Wilkie Collins Society

The Wilkie Collins Society

Chairman Andrew Gasson

Membership Paul Lewis

Patrons Faith Clarke;

Baroness James of Holland Park (P D James)


January 2009

The Wilkie Collins Society – founded in 1981 - promotes interest in the life and work of the Victorian writer Wilkie Collins. The Society issues three newsletters a year, publishes an annual academic journal, and each year it reprints at least one his shorter works which is otherwise almost impossible to find. It also organises occasional walks, talks, and film shows. You can join the worldwide membership of the Society by ticking the box on page 3 of the publications order form inserted in this booklet.


The Wilkie Collins Society reprints work by Wilkie Collins which have never been published or have remained unpublished since the 19th century. Each contains the original text together with an introduction and bibliographic information about its first publication.

Volpurno: or The Student by Wilkie Collins

Edited and introduced by Paul Lewis.

February 2009. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5

This story has recently been identified in an American newspaper in July 1843. That makes it the earliest known published work of Wilkie Collins.

‘The New Dragon of Wantley: A Social Revelation’ A Lost Tale By Wilkie Collins.

Edited and introduced by Professor Graham Law. November 2007. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 24pp.

This pamphlet reproduces a hitherto unidentified story by Wilkie Collins originally published in The Leader 20 December 1851. Professor Law also uses new evidence to produce the most complete and accurate list yet of Collins’s contributions to The Leader.

How I write my Books: Related in a Letter to a Friend.

Ed. Andrew Gasson and Paul Lewis. July 2007. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 8pp.

Collins’s own explanation of how he creates the plot and turns it into a story. First published 26 November 1887.

Wilkie Collins and the Dinner at the Society of Authors. Ed. Andrew Gasson and Paul Lewis. March 2007. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 12pp.

This pamphlet reproduces the dinner menu, seating plan and order of proceedings for the Dinner to American Men & Women of Letters on 25 July 1888 with a commentary and contextual notes.

Wilkie Collins by George Makepeace Towle.

Ed. Andrew Gasson. August 2006. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 8pp.

This short biography was originally published in Appleton’s Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art 3 September 1870. It contains several autobiographical quotes from Collins himself.

Household Words – Non-fiction by Wilkie Collins part II

A Shy Scheme, Awful Warning to Bachelors, Sea-breezes with the London Smack.

Ed Paul Lewis. August 2006. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 24pp.

Reprints three more of Wilkie’s non-fiction contributions to Dickens’s weekly Household Words.

Household Words – Non-fiction by Wilkie Collins part I

Strike!, Highly Proper!, A Breach of British Privilege.

Ed Paul Lewis. April 2006. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 24pp.

Reprints three of Wilkie’s non-fiction contributions to Dickens’s weekly Household Words.

The Widows – unpublished sketches for two plays concerning marriage law. Edited by Andrew Gasson and Graham Law. September 2005. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 20pp.

Reprints in facsimile and text two different versions of sketches for plays found in Texas and Lancashire.

A National Wrong by James Payn and Wilkie Collins.

Ed. Graham Law, Andrew Gasson, Paul Lewis. July 2004. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 20pp.

A reprint of a piece originally published on 12 February 1870 in Chambers’ Journal about Wilkie's copyright dispute with the Dutch publishers Belinfante Brothers. Includes a commentary on the case and the development of international copyright law by Professor Graham Law.

The Cruise of the Tomtit.

Ed. Paul Lewis. April 2003. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5 20pp.

A reprint of one of Wilkie's longer and lighter pieces of non-fiction from Household Words. Includes full footnotes.

The Victims of Circumstances Discovered in the Records of Old Trials

Ed. Graham Law. June 2002. Limited edition of 300 copies, A5 20pp.

The first complete edition of this work which includes the third story not published since 1887.

Magnetic Evenings at Home

Ed. Paul Lewis. August 2001. Limited edition of 250 copies, A4, 28pp.

