collection of written works, such as poems, stories, or essays, in a single book or setretrospect n. the act of looking back or thinking about the past embroider v. to make a story more interesting with imaginary details or exaggerations fulfill v. to measure up to; to satisfy; to bring to pass or make real4283-61413EXERCISE A Practice with AnalogiesChoose the best word or phrase to complete each analogy.A. ticket stubs B. plot summaries 2. explain: embroider :: dress : C. work of fictionA. iron B. adorn 3. past : retrospect :: future : C. carelessA. circumspect B. prediction 4. fulfill : expectation :: grant : C. possibilityA. achievement B. summary C. wish208754710560153340057150Name Date Class Name Date Class 068655971. compilation, accumulation, medley, 2. succeed, please, gratify, complete, 3. magnify, color, fib, overstate, EXERCISE C Responding to the SelectionOn the back of this sheet, write a note to Cisneros about her essay. Use at least THREE vocabulary words.Only Daughter1. compilation, accumulation, medley, 2. succeed, please, gratify, complete, 3. magnify, color, fib, overstate, EXERCISE C Responding to the SelectionOn the back of this sheet, write a note to Cisneros about her essay. Use at least THREE vocabulary words.Only Daughter181048461359616992311121606183197216296011. anthology : stories :: scrapbook : 4283381136EXERCISE B Applying MeaningsEXERCISE B Applying MeaningsWrite the vocabulary word that best completes each group of words, based on similar meanings.Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Copyright? by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.22 Unit 2 Nonfi ction ................

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