The Wind at Work

Name Date

Rainforest Alert

Here are this weeks Vocabulary Words

|Alert | |

|Protection | |

|Clearing | |

|Native | |

|Alarming | |

|prevent | |

|Acres | |

|varied | |

Other words:

___________, ____________________________________

___________, ____________________________________

___________, ____________________________________

___________, ____________________________________

___________, ____________________________________

|Monday | |Tuesday |

| |Meet With Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Begin Rainforest Alert | | |Cont. Rainforest Alert |

|/8 |Complete vocabulary ( page 2) | |/22 |SW: Suffixes (pg. 3) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | |/30 |HW: Suffixes (pg. 4) |

|Wednesday | |Thursday |

| |Meet with Mr. O | | |Meet with Mr. O |

| |Continue Rainforest Alert | | |Cont. Rainforest Alert |

|/12 |SW: CLOSE READING (pg. 5-6) | |/6 |SW: Author’s Purpose (pg. 10) |

|/12 |HW: CLOSE READING (pg. 7-9) | |/15 |HW: Author’s Purpose (pg. 11) |

| |Class Strategy Worksheet | | |Class Strategy Worksheet |

|Friday |

|Finish Agenda, Weekly quizzes |Literal /16 Inferential /16 |

|Please Note: Early finishers: Once you have completed you may begin Independent Reading. |

Rainforest Alert- Vocabulary Practice __/8

Monday – Seatwork

Please use the words in the bank to complete the sentences below.

|Alert |Clearing |Alarming |acres |

|Protection |Native |prevent |varied |

The rainforest is disappearing at such an ______________ rate that it has many scientists concerned. When lumberjacks chop down trees they are ______________ away the homes of many rainforest animals. Every year the rainforests lose giant areas of land measured in __________ .

Many medicines that help cure disease are found in plants that are __________________ to the rainforest.

Many people around the world now raise money for the rainforest’s _________________. They hope to warn or ___________________ lumberjacks to the danger of cutting down the trees. Many hope that this campaign will help _____________________ the destruction of these forests. So far the results have been _____________________ as some areas have been saved while others are still in danger.

CC.1.3.4.J Acquire and use accurately grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain‐specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being and that are basic to a particular topic. E04.A‐V.4.1.1 E04.A‐V.4.1.2.

Rainforest Alert - Suffixes ___22

Tuesday - Seatwork

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

Be sure to double the last consonant when adding a suffix to a one syllable word ending in one vowel and one consonant.

For example: hop, sit, pat, shop, skin, sad, spot, slop

|hop + ing = hopping |pat + ing = patting |slop + y = sloppy |

|hop + ed = hopped |pat + er = patter |skin + y = skinny |

|sit + ing = sitting |shop + ing = shopping |sad +er = sadder |

|sit + er = sitter |spot + y = spotty |sad + en = sadden |

Exception: this rule does not work for single syllable words ending in the following consonants: w, x, y

Example: snow = snowed, play = played, box = boxed

Build new words by adding a suffix. Study the first letter of the suffix. Then decide whether of not to double the consonant in the original word.

|Base word |Word ending (suffix) |

| |-est |-en |-ly |-ness |-er |

|sad | | | | | |

|big | | | | | |

|flat | | | | | |

|mad | | | | | |

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

Rainforest Alert- Suffixes /30

Tuesday - Homework

REMEMBER: A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning. Be sure to double the last consonant when adding a suffix to a one syllable word ending in one vowel and one consonant.