An account of mesmerism and clairvoyance with a reply by G.H.Lewes. Originally published in The Leader January-April 1852.

A Novelist on Novel Writing

Ed. Andrew Gasson. March 2001. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5, 12pp.

A recently discovered interview with Wilkie Collins revealing that Armadale was his own favourite among his works. Originally published in Cassell’s Saturday Journal 5 March 1887.

A Plea for Sunday Reform

Ed. Paul Lewis. July 2000.Limited edition of 300 copies. A5, 12pp.

An early polemical essay calling for art galleries and museums to open on Sundays. Originally published in The Leader 27 September 1851.

The Exhibition of the Royal Academy

Ed. Paul Lewis. March 1999.Limited edition of 300 copies. A5, 16pp.

A perceptive and entertaining account of the RA’s Summer art exhibition. Originally published in Bentley’s Miscellany June 1851.

Considerations on the Copyright Question Addressed to an American Friend

Ed. Andrew Gasson. November 1997. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5, 20pp.

A diatribe against the lack of copyright protection in the United States of America for works by foreign authors. Originally published as a pamphlet in 1880.

A Pictorial Tour to St. George Bosherville

Ed. Paul Lewis. November 1996. Limited edition of 300 copies. A5, 28pp.

A comic account of a painting trip in France. Originally published in Bentley’s Miscellany May 1851.

A Little Fable

Ed. Andrew Gasson. July 1996. Out of print – photocopies only.

A copy and transcript of a previously unpublished manuscript from the early 1880s. Similar to part of Heart and Science. Last few copies for sale.



Overture to The Frozen Deep by Francesco Berger performed on the piano by Vyvian Bronk. CD With an illustrated introduction by Andrew Gasson. May 2008. Published in May 2008 in association with the Dickens Fellowship.

Until its discovery and performance early in 2008 this overture had not been heard since 1857.

Rambles Around Marylebone by William M. Clarke 1994. A5 pamphlet, 12pp. Signed by the author. An account of houses Wilkie lived in with a map and route to see them. With updated information sheet from the Summer 2006 Wilkie Collins Society walk.

Postcard – Portrait of Wilkie Collins by his friend John Everett Millais, 1851. National Portrait Gallery reproduction.

Badge – The Wilkie Collins Society badge is a small enamel version of Wilkie’s monogram in black and silver, now used as the logo of the Society

Wilkie Collins Society Journal – New Series

Edited by Professor Graham Law and Professor Lillian Nayder, the Journal publishes peer reviewed academic papers relating to the work and life of Wilkie Collins. There was no WCSJ in 2008.

2007 vol.10

Natalie B. Cole, “A Bed Abroad”: Travel Lodgings and the “Apartment House Plot” in Little Dorrit and The Haunted Hotel

Mariaconcetta Costantini, A Land of Angels with Stilettos: Travel Experiences and Literary Representations of Italy in Wilkie Collins

William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, Paul Lewis The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda (3)

Reviews of:

A Wilkie Collins Chronology; Lives of Victorian Literary Figures, Part V: Vol.2 Wilkie Collins

ed. William Baker & Andrew Gasson

Wilkie Collins: Interdisciplinary Essays

ed. Andrew Mangham

Violent Women and Sensation Fiction: Crime, Medicine and Victorian Popular Culture

Andrew Mangham

2006 vol.9

Paul Lewis, My Dear Dickens: Reconstructing the Letters from Collins

Graham Law, A Tale of Two Authors: The Shorter Fiction of Gaskell and Collins

Chris Louttit, From “A Journey in Search of Nothing” to “The Lazy Tour”: Collins, Dickens, and the “Tyro Do Nothing”

William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, Paul Lewis The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda (2)

Reviews of:

Longing: Narratives of Nostalgia in the British Novel by Tamara S. Wagner

Wilkie Collins’s The Dead Alive: The Novel, the Case, and Wrongful Convictions by Rob Warden

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins ed. Maria K. Bachman & Don Richard Cox

