Literature Circle Unit

Literature Circle Unit

By: Becky Money

This unit focuses on two books that deal with the lives of three orphaned children, and the issues they encounter and that impact their lives. It also deals with the various series of events that they face and challenges that occur and that they have to deal with along the way.

Grade 4

Books used:

A Series of Unfortunate Events:

The Ersatz Elevator by Lemony Snicket

The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket

In these books, three children whose parents were killed in a fire, are searching for a good home to live in with the help of a family friend. They reside in a penthouse where they live very well and feel safe, until Count Olaf, Gunther, comes back into the picture. The orphans try to find out what he is up to and what he has done to their good dear friends the Quagmire triplets. The orphans end up leaving the penthouse and going to stay in a village where the whole village cares for them. They continue looking for the triplets and discover that Olaf has hidden them somewhere in the village. The orphans continue to search for the triplets despite all the unfortunate events that seem to continuously happen to them. They continue to try to get Olaf captured and eventually try to escape with the triplets.

Competency Goal 1: The learner will apply enabling strategies and skills to read and write.

1.01 Use word identification strategies appropriately and automatically when encountering unknown words (graphophonic, syntactic, semantic).

1.02 Infer word meanings from taught roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode words in text to assist comprehension.

1.03 Identify key words and discover their meanings and relationships through a variety of strategies.

1.04 Increase reading and writing vocabulary through:

• wide reading.

• word study.

• knowledge of homophones, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms.

• knowledge of multiple meanings of words.

• writing process elements.

• writing as a tool for learning.

• seminars.

• book clubs.

• discussions.

• examining the author’s craft.

1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to identify and comprehend unknown words.

1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student’s independent reading level) to:

* increase fluency.

* build background knowledge.

* expand vocabulary.

Competency Goal 2 : The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed.

2.01 Use metacognitive strategies to comprehend text and to clarify meaning of vocabulary (e.g., reread the text, consult other sources, ask for help, paraphrase, question).

2.02 Interact with the text before, during, and after reading, listening, and viewing by:

* setting a purpose using prior knowledge and text information.

* making predictions.

* formulating questions.

* locating relevant information.

* making connections with previous experiences, information, and ideas.

2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:

• fiction (legends, novels, folklore, science fiction).

• nonfiction (autobiographies, informational books, diaries, journals).

• poetry (concrete, haiku).

• drama (skits, plays).

2.04 Identify and interpret elements of fiction and nonfiction and support by referencing the text to determine the:

* plot.

* theme.

* main idea and supporting details.

* author’s choice of words.

2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support by referencing the text.

2.06 Summarize major points from fiction and nonfiction text(s) to clarify and retain information and ideas.

2.07 Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with purpose.

2.08 Verify the meaning or accuracy of the author’s statement(s) by referencing the text or other resources.

2.09 Listen actively by:

* asking questions.

* paraphrasing what was said.

* interpreting speaker’s verbal and non-verbal messages.

* interpreting speaker’s purposes and/or intent.

Competency Goal 3: The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology.

3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using interpretive, critical, and evaluative processes by:

• analyzing the impact of authors’ word choice and context.

• examining the reasons for characters’ actions.

• identifying and examining characters’ motives.

• considering a situation or problem from different characters’ points of view.

3.02 Analyze characters, events, and plots from different selections and cite supporting evidence.

3.03 Consider the ways language and visuals bring characters to life, enhance plot development, and produce a response.

3.06 Conduct research for assigned projects or self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of sources through the use of technological and informal tools (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).

Competency Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts.

4.01 Read aloud grade-appropriate text with fluency, comprehension, and expression demonstrating an awareness of volume and pace.

4.02 Use oral and written language to:

• present information and ideas in a clear, concise manner.

• discuss.

• interview.

• solve problems.

• make decisions.

4.03 Make oral and written presentations using visual aids with an awareness of purpose and audience

4.05 Use planning strategies to generate topics and organize ideas (e.g., brainstorming, mapping, webbing, reading, discussion).

4.08 Focus revision on a specific element such as:

• word choice.

• sequence of events and ideas.

• transitional words.

• sentence patterns.

Competency Goal 5: The learner will apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.

5.01 Use correct capitalization (e.g., names of languages, nationalities, musical compositions) and punctuation (e.g., commas in a series, commas in direct address, commas and quotation marks in dialogue, apostrophes in possessives).

5.02 Demonstrate understanding in speaking and writing by appropriate usage of:

• pronouns.

• subject/verb agreement.

• verb tense consistency.

• subject consistency.

5.03 Elaborate information and ideas in writing and speaking by using:

• simple and compound sentences.

• regular and irregular verbs.

• adverbs.

• prepositions.