Exception: this rule does not work for single syllable words ending in the following consonants: w, x, y

Directions: Build new words by adding a suffix. Study the first letter of the suffix. Then decide whether of not to double the consonant in the original word.

|Is this a one syllable|Base word |Word ending (suffix) |

|word ending in one V | | |

|and one C | | |

| | |ing |er |ed |

| |sit |sitting | | |

| |cut | | | |

| |draw | | | |

| |mix | | | |

| |plot | | | |

| |start | | | |

| |harm | | | |

| |stay | | | |

| |sprint | | | |

| |show | | | |

| |slim | | | |

| |plan | | | |

CC.1.4.4.F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling

Rainforest Alert Close Reading __/12

Wednesday - Seatwork

The Articles of Confederation

|After the Revolutionary War, the American states were independent from Great | |

|Britain. They needed to create a plan to run this new nation. The first plan | |

|created was known as the Articles of Confederation and was adopted by the | |

|Congress on November 15, 1777. | |

|The Articles of Confederation were finally approved by the last of the 13 | |

|American states, Maryland, in 1781 and became the ruling document in the new | |

|nation. The Articles created a nation that was a league of friendship and | |

|constant union. | |

The state governments had most of the power under the Articles, with little power given to the central government. Congress, for example, had to rely upon the states for its funds and for the execution of its decrees. The central government received little respect and was not able to accomplish much because it had little authority over states or individuals in America.

In the words of George Washington, the government created by the Articles of the Confederation was "little more than the shadow without the substance." As the need for a stronger federal government began to be realized, leaders from throughout the states got together to decide how to create it. The Federal Constitutional Convention of 1787 was responsible for drafting the Constitution of the United States, the document which took the place of the Articles of Confederation in 1789 and created a stronger central government.

The Constitution of the United States is the cornerstone of our American government. In 4,543 words this document describes the structure or plan of the government and the rights of the American people. The Constitution is known as a "living document" because it can be changed. Since its approval, it has only been changed or amended 27 times. The Constitution is a strong document, more powerful than any branch of government or any state. At the same time, it is flexible enough to allow for freedom and changes in America. Why did the founding fathers decide to create the Constitution? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Rainforest Alert Close Reading __/12

Wednesday - Seatwork

We can get better at thinking about the question if we choose specifically what to look for. We call this a lens. Go back and reread the article. Then list the problems with the Articles of Confederation. (4 pts.)


Now… take those items off of the list above and use them to give a more detailed answer.

Please answer in complete sentences. Why did the founding fathers decide to create the Constitution? (8 pts.)


CCSSR1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific

textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

Rainforest Alert Close Reading __/12

Homework- Wednesday

After the leaders of the new United States wrote the Constitution, they had to get the thirteen states to agree to it. Some of the states didn't want to agree unless they could add some specific rights for individual people. So in 1791 the United States added ten new rights to the Constitution. These are called the Bill of Rights. These items are the original 10 amendments. The Bill of Rights are part of the Constitution. This allows our Constitution to adjust to changes that occur in society over time. The Constitution is a strong document, more powerful than any branch of government or any state. At the same time, it is flexible enough to allow for freedom and changes in America.

These are the ten rights that are in the Bill of Rights:

1. Congress can't make any law about your religion, or stop you from practicing your religion, or keep you from saying whatever you want, or publishing whatever you want (like in a newspaper or a book). And Congress can't stop you from meeting peacefully for a demonstration to ask the government to change something.

2. Congress can't stop people from having and carrying weapons, because we need to be able to defend ourselves.

3. You don't have to let soldiers live in your house, except if there is a war, and even then only if Congress has passed a law about it.

4. Nobody can search your body, or your house, or your papers and things, unless they can prove to a judge that they have a good reason to think you have committed a crime.

5. You can't be tried for any serious crime without a Grand Jury meeting first to decide whether there's enough evidence for a trial. And if the jury decides you are innocent, the government can't try again with another jury. You don't have to say anything at your trial. You can't be killed, or put in jail, or fined, unless you were convicted of a crime by a jury. And the government can't take your house or your farm or anything that is yours, unless the government pays for it.

6. If you're arrested, you have a right to have your trial pretty soon, and the government can't keep you in jail without trying you. The trial has to be public, so everyone knows what is happening. The case has to be decided by a jury of ordinary people from your area. You have the right to know what you are accused of, to see and hear the people who are witnesses against you, to have the government help you get witnesses on your side, and you have the right to a lawyer to help you.

7. You also have the right to a jury when it is a civil case (a law case between two people rather than between you and the government).