2005 vol.8

Jessica Cox, Gendered Visions: The Figure of the Prostitute

Aoife Leahy, Ruskin and the Evil of the Raphaelesque in Hide and Seek

Tamara S. Wagner Collins and the Custody Novel: Parental Abduction and Family Business

William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, Paul Lewis The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda and Corrigenda

Reviews of:

Wilkie Collins by Lyn Pykett

The Public Face of Wilkie Collins ed. William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, and Paul Lewis

The White Phantom by Mary Elizabeth Braddon ed. Jennifer Carnell

2004 vol.7

Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, Mad Scientists and Chemical Ghosts: On Collins's "materialist supernaturalism"

G. St. John Scott, Parts, Narratives, and Numbers: The Structure of The Woman in White

Carolyn Oulton, "Never be divided again": Armadale and the Threat to Romantic Friendship

Angela Richardson, "Dearest Harriet": On Harriet Collins's Italian Journal, 1836-37

Reviews of:

Reality's Dark Light ed. Maria K. Bachman and Don Richard Cox

Victorian Publishing by Alexis Weedon and The Making of the Victorian Novelist by Bradley Deane

2003 vol.6

Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, Madame Rachel’s Enamel: Fatal Secrets of Victorian Sensational Mirrors

Patricia Pulham, Textual/sexual masquerades: Reading the Body in The Law and the Lady

Andrew Mangham, Hysterical Fictions: Mid-Nineteenth-Century Medical Constructions of Hysteria and the Fiction of Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Reviews of:

Wilkie Collins: Man of Mystery and Imagination by Alexander Grinstein

A Companion to the Victorian Novel by William Baker and Kenneth Womack

A Companion to the Victorian Novel ed. Patrick Brantlinger and William B Thesing

The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel ed Deidre David

Literature and Religion in Mid-Victorian England by Carolyn Oulton

Blind Love by Wilkie Collins ed. Maria K Bachman and Don Richard Cox

2002 vol.5

Paul Lewis, My Dear Wilkie: The Letters from Dickens to Collins

Casey A Cothran, "Black and White": British and American versions

Clair Hughes, Lady Audley: The Woman in Colour

Graham Law, Collins and Chattos: The Reading Papers

Reviews of:

Unequal Partners by Lillian Nayder

Women Musicians in Victorian Fiction by Phyllis Weliver

Wilkie Collins's Library by William Baker

2001 vol.4

Emma Liggins, Her resolution to Die: "Wayward Women" and Constructions of Suicide in Wilkie Collins's Crime Fiction

Natalie Kapetanios, Hunger for Closure in Lady Audley's Secret and Armadale

Richard S Allbright, "A twisted piece of paper...half-burned upon the hearthrug": Depictions of Writing in Lady Audley's Secret.

Reviews of:

The Sensation Novel and the Victorian Family Magazine, by Deborah Wynne

The Fiction of Geopolitics by Christopher GoGwilt

Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press by Graham Law

The Private Rod by Marlene Tromp

Detective Fiction and the Rose of Forensic Science by Ronald R Thomas

2000 vol.3

Steve Dillon, Resurfacing Collins’s “Basil”

Andrew Maunder, Ellen Wood was a Writer: Rediscovering Collins’s Rival

Emma Liggins, Of the Violence of the Working Woman: Collins and Discourses on Criminality, 1860-1880

Mark Knight, Rethinking Bibliolatry: Wilkie Collins, William Booth and the Culture of Evangelicalism

Susan R Hanes, Wilkie Collins and Dorothy L. Sayers

Graham Law, “Poor Fargus”: On Wilkie Collins and “Hugh Conway”

1999 vol.2

Richard Collins, The Ruins of Copán in The Woman in White: Wilkie Collins and John Stephens’ Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan

Simon Cooke, Reading Landscapes: Wilkie Collins, the Pathetic Fallacy and the Semiotics of the Victorian Wasteland

K A Kale, Could Lydia Gwilt have been happy? A New Reading of Armadale as Marital Tragedy

Phyllis Weaver, Music and Female Power in Sensation Fiction

Allan W Atlas, Collins, Count Fosco, and the Concertina

Steve Farmer & Graham Law, ‘Belt and Braces’ Serialization: The Case of Heart and Science

Reviews of:

The Letters of Wilkie Collins by Baker and Clarke,

Ioláni ed. Ira Nadel,

The Moonstone ed. Steve Farmer.