• coordinating conjunctions.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 1 p.1-57


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters: Violet, Gunther (Olaf), Klaus, Sunny, Jerome, Esme’ Squalor, the doorman, or Mr. Poe.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:


1 Compare/Contrast

1 Prediction Question

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 simile

1 informative

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

anxious p. 1 par. 2 treacherous p. 7 par. 1

contemplate p. 2 par. 1 aqueous p. 26 par. 3

despair p. 3 par. 1 illuminated p. 33 par. 3

woeful p. 3 par. 1

suspense p. 3 par. 1


Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 2 p.59-138


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Gunther (Olaf), Klaus, Sunny, Jerome, Esme’ Squalor, the doorman, or Mr. Poe.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

2 Prediction

1 Problem/Solution

1 Character

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 5 passages that exhibit the following:

1 fact/opinion

1 metaphor

1 foreshadowing

2 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

raspy p. 60 par. 2 idiosyncrasies p. 115 par. 1

nefarious p. 61 par. 1 trekking p. 119 par. 1

furrow p. 61 par. 1 ersatz p. 129 par. 4

xenophobe p. 78 par. 1

somniferous p. 88 par. 1


Your job is to connect the book to the outside world. Write a paragraph, connecting one of the following passages from the book to your life or someone you know.

p. 59-60 “Because although this…element of suprise.”

p. 69 par. 5 “ That was very nice of you…minds at ease.”

p. 81 par. 3 “ The Baudelaire orphans…keep on trying.”

p. 91 par. 1 “ Morning is one…future will hold.”

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 3 p.139-202


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Gunther (Olaf), Klaus, Sunny, Jerome, Esme’ Squalor, or the doorman.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:


1 Setting

1 Prediction Question

1 Compare/Contrast

1 Cause/Effect

1 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 interesting

1 surprising

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

hallucination p. 139 par. 3 sinister p. 163 par. 2

phantasm p. 140 par. 1 alleviated p. 198 par. 1

tattered p. 141 par. 1 decisively p. 200 par. 3

cavernous p. 148 par. 2

forte p. 151 par. 3


Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 4 p.203-259


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Gunther (Olaf), Klaus, Sunny, Jerome, Esme’ Squalor, the doorman, Mr. Poe or Duncan or Isadora Quagmire.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

1 Character

1 hero question

1 Prediction Question

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 5 passages that exhibit the following:

1 important

1 simile

1 figurative language

1 scary

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

parchment p. 213 par. 1 dismissively p. 234 par. 2

prestigious p. 217 par. 1 craned p. 236 par. 3

exquisite p. 217 par. 1 fuddled p. 239 par. 2

hubbub p. 219 par. 3

herring p. 231 par. 2


Your job is to connect the book to the outside world. Write a paragraph, answering one of these statements:

Explain how this story reminds you of any other book or story you have read or heard.

Does this part of the story remind you of anything that has happened to you, a friend, or a family member? Explain.

(Include who or what your connection is about, where and when it happened, what happened, and how it connects or deals with a part of the story.)

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 5 p.1-67


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Mr. Poe, or Hector.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:


1 Compare/Contrast

1 Prediction Question

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 simile

1 informative

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

notorious p. 3 par. 2 superlative p. 47 par. 2

ghastly p. 7 par. 1 exasperation p. 55 par. 2

aphorism p. 12 par. 4 gargantuan p. 64 par. 1

desolate p. 27 par. 1

gravelly p. 35 par. 2


Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 6 p.69-134


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Hector, or Jacques.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

2 Prediction

1 Problem/Solution

1 Character

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 5 passages that exhibit the following:

1 fact/opinion

1 metaphor

1 foreshadowing

2 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

astonishment p. 70 par. 1 fierce p. 121 par. 1

scraggly p. 86 par. 1 quandary p. 121 par. 1

ornithological p. 89 par. 4 vile p. 130 par. 1

merely p. 101 par. 1

pandemonium p. 111 par. 1


Page 106- “ …because all “jumping to conclusions” means is that you are believing something is true even though you don’t actually know whether it is or not.”

Read this page, and then write a paragraph describing a time when you have jumped to a conclusion and what happened in turn, and how your incident relates to this passage.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 7 p.135-192


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Hector, Jacques, Officer Luciana, or Detective Dupin.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:


1 Setting

1 Prediction Question

1 Compare/Contrast

1 Cause/Effect

1 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

1 descriptive

1 interesting

1 surprising

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

Subliminal p. 140 par. 3 murmur p. 160 par. 2

emphatically p. 140 par. 3 indignantly p. 162 par. 4

tenor p. 140 par. 3 glumly p. 190 par. 4

sinister p. 156 par. 3

glinted p. 157 par. 1


Prepare a brief summary of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator

Section 8 p.193-256


Your job is to sketch one of the following characters that you have not done all ready: Violet, Klaus, Sunny, Duncan or Isadora Quagmire, Officer Luciana, or Detective Dupin or Hector.


Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:

1 Character

1 hero question

1 Prediction Question

1 Cause/Effect

2 “Thinking” Questions on your own


Pick 5 passages that exhibit the following:

1 important

1 simile

1 figurative language

1 scary

1 On your own


Your job is to choose 6 of the following words and complete your role sheet for them:

battering p. 198 par. 2 aphorism p. 234 par. 4

gargling p. 206 par. 1 snarl p. 235 par. 2

gnashing p. 209 par. 2 scrawled p. 253 par. 4

scowling p. 230 par. 1

sustaining p. 231 par. 1


Pick one of the following websites (or find your own), and get some information about the relating to and pertaining to the book.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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