8. The government can't make you pay more than is reasonable in bail or in fines, and the government can't order you to have cruel or unusual punishments (like torture) even if you are convicted of a crime.

9. Just because these rights are listed in the Constitution doesn't mean that you don't have other rights too.

10. Anything that the Constitution doesn't say that Congress can do should be left up to the states, or to the people.

After Reading the passage once answer the following: What is the Bill of Rights? What is one of the amendments?


The Charters of Freedom Close Reading ___/ 12

Homework- Wednesday

We can get better at thinking about the question if we choose specifically what to look for. We call this a lens. Now Go back and reread the article. Find and LIST several details about the Bill of Rights as well as details about an amendment. (4 pts.)


Now… take those items off of the list above and use them to give a more detailed answer.

Please answer in complete sentences. What is the Bill of Rights? What is one of the amendments? (8 pts.)


CCSSR1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific

textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

Rainforest Alert- Author’s Purpose- ___6

Thursday - Seatwork

Author’s Purpose An author writes for many reasons. An author may give you facts or true information about a subject. Some authors write fiction stories or stories that are not true. They write these stories to entertain you. Other authors may write to persuade or to try to get you to do something. We have focused on identifying writing in which the author is trying to persuade you.


1. It was a glorious morning in Alabama. The sun was shining through the trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished. It was so funny to watch those dogs paddle around the lake.

What is the author's purpose of this writing? ____________________________

2. The Slim-O-Matic will cause you to loose pounds and inches from your body in one month. This amazing machine helps you to exercise correctly and provides an easy video to show you the proper way to exercise. Send $75.99 and begin exercising today.

What is the author's purpose of this writing? ____________________________

3. The Underground Railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves escape to freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors and station masters. The northern states were free states and slaves were free once they arrived in the north. Secret codes and signals were used to identify the conductors and station masters.

What is the author's purpose of this writing? ____________________________


Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text. E04.B‐C.3.1.1

Rainforest Alert- Author’s Purpose-

Thursday - Homework ___15

We have been studying different genres in class this week. Below is a story about the election process. Read the story and answer the questions that follow. Use complete sentences.

Author’s Purpose An author writes for many reasons. We have focused on identifying writing in which the author is trying to persuade you to try to get you to do something.


Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on Feb. 12th. He was a great President of the United States. He was our 16th President. He is remembered for freeing the slaves.

The author's purpose of this writing is to _______________________________________

Give a supporting detail:____________________________________________________


HAMSTERS FOR SALE: Braxton Pet Store, Northwood Mall: We have a large selection of hamsters for sale this week. They are interesting pets and you will enjoy having one. They are only $ 17.99 this week. Come and buy yours today!

The author's purpose of this writing is to _______________________________________

Give a supporting detail:____________________________________________________


Judy Glen's amazing Wrinkle Remover cream will make you look younger in thirty days or less. This remarkable cream has special ingredients to make your wrinkles disappear. The cost for a thirty day supply is $ 25.99. Send your check to P.O.Box 00002, Shelton, CA 74836

The author's purpose of this writing is to _______________________________________

Give a supporting detail:____________________________________________________



Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text. E04.B‐C.3.1.1

T: Rainforest Alert- ___/16 lit ___/16 inferential

1. Why can some plants grow near the ground in the rain forest?

___/4 lit

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2. Recall what is the name of the largest tropical rainforest?

___/4 lit

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3. What foods and woods come from rain forests?

___/4 lit

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4. What do Amazon children do instead of going to school?

___/4 lit

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5. Do you think that the bulldozer coming into the rainforest is really making the trees and land more useful for everyone? Why do you think that?

___/4 inf

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6. Why do you think that the author says that the rain forest alert problem affects all? ___/4 inf

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7. Why do you think foods that were first found in the rain forest are now found in other places?

___/4 inf

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| |

8. Why would monkeys prefer to live high in the canopy? ___/4 inf

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| |

CC.1.2.4.B Refer to details and examples in text to support what the text says explicitly and make inferences




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