1998 vol.1

Simon Cooke, Action and Attitude: Wilkie Collins and the Language of Melodramatic Gesture

Catherine Peters, Frances Dickinson: Friend of Wilkie Collins

Carolyn Oulton, Wilkie Collins – An Interpretation of Christian Belief

K A Kale, Yes and No: Problems of Closure in Collins’s “I Say No!”

P D Edwards, Wilkie Collins and Edmund Yates: a Postscript

Graham Law, Materials Relating to Collins in the Watt Collection at Chapel Hill

Reviews of:

Wilkie Collins by Lillian Nayder

Wilkie Collins: An Illustrated Guide by Andrew Gasson


Wilkie Collins Society Newsletters

News and information about Wilkie Collins and his family, including exhibitions, books, adaptations, history, and new discoveries. Normally 8pp or 12pp A5 pamphlets. Some newsletters included a supplement, normally a 4pp or 8pp A5 pamphlet, now sold separately.

The back issues listed are available but some are in very short supply and we cannot guarantee availability. Photocopies can be arranged.

Winter 2008

Summer 2008

Spring 2008

Winter 2007

Summer 2007

Spring 2007

Winter 2006

Summer 2006

Spring 2006 – with The Mystery of The Woman in White in Leicester by Valerie Pedlar

Winter 2005 – with Wilkie on the Airwaves – Part 1 – BBC by Paul Lewis

Summer 2005

Spring 2005

Winter 2004

Summer 2004

Spring 2004 – with The Wilkie Collins Memorial Library - a Dead Secret by Andrew Gasson

Winter 2003

Summer 2003

Spring 2003

Winter 2002

Summer 2002

Spring 2002 – with Lunacy on the Isle of Man  Wilkie's trip to the Isle of Man by Paul Lewis

Winter 2001

Summer 2001

Spring 2001

Winter 2000

Summer 2000

Spring 2000

Winter 1999 – with World Wide Wilkie A guide to Wilkie on the web by Paul Lewis

Summer 1999 – with ‘Wilkie Collins and Crime Fiction’ by Andrew Gasson, reprinted from The Strand Magazine vol.I.

Spring 1999 – with Different Worlds by Graham Law, an analysis and reprint of a piece on Wilkie’s private life deduced from his will, published in New York, 27 September 1889.

Winter 1998

Summer 1998 – with Wilkie Collins and West Norwood Cemetery by Paul Graham and Wilkie Collins and his ‘Dear Dutchmen’ – an account of the Bellinfante Brothers by P J M van Winden

Spring 1998 – with The Preface to the French Edition of The Woman in White – translation of the preface with a commentary by Paul Lewis.

Winter 1997 – with The Possible Influence of Wilkie Collins on Bram Stoker by Katherine Haynes

Summer 1997 – with The Narrators in Wilkie Collins’s The Moonstone, by Hilary Newman and An Analysis of the Handwriting of Wilkie Collins by Andrea Lyttleton

Winter/Spring 1997

The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins: Addenda & Corrigenda

Each year the Society publishes a supplement to The Public Face: The Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins, Pickering & Chatto, London 2005. The contents are also published in the WCSJ. The book and the supplements are edited by William Baker, Andrew Gasson, Graham Law, & Paul Lewis.

Addenda & Corrigenda (4) 2008

Forty-one new letters. A5 36pp

Addenda & Corrigenda (3) 2007

Sixty new letters. A5 36pp

Addenda & Corrigenda (2) 2006

Eighteen new letters. A5 12pp

Addenda & Corrigenda (1) 2005

Eleven new letters. A5 8pp


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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